Media Yu-Gi-Oh! Discussion: MK3

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
Gonna parrot what a lot of people have said: this list is garbage.

It seems to be either a preliminary list to warm up newbies to the idea of a banlist, or someone really messed up. Dzeeff said it may have been conjured up by Duel Links balancers but I don't think that's the case. Others say it's because they don't want to dumpster people who invested in the broken URs

I think the only good hits here were Benten and D. D. Dynamite, which seem coincidental. Benten at 1 is fine and I don't think Eva would need stringing up given the meta (particularly Maxx "C" giving Ultimateness more things to negate, can't stop em all right guys???? ). D. D. Dynamite means Lilith can't consistently search it and opening one means Trap Trick doesn't work either I believe. Should calm down the Banquet Burn monkeys for a bit!

I guess I can give half a point for the semi-limit of Fusion Destiny being done in advance, but this is not only a poor hit in and of itself but also gives us a pretty sad timeline for the next list. It took ages for some of Dawn of Majesty to come in, how long is Burst of Destiny gonna take? Not a fan.

Conq limit is objectively bad but still honestly just the funniest shit, I love it.


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Gonna parrot what a lot of people have said: this list is garbage.

It seems to be either a preliminary list to warm up newbies to the idea of a banlist, or someone really messed up. Dzeeff said it may have been conjured up by Duel Links balancers but I don't think that's the case. Others say it's because they don't want to dumpster people who invested in the broken URs

I think the only good hits here were Benten and D. D. Dynamite, which seem coincidental. Benten at 1 is fine and I don't think Eva would need stringing up given the meta (particularly Maxx "C" giving Ultimateness more things to negate, can't stop em all right guys???? ). D. D. Dynamite means Lilith can't consistently search it and opening one means Trap Trick doesn't work either I believe. Should calm down the Banquet Burn monkeys for a bit!

I guess I can give half a point for the semi-limit of Fusion Destiny being done in advance, but this is not only a poor hit in and of itself but also gives us a pretty sad timeline for the next list. It took ages for some of Dawn of Majesty to come in, how long is Burst of Destiny gonna take? Not a fan.

Conq limit is objectively bad but still honestly just the funniest shit, I love it.
Even the D.D. Dynamite hit isn't that great any more because most of the botters have moved on to the Igknight FTK. I'll take it if it means people will feel comfortable going back to normal extra deck numbers, but now the real threat is Independent Nightingale, and it needs to be banned super soon (along with vfd/rhongo/drident/etc).


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
Master Duel banlist update incoming May 9
From 3 to 1: Cyber Angel Benten, Conquistador of the Golden Land

From 3 to 2: Adamancipator Analyzer, Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow, Prank-Kids Rocksies, The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales, Tri-Brigade Fraktall, Virtual World Roshi - Laolao, Fusion Destiny, Sekka's Light, D.D. Dynamite

From 2 to 3: Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon


Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
The next Selection Packs have been leaked for Master Duel. There's a few other bits like a Structure Deck, but it's bad like the others so I don't really care. Oh, and, mates and stuff here.

DPE is coming. We all knew, but yeah, just another cog in this insane metagame's machine at this point. I think DPE will be slightly worse here as he isn't a straight auto-win like Calamities and friends, but he's gonna see insane usage regardless. Heavenly Prison came just a bit late; Eldlich uses em best and Conq at 1 has definitely put the monkey decks down a peg. Maybe this will help? Guru players are probably happy about this, anyway. Swordsoul is cool but I'll never play it because I am a hipster and deem it BASIC!

Why a Cyberdark Structure Deck? Is this really what we want new players to be playing when they enter Master Duel? Not only is it unintuitive but it's also flat-out bad. Terrible move.

Tons of Dragonmaid cosmetics, because of course. At least I'll know people to avoid shaking hands with to avoid getting cum on my fingers. Nepthtys stuff is really nice though, I'll probably use that. Dante and Colossus pfps are based too. Flower Cardian mate base is also top tier.

