The November Thread

So my girlfriend is convinced that it's impossible for a guy to go an entire month without jacking off so I have to prove her wrong.

Not shaving will only start to matter for me after 4 or 5 more days
i actually did this for 3 days and then masturbated because it pissed me off being really horny right when i was trying to sleep. i won't say i "failed" though because there's really no reason this should be a month-long thing; the point is just to do it for as long as possible in an uninterrupted period. i did some research on this and couldn't find any scientific proof that it's not a placebo effect. if i'm going to put up with wanting to fuck everybody i'm not going to do it just because it's "no-fap-ember!!" but because there's a reason for it/benefit to it (for the record, i'm not saying i'm sure that is' bullshit, just that i want actual proof ... also, i'm fairly sure that not pmo'ing was originally intended to treat people who were addicted to porn or had ED)

science plz

edit: i also kind of hate the whole motivational aspect of it. either masturbate or don't but there's no reason to act like not touching your dick for a while is akin to working out heavily or persevering in some other important aspect of life. also just wanna remind everyone that no one is FORCING you to do this...the point of movember is to raise awareness; there are no beard gods looking down and critiquing your performance, nor are there cock gods tsk-tsking people who can't masturbate b/c it's 12:20. ಠ_ಠ. the point isn't to grow a beard or not fap for the month of november. the point is to raise awareness or accrue whatever benefits not masturbating is thought to give you. therefore excessive bitching about the rules/pedantry/obsession about the timeframe/"lasting" is dumb and if you can raise awareness in some other way or just not masturbate in another period go for it. everybody should do whatever the fuck they want, let's have no-drama-ember as well

edit2: if my point wasn't clear enough already, of course it counts waterbomb, there's no reason to listen to people on the internet. make a sign about prostate cancer for your office, that will raise awareness much more than having a slightly scragglier beard will


Two kids no brane
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being married makes No Fap November -a lot- easier.

working for a company that requires you to be out in the public eye makes No Shave November -a lot- harder.

Does it count if I grow the beard and just keep it trimmed enough for professional standards?
I think trimming should be allowed because the whole point is to make people who don't have facial hair grown one, some of us have jobs ya know.. Also WB is a haxer, you must ditch the wife for the remainder of this month :)
End of Week 1 of No-Shave November. I had very little hair on the 31st, limited only really to 5 o'clock shadow. Now:

Gonna look like a freakin' lumberjack by the time the month's out.

So, Smogon, how is your "No X November"?


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I'm trying really hard to grow a beard, I even considered chopping down a tree in which to make a canoe out of.
sorry it's all blurry let me try again~~

there we go!

I can get the goatee to connect I think but then I only have small patches on my cheeks, damn it all.

Texas Cloverleaf

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I haven't shaved in like 10 days and my fuzz is only just starting to show >_>

I basically have a moustache but only in small patches
I haven't shaved in like 10 days and my fuzz is only just starting to show >_>

I basically have a moustache but only in small patches
I will be calling you Patchy until this entire thing is over.

I'm going to hate Thanksgiving... My family is going to be yelling at me to shave like every ten minutes so that I look acceptable ;_;.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Nice No-Fap November progress pictures Matthew, but by now I'd expect the eyes to be bloodshot and devoid of any sparkle or happiness although you are sporting that 'sick of my life' expression that accompanies prolonged periods of abstinence. Keep it up man, wear your bloated scrotum with pride!
Still doing fine in both challenges. I also haven't had a haircut in over 3 months- I think that should earn me some extra November Points.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
guy GUYS

I found the antidote to getting boners during no fap november, seriously play this it works

So yeah I'm late in posting here but I talked to Zacc and some others about this a few days ago on showdown so some people know what I plan on doing already. Personally, I commend you greatly if you're doing No Fap November because that would take some serious control. I don't think I could do it, and I never cared to try so yeahh. Also, for No Shave November, well uh, I'm 16 so I really can't grow a beard yet... Eventually, if I'm still here on smogon in a few years, I shall partake in No Shave November and possibly even NFN, but until then, I'll pass.

Good luck to anyone doing either of them~

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