Umbreon777 has drawings. Love them. =D

Both of these were drawn be me with pencil and paper, and then scanned. They are copies of Pokemon TCG illustrations blown up 5x. I always like to try new methods with shading, using my fingers. :naughty:

Call me critical, but Charizard's head makes it look too 2-D, which, judging by the left hand, was not your intent. Something about the shading says you didn't work with a gradient, but rather designated a block of it to be "shade" and the rest to be "light." The rest is awesome though.

Kingler's great. Is it crushing ice? Like Regice just hit it with a Flamethrower only to have it's arm ripped off.
these are great, although i'll have to agree with cooper on the charizard's shading. its still awesome though :) i look forward to seeing more art from you!
These great drawings somehow bring me back to when I was in grade school and watched pokemon whenever I could. I love them.

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