There's apparently a Water Enchantress animation coming. Oh no. Imperial Order getting an animation is fucking horseshit.

Link and Fusion festivals should be very fun.

Legend and King of Games ranks are coming.
Is it true that if a hand revealing effect is active (Ceremonial Bell or Respect Play), cards that require to be revealed like Lord of the Heveanly Prison/Alt White Dragon can't be used? I heard it from the The DuelLogs

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
Had some time to gather my thoughts about the new banlist.

The Hits!
  • I am so, so, so fucking glad Auroradon is gone. It's not Needlefiber, but I will fucking grasp it with both hands. Auroradon is just Linkross Lite (yes it came earlier shut up) in practice and what it does for decks should never have been a thing in the first place. It's a product of early Link era design and it was only going to become more broken as decks evolve. Token generators suck and Token Collector being relevant at all is always going to be a sign of a warped format.
  • Verte is that same early Link era design: breaking cards that should have never been broken. It was going to limit Fusion design for as long as it existed, forcing Konami to overbalance Fusion spells and monsters to ensure they aren't splashable. I can't believe some people defended this card and acted like it wasn't one of the best cards ever printed. This won't be the thing to banish DPE to the depths of hell, but at least now people may have to do some real weird shit to make it work. As it stands, Fusion Destiny can be pulled as often as the bricks, which makes for some curious math. Maybe some people will try Orphys Scorpio stuff for a week and go "oh wait this sucks". I hope Master Duel players are ready to deal with this for a bit longer!
  • Meow-Meow-Mu probably won't be banned for long, what I think will happen is the Adventurer stuff will eventually get the axe and then we all laugh and forget Prank-Kids exist by the time it comes back. I was getting damn tired of this deck and its gradual shift into engine status and I'm glad a firm cap was placed on it.
  • Red Rose to 1 is a bit weird but I get it. I think the "based" list is gonna drop off a cliff already but this definitely helped seal the deal.
  • Needlefiber to 1 stops a lot of the obnoxiously strong follow-ups it could bring, as well as the "backup" for when you negate its effect activation. I think it should have just been banned though, 2 Needlefiber was really uncommon and not the problem. How much more has to be done to keep this card in the game? It's the same as Auroradon and Verte in practice.
  • Shooting Riser to 1 is very weird. Not many people played 2.

