[STABmons] Landorus-T

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Scyther NO Swiping

Washed up former great
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
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-- [QC: TEG/The Reptile/Unfixable ] --
-- [GP: Snobalt/P Squared ] --​

Landorus-T is a top-tier threat in STABmons, being able to check or counter most of the top threats on opposing teams. Because of its versatility, it fits in on virtually every team and every playstyle. Landorus-T has Intimidate, great physical bulk, and a strong defensive typing, allowing it to check many physical attackers. It also has amazing Attack and an expansive movepool, making it capable of being either a great wallbreaker or sweeper. However, Landorus-T must choose between its access to support moves and reliable recovery and its high-Base Power STAB moves. Landorus-T is also prone to four-moveslot syndrome, often having to choose between coverage moves or choose which support move helps its team the best. It also possesses merely average Speed, giving it trouble keeping up with many threats.

name: Defensive
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe


Defog helps Landorus-T support its team by clearing the field of entry hazards. Landorus-T makes for a good Defogger because it is immune to Spikes and neutral to Stealth Rock. Stealth Rock helps Landorus-T support its team by wearing down the foes as they switch in. Roost allows Landorus-T to restore half of its health, letting it stick around for a while. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that has the advantage of ridding the foe of its item. Earthquake is Landorus-T's primary STAB attack and hits foes hard. Stone Edge is an alternative to hit foes such as Talonflame and Thundurus, which wouldn't mind Landorus-T otherwise.

Set Details

The given Defense EVs paired with an Impish nature and Intimidate help make Landorus-T a fierce physically defensive wall. 252 EVs in HP serve to make Landorus-T as bulky as possible. 8 Special Defense EVs may not seem like much, but they help Landorus-T survive certain hits such as Mega Manectric's Hidden Power Ice. 8 Speed EVs make a difference as well, allowing Landorus-T to outspeed threats such as Modest Magnezone. Leftovers grants Landorus-T some passive recovery each turn, and Rocky Helmet serves as an alternative item to punish the common Fake Out + Extreme Speed users.

Usage Tips

With its good natural bulk and Intimidate, defensive Landorus-T is able to switch into many physical attackers, particularly the many Fake Out + Extreme Speed users. However, Landorus-T does not like Ice- or Water-types, so try to switch it out when you see them. Its U-turn can provide good momentum and create many opportunities to safely switch in your setup sweeper or a counter to the foe. Don't forget that Roost takes away Landorus-T's Flying typing for the rest of that turn, so beware of slow Ground-type attacks on turns Landorus-T uses Roost. Also be aware that Defog clears entry hazards on your side of the field as well as the opponent's, so if you rely on stacking entry hazards, know that using Defog will help the opponent too. Don't let the foe set up to sweep your team; if it starts to set up, U-turn out to a teammate that can handle the foe.

Team Options

Special walls such as Chansey and Meloetta pair well with Landorus-T to back up its average Special Defense, forming a durable core. Landorus-T backs up their subpar Defense in return. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Mega Diancie, Terrakion, and Tyranitar. Landorus-T takes the Ground- and Electric-type moves that they don't appreciate, and they take out the Water- and Ice-types that Landorus-T struggles against in return. Being a Defogger, Landorus-T works well with Pokemon weak to Stealth Rock, such as both Mega Charizard formes, Mega Pinsir, and Rotom-H, all of which can hit foes hard in return. Because some foes will try to set up on this passive Landorus-T, Pokemon like Unaware Clefable, Quagsire, Ditto, and Topsy-Turvy Sableye, which can stop setup sweepers, make for good teammates. Finally, Ferrothorn provides great defensive synergy with Landorus-T, and the two form a great defensive core together.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Knock Off / Hidden Power Ice
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 Def


