General What brought you to Smogon?

Came here to learn how to be competitive and learn strategies so I can stand up to the stronger trainers and maybe participate in tournaments but that's a looooooooonnnnng way of LOL.
It seems a lot of people here transitioned from Showdown and I'm no different. Smogon was a common pop-up in my Pokemon research recommendations and led me to PS! After whats been about two years (wow) I've finally made an account after being accused of following Smogon rules and sets too much in my battling. Gotta learn everything I can.
i found smogon when i tried to make myself strategies. i was first on this page when BW was out, but i did not join since X and Y was out :)
I was brought to Smogon by their legendary reputation as the top authority when it comes to competitive pokemon battling.

Since I am extremly new to the metagame, and I wanted to enter the Battle of Hoenn, I came to read up on as many tips and tidbits of information that I could find.
I love competitive gaming. I was never really able to compete athletically as a kid, and the distaste for physical competition carried over well into my adult years. But with games, it was different. I could compete with my mind. I was rewarded for having more knowledge, more forethought, for making better decisions. And I loved the feeling of winning. In my later teen years, I became entrenched in fighting games like Tekken, Guilty Gear, and Street Fighter. I learned mind games, prediction, pattern recognition. I learned to study frame data and engine mechanics. I found myself in competitive gaming.
Pokemon, which I have loved since childhood, has always been...distant in that respect. I knew there was a scene for such a thing as high level battling. I knew about EV training and had a rough idea of what an IV was. But it was all in passing. Last year, though, I finally got a 3DS. The first new handheld I had bought since the Adv SP released. I got into XY, and in my fanaticism, wound up watching the VGC Worlds 2014. I heard the call, I was enthralled by the intensity and hype. A day or two later, I found Smogon, and Pokemon Showdown! A week or two into my battling, I learned how little I actually knew. And it's exciting! It's been a month, and I've been studying hard. I've been learning the mechanics, the matchups, the tools. And in that month, I've become very endeared to Smogon.

I think we're going to get to know each other pretty well.
I've been playing Pokemon non-competitively since I was a little kid and was ecstatic when I found about the Showdown sim a little while back. I joined up on Smogon basically just to meet other people since I only know one other person my age who still plays and with both of us going to college we don't get the chance to hang out much. The secondary reason was basically just to learn from other people who have been doing this way longer than I have because I'm new to the whole competitive side of things.
I joined Smogon a long time because I wanted to get one of my RMTs posted elsewhere in order to get more attention, although I was still more firmly rooted within the Marriland community at the time, along with a very obscure forum called Pokethology. I've made little contribution since because I've always taken a casual approach to playing this game, considering it a time-killer akin to playing games like Solitaire or Tetris (not making a direct comparison here). My real life always came first. However, I have still lurked meticulously throughout the years, and hence have a good grasp on battling strategies and the metagame. For me, Pokémon is great as a form of escapism; I don't take it too seriously and just try to have fun with it. I do miss the old days where I was more involved with the community though. I feel like I've never truly fit in with this community because I had returned in about 2010 after being absent since about mid-2008, only to find that none of my old friends were still playing, which was alienating (except for Elevator Music)

Personal shouts to Katsura, Ekul Yenavad, Redstrike, HECTOR, UltimaLink007, leafgreen386, storm92, johe, and everyone else: I doubt any of you will ever read this, but hanging out with you guys was the best. Reunion someday would be cool :]
I've been using Smogon guides and analyses for almost a year since I started playing on PS!. I registered a few months ago to keep learning and to say thanks for all those helpful guides!
I'd like to contribute at some point, for now I'll just keep reading on the forums.
I came to Smogon to try and become a competitive battler,and I made a forum account(right before this post though) to try and talk to other players to learn more.
Hey there! I'm new to Smogon, but I've been playing Pokemon for years. I used to be a competitive Yu-Gi-Oh player, but things got a little stale for me, and I decided to try things out here. Since I'm familiar with with how tiers and meta-games work, and I'm used to the different vocabulary that comes with them, I've adapted pretty well. So far, things have been really fun. I'm hoping that I'll be able to do my part in contributing to this community!
Decided to join Smogon because of the extremely helpful guides and information. *Embarrassed* I used to play willy nilly when I was younger and only focus on natures. Didn't know about IV's and EV's until recently. I haven't done any Wi-fi battles for years and many things have changed so I thought I'd try to catch up.
Hey guys! A friend of mine who had got Pokemon X before I did told me about PS and we began playing there for some time. When I finally got Y,we still had our battles on PS until i finished the game. Then we began playing ingame more,but we still tried every month the new metagame every month. And only recently(this Saturday actually) I found out about the forums. I saw that there are many ways of sharping your battling skills, so I decided to make an account in here too. :)
I had heard a lot about the site before, both good and bad, either from friends or from hearsay. Still, once I started training competitive Pokemon to survive against my friends, I decided to check the site myself in order to get more info and learn about movesets and such. Then I found the Strategy Pokedex, plus several articles from The Smog. Still, I'm not very experienced with competitive battling, so I decided to join the site to learn more and improve.
I came to smogon to fix up my competitive skills, that and to show the world how f*****g adorable Wobbuffet is. Admit it, you can't counter or Mirror coat that face of his :heart:
I came while I was trying to figure out how to build some better teams for Pokemon Showdown and improve my competitive battling. I'd heard a few of the smogon rules and thought I'd delve a little deeper.
I used to be a very active competitive battler, but sort of dropped off the face of the Earth for the past year and a half.
Now I'm back in action and getting used to all the new mechanics :)
Wish me luck!
I joined because once, PS was down, and I freaked out, so I came here. And then I got into trading. :P
I joined because I've been playing by Smogon's rules for a couple of years already. Felt like being part of the community :)
I came to smogon to fix up my competitive skills, that and to show the world how f*****g adorable Wobbuffet is. Admit it, you can't counter or Mirror coat that face of his :heart:
Haha, good ole Wobbuffet. I remember not understanding him as a kid, thinking he was shit tier. I was so wrong :toast:
Many of my friends have quit playing.. I'd like to have a community of some sort and also become better player. That's why I joined in! Also, I like helping with things, for example, if some help would be appreciated in creating strategies or something, I'd love to contribute.

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