The Un-Hits!
I see a general theme of pruning here and I'm very fond of that. You can unban a ridiculous amount of cards and the meta would not change. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend, but a lot of Spring lists are like this, so I'm not optimistic either.
  • Jet Synchron is very scary but I don't think the plays it enables are actually that insane in the modern metagame. People will panic about Needlefiber but that was because of Linkross and Auroradon, not Needlefiber on its lonesome. It really depends on if another broken Link-3 is found. Selene -> Accesscode is a going second thing, but where's the board builder? I'm very likely to be proven wrong here but I'm also eager to see that because I want Needlefiber out of this game anyway.
  • You could un-hit every single Pendulum card other than Electrumite and Plushfire and the game will be fine. Monkeyboard is one such card that could be at 4 and be ok. 1-card scales are necessary for Pendulum to exist in the modern metagame and I'm glad Konami is realising this.
  • Yata-Garasu is back after 15 years! Yay! Will it do a single thing other than have a week of price gouging before the bubble bursts? No! It should have never been hit in the first place, with Chaos Emperor Dragon gone on that original list it was never going to do anything. Worst hit in history.
  • Change of Heart to 1 is interesting given the large amount of untargetable monsters in the game. I think it'll be a Side Deck staple specifically for going second and that'll be that. I'd love to see Snatch Steal to come back so you end up with Mind Control, Change of Heart, and Snatch Steal around a la Delinquent Duo, Confiscation, and The Forceful Sentry in goat format, but that's obviously ridiculous and comically broken.
  • Time Seal will see play in Labryinth for exactly 1 week and get forgotten about.
  • Dinomight could go to 3 and it will do very little, just don't release Master Peace because I play Nekroz and thus autolose to it thanks.
  • Benten to 2 is funny and will be fine, Drytron isn't gonna be burning down any houses. Could go to 3 as long as Eva stays where the fuck it is.
  • Tenki should have never been hit to be honest, even when it was banned Tri-Zoo was realising it didn't actually need it. Feels like it's being edged off for the new Scareclaw stuff that'll see fringe play at best.
  • Pot of Desires is weird, I think the limiting may have actually been right. Regardless of that, I think it's nice to see it at 2 if only to shut the Desires debates down, that shit annoys me so much.
  • Trickstar Light Stage should have been put to 3 like 2 years ago man, what the fuck? Do it already.
  • Wall of Revealing Light could have been taken off over half a decade ago and it still would have been a fart in the wind. Nobody cares about this.
  • Night Assailant was errata'd. Meh. Didn't even need that, it would have been fine even today.
  • Trishula is one of those cards that should stay at 1 to serve as an OPT on its effect; I personally see it in the same vein as Saryuja. It's fun and healthy if used once, but with multiple're up to some tomfoolery. Trish spam won't be a meta strategy, I just don't like it.
  • Miragestalio and Circle at 3 will do nothing but make me pick up Pure Salamangreat as a deck to fight new players with at locals. Nice to see. Salamangreat got hit way too hard originally and took way too long to get un-hit...
  • A Hero Lives never needed to be hit, Konami was way too scared of Stratos. Nice to see that finally get put to bed!
  • Scapegoat is too slow but someone is going to use it and those people should all be on lists.

What's missing?
  • I think the gigantic DPE nerf may make Scythe "more balanced" but I still think that it should have been banned. Labrynth will enjoy using the Artifact engine in my personal opinion and Dagda + pop is still very possible. It'll just take different forms.
  • The Adventurer stuff has shown itself to be a Tier 0 engine and should have seen some sort of toning down. I get why they didn't, I'm just extremely bored of it already.
  • I get why they didn't hit the Branded stuff given Verte is gone but I think some light tap on the wrist would have been nice.
  • I think these cards could probably get un-hit;
    • Spellbook of Judgment is one of the most broken cards ever printed, but I think this is legitimately a decent time to test the waters for its return. It's only as good as the cards it gets you, and it's also quite slow, requiring you to get your cards in the end phase. There isn't an opportunity to use the cards as you get them! With Ash in the game on top of this, I think Spellbook of Judgment could legitimately sit at 1 for a while. Yes, this is cope.
    • I think you could start edging Dragon Rulers back in beyond Tempest with Blaster to 1. Tempest has seen very little play and it's for a pretty key reason: you can only use one effect they have per turn. Fire decks are generally pretty bad outside of Infernoble, and I don't think Blaster would mesh with them. It's an interesting topic. People have PTSD from this era of YGO but as someone who was actually there playing the decks, they weren't that bad by the time Mythic Rulers dropped. HAT is a well-loved format for a reason.
    • Cyber Jar is a living, breathing bruh moment but that's why I like it please bring it back uwu
    • Armageddon Knight and Dark Grepher to 3 would be hilarious, bring back Dark Warrior summoning a random boss monster plucked out of the air please.
    • Sekka's Light did nothing wrong and was very interesting please bring it back
    • There's a lot more but these are my cope takes pls let me use shitty hat decks again

It seems that the original upload of the banlist said 25th December, but the American site has been edited to say "a few months from now" with a spacing error. Seems they know that nobody is going to play against Gryphon Rider turbo until Christmas.


And after...

The EU site was always like this too. Also, nice to see all the banlists have been archived on here, I believe this was done recently.


Hey, it's me!
is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Had some time to gather my thoughts about the new banlist.