Precipice Blades is Landorus-T's premier STAB move and hits everything hard that doesn't resist it. However, if the move's imperfect accuracy scares you, Earthquake is an alternative that sacrifices some power for perfect accuracy. Dragon Ascent is Landorus-T's secondary STAB move that also hits many foes hard but lowers Landorus-T's Defense and Special Defense by one stage each time it is used. U-turn is good for getting chip damage and building momentum by switching into a teammate with a better matchup against the foe. Knock Off is good for ridding the foe of its item, potentially crippling its usefulness. Stone Edge is a good coverage move that hits many Flying-, Bug-, Fire-, and Ice-types hard. Hidden Power Ice is an alternative coverage move that is able to 2HKO opposing Landorus-T. Superpower is another option to surprise foes such as Ferrothorn and Tyranitar. Finally, Explosion is an option to keep momentum and inflict heavy damage.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack allow Landorus-T to deal the most damage possible. A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs and Choice Scarf allows Landorus-T to outspeed every unboosted foe in the game. If using Hidden Power Ice, a Naive nature should be used so as to not lower Landorus-T's Special Attack, and 30 Attack and Defense IVs should be used to give it Hidden Power Ice. Intimidate lowers the foe's Attack by one stage, weakening its offensive power, often forcing the foe to switch.

Usage Tips

Landorus-T can be used at any point in the game due to its versatility, but it works well early-game to help wear down the opposing team with U-turn, Knock Off, and its powerful STAB moves. It also works well late-game as a revenge killer. Choice Scarf locks Landorus-T into one move, so prediction is key. When in doubt, use U-turn and switch to a defensive teammate to take a hit from the foe. When using U-turn, it is important to predict your opponent's move and switch into a teammate that can take the hit. Switch out if your opponent switches in an Ice- or Water-type priority user such as Cloyster, Kyurem-B, or Azumarill. Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, so if you predict that the foe will switch, either use Knock Off to rid the switch-in of its item or use U-turn to keep up momentum and switch to a teammate with a better matchup against the switch-in. Running a Ground-type move on a Choice set is risky, so it is important to make sure that foes immune to Ground are eliminated before locking Landorus-T into it.

Team Options

Other Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Rotom-W, which has great type synergy with Landorus-T, Raikou, Celebi, and Magnezone can form a VoltTurn core with Landorus-T that helps build momentum and wear down the opposing team. Because it forces many switches, Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard support from teammates such as Heatran, Tyranitar, and Ferrothorn, all of which Landorus-T can switch into Ground-type moves for. Water- and Rock-types also make for good teammates for Landorus-T in terms of defensive synergy. Water-types such as Blastoise and Starmie resist Water, while Landorus-T is immune to Electric. Rock-types such as Terrakion and Mega Diancie take out Ice-types, which Landorus-T doesn't like, and Landorus-T is immune to Ground. Landorus-T also pairs well with strong Fighting-types, such as Toxicroak and Mega Medicham, that can take down bulky foes such as Ferrothorn, Chansey, and Porygon2.

name: Offensive
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Dragon Ascent / Rock Polish / Swords Dance
item: Earth Plate
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Precipice Blades hits everything extremely hard coupled with Earth Plate, 2HKOing maximum Defense Quagsire if Landorus-T runs an Adamant nature. It does, however, have imperfect accuracy. Earthquake is an alternative to Precipice Blades, trading some power for accuracy but still hitting very hard. Stone Edge attains perfect neutral coverage along with Landorus-T's Ground-type STAB move. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out of a bad situation while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that hits the foe hard and removes its item. Dragon Ascent is a secondary STAB option that hits extremely hard despite lowering Landorus-T's defensive stats. Rock Polish doubles Landorus-T's Speed, allowing it to outspeed all unboosted foes. Alternatively, Swords Dance increases Landorus-T's already impressive Attack to incredible levels.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack make the most of Landorus-T's impressive Attack. A Jolly nature and maximum Speed EVs allow Landorus-T to outspeed other threats like unboosted Meloetta. Alternatively, an Adamant nature gives Landorus-T maximum power. Earth Plate boosts Ground-type moves by 1.2, which, coupled with Landorus-T's incredible Attack, allows it to use its Ground-type STAB move to hit anything that doesn't resist it for incredible damage.

