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Judas Priest - Dissident Aggressor

Quite short of a song but one of Judas Priest's classics. The song starts off quiet for the first few seconds of the opening then Rob Halford unleashes his vocal power. If Halford's vocals were not good enough, Glen and K.K.'s guitar playing are just as great. The year is 1977 and this song for it's time is really heavy. 10/10
Megadeth - Mechanix

This is something that Dave Mustaine wrote while he was still in Metallica. "Mechanix" is the faster version of Metallica's "The Four Horsemen". Metallica added different lyrics and a different riff in their version, it's still nothing like this however. "Mechanix" is way faster than "The Four Horsemen" and contains different lyrics. The introduction on "Mechanix" also differs from "The Four Horsemen" . This song has one of the best riffs ever. 10/10
Marry Ann - Regina Spektor.

Basically just some string Bass and Regina singing, she has an amazing voice and it's basically the best instrument in her repertoire. If you've listened to her at all, and you're like ME, then you know that the best thing about her singing (aside from her voice) are her lyrics, she is a fantastic lyricist. I just love how she sounds.
Agggh I am in love with Regina Spektor, she has one of the best voices I've heard, and her songs always have something interesting to say. Combined with how much I love string bass, this song is amazing.

Jenny Owen Youngs - Voice on Tape

A simple song with a single repeated chord throughout complements Jenny's deep and resonating voice. Jenny has a sort of single-mindedness that I find very appealing, she has something to say and she says it.

Edit: kind of funny, didn't even realise that song features Regina as well
(song - band. because afterall, what is more important?)

10 Years Today - Bullet For My Valentine

Out of their 2nd album (The Poison), I specially like this one, it has a fine balance of their usual awsome guitar, good vocals, and a great rhythm outside the chorus, the last being a field they failed to do in most other songs.
no way yo it's band - song i'm sure deschain and metal_gods agree with me right???

pantera - walk

This is probably the most listenable song off Pantera's album 'Vulgar Display of Power' because it's not ridiculously fast and Phil isn't screaming, and the riff fucking grooves. But this song probably won't hold up as well when compared to the rest of the songs if you're a big Pantera fan for the same reasons - because it's not quite as aggressive, relying on the groove for power rather than on speed.
Poets of the Fall - Lift

Found this band through the game Max Payne 2 (their song Late Goodbye is the theme song of the game), and liked this song especially well. The singer has a quite unique voice, which is shown especially after the chorus' at the end. In this song I like especially the build-up before the chorus, where the guitars kick in. This also complimented well by the drums in the song, which are quite simple, but do their job very nicely.
no way yo it's band - song i'm sure deschain and metal_gods agree with me right???

pantera - walk

This is probably the most listenable song off Pantera's album 'Vulgar Display of Power' because it's not ridiculously fast and Phil isn't screaming, and the riff fucking grooves. But this song probably won't hold up as well when compared to the rest of the songs if you're a big Pantera fan for the same reasons - because it's not quite as aggressive, relying on the groove for power rather than on speed.
I tried listening to Pantera in full and I don't know I really just do not like them. Vulgar Display of Power is a Vulgar Display of Disappointment to me, as is most of the other stuff in their catalog. Only Pantera album I find tolerable is Power Metal.

Iron Maiden - Murders in the Rue Morgue

Many are familiar with at least one Iron Maiden song either it be "Run to the Hills" or "Aces High", those two songs are with Iron Maiden's lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson. If you've heard a few Iron Maiden songs this might be a different experience for some, for one Iron Maiden had a different singer before Bruce whom was known as Paul Di'Anno. Off the Killers album "Murders in the Ruge Morgue" is a song based off the Edgar Allen Poe poem of the same name. About thirty seconds into the song you'll hear distorted guitar later in. Soon though the song kicks into gear. This song has some great harmonies and some great choruses. The song is rather catchy as the vocals here will get stuck in your head. Paul Di'Anno probably gives his best vocal performance on here. Another highlight is Clive Burr's drumming which is fantastic to hear throughout the song. Overall "Murders in the Rue Morgue" is tied for the album's title track for the best song on Killers.

