Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

^How many times has Autocorrect messed up my username in the thread now???

Good luck with Flannery Madotsuki. I doubt that a Shedinja solo will be easy given she's the Fire Gym Leader.
IstheCakeReallyaLie: You get a Pansage from Dreamyard, which you must nickname Sprout. Sprout is scared of the opponents' Fire, Bug, and Flying type Pokémon and as such cannot use its Grass attacks against them. It cannot evolve until it learns acrobatics at 22. Good luck!
Uh, I'm not doing a challange right now. I just like giving them.

Level 51

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Doesn't look like King of Sushi has his spots filled up.

King of Sushi gets LastEffort the Vullaby.

In my final effort to win a Scramble Award, I am giving you this Pokemon full of hatred.

So LastEffort has come along and seen that your Scramble has gone quite well indeed...
LastEffort wants to ruin your Scramble at the last moment, and therefore is really selfish:

  • If LastEffort notices that there is no Tailwind up (i.e. if it is active and Tailwind is not up), it will INSIST on putting Tailwind up. Also, if Tailwind is up, it will refuse to swap out.
  • If one of your other Pokemon goes down to red HP, LastEffort won't let you heal them at all.
  • LastEffort must solo at least 2 trainers on Route 23.
GL;HF! :>


Uh, I'm not doing a challange right now. I just like giving them.
I think he meant that for CabooseFTW.
I assume Pika25's challange was meant for me, but I'm a little confused by it. It says I can't evolve until "it learns acrobatics at Lv 22", but it learns seed bomb then.

Edit: I'm still in need of routes 1 and 2 challanges. This means I need two of: patrat, lillipup, and purrloin.
Sorry, it was meant for caboose. And I meant to say must learn Acrobatics before evolving.

By the way, I'm working on Chapter 2 of my Scramble.
The first chapter of my Emerald Scramble is now complete. It took a while because of New Year's and friends turning 18. As a fair warning, this probably won't be very interesting and will mostly just be me complaining about Present and the Mudkip he gave me.

My My original post - Contains my Pokemon and the rules for RNG.

After arriving in Littleroot town in a moving truck, (seriously, wtf?) I go upstairs to set my clock, but I remember that there's a Potion in my PC, and remembering that RNG always has to hold an item, I grab it.

Upon rescuing Professor Birch from a small raccoon, he rewarded me with RNG the Quiet-natured Mudkip, a Pokemon I am quite sure I will hate before this is over. So after giving it a Potion to hold - how, I don't know - we head off to fight May.

After defeating May no problem, RNG and I head off to Route 102, were we spend 15 minutes looking for a Ralts. Eventually we find one, and it's a male. Yep, I'm going to be lugging around a male Gardevoir named Gorgeous by the end of this. But whatever, Jealous the Ralts (also Quiet-natured) joins the team. It's at this point I realise it doesn't even know Confusion... sigh.

After fighting my way through Route 102, and replacing RNG's Potion with an Oran Berry, I then have to put up with Wally giving me a tutorial on how to catch Pokemon, it would have been bearable had his first encounter not been a Ralts. Man I hate Wally.

After this nothing of note happens, other than RNG solo'ing Roxanne. So he's now allowed to evolve into a Marshtomp at level 22.

RNG/Mudkip (M)
Lv. 15
Nature: Quiet
-Bide (not allowed to use due to challenge)
-Mud-Slap (not allowed to use due to challenge)
-Water Gun

Sure he's my MVP now, but I just know this isn't going to last long.

Jealous/Ralts (M)
Lv. 10
Nature: Quiet
-Growl (not allowed to use due to challenge)

Jealous isn't going too great at the moment, and Psychic doesn't hit much of the early game for SE damage, but I just know he's going to be better than RNG before this is over.

Also, I hate only having 3 useable moves between two members, and one of them is Growl!