Usage Tips

Precipice Blades 2HKOes most Pokemon that aren't resistant or immune to it, so don't be afraid to spam it. Because of its ability and impressive coverage, Landorus-T forces a lot of switches. Knock Off is great for punishing predicted switch-ins and ridding them of their item. Another option when predicting a switch is to use Rock Polish or Swords Dance should Landorus-T be running one of them, putting it in a better position to sweep. Landorus-T can also set up if you know that it can survive an incoming hit. Be careful when using Dragon Ascent, as even though it's powerful, the Defense and Special Defense drops make Landorus-T easily revenge killed. U-turn can be used when you know that Landorus-T outspeeds the foe to get chip damage and then switch to a teammate that can take the hit better. Even though Landorus-T has U-turn, don't be afraid to manually switch it out of battle. Landorus-T is susceptible to being revenge killed by Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and many fast Water-types, so don't let it take a hit from them.

Team Options

Fake Out + Extreme Speed users such as Stoutland, Ursaring, and Snorlax appreciate having Landorus-T eliminate the Rock- and Steel-types that stand in their way. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-types such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Tyranitar, and Mega Diancie, as they can help combat each other's weaknesses. They can eliminate the Ice- and Water-types that Landorus-T doesn't like, and in return, Landorus-T can switch into the Ground-type moves that they can't survive. Rotom-W has the added benefit of being able to take out opposing Landorus-T. Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard setters such as Ferrothorn, Terrakion, and Heatran to help wear down foes and sometimes bring them into OHKO range. Landorus-T appreciates specially defensive walls such as Chansey, Porygon2, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar so that it can use U-turn and switch into them to take the special hits it may not be able to withstand.

Other Options

Landorus-T can use Spikes alongside Stealth Rock to serve as an entry hazard stacker. Landorus-T could also run a double dance set with Rock Polish and Swords Dance to set up to sweep, but it has problems with many priority users. With its good defensive stats and Intimidate, Landorus-T has the option to use Calm Mind to boost its Special Attack and Special Defense, attacking with Earth Power and Oblivion Wing, the latter of which also recovers HP. Because Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, it could run Substitute. If running the move, you should also run Salac Berry, use Substitute to activate it, and then use the turn behind the Substitute to use Swords Dance to try to sweep. Landorus-T is also capable of running a set comprising Stealth Rock or Spikes, Roost, Earthquake, and Stone Edge with Leftovers to take advantage of both its offensive and defensive abilities.

Checks and Counters

**Ice-types**: Ice-types such as Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and Weavile are often able to OHKO Landorus-T with their STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Landorus-T cannot take Water-type STAB moves from the likes of Gyarados, Azumarill, and Cloyster well. Rotom-W is possibly the best Landorus-T counter in the metagame, as it is immune to Ground, resists Flying, and is able to either hit back with Origin Pulse or burn Landorus-T with Scald or Will-O-Wisp.

**Fast Special Attackers**: Fast special attackers such as Serperior, Tornadus, and Thundurus are able to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and deal a lot of damage to if not outright KO it, as its Special Defense is just average.

**Status Spreaders**: Despite being immune to Thunder Wave, Landorus-T despises being burned or put to sleep from the likes of Sableye, Whimscott, Serperior, Glare Porygon2, Rotom-W, and Ferrothorn.

**Physically Defensive Walls**: Physically defensive walls such as Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Mega Slowbro, Garchomp, and opposing Landorus-T are able to switch into attacks from Landorus-T and either cripple it with status, set up on it, or chip away at its health.
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Banned deucer.
(make sure you follow the analysis layout exactly, any errors will show up in the dex on site later)

