Star Wars Mafia

well I sort of jamped right into that one. It's not like I knew Jc was a rebel or not, so I just went with toothache. So I guess I got baited?
You sure did jamp in.

You also tried to lynch me. That makes 3 you've tried to lynch so far. I only checked back the last few lynches, too.

I say we get GTS!
after this whole thing with sklez is resolved, I'm on the chopping block, arent I? Uncool.

I'll argue it when the time comes, but for now

Lynch Melon
You're on the chopping block. Argue it.

Lynch Mr. Escalator

Unless he can prove otherwise.
You sure did jamp in.

You also tried to lynch me. That makes 3 you've tried to lynch so far. I only checked back the last few lynches, too.

You're on the chopping block. Argue it.

Lynch Mr. Escalator

Unless he can prove otherwise.
Will do.
That part where I said lynch GTS! was obviously a joke, especially with what was going on before that. I've been pretty good with my lynches, and I don't think I've gone lynching left and right. I don't think I've done early lynching at all, and I believe I've only targeted another rebel in the case of Shiv's trap that toothache pulled (considering that he's been pretty good with his lynches I dont know how I could not believe.

You can probably look through my posts throughout this thread and I bet none of them even hint at me being anything but a rebel.

The Shiv's trap, and the stupid joke >___>, are what you're using against me. The trap did show them to be Mafia, but I'm not.

-so I've been good with lynches and havent made bandwagons or lynch attempts against fellow rebels aside for the trap.
-I've been sticking close to the people who I consider rebel, i.e. you and toothy, and following with what you've been poking at. I have not made a single private message to anyone who I believed to be rebel because of the chance a kira was being pulled and I would get killed. I even sort of believed Jackal when he went out, but I've stayed away from PMing. I've been keeping at staying separate in the hopes I wouldnt get in contact with the mafia.

I guess thats a bad thing now seeing as I can't prove me being clean, and people seem especially bloodthirsty in this late of the game.

I would actually place someone like Fishin or even Darkie as being mafia, but they could very well be part of the main rebel group. I dont know. They seem more mafia-esque than I do, at the very least.
I know for a fact that Fishin is clean, so there goes another Rebel mention.
I have not made a single private message to anyone who I believed to be rebel because of the chance a kira was being pulled and I would get killed. I even sort of believed Jackal when he went out, but I've stayed away from PMing. I've been keeping at staying separate in the hopes I wouldnt get in contact with the mafia.
I would actually place someone like Fishin or even Darkie as being mafia, but they could very well be part of the main rebel group. I dont know.
I JUST mentioned this
It's liked you skimmed over it.

I don't know who you're in contact with. I don't know who is confirmed rebel. I'm not in contact with the main group.

I was stabbing at that maybe someone else makes a better lynch than me. Thats it. I'm not saying I think they're mafia or anything, just that aside from the trap, they make seemingly as likely targets as I.
I JUST mentioned this
It's liked you skimmed over it.

I don't know who you're in contact with. I don't know who is confirmed rebel. I'm not in contact with the main group.

I was stabbing at that maybe someone else makes a better lynch than me. Thats it. I'm not saying I think they're mafia or anything, just that aside from the trap, they make seemingly as likely targets as I.
Well, you said you believed Jackal and claimed Fishin was Mafia. Both of which are questionable.

Unless you can provide a better reason to lynch ControllerOfFlames, you're the best lead we have.
Because Jackal, unlike a lot of silent people, actually made a big post. All i've gotten is whats been posted, and he made a pretty good appeal. Of course he was wrong and was mafia, but it did end up convincing me.

and againagainagain

didnt claim fish to be mafia. Fishin and Darkie were recent posters I've heard very little from in the thread.

COF does seem suspicious, and I'm going to look into and make an edit after this.

a quick look on the front page and I dont ever remember FFmaster saying much, and shiney maybe?

I dont know.

edit: went to the first page of posting and checked for lynches made by COF.

and now me

two rebels, but both were sort of desperate lynches that others started. This isn't much proof against cof, but I'm not that big of a suspect, am I really?


Alas poor Yorick!
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So intent on sending someone down with you Esc? Well anyways the fact is I certainly havent been posting or lynching much at all and this was mostly because of a drama competition I had ( ). I really don't feel the need to argue with Esc because it's obvious he's mafia and just trying to shake off suspicion.
thanks for dismissing me so god-damn casually >__>

of course I'm trying to dispel suspicion on myself. Why the hell wouldnt I? I'm a rebel, and I don't want to be lynched just because people took some things I said the worst way.


I would actually place someone like Fishin or even Darkie as being mafia, but they could very well be part of the main rebel group.
you two are choosing to only nitpick the first half. I even admitted that I dont know where the fuck everyone stands and that It could very well be wrong. You guys would know it would be wrong.

I was half-anticipating you guys to hound me just because I threw out some names. Thats why I went out of my way and added that because of my solo-ness? I wouldn't know.

stop only selecting that part.


I'm going to bed and have school tomorrow.
I wont be back until 3, so if you guys go through with it, I'll be dead by then
if not

Lynch COF

pretty obvious mafia
If I dont turn out to be the last BH (I'm a fucking rebel)
you know who to go for.

do you still win if your dead but your team wins it?
The Bounty Hunters will lose, so don't worry about it.

I'll just come out and say it. I am the inspector. I was in contact with Hip, SD, and then Tooth.

As of right now, I have checked everybody in the game except ControllerOfFlames and Mr. Escalator, so I can not attest to their honest position.

However, Mr. E has been caught before, and is the only one that shows potential mafiability based strictly on posts. If someone can convince otherwise, please speak up.

If not, the lynch stands, but note that Mr. Escalator is not confirmed anything right now. Keep in mind, that if Mr. Escalator does prove Rebel, the Rebel group can still win and COF will be up for lynching next.
or have they made a vital mistake?

Jackal was right
If Sklez wasnt a lamer and killed cookie, this game would have turned for us.

If this was mid game opposed to late game, I would still be alive, and you all know it! It's just that, I'm the last one, and you guys are pretty tied up together. A few days back and I'd be alive ;-;

But it was fun
My team wasn't the best (Minus Jackal cause he was the bomb!)
And I wish I had a role

Good Games!

And, GP, are you considering another Mafia for those who hadnt made it into Mafia Mafia? I would really be interested.


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yeah for a moment suspose I was a BH why would Esc place suspicion one me it makes no sense.

I don't care what GTS says about checking everyone else I'm not a BH.

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