Team Megan Fox Is Ugly-Tribute to Latias.

Well hello again guyz n00b lyf3 here with my 2nd Rmt ^.^....Well as u can tell by my postcount i oviously havnt been very active in smogon lately...Well im sorry for that and il try to be more contributive to the site.Well anyway i kno its a little late to tribute this team to Latias but meh.Well this has been my most sucessfull team so far and it is quite effective imo.I did ladder with it for a while but i got boared after 1400 or something like that (Cant remember exactly lol).Seriusly they should make shoddy more fun ={.

Well as for the team it is based on a SDLucario sweep.I never understood what "Core" actually is but i think mine is Lucario/Salamence/Gyrados.Okay enough of this shit lets get on to the team =P

At A First Glance

Member Classification

1 Suicide lead.(Like u can have 2 of these....)
1 Physical Revenge killer/Trapper.
2 Physical sweepers.
1 Mixed sweeper.
1 Special sweeper.

Team Characteristics

The Good
*Good Synergy...Now im too lazy to post the synergy chart...As far as resistances go all types bar electric and rock are resisted more than once.While those 2 types are resisted 1nce.And as far as weaknesses go every type except Rock and ground are not any threat to no more than 1 of my pokes.While those two given types will hit with SE on 2.See? So much easier than synergy charts..

*Double Priority...Well yah this comes in quite handy on tons of situations and can stop a large amount of sweepers from sweeping me.Empoleon,Salamence, just to name a few.It also comes in handy for revenging purposes.

*Double Intimidate...I kno what ur thinking but this is a quite effective way to stop physical sweepers and this is basicly what i do when theres no other way...Dders have to choose from dding up again or hitting me...If they hit me they get the intimidate to cut their DD boost and then i switch to my other intimidator to give it -1.

*Coolness value?....All i could think off ._. lol.Every pokemon in my team look bad ass :D.

*Tspikes Resistance...Yahh other than jolteon every1 resists T-spikes so best thing roserade can do is just sleep me...Jolteon works as much of a "Hit and run" Pokemon anyway so poison dsnt really become far too significant.And it can also be stated that Half of my team are immune to spikes.

#The Bad
*No ghosts ={...Yah that means No spin blocking and i have to take explosions like a man instead of hiding behind spirits of evil looking house appliences.This is srsly a big problem for me and most of the time i have to make Scizor\Azelf take the explosions =[.

*No Status absorber....Yah another major threat to me.Though two taunts can keep most support at bay but still a lot of the times i have to practicly make 1 of my pokemon useless to shit like Roserade,Breloom etc.Jolty can take T-waves and i usually distribute the wisps between azelf and him.But azlef is in 1 hp a lot of the times so Jolteon works rather as my "punching bag"
for those status moves.And i dont know why but i usally make Gyra take the sleep.(He can be usefull as a "Punching bag" and due to intimidate even while asleep lol..).

*No status abuse...Well i dont think this is actually can be considderred as a "bad thing" but it never hurts to have annoying crippling status moves of my own as well =P.

*Sr weakness...Yah as u can see i have quite a big SR weakness ={...I Taunt right away with Azelf and try to stop the opponent from setting up rocks as much as possible...Thats like my primary objective at the start of the match cuz rock dammage really screws up 2 of my most signifact pokes.I usually cant do anything to stuff like bitchy swamperts at midgame tho >_>.

An In Depth View

The Lead

Azelf @ Focus Sash
60 Atk/192 S.Atk/252 spe
Naive (+Speed -Sp.Def)

-Stealth Rock

Yep good 'ol lead azelf BUT with a twist ^.^.Well i never really enjoyed exploding on the enemies fire breathing toaster and it just happened far too much i decided to get something else.Now the options were either Grass knot or U-turn....The later wins by a landslide for a good reason.First of all the utility value of U-turn is amazing its like switching but slapping the enemy before doing it lol.And its always fun doing those U-turn to scizor U-turn to azlef thingies.It also helps to break the sashes of good amount of leads that are always troublesome to get through cuz of that noob item >_>. It also gives my a safe way of disposing of celebi cuz lot of them carry Hp-fire nowadays.The other moves are quite standard.My team has a huge SR weakness so my prioirty is to stop the opponent from setting up rocks.Setting them up myself is also a huge benifit and wins u the match quite often.The item choice is quite ovious >__> and im gona leave it for you to figure out. The plan is simple....Taunt the first turn SR the next and then act accordingly to whats goin on.I choose flamethrower for those smart ass scizors who try to "Predict" ur switch.It also helps aginst Metagross who is quite a threat to my team and of course other stuff like skarmory,Forrtress etc.Even though Skarmory can be killed by most of my team it is preferebly done by azelf because i try not to lock myself on T-bolt as less as possible and salamence is just far too valuable in stall matches seeing as he works as my sweeper in most of them.Tbh i try to play azelf as least suicidal as possible cuz he surprisingly helps a lot at mid game with taunting and re-setting rocks if they rapid spin. He even swept for me once rofl.U-turning is also quite fun.But he mostly just works as death fodder ._. .....So u guyz should seriusly try not to blow him up on the 3rd turn every match >_>.Really hes helpful....

Evs And Nature
The Nature is quite obvious because it lets me outspeed other possitive base 115's and basicly about 90% of the metagame.Yes i did say possitive 115's (Im damn good when it comes to speed ties XD ).The 252 Speed is to maximize my speed and the Spc.Att evs are there to Ohk0 Luke (Thought they switched it on me like what? 3 times so far..) and the rest are dumped into attack to improove U-turns power.

Considered Changes
I am thinking of Stealing Err Testing Cal-Ciaren's Sxc Azelf on his RMT Lucifer and the Buiscuit Hammer which u can find in the Fail list of Archive nominations.

Lead Maneuevers


Metagross Well this is 1 of the leads that i hate >__>.I Taunt on the first turn hopefully they SR which fails ofc.Then i get my own rocks up while he Meteor Mashes\Bullet punches.If its bullet punch i get a hit at him before dieing and if its meteor mash i have that too...But if its both then =L..Oh and if he meteor mashes me on the taunt then i go to Scizor and U-turn to Mence on the probable EQ.Then EQ to kill it again as most run occa.