  • Let's combine the lines about physical bulk and Intimidate; they accomplish the same thing.
  • I'd add that even without investment its Attack is solid. That's one of the boons to the defensive builds--it's not a sitting duck.
Set - Choice Scarf
  • Please make this set #2
  • Flying STAB should not be slashed. Brave Bird shouldn't be mentioned either. The recoil is not worth the risk of KOing yourself whereas after a Dragon Ascent you'll most likely have to switch anyway as they bring in a Flying-resist or FakeSpeeder when they realize you're Scarfed.
  • I'd run Ground/Flying/U-turn and then slash Stone Edge with Knock Off. Stone Edge is nice for Thundurus, but Dragon Ascent can already 2HKO.
  • Please include why Stone Edge is good coverage.
  • I'd even add Hidden Power Ice down here as an alternative fourth move. Uninvested 2HKOs other Landorus.
Set Details
  • Even though Intimidate is mandatory, you can still explain what it does here. Namely, it helps keep up momentum w/ U-turn.
  • If you add HP Ice to Moves, mention a -Sdef nature as an option.
Usage Tips
  • Mention that using Ground STAB on a choice set carries higher risk, so you need to clear Flyers/Levitators.
Team Options
  • I'd rather mention Raikou than Heliolisk, much more viable.
  • Also emphasize that Rotom-W and Landorus-T have great type synergy.
  • Choice Sets also must be wary of hazards with all the switching they have to do, so add a Spinner. Mega Blastoise is listed already so you can indicate it helps spin.
Set - Defensive Defogger
  • Needs to be set #1.
  • Defog pairs well with Landorus-T because it's immune to all Spikes and takes neutral damage from SR.
Set Details
  • 4 EVs in Attack don't do much but Landorus-T still has a solid Attack otherwise.
Usage Tips
  • Good.
Team Options
  • Why do special walls pair well?
  • What Electric and Rock Pokemon? Be more specific why they pair well too.
  • Ferrothorn provides a lot of defensive synergy with Lando-T. They're great on balance and stall teams together.
Set - Offensive Earth Plate
  • Good.
  • Expand on how powerful Precipice Blades is. Adamant is a 2HKO on max Def Quagsire for example, meaning typical bulky walls are no longer good at checking Landorus-T.
Set Details
  • k
Usage Tips
  • First bullet is implied, so you should remove it.
  • When should I setup? Talk about Rock Polish/SD chances.
Team Options
  • Kangaskhan isn't really that good now. Remove.
  • Expand on bullet two please.
  • I don't count Rotom-W as a special wall. Ferrothorn is a better alternative.
  • Something to remove opposing Landorus-T is helpful. Here's where Rotom-W is helpful.
  • I think you got it.
Cs & Cs
  • Kyurem needs a Band to guarantee a OHKO on max Def Lando-T. Otherwise it's 50% with Adamant LO. Ice Shard does about 50% from Jolly Cloyster (and afaik most don't run Ice Shard they have Icicle Spear or Freeze Dry.)
  • Either way, either mention these specific scenarios or just mention that Ice-types can often OHKO (and add Weavile which is more relevant and faster plus carries a LO which OHKOs even at -1.)
  • I prefer to see Water-types higher, specifically with Rotom-W mentioned because it checks just about every Landorus-T.
  • Bulky Lando-T can actually tank Water Shurikens, so I'd emphasize on Water STAB in general.
  • Under Bulky Walls you should list other Landorus-T. Due to Intimidate and the Ground immunity it's a fantastic check to itself.
I'm confident enough with you integrating the changes so I'll give QC 1 of 3 now.
Last edited:


formerly The Reptile
  • Closings statements are a no-no
  • Rearrange so its positive to negative
  • Otherwise good
[SET] Defensive Defogger (Rename to Defensive)

  • Slash Stealth Rocks with Defog
  • Mention Stone Edge, as it is very useful for hitting certain Pokemon such as Thundurus-I and Talonflame who otherwise don't really care about Lando-T
Set Details
  • change the spread to 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpDef / 8 Speed. This lets Lando-T outpace Modest Mag and live an HP Ice from Mega Manectric
  • Mention Rocky Helmet as an option to punish FakeSpeed and other physical attackers than Lando-T will switch-in to
Usage Tips
  • Good
Team Options
  • Mention Pokemon that like having hazards removed such as Mega Pinsir and Rotom-Heat
[SET] Choice Scarf

  • Mention Superpower in the comments for things like Ferrothorn and Tyranitar
  • Mention Explosion for momentum and heavy damage
Set Detail
  • 2nd bullet is redundant with 4th bullet
  • Don't mention what Choice Scarf does, as it is also redundant with the 4th bullet
Usage Tip
  • Mention revenge killing
Team Options
  • Seems good to me
[SET] Offense Earth Plate (Just call it Offensive)

