The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)

fuck this, ill wait for a sequel to tp before i buy another zelda game

phnatom hourglass was average at best, and the boat was the worst part, i dont know why theyd take that, and replace it with something on-rails (heh) and even more tedious
And after this lets get a game where link flies in a plane to Mario land. and then he shall play tennis and various other sports.

Lets call it, Legend of Zelda Propeller Part of Power. It shall be epic
I really enjoyed PH. This game looks awesome so far, it appears he was controlling a phantom as one stage. The stag beetle boss looked awesome, probably inspired by the stone giant boss of PH. It also looks like we will be able to see mainland Hyrule in cell-shade form.
I was confused though, while a train doesn't seem like too bad of an idea, was the uniform really necesary? He kneels before Zelda in what looks like a climactic scene... dressed like a train conducter? I only hope that "spirit tracks" means that you can change the tracks like the path of the ship. As long as there's Golden Train Parts to spends unnecessary amounts of time collecting then I guess it'll be decent. Hey, it's Zelda.
I'd really like to see Nintendo focus on new franchises instead.

I mean zelda and other staples are all good games but I'd like to see something new from them.

Oh hey look guys I took Phantom Hourglass and replaced the boat with a train this is gonna make us so much money.
Are you serious. They took my least favorite Zelda game and made the already bad method of transportation (compared to horseback imo) even worse. I'm definitely skipping this one.
I don't see what was wrong with just walking.
seriously... a train? I'd rather buy it if it was a plane honestly.
As a Zelda fan, i guarantee it may be amusing like Phantom Hourglass, it was a fun game for a few days...

But this doesn't bring anything new to the franchise, i really don't feel that appealed, i know thye like to milk their franchises but i would like to see a new "serious" Zelda. And i really want the games to be more difficult, they keep getting easier and easier!

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