Azelf Can also be quite annoying.I usually U-Turn right away to Jolteon seeing as some pack flamethrower and dsnt want to risk it with the Speed tie taunt.Then simply kill it from there and get rocks up later.If they Taunt the U-turn its perfect and if they SR bad for me =L.If they trick i dont mind either tho it prolly wont do that seeing i might carry a scarf as well.

Jirachi Go to Scizor on the Iron Head/Trick.Sometimes they SR which is quite annoying as well.Most of the time i decide to "screw it" and taunt on the first turn though.And anyway if they trick on Scizor now they have my band and has to repeat or switch to something which eats a U-turn.

Swampert Lol Every time i see him im like "I knew i shoulda packed Grass knot >__>".Well i taunt on the first turn as they do shit dammage with ice beam or Tries to rock.Then i get my Own rocks up and U-turn.I doubt they stay for such a long time.If they switch out i act accordingly.

Aerodactyl U-turn on the first turn to Scizor as theyl always taunt or stone edge.Taunt always brings a smile on my face and SE is quite okay as well.Then kill with Bullet punch.

Infernape Go to Gyra to take the Fake out/SR/Flamethrower.Then i DD up and kill it.It cant really do anything significant back to me as most of them simply carry its STAB's which are both resisted.

Hippowdon Taunt on the first turn.Most of them SR hoping id overpredict.Sometimes they pack stone edge which is a 2hk0 so i can safely get up my rocks (It WOULD have been a 3hk0 but that stupid sandstorm -.-).

Bronzong Taunt first turn as usual.If it gyros i get up my rocks and die.But most of the time they rock (Wonder why every1 does that eh) so i get a free hit to see what ability.After i die i go to mence to hit it with the super effective attack.

Ninjask They all Protect/Sub on the first turn.I SR then and Taunt on the 2nd.Now they wont be very happy with having a ton of boosts not being able to pass...I just flamethrower while they 1 hp me.After i die i simply kill with Scizor.

Tyranitar U-turn on the first turn as they ALWAYS crunch not SR.Im not sure why they always do it...Well anyway i U-turn to scizor and then U-turn again to Azelf which k0s Ttar.

Abomasnow SR on the protect/sub.Then flamethrower to kill it if it protected.If there was sub its prolly gona leech seed while i break the sub.Then i U-turn out cuz there prolly not gona stay in.

Forrtress Haha.

Machamp Usually this would give trouble for most ppl but i have found a way to effective counter the leads for me lol.Well on the first turn i SR while they Payback.Then go to Gyra on the Bullet punch.I Waterfall it while most of the time they D-punch hoping to get some dammage.Stone edge after intimidate isnt all that significant either.Then i go to Azelf as death fodder.Then switch to mence and kill it with draco meteor...See? Easy as pie.

Gliscor Taunt on the SR\U-turn and then act accordingly if they U-turned.If SR i get my rocks down.

Okay im too lazy to post any more leads so this will have to do lol.

The Revenge Killer

Scizor @ Choice Specs (Lawl Jk....)
252 Atk/140 Hp/16 Spe/100 S.Def
Addamant (+Atk -S.Atk)

-Super Power

Guess who? Yahhh most used pokemon in the game bitches!!Well now if u really cant guess what the "secret" item i actually use is then u should leave this place because u obviously arent ment for competetive play.Either go back to playing the game or go to *Them* (Serebii noobs).Well now do i seriusly need to explain this?...Since i dont want my RMT to get locked i guess i will... Scizor works as my revenge killer (No shit..).He finds a spot on my team bcuz he can revenge a lot of threats like Mence,Gengar Etc.Tbh i usually try to not use him as possible cuz a lot of the time it turns me into set up fodder.But never the less he is just far too amazing to leave.Bulet punch is that all important priority that gives Scizor its name and fame.With STAB and Techni boost it has a monsterous 90 base which is just devistating for a prioirty attack.Super power is main for the ugly fat whroe....Err blissey and The Kewl Fat bad ass poke (Snorelax).Though i mostly U-turn from Blissey cuz most of them dont have enough balls to fight like a man.Anyway then Pirsuit is there for those pokes that think they can run away from me.Thought Tbh i never use pirsuit cuz i really dont want to be a smart ass and then get my balls flamethrowed.Any other suggestions for this slot be taken sincierly.And then comes My favourate part about Scizor.Yah u guessed it U-TURN!!Its just such a monsterous move.It can open up holes on any poke physical wall or not.I mean cmon Stabbed Choice (Hidden Item)'ed U-turn coming from a possitive baste 130 attack is just scary.I usually go to Scizor to U-turn a lot of bulky pokes to "soften them up" for the kill by some1 else.I mean u just cant hate this move.I really dont think theres anything else to say about scizor really....We all just see him far too much to not know about him lol.

Evs and Nature
Well i run a specially bulky Scizor here.From what ive seen Scizor gets far more special abuse than from the physical side so the Spc.Def evs helps a lot to soften up the hit.The Attack Evs are to maximize my dammage for Bullet punch and U-turn...Oh and it also helps the other 2 filler moves.I run a bit of speed as well to outspeed most of Scizors sets.The rest of the Evs are dumped into Hp to take hits better.And the nature is quite straight forward as well.Simply for increasing the dammage output.

Considered Changes

The Bulky Sweeper

Gyarados @ Leftovers
156 Hp/72 Atk/48 Def/184 Spe/48 S.Def
Addamant (+Atk -S.Atk)

-Dragon Dance

DDgyra finds a special spot on my team because of his amazng bulkiness monsterous attack and its ability to check and set up on a vast array of pokes.I run the Bulky DD set here.Well imo this is by far the best Gyra set because as far as coverage goes Waterfall and Return are more than able to provide it.The taunt is what makes this set so monsterous.With taunt u can set up on basicly ever Wall on the game while they try to hit ur godly deffenses with their medicore attack.Which after intimidate turns plain gay...This set can even set up on celebi but sadly cant k0 from full health.But even so it can practicly put celebi on a strecher by surviving with barely 20% or so Hp when this guy goes down.And to be perfectly honest i think gyra has sweeped much more than Luke has lol.The item choice is quite straightforward.Leftovers is just an amazing item and complements gyra's bulkiness perfectly and increases his(Its actually a her all my pokes are cuz there are some loosers who use attract and piss me off -.-) longevity.Well one may question about the use of Frustration but the main reason is reliability.Yah Stone edge provides about the same coverage but it has simply horrible accuracy.And i have horrible luck anyway.Using stone edge is simply begging to get haxed...Theres not much that i need Stone edge for anyway....Well gyra has to be most deffinetly my favuorate pokemon in the game with a damn good reason.Okay i cant think of anything else to say so il end it here k? =]

Evs and Nature
Yah the Evs are kinda screwy having some investment in basically every stat lol.The Ev's are ment to take advantage of gyras bulkiness and ballance between both offense and deffense.Well the 184 Speed is to outrun possitive base 115s and neutral 130s after a DD.To outrun possitive 130s i need a large number to hit and takes a lot of investment so im better of just leaving it at that...The Hp Evs let me survive 2 LO heatrans Fire blast's with sandstorm dammage.I ran some Ev's in both of its defense's to take hits better from both sides of the spectrum and the nature i took is addamant for the precious boost in gyras firepower.