The Hits!
  • I am so, so, so fucking glad Auroradon is gone. It's not Needlefiber, but I will fucking grasp it with both hands. Auroradon is just Linkross Lite (yes it came earlier shut up) in practice and what it does for decks should never have been a thing in the first place. It's a product of early Link era design and it was only going to become more broken as decks evolve. Token generators suck and Token Collector being relevant at all is always going to be a sign of a warped format.
  • Verte is that same early Link era design: breaking cards that should have never been broken. It was going to limit Fusion design for as long as it existed, forcing Konami to overbalance Fusion spells and monsters to ensure they aren't splashable. I can't believe some people defended this card and acted like it wasn't one of the best cards ever printed. This won't be the thing to banish DPE to the depths of hell, but at least now people may have to do some real weird shit to make it work. As it stands, Fusion Destiny can be pulled as often as the bricks, which makes for some curious math. Maybe some people will try Orphys Scorpio stuff for a week and go "oh wait this sucks". I hope Master Duel players are ready to deal with this for a bit longer!
  • Meow-Meow-Mu probably won't be banned for long, what I think will happen is the Adventurer stuff will eventually get the axe and then we all laugh and forget Prank-Kids exist by the time it comes back. I was getting damn tired of this deck and its gradual shift into engine status and I'm glad a firm cap was placed on it.
  • Red Rose to 1 is a bit weird but I get it. I think the "based" list is gonna drop off a cliff already but this definitely helped seal the deal.
  • Needlefiber to 1 stops a lot of the obnoxiously strong follow-ups it could bring, as well as the "backup" for when you negate its effect activation. I think it should have just been banned though, 2 Needlefiber was really uncommon and not the problem. How much more has to be done to keep this card in the game? It's the same as Auroradon and Verte in practice.
  • Shooting Riser to 1 is very weird. Not many people played 2.

The Un-Hits!
I see a general theme of pruning here and I'm very fond of that. You can unban a ridiculous amount of cards and the meta would not change. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend, but a lot of Spring lists are like this, so I'm not optimistic either.
  • Jet Synchron is very scary but I don't think the plays it enables are actually that insane in the modern metagame. People will panic about Needlefiber but that was because of Linkross and Auroradon, not Needlefiber on its lonesome. It really depends on if another broken Link-3 is found. Selene -> Accesscode is a going second thing, but where's the board builder? I'm very likely to be proven wrong here but I'm also eager to see that because I want Needlefiber out of this game anyway.
  • You could un-hit every single Pendulum card other than Electrumite and Plushfire and the game will be fine. Monkeyboard is one such card that could be at 4 and be ok. 1-card scales are necessary for Pendulum to exist in the modern metagame and I'm glad Konami is realising this.
  • Yata-Garasu is back after 15 years! Yay! Will it do a single thing other than have a week of price gouging before the bubble bursts? No! It should have never been hit in the first place, with Chaos Emperor Dragon gone on that original list it was never going to do anything. Worst hit in history.
  • Change of Heart to 1 is interesting given the large amount of untargetable monsters in the game. I think it'll be a Side Deck staple specifically for going second and that'll be that. I'd love to see Snatch Steal to come back so you end up with Mind Control, Change of Heart, and Snatch Steal around a la Delinquent Duo, Confiscation, and The Forceful Sentry in goat format, but that's obviously ridiculous and comically broken.
  • Time Seal will see play in Labryinth for exactly 1 week and get forgotten about.
  • Dinomight could go to 3 and it will do very little, just don't release Master Peace because I play Nekroz and thus autolose to it thanks.
  • Benten to 2 is funny and will be fine, Drytron isn't gonna be burning down any houses. Could go to 3 as long as Eva stays where the fuck it is.
  • Tenki should have never been hit to be honest, even when it was banned Tri-Zoo was realising it didn't actually need it. Feels like it's being edged off for the new Scareclaw stuff that'll see fringe play at best.
  • Pot of Desires is weird, I think the limiting may have actually been right. Regardless of that, I think it's nice to see it at 2 if only to shut the Desires debates down, that shit annoys me so much.
  • Trickstar Light Stage should have been put to 3 like 2 years ago man, what the fuck? Do it already.
  • Wall of Revealing Light could have been taken off over half a decade ago and it still would have been a fart in the wind. Nobody cares about this.
  • Night Assailant was errata'd. Meh. Didn't even need that, it would have been fine even today.
  • Trishula is one of those cards that should stay at 1 to serve as an OPT on its effect; I personally see it in the same vein as Saryuja. It's fun and healthy if used once, but with multiple're up to some tomfoolery. Trish spam won't be a meta strategy, I just don't like it.
  • Miragestalio and Circle at 3 will do nothing but make me pick up Pure Salamangreat as a deck to fight new players with at locals. Nice to see. Salamangreat got hit way too hard originally and took way too long to get un-hit...
  • A Hero Lives never needed to be hit, Konami was way too scared of Stratos. Nice to see that finally get put to bed!
  • Scapegoat is too slow but someone is going to use it and those people should all be on lists.