Bad Ass

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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the 2nd Grand Slam Winneris a Past SPL Championis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
could you please try the edit function?

oh yea to not make this shit... Girl Talk - That's My DJ

It's a great mix of just poppy, glitchy noise that makes you want to dance, and pairing the lyrics perfectly with the instruments. When you get to the part that say 'we're blowing purple stuff high', you'd be surprised at how amazingly good that guitar sounds with it. but uh if you want to listen to this, listen to the whole album in succession since it's formatted to be one song. I could listen to it all day every day and i would still tap my feet to the beat of it. Check it out!


is a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Not just one song this time!
Well, some backstory.
I'm sure most people have heard of Touhou Project. It's a vertical-scrolling Bullet Hell game. That means take Space Invaders and multiply it by several trillion.
Also, all of the mid- and end-bosses are little girls with their own amazing background theme musics.
And this is the theme of my favourite character of all time.
It's not a particularly well written piece. It's a video game BGM that's made to loop infinitely. Plus this character is stupid, so obviously the music doesn't really make you think "oh shit i'm gonna die" even though this is a really hard gamer.

But...let's see what happens when we kick it up a notch.
Replace the synths for a piano and throw in some effects! and it becomes one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever heard.
The two main themes (you'll recognize them immediately from the first song) have been removed. You can't hear them that clearly as they've been variated and ornamented to turn it into a new song. You can make out the harmony in the new melody, and yet, it sounds completely different. The composer who did the original is very talented for writing such a catchy piece, yet the person who remixed it into this piano solo is simply out of this world for taking a fast-paced, catchy BGM and turning it into a complete song, full of emotion.

Not emotional enough? Make it slower and add vocals
I actually cried when I first heard this song. The sharp attack of the piano suits the soft sound of the violin perfectly as it leads into the soft vocals. The first verse alone is so calming. And then the acoustic guitar comes in. It makes you feel like you're at home, almost. The soft melody and the soothing tones of the instruments.
So it can be forgiven that you're not prepared for that BEAUTIFUL chorus. Yeah, recognize that melody? I thought so. The drums don't help you in stopping you feeling a shake of sorts. It is honestly staggering when you compare this alongside the original. One is fast, synthesized and technoey. One is slow, completely acoustic and very lovely. This is actually my favourite mix out of every other one I am going to post about.
Well, sorry if you don't like Japanese lyrics, but the vocals are done beautifully.

Of course, not everybody likes those slow emotional songs. Faster, but still piano-based.
A lot more effects though. Notice the drums are synthesized this time. The vocals are different and echoey. The vocals still contain the same emotion, and when the chorus comes you can still hear the main melody that is consistent with this character. However, the calming soothing tone of the previous song is lost in this song, as if you can notice, the key of the melody changes, and by changing that as well as the timbre, you get a whole different mood - a near solemn, almost sad tone. And you can understand these lyrics, then that gets hammered home even more so.
Wait until everything drops out then the vocals burst back in a second later. Honestly tell me that didn't get you. The shift from major to minor in the piano just transforms the song.

You must be sick of pianos by now.
Well that's okay!
This has now transformed into a 100% pop song. listen to those artifical drums and bass guitar! Hear the cutesy voice stuggling to keep up with the tempo!
The fast pace of this song, the full 'rock' lineup (even if synthed) really makes this song addictive. As if it were one in the charts.
Of course, not even the chorus, hearing it from the keyboard intro/riff you can hear the main melody is still in there. The vocals are a lot less sad, while still containing solemnity, the lyrics are a lot more about looking up and things getting better. And when the song has gone back to major, I think you'll agree with me in that it fits, really.
Hell, this song does something the previous two don't. It uses all the themes. Listen to the guitar solo. That's in the original piece to, see?
This isn't a remix that was variated from the original. This is basically the original with a full band and vocals. And yet, you can't help but like how catchy it is.