Considerred Changes

The Special Sweeper

Jolteon @ Choice Specs
Volt Absorb
252 Sp.A/252 Spe/4 Hp
Timid (+Spe -Atk)

-Shadow ball
-Hidden Power (Grass)
-Baton Pass

Jolteon is just such an amazing and unique pokemon.It has the lightnig fast speed and a stable movepool.Yes the movepool isnt the best but it contains all the necessary tools that jolteon needs.The only thing restraining Jolteon from perfection is just that medicore S.Atk stat ._. .And with a choice specs equipped jolteon can even solve that problem.Combine that amazing base 130 speed with a monsterous 477 S.Atk and u have a monster.The set is quite obvious.Thunderbolt is what makes jolteon so devistating giving it the much needed STAB.The shadow ball is there to hit pesky ghosts like Rotom And Dusky and its usually the move i use to hit stuff like incoming gliscor.I really dont see the point of Hp Ice bcuz first of all its just begging to be set up on then (Yah Hp grass is as well but I do have to make HP ice look like absolute crap and Hp grass godly here bcuz thats the one i chose =P).The Hp grass is mainly for Swampert who easily walls the hell outa me and its also to hit annoying Donphans,Hippowdons as well which take a lot of dammage.So far ive seen Hp grass k0 Hippo from 70% not sure whats the max i can do and too lazy to run calcs sorry =[.And the last moveslot goes to Baton pass.Which imo isnt all that helpful and is used because jolteon dsnt have anything better to run.But its still quite helpful and the "Coolness Value" is amazing.Its like switching but more bad ass!It does help for predictions like when i KNOW the enemy is gona get his pink pimp on the field.Jolteon also gives me that much needed electric resist without which Rotoms and Other jolteons would plague my team.The combination of Gyra and Jolteon is simply perfect.If i havnt showed jolteon already then i can easily get rehealed from any Spikes/SR dammage when the enemies Zapdos tries to T.bolt my Gyra.And when jolteon has already been revealed it also helps tons.The number of times ive set up on Zapdos and Starmie is just amazing bcuz after about going back to jolteon 1nce or twice most of the time they think il do it again while i simply DD up.Yah i think im quite good at prediction bcuz i dont make a lot of mistakes prediction.Though i dont make lots of risky moves either well back to the point.Its quite surprising how many teams arent prepared for this little rodent and i consider it to be somewhat "Anti Metagame".My statement can be prooved when u see that 90% of the RMT's write this guys name in yellow in there threatlist.Thats not just because the yellow matches with the colour of his fur...So many times i thought i lost the match i bring this guy in and simply spam T-bolts to go from 2-5 to something like 2-1.Oh yea this guy is my only flying resist as well but like im so afraid of skarmorys drill peck...Anyway to show you unprepared most teams are for it il simply show u some calcs aginst my own team.

Thunderbolt Vs Min Hp/Min S.Def Azelf: 96%-100% (Il survive with sash anyway lol)
Thunderbolt Vs 244 Hp/Min S.Def Scizor: 73%-86%
Thunderbolt Vs Any god damn Gyrados: R I P =X
Thunderbolt Vs 4 Hp/Min S.Def Jolteon: -25% Lol..
Thunderbolt Vs Min Hp/Min S.Def Lucario: 100%
Thunderbolt Vs Min Hp/Min S.Def (Including Drop due to Naive): 84%-99%

See?? This thing is a monster.
Oh and on a side note this isnt actually a "Special sweeper" tbh.Suggestions what the name of the role should be written are appreciated ^.^ .

Evs and Nature
These are both quite straightforward..Max S.Atk and Speed are there to boost its already high Speed and to increase the dammage with my attacks.The rest of the 4 EVs are more of a filler and can be placed wherever u want lol.The nature is there to outspeed possitive base 125s and neutral 140's as well (Voltorb?).It also lets me outspeed the standard Bulky Gyra even after a DD.

Considered Changes
Over my dead body...

The Mixed Sweeper

Salamence @ Life Orb
16 Atk/240 S.Atk/252 Spe
Naive (+Spe -S.Def)

-Draco Meteor

Yes folks its the infamous and feared Mixmence.Well using Mixmence on my team is kind of a rule actualy.Every1 knows that if u want a SDLuke team u have to have mixmence =P.Since this is my first try with that Warrior Dog i didnt want to get too "Creative" and simply try with the standard shit.Well now i know why every1 suggests to use Mixmence.I mean it fits in my team perfectly simply stealrolling through every1 with his massively overpowered attacks.I mean this guy can hit every single thing in the game for either super effective or with those feared Stabbed dragon attacks of his.The dammage done by Draco Meteor is just devastating.It can k0 half of the metagame single handedly.But when physical power is the way to go you gota love outrage.And when paired up togethar its quite hard for the opponent not to feal pressure.The other two attacks arent actually used as much and are simply ment for making a path for the dragon attacks by destroying those pesky steels =P.Salamence checks a large number of threats in my team such as erm....Well it can basicly k0 everything so yah im not sure who to give as an example lol.This guy also has very good synergy with my team complementing my other sweepers and paving a path for them to land the final blows.Mixmence also has a good combination with Luke checking the majority of threats for him.The item of choice is Life Orb here because it just makes Mences attacks that much more deadly.More often than not mence is the one sweeping the opponent while everyone else is watching at the sidelines.Another selling point of Mixmence is its ability to just dominate Stall.He just destroys it...And mixmence is also my main sweeper in stall matches and helps out the most by atleast killing about 2-3 pokes.Every time u see him on the field u know that ur gona get 1 kill.All in all Mence is simply a broken pokemon.The only thing restraining him from the realm of ubers (Apparently not restraining him any more though every1 is like "Ow mah gawd hes soo an uber!!") is that 25% from every switch.I try to stop that as much as possible by killing the opponents lead during the first few turns.