I'm aware that RNG doesn't follow all the rules specified in the challenge yet, but I will work on it as soon as I can.
I assume Pika25's challange was meant for me, but I'm a little confused by it. It says I can't evolve until "it learns acrobatics at Lv 22", but it learns seed bomb then.

Edit: I'm still in need of routes 1 and 2 challanges. This means I need two of: patrat, lillipup, and purrloin.
Take a Purrloin. Call it whatever you want. Every time Purrloin attacks, you must throw out an item. If you have no more items to throw out, Purrloin cannot attack. Purrloin must level up at least 10 times, cannot hold Exp.Share and must attack at least once before being switched out (though if it's not in battle, you don't have to switch it in).
CabooseFTW, take Megane the Patrat. It has horrible eyesight and hates everyone with good eyesight. So every time it battles, it would try to blind the Pokemon. So it must use Sand Attack as its first attack when it can learn it. Until then, use Leer. It can only evolve when it managed to successfully blinded a Pokemon from a Gym Leader or your Rival (means use it 6 times). As Watchog, it must use one eye-based move in battle (Leer, Mean Look, Hypnosis, Detect) and have some type of Lens item as its carried item.
Hello, fellow scramblers! Sorry for not finishing the first part for a long time - these updates really take a long time to write >_<
I was sitting in my room, looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, waiting for mum to come back home and wondering if I will get a pokemon today – a week had passed since my birthday – the day when mum promised to get me a starter pokemon.
A few minutes later, she came back home and asked me if I wanted a pokemon. After a quick explanation of Professor Juniper's plan, I was rushing down the streets of Aspertia city, ready to get my first pokemon from Bianca.
Only when I've reached the outlook on route 19, I felt somebody standing behind my back.
My friend, Hugh was standing there, looking at me strangely.
"What are you waiting for, Flare?" - he asked - "Go on, choose your pokemon"
I ran over to a blonde girl with a nice green hat.
- Do you know a girl named Flare? - she asked.
- Of course I do... I am Flare...
- Oh, sorry! I'm Bianca, Professor Juniper's assistant.
She took a case with 3 pokeballs from her bag.
- Here, choose your starter pokemon.
Behind my back, Hugh muttered something that sounded like "Choose Snivy, dammit..."
Not listening to him, I grabbed the pokeball in the middle - the one with Tepig.
After Bianca gave me a pokedex, I looked up more info about Tepig.
"A Fire type..." - I whispered. My Tepig, Vulcanus, shivered as he heard the word "fire". Was he afraid of cooking himself? Probably he was.
Hugh was staring jealously at my Tepig, but before Bianca could say anything, he grabbed a pokeball with Oshawott and asked her for a Pokedex.
A few moments later, our pokemon were battling each other. His Oshawott was confident in himself, but after being beaten by Vulcanus, he was hiding behind Hugh's leg and looking at us angrily.
Now Bianca was doing the stupidest thing I could think of - showing me around my own hometown... At least I got the Town map and Running shoes from my mom and Hugh's sister.
After Bianca showed me how to catch pokemon, she left me on my own. I went through Route 19, battling Purrlion and leveling up Vulcanus.
Near Flocessy town, a strange-looking man jumped from the cliff. He introduced himself as Alder and asked me to go to his house for training.
I was ready to train Vulcanus with Alder, but then he spotted that I'm carrying 2 town maps. It turned out that Hugh was training his Oshawott on Route 20. I went to the next Route to find him and stop carrying this damn map...
There were a lot of trainers on the Route. I evaded some of the trainers, feeling that I'll need to battle them a bit later.
Not finding Hugh on Route 20, I went to Flocessy Ranch. As I passed near the tall grass, a Lillipup ran out. Its eyes couldn't focus on one place, they were moving quickly. It felt like she was... Generating something, maybe? I caught her, named her RNG and ran to the Pokemon Center to heal my team. After that, I noted some of RNG's unusual habits. She kept tacking my leg and couldn't calm down until it was at higher level than Vulcanus...
I continued exploring Flocessy Ranch, and finally found Hugh, who challenged me to a battle. Vulcanus defeated his Oshawott... Again. I finally handed over the town map to him, and owners of the ranch – a pair of Pokemon Breeders arrived. They told us that one of their Herdier got lost in the ranch. Hugh became really mad because of this and rushed to find it. The owner's wife kindly healed my team and I went to find the Herdier.
"Trainers, trainers everywhere..." - I thought as I wandered through the ranch and trained RNG and Vulcanus. When I finally found Herdier deep in the grove, it was cornered by a strange-looking guy, who threw me a TM and ran out of the ranch.
After that, I went back to Aspertia and challenged the gym. RNG was quite powerful there - she had even beaten Cheren without Vulcanus' help.
After I exited the gym with the basic badge in my case, I met Bianca, who kindly gave me Return TM. It turned out that Cheren and Bianca know each other and they went on a journey similar to mine two years ago. We exchanged Xtranciever numbers, and Bianca had also added Professor Juniper's number. After a quick talk I parted to Virbank City.