What's missing?
  • I think the gigantic DPE nerf may make Scythe "more balanced" but I still think that it should have been banned. Labrynth will enjoy using the Artifact engine in my personal opinion and Dagda + pop is still very possible. It'll just take different forms.
  • The Adventurer stuff has shown itself to be a Tier 0 engine and should have seen some sort of toning down. I get why they didn't, I'm just extremely bored of it already.
  • I get why they didn't hit the Branded stuff given Verte is gone but I think some light tap on the wrist would have been nice.
  • I think these cards could probably get un-hit;
    • Spellbook of Judgment is one of the most broken cards ever printed, but I think this is legitimately a decent time to test the waters for its return. It's only as good as the cards it gets you, and it's also quite slow, requiring you to get your cards in the end phase. There isn't an opportunity to use the cards as you get them! With Ash in the game on top of this, I think Spellbook of Judgment could legitimately sit at 1 for a while. Yes, this is cope.
    • I think you could start edging Dragon Rulers back in beyond Tempest with Blaster to 1. Tempest has seen very little play and it's for a pretty key reason: you can only use one effect they have per turn. Fire decks are generally pretty bad outside of Infernoble, and I don't think Blaster would mesh with them. It's an interesting topic. People have PTSD from this era of YGO but as someone who was actually there playing the decks, they weren't that bad by the time Mythic Rulers dropped. HAT is a well-loved format for a reason.
    • Cyber Jar is a living, breathing bruh moment but that's why I like it please bring it back uwu
    • Armageddon Knight and Dark Grepher to 3 would be hilarious, bring back Dark Warrior summoning a random boss monster plucked out of the air please.
    • Sekka's Light did nothing wrong and was very interesting please bring it back
    • There's a lot more but these are my cope takes pls let me use shitty hat decks again

It seems that the original upload of the banlist said 25th December, but the American site has been edited to say "a few months from now" with a spacing error. Seems they know that nobody is going to play against Gryphon Rider turbo until Christmas.

View attachment 425902

And after...
View attachment 425903
The EU site was always like this too. Also, nice to see all the banlists have been archived on here, I believe this was done recently.
Trish and Scapegoat are two cards where every time Konami puts them back to 3 some asshole finds a way to frustrate everyone with them. They will largely do nothing, but some poor Table 500 sucker is going to hate them.

Change of Heart coming back means it and Mind Control are much closer to seeing regular play again. People with silly opinions will tell you that "no one was playing mind control at 1 so it's fine," but that's because it was at 1. The appeal to playing those cards is having enough copies so you'll consistently see them, therefore making them an actual part of your strategy. You don't play 1 Crackdown, right? No, that would be bad. I won't be surprised if the pair makes an appearance at some point as a side deck option.