Evs and Nature
Well i go with the standard Evs here on this guy.The 252 Speed is there to make me as fast as possible and at best speed tie with other base 100's.The 240 S.Atk Evs exist to make Draco Meteor that much more scary and finally some are invested into attack to increase Outrage's dammage output.The nature is again to maximize speed.

Considered Changes

The Star Of The Show

Lucario @ Life Orb
Inner Focus
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
Addamant (+Atk -S.Atk)

-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Extreeme Speed
-Stone Edge

Were finally here!The best late game sweeper in the current metagame!The final sweeper and the last challenge for my opponent to break through (Which they usually cant ;D).SDLuke is just such a destructive pokemon.I mean when u can Ohk0 a Physical Wall with a Physical Attack u kno that the one doing it deserves a frikin Medal.More often than not however Luke dsnt get the oppurtunity to SD but that dsnt stop him from kicking the opponents ass anyway...Swords Dance is Ovious its a Swords Dancing Lucario duhh...It doubles my Attack to make Lucario into an absolute monster.Close Combat is there for the absolutly essential Stab which gives it a whopping 180 base.The only problem with Lucario is its somewhat Medicore Speed.So why not solve that with a bit of prioirty? Usually the pokes that are above the 100 speed tier tend to be quite fragile.And Luke takes that oppurtunity by ripping appart through them with the highest base Priority in the game (Screw u sucker punch).Personally i dont like low accuracy attacks but i really dont have any choice in the last slot.Its either this or Crunch.And crunch is stupid bcuz im obviously not beating gengar and most stuff like Celebi and Rotom are already hit super hard with Stone edge.The main reason i carry it is because of annoying Gyras who try to stop my sweeping and at the same time Set up themselves.Theyl think twice before they try that little stunt again...The Item is LO again to increase the dammage and grab me some essential k0s against stuff like Skarmory,Swampert Etc.Between the two abilities i like Inner focus better even though Steadfast is quite kewl.Innfer focus lets me Set up on little Jirachis choice locked in Iron head.Nothing else much to say here...

Ev's and Nature
The Evs are also quite standard here.The Speed and Attack Evs are there to maximize my 2 most important Stats.I go with Addamant as nature because I already have a medicore speed and there isnt all that much i want to outspeed.Because Extreemespeed takes care of that problem.

Considerred Changes

If u want to see how i use my team check out the link below.Well tbh we both played quite stupidly that match and made quite a bit of mistakes (Eroc made hella lot more im quite dissapointed really ={ ) but since im too lazy to make a vid myself thats the best ul get =P.Well heres the link

Well thank you for reading my RMT.All your feedbacks and suggestions are welcome.Ur always welcome to "Field Test" my team as well.And do forgive any grammatical mistakes cuz English isnt my First language =L.And please...Dont hate =P.
Hey, nice team and I like the long descriptions, it was good on the eye.

Now, to help reduce this "bad" stealth rock weakness this team has, I would suggest replacing Gyarados for an Offensive Suicune. Why? Since you have Scizor to constantly scout with U-Turn, this will give Suicune the chance to check opposing Gyarados, Heatran, Infernape, and you can dent non-scarf Rotom forms. Suicune can furthermore help Lucario in securing a sweep late game. If you do keep Gyarados, a smart player will obviously somehow set up rocks during the game, Azelf can only do so much but usually the opponent switches to a fast pokemon like Jirachi to U-Turn to force a switch.

Gyarados is extremely difficult to set up with, and your opponent will be forcing switches and rocks will be the issue. But, enough about rocks. Your team is fantastic and now I'll tell you the offensive Suicune set.

Suicune @Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Evs: 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
-HP Electric
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind
This team is pretty damn generic, I mean there really is not much to rate on a team like this. Also try to use somewhat proper english, it makes reading the RMT that much easier and nicer, I know its not your first language, but some spelling mistakes are horrible.

The damage calculations on Jolteon were a waste of your time, obviously it should be hitting those frail sweepers hard, calculations on walls/checks would have been much better.

Anyway, why are you running frustration on Gyarados? Normal moves have possibly the worst coverage, and should only be used for STAB/Priority/Crappy movepool, of which Gyarados meets none. Running Stone Edge over Frustration is the infinitely better choice, although you could always run Dragon Dance / Waterfall / Stone Edge / Bounce if you feel you can handle not running Taunt, it lets you defeat those that usually wall you like Celebi, while also giving you an extra turn of leftover recovery.

What nature is Lucario? It should be running Crunch if Adamant, allowing it to beat Rotom, and other ghosts which are more than likely to come in attempting to predict a Close Combat, if you are using Jolly, use Ice Punch. Stone Edge is a good move, but its accuracy doesn't work with Lucario's frailness, not to mention that by this stage of the game, most of your opponent's Lucario counters should be weakened, a lot.

You are also incredibly weak to AgiliGross, who can beat your whole team just after a +2, nothing can stop it if it is using ThunderPunch/Meteor Mash/Earthquake. You also struggle against ScarfTran, only Gyarados can take Fire hits, Salamence is not going to like taking 180 Base Power moves with SR down, so he doesn't really count.

I recommend running Vaporeon [or you could use the Suicune mentioned above], this gives your team another water type to tank out fire hits, while also being able to deal with AgiliGross.

And Megan Fox is hot.
Hey, nice team and I like the long descriptions, it was good on the eye.

Now, to help reduce this "bad" stealth rock weakness this team has, I would suggest replacing Gyarados for an Offensive Suicune. Why? Since you have Scizor to constantly scout with U-Turn, this will give Suicune the chance to check opposing Gyarados, Heatran, Infernape, and you can dent non-scarf Rotom forms. Suicune can furthermore help Lucario in securing a sweep late game. If you do keep Gyarados, a smart player will obviously somehow set up rocks during the game, Azelf can only do so much but usually the opponent switches to a fast pokemon like Jirachi to U-Turn to force a switch.

Gyarados is extremely difficult to set up with, and your opponent will be forcing switches and rocks will be the issue. But, enough about rocks. Your team is fantastic and now I'll tell you the offensive Suicune set.

