The Fysical Phitness Thread

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Went to the gym today. I feel completely demolished haha.

I didn't notice this thread had been moved and figured it'd just died for a couple days like is always does.

What are you guys' opinions on eating junk food? How much is appropriate, when, and what types you allow/don't allow?
when you say you did 288 push ups in 29:08, what exactly constitutes as a push up?? Everyone i know does push ups differently, with the more fit people usually actually doing less than the not so fit (because they cheat)

EDIT: I mean that i can do less pushups than most of my friends, even though i bench the most, do the most dips, weigh the least, etc. This is because i do pushups correctly, which makes them MUCH, MUCH harder than doing them incorrectly. People who raise their butt, dont go all the way down etc. are essentially cheating.

My bad, i have a very poor writing style
Now that's hugely untrue. Fit people get fit because they do exercises properly and slowly increase the amount of reps. Unfit people stay unfit because they don't exercise properly or don't exercise at all.

I used to do pushups and wouldn't go down all the way, had bad form, etc. But then I started doing them properly and was deterred from doing them due to how much harder doing 30 proper pushups is than doing cheater ones. However, I've stuck with it and have noticed big gains.

edit: vespa, I think Wednesday I'll try and see how many pushups I can do in 30min. What's your strategy for doing it?

edit: sorry, that post is ridiculously hard to understand


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Bam, he's saying the unfit people have bad technique, not the other way 'round. On that note, can anybody bang out 100 consecutive press-ups? Really tough...I might put up a video when my neck heals (was deadhanging the other night and didn't know when to quit evidently).

Ah vespa, you started at 10...that explains it a little then. I didn't start taking pull/chin ups seriously till I was nearly 20.

haha good luck Psycho, I hear that shit is pretty tough. I get the impression their business strategy is to make the program as hard as they can within reason in order to force people to abandon their pre-paid memberships. Don't let them beat you. ^_^

My knees almost there btw, I'm looking to start some light running again in the next few weeks. I've managed to gain 3 kilos in the 2 months I've gone without running so I'm quite pleased. Should be interesting to see if I can keep that on when the 10 mile days start again.
Yeah I definitely wont quit that's for sure, so its 5 days a week too which is intense as all hell, but who knows.
So I did my first real session of dry land with my club swim team yesterday, and I'm ridiculously sore. Does anyone here have any experience with The Perfect Push-up? We use them, and they really good at destroying your arms. We also do chin ups, however our coach makes us go all the way down when we do chin ups, as opposed to stopping with our arms at about 90 degrees, as I'm used to.

I've noticed that most everyone else here is a runner, or wants to run to get in shape. I just want to say that I personally hate running, and I would also like to tell anyone looking for a different kind of cardio to give swimming a try. Granted running is easier, but if swimming is an option, definitely consider it, as it's (I think) a better whole body workout than running.
Bam: the only real strategy i used when i was practicing was finding the right speed to do them at. you don't want to pump them as fast as you can because you will get the nasty lactic acid building up really fast but you don't want to go too slowly either because it will wear your muscles out quickly too. if i had to take a break i kept it between 30-45sec and i ended up taking 8 breaks over the course of the challenge. i find it is really a battle of the mind more so than of sheer strength. you just have to keep pushing when you think you cant any longer

never noticed your thing about chin ups carl but your coach is right. if you stop at the 90deg point you arent training your muscles to their full extent. it is MUCH better for you to do the full extension. arms completely straight to chin above the bar.
im gonna try to see how many pushups i can do in 30 minutes sometime tonight. I can do over 30 in a row (proper form) so i figure ill be able to do around 350-400 in 30 minutes.
I don't know if this is the right place for it... but...

I definately thought I was done growing... but I grew 0.6 inches since last year according to my doctor. That is crazy since I really didn't grow height-wise at ALL during my last 3 years of high school. So I hit 19 years old and hit a mini-growth spurt. Could this be caused by my excercise obsession in the past year? I notice the more I excercise, the more I naturally incorporate milk into my diet and eliminate junk foods and sodas, etc. Also, excercising makes you stretch. Any of you guys noticed growth gains? I'm just shocked at mine since I'm 20 years old and seem to have more growth potential!!!! (which is a really cool feeling!)
two words. FUCKING HARD. 30 minutes, only 223 pushups**, and two extremely sore arms. This is seriously a good workout, and a good way to track your strentgth improvements, as I'm going to do the 30 minutes of pushups every 2 weeks or so.

** I used the form explained in the guinness world book of records. Hands shoulder wifth apart, feet together and no bends in the knees or hips. Arms go down until they form a 90 degree angle with the elbow. This is a tough form as hands shoulder width apart is pretty close.