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White 2 Challenge Mode Scramble Update #7

Another Update. Whee!

Original Post
Update #1
Update #2
Update #3
Update #4
Update #5
Update #6

Okay, from when we left off, Skyla was beat, & it was time to hit the plane to Lentimas Town, where the trek up the east coast of Unova would begin. Not much happens at Lentimas, as I then go to Strange House to get the Lunar Wing, before finally hitting the mighty Reversal Mountain. There, I was teamed up with the lovely Bianca & her semi-helpful Pokémon to help trek through the place...Which also meant unlimited recoveries. Whee! So Bianca & I waltz through the place, finding rumours about a magma monster lurking, & taking on & winning battles without much thought. Before we knew it, we were at Undella Town, where Bianca sadly departed, depriving me of free recoveries... :(

Moving on, & after looking around, I then go & grind on Route 14, where I could not progress further due to randoms blocking the way "for some reason". I then go to grind on the water at Undella Bay, beating the trainers there & finding a cave...Where I could not go further...Thanks to a Blackbelt who said I was "not sturdy enough" to fight him. What a chicken. The Blackbelt had Roggenrola with him. ROGGENROLA. Out of all the things he could have chosen, he picked a Pokémon that was weak to the specialised Black Belt Type. I think he was afraid that I had a Golduck by my side. Meh, whatever, time to continue via. Route 13, but then as soon as I headed for the gate in Undella Town, fucking Hugh came along & asked for a battle. I had no choice.

Hugh was just a fail opponent, easily being romped, Shy the Magnezone too strongth. Also, Furious the Golduck too. I never liked him anyway, so where was I? Oh yes. I went to make the long trip up Route 13, which beckoned lots of trainers to gain experience on, & a Psychic TM to teach Furious to! Later on, a Cobalion showed up & wanted me to fight it. Unless I had the time & patience to SR for a good natured one, & the luck to catch it, I was not interested, & given my traditionally poor luck, I skipped it. Then came Lacunosa Town where I learn a story about a "big scary dragon that eats things alive." Was the dragon not caught by the BW protagonist two years ago? I do not know, but when I healed up & got ready to head out on the road to Opelucid City, Hugh was there again...And he brought company. Some Plasma Grunt & a Sage called "Zinzolin". Was that guy not arrested by Looker two years ago? I do not know, but Hugh & I were forced to team up to take on the Grunt & the Sage.

The two failed as well. 0MagSlag the Weezing's Return attack proved too hot for Zinzolin's Cryogonal & Sneasel, & Hugh's Emboar was boss against the grunt. After that, it was time to head to Opelucid City. Route 12 was very hilly with not much trainers...Only an annoying Heracross being a haxxy piece of shit. Village Bridge was next, with creepy singers...And an annoying Gentleman who would fight anyone he could find on the bridge for a 1,000 Win Streak. The guy did not even stand a chance. His Lucario's coverage was so terrible that he was forced to spam Quick Guard. QUICK GUARD. Against a Weezing. No wonder why he will never get a 1,000 win streak...Especially when his Lucario has HEAL PULSE. Anyhow, after cleaning up Village Bridge, it was Route 11 next, where a Virizion tried to jump me. I bypassed it, & then made a clean road for Opelucid City.