Suicune @Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Evs: 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
-HP Electric
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind
Thanks il try it =]

This team is pretty damn generic, I mean there really is not much to rate on a team like this. Also try to use somewhat proper english, it makes reading the RMT that much easier and nicer, I know its not your first language, but some spelling mistakes are horrible.

The damage calculations on Jolteon were a waste of your time, obviously it should be hitting those frail sweepers hard, calculations on walls/checks would have been much better.

Anyway, why are you running frustration on Gyarados? Normal moves have possibly the worst coverage, and should only be used for STAB/Priority/Crappy movepool, of which Gyarados meets none. Running Stone Edge over Frustration is the infinitely better choice, although you could always run Dragon Dance / Waterfall / Stone Edge / Bounce if you feel you can handle not running Taunt, it lets you defeat those that usually wall you like Celebi, while also giving you an extra turn of leftover recovery.

What nature is Lucario? It should be running Crunch if Adamant, allowing it to beat Rotom, and other ghosts which are more than likely to come in attempting to predict a Close Combat, if you are using Jolly, use Ice Punch. Stone Edge is a good move, but its accuracy doesn't work with Lucario's frailness, not to mention that by this stage of the game, most of your opponent's Lucario counters should be weakened, a lot.

You are also incredibly weak to AgiliGross, who can beat your whole team just after a +2, nothing can stop it if it is using ThunderPunch/Meteor Mash/Earthquake. You also struggle against ScarfTran, only Gyarados can take Fire hits, Salamence is not going to like taking 180 Base Power moves with SR down, so he doesn't really count.

I recommend running Vaporeon [or you could use the Suicune mentioned above], this gives your team another water type to tank out fire hits, while also being able to deal with AgiliGross.

And Megan Fox is hot.
I thought in pokemon you call it "standard" lol..And yah i am trying to improove in using "Formal" English.Sorry im really not used to typing "you" writing is completely differant but yah i will try to make some edits to improove it in the future.Sorry again =L.

Frustration works just like Stone edge (Without the supper effective part on some stuff....) but as i said i really dont like the accuracy drop which betrays me quite a lot....A LOT.

Thanks for mentioning the obvious >_>.

I will try out Vaporeon and Suicune as well.

Ty for the Rate\Semi harsh criticism =]



is an Artist Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
The deinition of a suicide lead is that they usually die, and that azelf wont be dying if it has U-Turn. Why not switch it for psychic or grass knot, and pump all the att ev's into Sp.att. That way you can easily take on machamps and infernapes or swamperts and hippowdons.

Also, i noticed that you used flamethrower on both azelf and salamence. Fire Blast's accuracy is actually quite good, and is worth the extra power.

And Frustration does NOT provide the same coverage as Stone Edge XD but if you dont like the Accuracy, Try Bounce. You can hit quite a few things with bounce such as machamp breloom celebi, which would wall you otherwise unless you have 2-3 Ddances up.

While baton pass is a good scout move, signal beam obtains more coverage, and hp ice would not be useless, because you dont have any ice moves to hit dragons, or gliscor.

Thats all i have to say...
When I say this team is pretty damn generic, I am really saying, this team is just popular OUs thrown together, I mean of course is going to be decent with such pokemon, but you will lose to any decently structured team. Reason being that your team has no real purpose, no real basic battle strategy. If you are using something like SD Lucario as a late game sweeper, you should make a list of his checks/counters, and have your team built so that you can effectively take down those counters/checks, allowing for Lucario to have an easy late game sweep.
When I say this team is pretty damn generic, I am really saying, this team is just popular OUs thrown together, I mean of course is going to be decent with such pokemon, but you will lose to any decently structured team. Reason being that your team has no real purpose, no real basic battle strategy. If you are using something like SD Lucario as a late game sweeper, you should make a list of his checks/counters, and have your team built so that you can effectively take down those counters/checks, allowing for Lucario to have an easy late game sweep.
U dont have to be that Harsh =L....Well i guess il keep trying till it works ehh lol.
Well help me out then..Where did i go wrong?
I got to tell you, I usually get PMs for some of the most gimmicky and out-on-a-limb teams to be rated- thankfully, since this team is very bog standard, I don't have to hurt my brain thinking of Pokemon that qualify some weird rule while still fixing the many problems the team had. Very well written RMT for not having English as your first language, I actually laughed at Jolteon's damage calcs against Jolteon. On to the team...

Lucario does not need Stone Edge, he isn't really hitting much with it. I'd personally run Bullet Punch, to get around Gengar and Scarftar.

Gyarados also should not be running Return/Frustration, try Bounce to get around Celebi.

The dual stealth rock weakness is really just not good. A personal rule of mine is to run roost on mixmence- lo + sandstorm + sr + intimidate switching means a very dead salamence. Your team covers a lot by the dual intimidate strategy, but neither member has recovery. Try giving Salamence roost, and running a different lead. For this team, NO lead can get SR, because then things like SD Lucario walk over you once the intimidaters are dead. Or you can run Rapid Spin. I'd ask you to either change to Aerodactyl, so you know you beat other azelf, or to run Starmie w/ rapid spin over Scizor- perhaps scarf? I'll leave it to you. Good luck with the team.

EDIT: And yes Megan Fox is a butterface.
I got to tell you, I usually get PMs for some of the most gimmicky and out-on-a-limb teams to be rated- thankfully, since this team is very bog standard, I don't have to hurt my brain thinking of Pokemon that qualify some weird rule while still fixing the many problems the team had. Very well written RMT for not having English as your first language, I actually laughed at Jolteon's damage calcs against Jolteon. On to the team...

Lucario does not need Stone Edge, he isn't really hitting much with it. I'd personally run Bullet Punch, to get around Gengar and Scarftar.

Gyarados also should not be running Return/Frustration, try Bounce to get around Celebi.

The dual stealth rock weakness is really just not good. A personal rule of mine is to run roost on mixmence- lo + sandstorm + sr + intimidate switching means a very dead salamence. Your team covers a lot by the dual intimidate strategy, but neither member has recovery. Try giving Salamence roost, and running a different lead. For this team, NO lead can get SR, because then things like SD Lucario walk over you once the intimidaters are dead. Or you can run Rapid Spin. I'd ask you to either change to Aerodactyl, so you know you beat other azelf, or to run Starmie w/ rapid spin over Scizor- perhaps scarf? I'll leave it to you. Good luck with the team.

