drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
while the study's conclusion is perfectly valid and implies causation to some extent, it's important to note that the study demonstrated *no* effect on adults who persistently used cannabis.

don't smoke until you're in college kids. the legal smoking age should be 18 or 21

flounder's right


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
<~v> tobi
<~v> is rikudo sage
<~v> i dont wanna argue tho
<~v> lol
<~v> i am on a LOT of lsd
<~v> and i vaped a bowl too
<%Lovestoned> lol
<%Lovestoned> dont die
<%Lovestoned> i still have to do some sort of drug with you
<~v> lol
<~v> im not gonna die
<~v> from lsd
<~v> altho
<~v> i dont think i jave ever done
<~v> this much
<~v> before
<~v> man
<~v> you know
<~v> every time i do lsd
<~v> i listen to sgt pepper
<~v> the album
<%Lovestoned> lol
<~v> i do
<~v> mr kite
<~v> is about to end
<~v> For the Benefit of Mister Kite!
<%Lovestoned> v dont make me derail the naruto thread and turn it into "drug chats with Jesus and V"
<%Lovestoned> i'll do it man
<%Lovestoned> dont test me
<~v> lol

<~v> o man
<~v> my vision id fucked
<~v> yeah
<~v> nina drop acid with me
<~v> some time~
<%Lovestoned> its on my list and will happen if you dont die like i said
<%Lovestoned> i aim to check everything off my list before i die

<%Lovestoned> do you realize that i am posting our chat in the naruto thread?
<~v> my keyboard is swimming
<~v> o
<~v> lol
<~v> hahahahaa

This is where it starts to get good:
<~v> i am starting to trip
<~v> really hard
<%Lovestoned> shit v i have a song for you
<%Lovestoned> listen to this whiles you trip hard
<%Lovestoned> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpwXBkq15XQ
<%Lovestoned> that song
<%Xaqwais> JUST GO MY WAY
<%Xaqwais> oh god
<%Xaqwais> now its stuck in my head
<%Lovestoned> haha
<%Lovestoned> oh God, mine too
<%Lovestoned> also i am going to stop posting the chat
<~v> lol
<~v> why
<%Lovestoned> xaqwais can you help me convince v that obito/tobi is not the sage of the 6 paths
<%Lovestoned> this is just rediculous
<%Xaqwais> at least it wouldn't be as stupid as obito-tobi
<~v> hes rikudo sage
<%Lovestoned> haha

<~v> my explanation
<~v> makes sense
<~v> but im not arguing
<~v> atm
<%Lovestoned> why
<%Lovestoned> v
<%Lovestoned> convince me
<~v> i dont wanna
<~v> lol
<~v> you cannot conceive
<%Lovestoned> lol
<~v> of the cosmic power coursing through my veins
<%Lovestoned> you dont know that
<%Lovestoned> i think my harry potter theory makes the most sense
<%Lovestoned> xaqwais have you seen it? i recently posted it in the naruto thread
<%Xaqwais> yeah haha
<%Lovestoned> i mean, it totally makes sense
<%Lovestoned> v is just too high
<%Lovestoned> and doesnt believe in magic
<%Lovestoned> he never got his letter

<~v> i was so
<~v> fuckin disappointed
<~v> when my hogwartz letter
<~v> did not come
<%Lovestoned> haha
<~v> gdi
<~v> i wanted to he
<~v> be
<~v> good at transfiguration
<~v> that was the coolest magic
* zebrafk is now known as zeb
<%Xaqwais> I wanted a broomstick man
<%Xaqwais> thats all
<%Xaqwais> quidditch would be cool too
<~v> lol
<~v> i did not want broomsticks
<~v> apparation
<~v> perfect
<%Xaqwais> okay yeah that is prolly the best nevermind
<~v> plus
<~v> voldemort's dudes can just straight fly
<%Lovestoned> i just wanted to fucking kick umbridge's ass
<%Lovestoned> more like umBITCH
<%Lovestoned> ok NOW i'm going to stop posting the chat in the naruto thread

<~v> i moved yr post
<~v> to the drugs thread
<%Lovestoned> haha
<%Lovestoned> wow v
looking into getting some whippits, anyone got some experiences?
by this do you mean taking a can of whipped cream or something and inhaling the nitrous oxide inside?

if so, it's pretty cool. you get a sweeeet high for about two minutes and then it's gone. simple fun.


protected by a silver spoon
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I am PRETTY sure nitrous is not good for you for some reason, idr why but I wouldn't fux with it personally
I am PRETTY sure nitrous is not good for you for some reason, idr why but I wouldn't fux with it personally
i did a reasonable amount of research before touching the stuff. as long as you're not a moron with it (like putting a bag over your head or something stupid), nitrous is completely harmless.


protected by a silver spoon
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quickie google search says longterm use can result in permanumb/cancer, but yeah it sounds like it won't sterilize you or make your head overheat or anything if you use it so it's pretty safe if you don't decide to make it your drug of choice
quickie google search says longterm use can result in permanumb/cancer, but yeah it sounds like it won't sterilize you or make your head overheat or anything if you use it so it's pretty safe if you don't decide to make it your drug of choice
I believe prolonged use can cause a B vitamin deficiency, which can cause all manner of problems, but that's only really an issue with heavy, long-term use, and even that can be mitigated by taking B vitamin supplements.


