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  • lol, i saw her come into the room, but when i tried to chat with her it said i was no longer in her friend roster :'(
    I'm really tired after staying up late and just now helping put up the tree and christmas decorations and i feel so lethargic and bloated after a huge dinner, that i cant do much but play video games so do you want to battle?
    I.m really tired, me and lewis stayed up until 3. Sharing a room isn't so bad after all. Though he's discovered that im super ticklish so im kinda in trouble now he knows my weakness lol.
    Never fear. Ill play for you :p
    I entered a while ago actually. 1) It started. 2) I'm in R3
    Are you not sure whether you keep in touch with him?
    Not sure whether you want to persuade him or not?
    Or not sure whether he would come here or not?
    My next suggestion after that will be for Blogs. I miss my blog, it was so useful for me to really get my feelings out, and get advice on situations in my life, I think thats how i met you wasnt it???

    Oh and, do you still keep in contact with Jimi? And will you try to persuade him to come here to Smogon?
    YEAH!!! That is the first suggestion I've made. Go to the suggestions box, find it and support it, makes it more likely they'll change it.
    2 problems with that.

    They think I am that Max kid, so would likely ban me straight away.
    Secondly, I have principles, I was treated very badly on that site, and so have no intention of going back where they treat members so badly, and can ban someone for life even though they got their evidence mixed up, and then not even offer an apology or an invite back. So, although BMGF is better, I can not, and frankly would not, go back there.

    I have found the suggestions box here and so shall attempt to slowly change Smogon into a better site by making improvements through the suggestions box.
    I'll be honest, I prefered BMGF. This site has no colour (litterally, its mostly white witjh some blue headers etc), and its very complicated to understand, but it's better than nothing I suppose.
    have you noticed whenever you quote someone in a post, it says Fat, before there name? Its really weird.
    Oh really??? So you were saying you hope luck is on your side?
    I think I understand now. Sorry I'm so dumb. :p

    How do you do the smiling piece of toast?
    You said "I hope the hax gods are with me :)", I'm not quite sure what that means. I assumed it meant you hoped the pokemon you hacked would do well in the battle. What did you actually mean? I'm confused!
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