EDIT: And yes Megan Fox is a butterface.

First of all glad to see u agree with me on Megan Fox ^.^..
I seriusly tried crunch and i found out that it never actually helped at all with anything.Celebi sometimes was annoying but tbh i like the fact Gyra dsnt set up on my face..But do u mean Bullet punch over Extreemespeed or over Stone edge?

Well really dont underestimate the power of emo moves =P.Frustration (Return is for (BAN ME PLEASE)) alongside Waterfall hits every pokemon for neutral damage bar Empoleon.But since every1 is asking to use bounce il try it out.

Yah rocks weakness sucks ._. ...Well i am testing suicune for that spot.I played like 2 matches with it so not sure yet lol.But i really did not get that personal rule of urs =L.Why would u -Lo and +Intimidate and how does intimidate kill me...I dont get it.Yah i get i should run roost but im curious to know what you were saying there lol.For my team no lead can get SR?Why not?And yah im in big trouble if my Intimidators are dead and Luke gets set up...But hopefully it dsnt get much oppurtunities to do that other than if im choice locked into pirsuit.My luke k0s,Jolteon k0s,Azelf k0s,Scizor 2hk0es with bullet punch so if they try to set up theyl kill themselves with LO dammage when they attack Scizor.But explain what u mean by no one can get SR...And u mean Scarfed Starmie right? Well thats prolly it so il try it out lol.
This is a nice standard team so there isn't much for us raters to consider. You would want to be out sped by other scizor if you are ever CBzor vs. CBzor at full health. If you both superpower, you survive the hit and in return KO after the defence drop (However unlikey this is, it could happen).

I support the idea to be running fire blast > flamethrower, especially on azelf, as the power will be much apprieciated, and running bounce > frustration for coverage on Celebi.

I agree with you Megan Fox is nothing special.
You should consider a Mixed Scarf Salamence which is really valuable to a team and can significantly endanger other teams. I cannot understand why you have placed 60 Attack EVs on Azelf as I think it is unnecesary. Also you might consider Psychic over U-Turn as it deals great damage to leads. Signal Beam should be used over Hidden Power (Grass) as it is more valuable and hits more pokemon for Super Effective damage, particularly Tyranitar.

Your "cool" Gyaravire tactic is not too great. You shoud rather opt for a Scarfed Rotom-A or Starmie which can revenge kill many sweepers or Trick a Choice Scarf over to cripple them.
Ok i got your PM

Well your team is in dire need of a spinner because of your dual SR weakness, i reccomend that you use a choice scarf starmie as a lead:

Starmie @ Choice Scarf
EV's:252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam/Thunderbolt
Rapid Spin

This lead helps you cripple the opposing lead as well as make sure that entry hazourds are gone from the field, so Salamence and Gyara can sweep. Look at the strategy dex for more info.

Next, Gyara should be using bounce instead of frustration to maim celebi switch ins. Also use BP or crunch on Lucario instead of stone edge.

Good Luck!
This is a nice standard team so there isn't much for us raters to consider. You would want to be out sped by other scizor if you are ever CBzor vs. CBzor at full health. If you both superpower, you survive the hit and in return KO after the defence drop (However unlikey this is, it could happen).

I support the idea to be running fire blast > flamethrower, especially on azelf, as the power will be much apprieciated, and running bounce > frustration for coverage on Celebi.

I agree with you Megan Fox is nothing special.
Another Anti Megan Fox person yay =].

For the Scizor oppinion it may sound conveninent but the chances of that happening are almost close to none.Most of the time Both scizors are quite low at hp because this mostly will have at lategame seeing as most of the time id just switch to Gyra or Mence.And even if this happened i would probably sac my scizor because Superpower locked is quite a big death fodder =[...

As much as i like the power boost but seriusly i have HORRIBLE luck..Fire blast and hydro pump is just not for me...

Ok i got your PM

Well your team is in dire need of a spinner because of your dual SR weakness, i reccomend that you use a choice scarf starmie as a lead:

Starmie @ Choice Scarf
EV's:252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam/Thunderbolt
Rapid Spin

This lead helps you cripple the opposing lead as well as make sure that entry hazourds are gone from the field, so Salamence and Gyara can sweep. Look at the strategy dex for more info.

Next, Gyara should be using bounce instead of frustration to maim celebi switch ins. Also use BP or crunch on Lucario instead of stone edge.

Good Luck!

Il try it thanks =].

You should consider a Mixed Scarf Salamence which is really valuable to a team and can significantly endanger other teams. I cannot understand why you have placed 60 Attack EVs on Azelf as I think it is unnecesary. Also you might consider Psychic over U-Turn as it deals great damage to leads. Signal Beam should be used over Hidden Power (Grass) as it is more valuable and hits more pokemon for Super Effective damage, particularly Tyranitar.

Your "cool" Gyaravire tactic is not too great. You shoud rather opt for a Scarfed Rotom-A or Starmie which can revenge kill many sweepers or Trick a Choice Scarf over to cripple them.
First of all glad to see u agree with me on Megan Fox ^.^..
I seriusly tried crunch and i found out that it never actually helped at all with anything.Celebi sometimes was annoying but tbh i like the fact Gyra dsnt set up on my face..But do u mean Bullet punch over Extreemespeed or over Stone edge?

Well really dont underestimate the power of emo moves =P.Frustration (Return is for (BAN ME PLEASE)) alongside Waterfall hits every pokemon for neutral damage bar Empoleon.But since every1 is asking to use bounce il try it out.

Yah rocks weakness sucks ._. ...Well i am testing suicune for that spot.I played like 2 matches with it so not sure yet lol.But i really did not get that personal rule of urs =L.Why would u -Lo and +Intimidate and how does intimidate kill me...I dont get it.Yah i get i should run roost but im curious to know what you were saying there lol.For my team no lead can get SR?Why not?And yah im in big trouble if my Intimidators are dead and Luke gets set up...But hopefully it dsnt get much oppurtunities to do that other than if im choice locked into pirsuit.My luke k0s,Jolteon k0s,Azelf k0s,Scizor 2hk0es with bullet punch so if they try to set up theyl kill themselves with LO dammage when they attack Scizor.But explain what u mean by no one can get SR...And u mean Scarfed Starmie right? Well thats prolly it so il try it out lol.
Bullet Punch over Stone Edge. And I meant intimidate switching, as in switching into a physical attacker just for intimidate to take effect.
Hello Noob Lyf3, I'm responding to your PM. Keep in mind that this is my first rate for several months, so don't expect anything special.