At Opelucid, it was gym time, but first, I went to Route 9, & cleaned up the trainers there & in the shopping mall. I also caught a Prankster Liepard in the Grotto there, but that is unimportant. I then made a detour back to Lacunosa to get a Fire Blast TM to teach 0MagSlag, & after that, it was Gym Time. With an under-levelled team. Besides 0MagSlag. The trainers were tough, but taken care of, & finally, I get to Drayden, & take him on.

First was Reckless the Darmanitan vs. Druddigon. Reckless got in a Superpower, but died pretty quickly. So it was up to 0MagSlag to Sludge Bomb it to death, making Drayden use his only Hyper Potion in the process. Furious came out for Flygon, & weathered the Earth Power storm with the help of items, to take out Flygon. Then I sent in Rover the Stoutland against Altaria. Altaria was annoying. Maxxing out its Defence quickly, & annoying with damaging moves which failed to 3HKO, I made precautions & spammed Full Heals on Sing, as well as Moomoo Milk spam, to eventually get Rover to +6 Attack with Work Up. Then it was time to spam +6 Tackle. It dealt pathetic damage to Altaria. Though no reliable recovery, alongside no Hyper Potion, & no attacking move PP left, meant that Altaria would eventually fall. Finally, Haxorus came to the fold. Rover stayed in. I get ready to fire with +6 Tackle. Haxorus used Dragon Dance. Hopefully, Tackle would KO. It did not. It got Haxorus to low yellow, before Sitrus Berry kicked in. I select Tackle, in hope that Haxorus would not sweep me, & the rest of my team. Surely it could KO with X-Scissor. It did not. In fact, it used Dragon Tail, not that I would see it, as Tackle KOed Haxorus, & that was it. I had won my seventh Badge. And the Dragon Tail TM. Whee!

After that, I was invited to Drayden's House, not that I would go there yet, as I simply healed up & ended the Scramble Update, ready for the next leg of the adventure.

Magnezone [Shy] (-)
Lv45 | Magnet Pull | Impish
-Thunder Wave
-Electro Ball

Comments: Shy needs a more reliable STAB coverage, & Electro Ball is unreliable as fuck... -.-

Darmanitan [Reckless] (M)
Lv45 | Sheer Force | Jolly
-Flare Blitz
-Work Up
5/5 #Times died to recoil damage

Comments: This damage machine is still as great as ever, but failed badly in the Opelucid Gym... :(

Leavanny [Grub] (F) @ Miracle Seed
Lv45 | Chlorophyll | Gentle
-Leaf Blade

Comments: Fuk 4× Effective attacks, but at least the level curve means I can use her very often. Against Trainers.

Stoutland [Rover] (F)
Lv46 | Sand Rush | Bashful
-Work Up

Comments: asdfghjkl; why can she not OHKO a Haxorus with a Tackle at +6 Attack...Says a lot about her terrible offensive options... :(

Golduck [Furious] (M) @ Leftovers
Lv47 | Cloud Nine | Bold
-Fury Swipes
20/20 trainers soloed

Comments: Solid attacker. Still meh, but has grown to be a great Special Attacker if anything.

Weezing [0MagSlag] (M) @ Lucky Egg
Lv50 | Levitate | Impish
-Sludge Bomb
-Fire Blast
-Clear Smog

Comments: Fire Blast is a bold gamble if I want to take out Colress later on, but for now, 0MagSlag's high level means he still takes a healthy workload, & he is still as impressive as ever.