I have gone through the same thing. grew only an inch from start of grade 10 to end of grade 11, which is roughly 21 months. Since I got to university and started working out and taking protein shakes I have grown a half inch in around 8 months, which is a greater rate than when I was younger.
i have been growing steadily at .3-.5in per year since 6th grade. i had a 2inch growth spurt in 7th gr, a 3 inch growth spurt in 10th gr, and a 1.5 in growth spurt in 12th gr. my physician told me that men dont generally completely stop growing until the early to mid 20s and that i should expect to be ~6'5" (ugh i am tall enough already haha) by the time i hit 25. being tall is cool and all but i would really like to stop buying clothes and shoes a bit larger than i need so i can grow into them. i am also 20 so i know what it feels like man


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Good on ya man, RL, I wouldn't turn down another 0.6 inches. I'm 5 foot 7 and I've been short my whole life. There's actually an old wives tale that weight training actually limits your height gains but I think science has proven that to be horseshit but I just figured no smoke without fire eh.
i would imagine that if you start at an early age (like prepubescent early) and are lifting heavy loads it would have an adverse effect on your height.
What would you guys recommend to someone who wants to get better upper arm strength? I play tennis a lot, so my forearms are a LOT stronger then my upper arms, and that's starting to bother me a bit. (I look somewhat strong there, but I'm not nearly as strong as I want.) I'm about 5foot 6inches, and still growing. (I'm 14, so I hope to grow a lot more, as it'd do wonders for my serve...) I have acess to no gym really, but I have dumbells ranging from 2-20lb to start with. (I'm not entirely sure if it stops at 20 though, because it says on the box fourty pounds, but looks like it could only hold about 20 on it, but there are two of them, so I would assume it's just a 40lb sum. It's one of those add weight to the dumbell bar as you go.), along with a 12lb medicine ball. I am one of the people that has a lot of arm problems and such, so I can't really always do what I want. I just recently got the set of heavier weights in an attempt to get a bit stronger. I used to use 5lb weights once in awhile for curling, but not too much. :/ What would you guys think I should do to start out? (just try to do more basic push ups?) I used a rowing machine a bit last summer, but that jacked up my shoulders for tennis. (I play a LOT of tennis, so my arms can get stressed out a bit too easily. I'm someone who practices like 5hours a day during the week. Should I just kind of pray that it will strengthen them by itself over time?)
If it means anything, I can run too. (I run distances) I run a path of about 3 1/2 miles every few days. Sprinting would probably be better at strengthening my arms though, wouldn't it?
So basically you want to work your biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Curling and dips (also tricep pulldowns and skullcrushers) will go a long way in helping you with that, but imo it'd be better off to start with some compound lifts like dumbell press and upright rows. While it may seem that these work mainly different muscle groups, they'll all work your arms and will gradually make your entire upper body stronger.

You want to try to avoid working purely your arms, lest you end up with another similar situation where your upper and lower arms are strong but then another part of your upper body is comparatively very weak.
i would just play tennis until you get a bit older and your body slows down a bit. Bams exercises are great for what you want to do but i wouldn't do anything that could harm your tennis career. from how much you practice each day it sounds like you are really good and have a shot at going pretty far. why add an ingredient to your life that could mess your chances up?

sprints will build up your shoulders and not much else arm wise btw
I don't see how weightlifting can be bad for your health in terms of injuries. If anything, having stronger muscles (and more importantly, tendons and bones) from lifting prevent injury. A year ago, I suffered from patellar tendonitis because my leg muscles were not strong enough proportionally to the change in height caused by growth.

That's why younger kids shouldn't wait to start weights. They need mechanical forces on their bones to grow properly. As long as good form is taught and used, there's no problem.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
vespa's probably right here, if you're already swinging your arms around for five hours a day then I'd think long and hard before compromising your tennis playing time to work out. Speak to your coach about it and only go ahead with this if you're certain that it's going to improve your game (I know nowt about tennis but nadal has pretty good arms so I bout it's a bad thing).

A year ago, I suffered from patellar tendonitis because my leg muscles were not strong enough proportionally to the change in height caused by growth
That sucks, I've had that (among other things) for years now and it's incredibly painful.
Well guys, I'm not amazing, but the reason I play that much is so that maybe some day I could be. :/ Anyhow, I have the spare time to do it, so I wouldn't really have to compromise tennis. I just want to get a little stronger for a bigger serve. As for my arms getting stronger than my other muscles, I'm not all that worried about it, to be honest. Tennis works your core in standard swings, I run to work my legs, and those are pretty much the major muscle groups right there. Now could someone point me to an online place that could define what skullcrushers and those other things Bam was talking about are? Thanks for replying so quick, everyone.
lol lee.

if you are really set on working out then by all means do it, but do it right. if your school has a weight room see if you can get the football coach (i say this instead of the PE teacher because a lot of times PE teachers dont know jack shit) to help you out on your form and what kinds of exercises you should do to get your body where you want it. i would also make sure you dont work out really hard or to failure ever. you are playing tennis a lot and if you work out to failure or work out too hard and then go play tennis for 5 hours or vice versa you could really fuck yourself up with a torn muscle. start drinking lots of milk if you havent already as well. milk is great for growth and has a lot of nutrients that will help prevent injuries


One Pixel
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It blows when you go the gym after 3 months of laziness, only to find out that you've dropped 10 pounds curling, and 40 pounds of benching.

Oh and my arms/shoulders/chest hurt like a bitch. Not to mention my legs from running.
Finally did a 4x5 set on bench of weight that weighs more than me (150lbs). It felt really easy to complete, but I tried 4x5 at 155lbs last night and couldn't finish the last set. Also just completed 4x5 of 225lbs on squat - I was really excited to finally get two plates on there.


what are birds? we just don't know.
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thread revival!

how do you guys deal with interruptions to your fitness routine, say going on holiday for a week or simply being too busy?
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