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  • Is that a compliment and an insult mixed into one comment lol?
    Freddie, good luck in your tournament tonight, im gonna be chearing you on all the way.
    How comes when it comes to important things like ladder matches I could never beat you, but now, when it doesnt really matter i seem to be experiencing a winning streak.
    For once, luck was on my side, usually it's always agaisnst me, especially in pokemon.
    Would you like a 6 vs 6 single now?
    I acutally think they will. They have 472 already, and have just under 5 hours left. Ok, im going online now, its really hard to narrow my 6 down to 4.
    ok, ill go get my ds. ps do you think the speed gamers will be able to catch all 493 pokemon?
    No, I wasn't rushing you, I just re-read my post and thought it could be seen as to be a bit rude, i didnt intend it that way though, so I apologised.

    Do you want to battle. 6vs 6 single?
    What do you mean you don't have time to reply? I never said you were'nt replying fast enough.

    And hahahahahaha, I just got brought in a mug of hot chocolate drink and marshmallows, I could definately get used to this guest treatment. :D
    Sorry, that sounded rude saying the big clue was, and then highlighting stuff, please dont be mad at me, it was an accident.
    The big clue was that I said It's snowing here not snowing there.

    I don't like the fact I have to share a room though with him. I like to have my own bedroom.

    P.s, so how is the weather back in my home country?
    Uh yes, how else would I be able to tell you its snowing here and tell you about Lewis doing the Irish accent and showing me the website? We got on the plane at 9 am this morning, landed in London a few hours later, where My Aunt and Uncle picked us up and drove for about 45 minutes to their house. I've already had two meals here thats how long I've been here.

    So I'm already on holiday, and your still at school (sort of) :p :p :p
    P.s they are impressed with how much Irish I know, a few simple sentences, and they are like WOW, but it's only the really basic stuff. They really like us being here, it's great!!!
    i take it back then lol. P.s It's a lot warmer in this house, and I'm kind of bored of the snow now, we had a snowball fight (me and Lewis) and I'm soaked. It's not fun anymore :p
    No usually its Korea, but now they are getting it 2nd. Plus usually Korea get it so much later that actually, i forgot to count them,
    I just realised, its great that we dont have to wait until May. But Europe is still the last market to get the games :'(

    And sorry for over reacting, I just don't want to upset you and risk losing you as a friend.
    Did I overdo it with the you're great stuff? I just wanted to make sure you knew I prefered you to Jimi, and that you're a great friend.
    Do you still speak to Jimi? Try and get him to join Smogon, it'd be like old times again, tell him Ciaran really misses him and wants a friendly chat. Then try and get him to join, and keep me updated on what he says.


    Your great Freddie, you really really are, but I'd like more people to talk to, just because I can't expect you to be on all the time I am on, so when you're not on, theres no one to talk to on Smogon.

    P.s let me just emphaise again how great a friend you are and how great I think you are.


    I did, you complained about being in the middle. Jimi was oldest, then it was you, then it was me.

    So if the bus didn't come does that mean you didn't have to go to school? My parents drive me whenver the bus doesn't come.

    Are you going into school tommorow?
    Yeah, I told you that months ago lol.
    That means you didn't remember my birthday :'(

    P.s Lewis is older than you, January 5th. Oh I hope we get to stay long enough for his birthday, I bought Irish souvenirs from a shop in the airport to give to him, I could give them to him for his birthday!

    How was school today?
    It's ages before my birthday, June 25th. Plus, I think he's only joking, he knows the time he went to far, and really took the piss out of Ireland upset me, and he always says at the end I'm just joking, or something like, nah Ireland is cool.

    I can't wait, I was so sure it would be in May again, now I just can't wait until March!!!
    I like you even more now..

    Although now, I have to listen to more of "Britain is better than Ireland" as the site where he got it from is a British one. Yes, he even does a terrible Irish accent to add insult lol :p
    You know the sort of swedish look, blond hair blue eyes, obviously they have to be good looking as well, muscular guys, and pretty girls.

    Oh and is Porygon-Z on here the same as the one who runs IPGL?
    its snowing so much, and settling, theres like already an inch on the floor, and its getting thicker and thicker.

    I still feel really bad for pretending to fancy Jimi, just so he'd like me, it was immature. Though it did show he was slightly vain, to become friends with someone just because they compliment you a lot lol.

    Plus I only like blond people! :p
    Yeah, I hoenstly had no idea, my parents kept it secret so well, I don't know how long we are staying for, we are spending new year, so we're here for almost 2 weeks at least.

    Bad thing is, it means i might not be on so much, as we will be busy doing familly stuff or hanging out with lewis, or someone else might need the computer as there are 6 of us now.

    P.s do you think I'm wimpy for not having the courage to ask someone out?
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