I'll post more thoughts some other time. Too lazy atm zzz
Overall good ban list! Thrilled to see Verte and some end of the Halq-auroa combo gone. Only one or two things they maybe missed.

Halq -> Wonder Magician -> (Pop Scythe) -> quick eff Synchro with Scythe -> Baronne is still a dumb lock + negate, but at least it's less generic than Verte and more vulnerable to disruption due to (luckily enough) Turn Priority.

No hits to Floowandereeze was surprising. The deck has been checked heavily by Branded players milling Necroworld Banshee, but it remains one of the silliest decks to go 2nd against. At least they could have hit Feather Storm, a card that deserves a ban regardless.

As for Prank Kids; the hit was coming. Let this be a warning to Konami about making decks that are too good at burning in time. Brave Prank Kids without Verte seems fine to me, but in a tournament setting, the double LP manipulation, long combos, and stall tactics (Bow-Wow Bark) seem to keep them eternally relevant with time rules.


I did it again
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The last time I played Yugioh with any consistency was back in 2015. If I wanted to get back into it, how do I go about learning all the new rules/mechanics and all that? It’s intimidating lol

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
The last time I played Yugioh with any consistency was back in 2015. If I wanted to get back into it, how do I go about learning all the new rules/mechanics and all that? It’s intimidating lol
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel has a fantastic tutorial for this sort of thing, though the cards they make you handle during the tutorial shouldn't be taken as "what's good". They're just excellent for knowing the game you're playing and refreshing yourself. The game is free!

If you're a "classical" player then YouTube channels like Dzeeff, Cimo, and Rata/Rank10YGO can be nice for slowly edging yourself back in. dpYGO is good for keeping up with new card reveals as well. There's a lot of Discord servers out there that can help too, like this repository server!

The current meta despot, that being Branded Despia, has a structure deck (Albaz Strike) that mostly builds itself with the exception of a few key cards. It uses Fusions too, which can be nice for familiarity Buy 3 of that to get your 3-offs, see how you like it, then if you do you, consider buying further in. It's never been a better time to enter the game in my opinion.

Generally, not much has actually changed about the game since 2015 at its core, ruling-wise. Links are arguably the easiest summoning mechanic to understand out of all of them, people just make them more complicated than they need to be. It's really the metagame itself and knowing how the cards that form it interact.


Hey, it's me!
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The last time I played Yugioh with any consistency was back in 2015. If I wanted to get back into it, how do I go about learning all the new rules/mechanics and all that? It’s intimidating lol
If you're from 2015 then the only thing other than newer cards to learn about would be Link Summoning and the update to Pendulum Summoning. Link Summoning is dummy simple, too. I'll run it down for you:

This is a Link Monster. They only have ATK and cannot be in Defense Position. You summon them like you do Synchro monsters. If you have the materials on field, you send them to the grave and slap the monster down on the field. The "LINK - 3" is the Link Rating, which is how many materials you need to summon it. This is a Link 3, meaning you need 3 materials.

"So why does it only say 2+ Effect Monsters?"

Link Monsters themselves can be used as either 1 material or an amount of materials equal to their Link Rating. So this monster, Decode Talker, can be used as either 1 or 3 materials for another Link Summon.

"So what are the arrows?"

The Link Arrows are where you can summon more Link Monsters. Yugioh has a rule where if you're special summoning Link monsters from the Extra Deck they either have to go to the Extra Monster Zone (one of the two spaces in the centre, of which you are allowed to use one of them under most circumstances) or to one of your Monster Zones a Link monster points to. So if this Decode Talker is in the Extra Monster Zone, you can summon another Link Monster to one of the lower two Monster Zones it point to:

(s/o to u/DeKernelm on reddit)

This also came with a rule stating that Pendulum Monsters that are face-up in your Extra Deck have the Link Summon restriction on them as well (only to the EMZ or zones Link Monsters point to).

and before you ask, no you cannot use your opponent's zone that it points to...but they can.