And that is all. Next update: Freeze storms, Roggenrola man gets Roggenrola'd (Not literally), & Marlon!
Nice updates, all of you. Oh, Recec, you should only follow the rules ASAP, so you not having moves of 4 different types yet is of course understandable. btw, why do you hate me? That makes me feel sad. (at least you say you do in your original post) ;( Ah, see you didn't get too lucky on your restrictions though, especially the solo'ing aspects. I"m sure he will not disappoint though, after soloing that many trainers he will sure be a high level. And IAR, I actually like the fact that Furious is not total garbage anymore, though I understand halve his moveset leaves much to be desired. Ah well, nice to see that even Stoutland is a weak shit at +6. Keep up the updates. Nice going already, Flaresun, though the harder parts still have to come. Oh Flaresun, what nature does RNG have, so I know what your restrictions are. Then I can look forward to your troubles. :)
Nice updates, all of you. Oh, Recec, you should only follow the rules ASAP, so you not having moves of 4 different types yet is of course understandable. btw, why do you hate me? That makes me feel sad. (at least you say you do in your original post) ;( Ah, see you didn't get too lucky on your restrictions though, especially the solo'ing aspects. I"m sure he will not disappoint though, after soloing that many trainers he will sure be a high level.
I don't really hate you Present, it's just that I got RNG screwed with RNG.
I still need more pokemon :<
I'm aiming for a pool of ten to start.

1. Sadness the Deoxys (Can only use moves with BP under 60)

2. Stevensson the Aggron (Must know EQ, Thunder, Dragon Claw, and SolarBeam, can only fight opponents with type advantages)

3. Rayquaza the Pikachu (?) (Must have Drizzle, must always know Rain Dance and Sunny Day, cannot attack under rain, cannot heal under sun)

4. Battle CD the Machamp (Must hack in SD, and all other moves must be TM moves; starting moves can be used but must be replaced ASAP)

5. Hollow the Nincada (Must evolve ASAP, solo Brawly with Ninjask (one move, no healing), solo Flannery with Shedinja, if either is not completed force Set mode

6. OU? the Zapdos (Limited to Thundershock, Ember, Icy Wind and Aerial Ace)

I need four more!
hack in Chance the Mew.

Must know Metronome, Assist, Me First, and Present. Solo Gym8 and Drake. Must use each move in sequence before another move can be used: Ie - Metronome -> Assist -> Present -> Me First -> Metronome -> etc....
Madotsuki, hack in Pacifist the Snorlax. Its restrictions are that it cannot attack until it is attacked, it cannot hold any items, and it cannot use any set-up or healing moves. In return, it can learn up to 2 moves it normally couldn't, such as Hydro Pump or Encore.

KS, you'll need to change your challange around a bit, as Madotsuki's playing Emerald, meaning Assist and Me First don't exist yet.
Could have sworn he said Black version.

Ok, Looks like Me First is out because Assist WAS introduced in Gen3. This means that Mado must use Mirror Move over Me First.
TangerineHighlighter, take Jekyll (if caught between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.) or Hyde (if caught between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.)the Girafarig. This Girafarig has a multiple personality disorder; during the day, it's passive and friendly, while it's violent and antisocial at night. As such, it can only attack every other turn between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Also, you must flip a coin to see if Jekyll can KO something on the turn you flipped said coin during the day. Meanwhile, between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. it can do nothing but attack and will not switch out or accept items. It also cannot take part in double battles at the above time period.

Have fun!
Madotsuki, hack in Pacifist the Snorlax. Its restrictions are that it cannot attack until it is attacked, it cannot hold any items, and it cannot use any set-up or healing moves. In return, it can learn up to 2 moves it normally couldn't, such as Hydro Pump or Encore.

KS, you'll need to change your challange around a bit, as Madotsuki's playing Emerald, meaning Assist and Me First don't exist yet.
Uh... without using set-up moves, how... EXACTLY do I only attack every other turn?

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