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

this was broadcasted at the beginning of september so its kind of new and interesting to watch!
i'm all for legalization and am well aware of the massive problems with the drug war and how much of a complex clusterfuck it will be to make any drug legal. international treaties, ambiguity over whether or not individual states can legalize, and the DEA's legally mandated opposition, to name a few hurdles. but to be perfectly honest, I don't believe that pharmaceutical companies are actually conspiring to keep marijuana illegal. there's no evidence of such a lobby happening, and if marijuana were legal, pharmaceutical companies would be able to do research on cannabanoids and potentially make medicines based on cannabanoid extractions.

some other misleading things in that video:
the video compares alcohol deaths to marijuana overdoses, which is a little misleading since alcohol deaths include behavioral toxicity (ie drunk driving). not a huge point, since the number of deaths related to marijuana behavioral toxicity is still only in the double digits yearly, but meh

industrial hemp has legitimate uses, but a lot of the benefits of hemp are overstated. many other countries have legalized the production of industrial hemp, yet there's no influx of hemp replacing trees for paper production, etc.

the claim that marijuana would "save the economy" is misleading as well. it would help, but even with 6 billion additional tax revenue, that's still not quite enough tax revenue to fix much of anything - it's a drop in the bucket.

dmt probably isn't produced by the pineal gland. it's produced in the body somewhere, but probably not there. i also wouldn't say dmt is the portal to the afterlife in any literal sense.

marijuana isn't "non-addictive". it's not very physically addictive, but saying it's "non-addictive" isn't true.

other than that, yeah, weed should be legal. any smogonites wanna take a road trip to colorado in december?


I did stuff a long time ago for the site
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Well I tripped on shrooms for the first time tonight. Pretty amazing experience. Tomorrow I'll write out a story if anyone cares. I'm still sorta fucked up

Also I get a big boner for vader


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Yeah man, write it up. I always like to hear about people's experiences with shrooms, they can be quite illuminating.
by this do you mean taking a can of whipped cream or something and inhaling the nitrous oxide inside?

if so, it's pretty cool. you get a sweeeet high for about two minutes and then it's gone. simple fun.
Agreeing with this and all the rest of the posts about nitrous, wonderful stuff. I don't really do it on it's own (just because it doesn't last long at all), but after a few bombs of mdma, between the visuals (I see flashing lights and tunnels and allsorts if I close my eyes) and the sound distortion it makes for a pretty nice mix.

A bong hit before a few hits of nitrous is good as well.

Quick question, anyone here properly experienced with ketamine? Me and a mate were on about getting some for £30/g but neither of us have done it properly before (I did a few keys once and my mate did 3 lines and then k-holed, so don't have a clue really ha) but I could probably do with finding out about dosages and shit... It sorta intimidates me just because of all the stories you hear but I really fancy hitting it properly.
ketamine can be pretty intense at higher doses, especially if you experience ego loss. it can kind of be a frightening experience, you just dont feel part of the world but neutrally sort of observing yourself doing stuff basically, and when you k-hole you are totally fucked, cant move and experience some pretty crazy stuff.

on somewhat lower doses (i.e. not enough for profound ego loss) i notice i feel euphoric but very drugged out, its difficult to describe, i feel less intense effects but more like "yup, im definitely on drugs".
donated blood before smoking yesterday.

never been higher in my entire existence. the sum of all highs i had been up to that point doesn't even approach


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Quick question, anyone here properly experienced with ketamine? Me and a mate were on about getting some for £30/g but neither of us have done it properly before (I did a few keys once and my mate did 3 lines and then k-holed, so don't have a clue really ha) but I could probably do with finding out about dosages and shit... It sorta intimidates me just because of all the stories you hear but I really fancy hitting it properly.
Whenever I hear about drug prices from other countries I'm always super bamboozled at how expensive it is, that's the first time I've ever seen it even remotely near prices I'm used to (in this case it being nearly identical, 170/eightball).

Don't do three lines. Obviously. Ketamine is awesome though, and it's short lasting enough that you don't have to be super precise with dosage. Do a bump (or key, whatever floats your boat) or three, and if you're not feeling as nice as you'd like to in twenty minutes or something, do some more. As long as you're always conservative, and doing a couple smaller doses in a row as opposed to one big dose, you're going to be fine.

I do k reasonably frequently, and have yet to have a bad experience. Disassociation is really fun if it's what you're looking for, and in a safe environment. One of my friends kholed pretty bad one time, but it wasn't quite as bad as I expected it to be. Albiet we weren't dancing when it happened, just chilling at her house, but within fourtyfive minutes she was mostly okay. She said it was one of the scarier experiences of her life though, so it's not something I want to try. Although this wikipedia article (and the article on kholing) have always made me curious.
So I bought a G and I'm smokin on some train tracks last night with my girlfriend. The trees/brush in front of us starts rustling like crazy and we're like "what the fuck is that a person?!?!" which wouldn't be completely impossible because past those trees is a road...but anyway, we're just staring in awe and then all of a sudden a fucking SKUNK pops out and is literally three feet away from us.

Luckily I wasn't completely blazed yet or I probably would've tried to pet the damn thing. I was still right in my mind so we just slowly backed off and waited for it to waddle off and we did not get sprayed with it's juices of horror. The thing was so fucking cute though omfg I loved it.



Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
From someone who has been sprayed by a skunk before... very good choice on your part.

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