Oh, and they also got rid of the pendulum zones and moved them to the 1st and 5th Spell/Trap Zones which you can also see above.

Any other questions? I swear this might be a decent amount of text but in practice it's very simple to understand. There are some other mechanics too, like monsters being Linked (one link monster pointing to another), Co-Linked (Two Link monsters pointing to each other) and Extra Linking (having a chain of Link Monsters going from one EMZ to the other, the only way you're allowed to use both EMZs). You rarely see Extra Linking though unless your opponent is playing a specific deck for it, like Cyberse.


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Besides the above, the other major change is the absolute prevalence of handtraps. In 2015 the major handtraps were probably Effect Veiler and Gorz, nowadays there's too many to even list here, each with their own perks and downsides.

Decks are also now dedicated to either going first or second, which I think is Master Duel's biggest shortcoming when tutorialing the current metagame. It's not just "oh i can either set traps or get the extra draw?"; it's "ok am i trying to set up multiple negates, or am i trying to break boards and otk?"

Texas Cloverleaf

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Took the new Marincess support to locals and went 4-2 in large part not better because I thought a couple hands were bricks that no longer are. Melted people when I played out, deck is a ton of fun and super cheap, and a very strong rogue option going forward.


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Anyone else playing the limit 1 festival on md? I've been having fun with a Bujin Tri-Brigade deck that's been breaking about even on the ladder. I think the archetype I've had the hardest time against is Swordsoul, which just has a ton of consistency, and the deck with the highest ceiling is easily Phantom Knights. Overall I'm liking the format, it's an interesting twist and the banlist is actually good this time


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Anyone else playing the limit 1 festival on md? I've been having fun with a Bujin Tri-Brigade deck that's been breaking about even on the ladder. I think the archetype I've had the hardest time against is Swordsoul, which just has a ton of consistency, and the deck with the highest ceiling is easily Phantom Knights. Overall I'm liking the format, it's an interesting twist and the banlist is actually good this time
I did, it was probably the best time I had in any event so far. Jamming engines together was fun and it worked surprisingly well for me. The deck I used on my main account got deleted when the event expired but I tried putting it back together, it looked more or less like this:


Look at this beautiful piece of garbage. It felt comfortable going 2nd. My favourite play was probably using any of my free level 4 summons and a level 3 tuner (including Ash Blossom) to go into Yazi, using its effect to pop itself and a card on my opponent's field, and float into Mare Mare to link climb into the Tenyi link 4 or Unicorn into Accesscode. The many level 3 tuners put in a ton of work in general, easily going into Baronne whenever I drew them together with a level 7 Tenyi or any Tenyi + Vessel for the Dragon Cycle. The XYZ package worked very well too.

Titaniklad and Colossus, on the other hand, were almost dead weight. I probably should have swapped them out for Fossil Warrior Skull Knight and another generic link or synchro, but I started playing very late into the event and didn't spend too much time tweaking the deck.


pleading and afraid
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I've been avoid locals like the plague because I live in a major city again and all my locals are super competitive so I haven't played YGO outside of Master Duel for months. I gave the format a shot by making a smurf on DuelingBook and honestly the format isn't as bad as the whole 60-card-pile-make-DPE+Scythe-every-turn but feeling almost forced to play Dark Ruler No More in my Main Deck or face in incredibly uphill battle certainly does not sit right with me, and this is coming from someone who jammed Evenly Matched in a fuckton of decks ever since its release. Paper play is not the path for me right now....
But neither is Master Duel? Honestly, I can't understand how KONAMI has yet to implement a side ladder as a bare minimum where best of 3 is an option. Having to play against the pseudo-FTKs is whatever, I see the card that is a problem and I scoop but having to stare down the usual Flunder board which then proceeds to flip IO or Vanity's face-up is just absolutely vile. Patiently awaiting for Swordsoul Evil Chungus so that I can at least burn my opponents.

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