Like you said, this team's synergy is very solid, allowing you to take hits well. Because Jolteon is frail, and your only Electric absorb/resistor, I want you to know that your team may develop a sudden weakness to CM Jirachi, or even Sub Magnezone.

Azelf: I like the creativity of using U-Turn. However, I don't think that the 60 Atk. Evs are necessary. U-Turn for Azelf should be used to maintain the offensive momentum, while avoiding having a Scarf Tyranitar coming in and pursuiting you to death. I would recommend a new EV spread. 4Hp / 252SpA / 252Spe should work just fine, maximizing your speed and power for your new Fire type attack, Fire Blast, over Flamethrower. Fire Blast, while less accurate, is the only way you can OHKO the average Metagross lead, which may cause you grief. Now that you have no need for any real Attack stat, A Jolly nature would restore Azelf's downed SpD stat, which allows Azelf to successfully take two unboosted Thunderbolts from CM Wish Jirachi, and Taunt/Fire Blast back.

Scizor: I don't think that Scizor will support your team very well. Due to the lack of Latias altogether, Scizor usage has, and will decrease steadily for a few months, an I say, jump on the bandwagon. The only pokemon that Scizor can help the team eliminate is Rotom-A, but Lucario will have the opportunity to set up upon choiced Shadow Balls (you will see few Resttalk Rotom-A anymore). Try using a Skarmory.

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Careful: 252Hp / 222SpD / 36Spe
Taunt / Roost / Spikes / Whirlwind

Pros: Before I had used this set, I had always been hesitant to use Skarmory. I stole this set from the team, uh, “Megan Fox is HOT!!!”, and found places for it ever since. Taunt is the key move to this set, allowing Skarmory to set up on these pokemon in OU: Blissey, Bronzong, Forretress, Mamoswine, Ninjask, Scizor, Skarmory, Snorlax, Swampert, Vaporeon, and Weavile. The most common (for me) are bolded. Swampert was giving your team a bit of a hard time earlier, save Gyarados. Spikes will greatly improve Gyarados's chances of sweeping. Consider the fact that most (if not all) pokemon that counter Gyarados are grounded (Jolteon, Celebi, Scarf Jirachi, Suicune, Vaporeon). This will help your team sweep more effectively, as almost all sweepers are benefited with the addition of spikes. Roost will allow Skarmory quickly recover damage, as well as stall out certain Adamant CB Tyranitar boasting Stone Edge (just a threat I think you'd rather not think about), should Lucario go down early. Whirlwind becomes your team's only Phaze move, very useful. SD Scizor can be set up upon by Gyarados or can be whirled away by Skarmory. Once all Spikes are up, and no spinner is to be seen, feel free to spam Whirlwind to pack up on the residual damage.

Cons: Like I said previously, By losing Scizor you will lose one way to deal with Rotom-A, which may hurt you middlegame. Other than that, you also will lose a bit of Priority with the loss of Bullet Punch, but you should still have Lucario's Extremespeed. I guess you also lose a surefire switch in to lead Aerodactyl, but that can be given to the Electric type on your team.

Gyarados: On this team, Gyarados should act as a middle game sweeper, which can Scout and open up holes for Lucario or Salamence to take over and continue sweeping. If I were you, I would switch the Bulkydos set to an Offensive Gyarados set, just to deal more power when scouting. Try an EV Spread of 4Hp / 252Atk / 252Spe, with an Adamant Nature. This is added to maximize the Attack and Speed stats, making Gyarados dangerous, especially when it can utilize layers of spikes + Stealth Rock. Life Orb, while making Gyarados slightly frail, will add to Gyarados's incredible power, and will further weaken some of Lucario's and Salamence's counters. After a Dragon Dance, few pokemon will be able to avoid being 2HKOed by Gyarados.

Jolteon: With the recent addition of spikes, you will need to have a ghost who can block Rapid Spins, which hope to remove your hard-earned hazards. I would recommend adding a Rotom-C to your team, in hopes to Block spins and absorb and spread Status. Let's have a look:

Rotom-C @ Leftovers
Bold: 252Hp / 120Def / 136SpD
Discharge / Will-O-Wisp / Rest / Sleep Talk

Pros: This set works wonders, when used to spread and absorb status. It has been dubbed as “Double Status” by Smogon, as Discharge has a very cool 30% chance of paralyzing the foe. Will-o-Wisp should be spammed early and often, in hopes to nail a Tyranitar or Scizor. Don't worry if a Heatran comes in to spoil your fun and games, because you have the new trusty Offensive Gyarados. Rest and Sleep Talk allow Rotom to absorb all types of status aimed at your teammates. Salamence and Lucario DESPISE status, particularly burns and paralysis. With Rotom here, you will be able to take the status with ease, and will be able to counter with some status of your own. The Bold nature with the selected EV spread will make Rotom as bulky as possible, with a slight emphasis on Defense. The Rotom-C form was chosen to make the Donphan of OU think a bit before showing their faces. To sum it up, all teams with Spikes must have a ghost.

Cons: Jolteon had the benefit of completely absorbing Electric attacks, While rotom-A only resists it. Joleton make a good counter for all types of Rotom-A, save some of the more offensive kind, like Choice Scarf. Jolteon has a lot more speed and power, but may have to switch often, and cannot change moves effectively. Finally, Jolteon does not have a weakness to Pursuit, but Rotom-A will be able to make up for that with Will-O-Wisp.

Salamence: I am a huge fan of this moveset on Salamence, and I use it on many of my teams. I would like you to try an EV spread I sorta invented. Try using a set of 80Atk / 176 SpA / 252Spe. Along with that set, I utilized a naïve nature. I liked the Idea of having a maxed Speed Salamence, which means opposing DD Salamence will not be able to revenge so easily. Emphasis is placed on the Special Attack stat because I always used Draco Meteor to scout, so I could still have a dragon and ground type move, without being locked into Outrage. Other than that, this set looks good to go.

Lucario: Looks fine, Gyarados can deal with Gliscor, even Rotom gan distribute burns to non-taunt versions.

Noob Lyf3, I really like this team, and I hope that you make my suggested changes and improve it!!
Hello Noob Lyf3, I'm responding to your PM. Keep in mind that this is my first rate for several months, so don't expect anything special.