This song has even been turned into an advert. And yes, it contains 900% crazy
No, drinking this will not make your brain bigger, despite what it tells you.
Of course, this particlar song is loaded with little in-jokes and memes that you have to be a fan of Touhou to full understand, and yet, the song itself. Oh god. Well, every theme and motif you heard in the original appears in this. It's just covered in ridiculous lyrics and fast instruments.
Unfortunately, you won't really appreciate all of that since you'll be too focused on your brain being killed.

And here we are, coming to the end of our journey.
Where the most stupid resident of Gensokyou tries to teach us some basic mathematics.
Before you click that link let me warn you; this song is crazier than the last. Only if you are seriously curious or you do not value your sanity.
Well... onto the song. Again, the lyrics are packed to bursting point with Touhou jokes.
And again, it's completely synthesized. And again, it's very fast to the point where it cannot be heard. But again, it makes use of every theme you heard in the original. In fact, for a laugh, try comparing this one to the original. See how much they've changed on our journey? It's crazy isn't it?

Well... I dunno what my original point was anymore. Except that the Japanese can remix anything into anything.
Animal Collective - My Girls

At first, it made my head feel like imploding. It's one of those fine wine songs. Electronic at its... most controversial.
Nirvana - Aneurysm

One of Nirvana's best songs. The version off of Incesticide differs from the one on the Hormoaning EP, this is the Incesticide version. The guitar riff to this song is just awesome. The riff makes this song one you must replay once or twice again. "Aneurysm" contains a lot of Nirvana's signature sound, Cobain's wailing vocals which change throughout the song. Other highlights include the catchy guitar riff, the steady bass playing, and good drum beats. This is worth a couple of listens and it's easily the best song off of Incesticide. 10/10
Road To Destruction - EndeverafteR
This song has been one of my favorites since I first bought the CD, it has a nice guitar pace, and some of the best lyrics that I've heard in a long time, accompanying a nice and pretty basic drum beat. If you've heard the rest of the album that it's on, then you'll know that it's a step away from they're general style, but that isn't really a bad thing.
Murders in the Rue Morgue is a boring, muddy song that is not worth listening to, just like everything on Killers not named Purgatory.
I'm just going to mention the whole of Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe. I've gone off industrial metal because the industrial sound just gets lost in a mash of distorted guitars and grating vocals, but Rob Zombie's vocals have real character. The music doesn't take itself too seriously but at the same time reasonably heavy - Superbeast has has an insane beat to it.
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis

Typical '60s rock 'n' roll mixed with punk ("protopunk", but these are real punk) vocals makes for a pretty fun mixture, although I am not really sure it is something that can make the most coherent songs.
That is not really rock...or electric, other than that it has electric guitar? It has simple "doo da doo doo" shit that any pop group could do, never, ever wavers in emotion - you cannot really have rock if the vocalist spouts the same canned lines without ever doing anything - simplistic guitar, simplistic drumming...that was just like every dumbed down, distorted pop song ever.
Fall Out Boy - Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes

Just a fantastic song all around. It's been my favorite ever since the release of Folie a Deux album and has sort of become my theme song. The bass beat really gets me going - it's fast-paced through most parts and bizarre without being too trippy. Sometimes I'll just flick this on and let my mind wander through the images that crop up.

Also, Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip are amazing. Mmm... sexy British accents...
The Kinks-Sunny afternoon.

I love this song so much along with the band. It is great to listen to on a lazy day and just relax to it. I especially love how well the drums and guitar sound when played together in this song. Definitely one of my favorite songs. I would also recommend listening to some other songs by The Kinks. The are a very underrated band and I wish more people would listen to them.
Friends With My Sister - Now Now Every Children

Starting out with a melancholy piano intro. The singers voice is about as sad sounding as always, the muted guitar builds up into a break in the song where the bands thumping drums come in. After a little bit of clunky guitaring they start to keep the song going with a driving little tune played out on the keyboard. All in all I absolutely love this song. And this band.

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