Like you said, this team's synergy is very solid, allowing you to take hits well. Because Jolteon is frail, and your only Electric absorb/resistor, I want you to know that your team may develop a sudden weakness to CM Jirachi, or even Sub Magnezone.

Azelf: I like the creativity of using U-Turn. However, I don't think that the 60 Atk. Evs are necessary. U-Turn for Azelf should be used to maintain the offensive momentum, while avoiding having a Scarf Tyranitar coming in and pursuiting you to death. I would recommend a new EV spread. 4Hp / 252SpA / 252Spe should work just fine, maximizing your speed and power for your new Fire type attack, Fire Blast, over Flamethrower. Fire Blast, while less accurate, is the only way you can OHKO the average Metagross lead, which may cause you grief. Now that you have no need for any real Attack stat, A Jolly nature would restore Azelf's downed SpD stat, which allows Azelf to successfully take two unboosted Thunderbolts from CM Wish Jirachi, and Taunt/Fire Blast back.

Scizor: I don't think that Scizor will support your team very well. Due to the lack of Latias altogether, Scizor usage has, and will decrease steadily for a few months, an I say, jump on the bandwagon. The only pokemon that Scizor can help the team eliminate is Rotom-A, but Lucario will have the opportunity to set up upon choiced Shadow Balls (you will see few Resttalk Rotom-A anymore). Try using a Skarmory.

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Careful: 252Hp / 222SpD / 36Spe
Taunt / Roost / Spikes / Whirlwind

Pros: Before I had used this set, I had always been hesitant to use Skarmory. I stole this set from the team, uh, “Megan Fox is HOT!!!”, and found places for it ever since. Taunt is the key move to this set, allowing Skarmory to set up on these pokemon in OU: Blissey, Bronzong, Forretress, Mamoswine, Ninjask, Scizor, Skarmory, Snorlax, Swampert, Vaporeon, and Weavile. The most common (for me) are bolded. Swampert was giving your team a bit of a hard time earlier, save Gyarados. Spikes will greatly improve Gyarados's chances of sweeping. Consider the fact that most (if not all) pokemon that counter Gyarados are grounded (Jolteon, Celebi, Scarf Jirachi, Suicune, Vaporeon). This will help your team sweep more effectively, as almost all sweepers are benefited with the addition of spikes. Roost will allow Skarmory quickly recover damage, as well as stall out certain Adamant CB Tyranitar boasting Stone Edge (just a threat I think you'd rather not think about), should Lucario go down early. Whirlwind becomes your team's only Phaze move, very useful. SD Scizor can be set up upon by Gyarados or can be whirled away by Skarmory. Once all Spikes are up, and no spinner is to be seen, feel free to spam Whirlwind to pack up on the residual damage.

Cons: Like I said previously, By losing Scizor you will lose one way to deal with Rotom-A, which may hurt you middlegame. Other than that, you also will lose a bit of Priority with the loss of Bullet Punch, but you should still have Lucario's Extremespeed. I guess you also lose a surefire switch in to lead Aerodactyl, but that can be given to the Electric type on your team.

Gyarados: On this team, Gyarados should act as a middle game sweeper, which can Scout and open up holes for Lucario or Salamence to take over and continue sweeping. If I were you, I would switch the Bulkydos set to an Offensive Gyarados set, just to deal more power when scouting. Try an EV Spread of 4Hp / 252Atk / 252Spe, with an Adamant Nature. This is added to maximize the Attack and Speed stats, making Gyarados dangerous, especially when it can utilize layers of spikes + Stealth Rock. Life Orb, while making Gyarados slightly frail, will add to Gyarados's incredible power, and will further weaken some of Lucario's and Salamence's counters. After a Dragon Dance, few pokemon will be able to avoid being 2HKOed by Gyarados.

Jolteon: With the recent addition of spikes, you will need to have a ghost who can block Rapid Spins, which hope to remove your hard-earned hazards. I would recommend adding a Rotom-C to your team, in hopes to Block spins and absorb and spread Status. Let's have a look:

Rotom-C @ Leftovers
Bold: 252Hp / 120Def / 136SpD
Discharge / Will-O-Wisp / Rest / Sleep Talk

Pros: This set works wonders, when used to spread and absorb status. It has been dubbed as “Double Status” by Smogon, as Discharge has a very cool 30% chance of paralyzing the foe. Will-o-Wisp should be spammed early and often, in hopes to nail a Tyranitar or Scizor. Don't worry if a Heatran comes in to spoil your fun and games, because you have the new trusty Offensive Gyarados. Rest and Sleep Talk allow Rotom to absorb all types of status aimed at your teammates. Salamence and Lucario DESPISE status, particularly burns and paralysis. With Rotom here, you will be able to take the status with ease, and will be able to counter with some status of your own. The Bold nature with the selected EV spread will make Rotom as bulky as possible, with a slight emphasis on Defense. The Rotom-C form was chosen to make the Donphan of OU think a bit before showing their faces. To sum it up, all teams with Spikes must have a ghost.

Cons: Jolteon had the benefit of completely absorbing Electric attacks, While rotom-A only resists it. Joleton make a good counter for all types of Rotom-A, save some of the more offensive kind, like Choice Scarf. Jolteon has a lot more speed and power, but may have to switch often, and cannot change moves effectively. Finally, Jolteon does not have a weakness to Pursuit, but Rotom-A will be able to make up for that with Will-O-Wisp.

Salamence: I am a huge fan of this moveset on Salamence, and I use it on many of my teams. I would like you to try an EV spread I sorta invented. Try using a set of 80Atk / 176 SpA / 252Spe. Along with that set, I utilized a naïve nature. I liked the Idea of having a maxed Speed Salamence, which means opposing DD Salamence will not be able to revenge so easily. Emphasis is placed on the Special Attack stat because I always used Draco Meteor to scout, so I could still have a dragon and ground type move, without being locked into Outrage. Other than that, this set looks good to go.

Lucario: Looks fine, Gyarados can deal with Gliscor, even Rotom gan distribute burns to non-taunt versions.

Noob Lyf3, I really like this team, and I hope that you make my suggested changes and improve it!!

Well that is a lot of changes u are hoping to make 0_o....This is basicly enough info to make a brand new team lol.Well i wont make any comments so far and just try these out ^.^....Thats for the awesome rate and sorry for taking to long to check i kinda 4got to do it yesterday ={.

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