  • Seems good
Set Detail
  • 2nd and 3rd bullets are redundant
Everything Else
  • Good
Other Options
  • Change Sub Dance to Sub Salac
  • Good
[QC 2/3]

Scyther NO Swiping

Washed up former great
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Implemented 2nd Q/C check. Will write up sometime in the next day or two.

edit: Had some free time, and wrote it up, ready for my 3rd QC check
Last edited:

Scyther NO Swiping

Washed up former great
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
unfixable I changed the brave bird and fixed a lot of grammar stuff. So is this okay to post in the GP thread? Sorry for tagging you, this is my first analysis taken this far.


it's not my QC stamp but i think the gif is well suited =)

gj sns, this is good to move into gp !!!
  • Like
Reactions: EV


used Ice Beam!
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
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Landorus-Therian has a great ability in Intimidate and great natural physical bulk, and a strong defensive typing, allowing it to slow down many physical attackers. It has great defensive typing, leaving it with only two weaknesses (Water, and Ice), three resistances (Poison, Bug and Fighting) and two immunities (Ground, and Electric). It also has an amazing Attack stat and an amazing expansive movepool, (AC) making it capable of being either a great wall(remove space)breaker and or (it really can't be both) sweeper. However, Landorus-T does have to must choose between either its new access to support moves and reliable recovery, (RC) or its newly gained high Base Power powered STAB Attack moves. Landorus-T is also prone to four-moveslot syndrome (how so?). It also only possesses an merely average Speed stat, giving it trouble keeping up with faster many threats.

(Idk if it's my place to say this, but this overview seems really, really rudimentary. It tells me almost nothing that I can't just find on Bulbapedia. Expand upon it, such as what archetypes Lando-T fits on and does well against, as well as what Pokemon and playstyles threaten it, among other things)

name: Defensive
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe


New access to Defog helps Landorus-T support its team by clearing the field of entry hazards. Defog also pairs well with Landorus-T makes for a good Defogger because it is immune to Spikes and neutral to Stealth Rocks. Stealth Rock helps Landorus-T support its team by wearing down the opponents with entry hazards foes as they switch in. (avoid repetition) Roost allows Landorus-T to restore half of its health, letting it stick around for a while in battles longer. U-turn allows for Landorus-T to switch out while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn, and is a fairly powerful move as well as having that has the advantage of ridding the foe of its item, something that can be crippling to a lot of opponent's strategies. (Not really necessary imo, but you can keep it if you think it's important) Earthquake is Landorus-T's primary STAB attack and that hits opponents foes hard because of its high Attack stat. Stone Edge is another possibility alternative to hit foes such as Talonflame and Thundurus, which who wouldn't mind Landorus-T otherwise.

Set Details

High The given Defense EVs paired with an Impish nature (which raises defense) and Intimidate (which lowers the foe's Attack one stage) help make Landorus-T a fierce physically defensive wall. 252 EVs in HP serve to make Landorus-T as bulky as possible. 8 Special Defense EVs may not seem like much, but they help Landorus-T survive extra certain hits such as Mega Manectric's Hidden Power Ice from Mega Manectric. 8 Speed EVs make a difference too as well, allowing Landorus-T to outspeed threats such as Modest Magnezone. Leftovers serve to allow grants Landorus-T some passive recovery each turn, and Rocky Helment serves as an alternative item to punish the common Fake Out / + Extreme Speed foes users. (If you're talking about mons that use both Fake Out and ESpeed, use the plus sign. If you're talking about mons that simply use either move, keep the slash.)

Usage Tips

With its good natural bulk and ability in Intimidate, defensive Landorus-T is able to switch into many physical attackers, particularly. This includes the many Fake Out / + Extreme Speed users. However, Landorus-T does not like Ice-, (RC) or Water-types, (AC) so try to switch it out when you see them. Slow Its U-turn can provide good momentum and set up create many good switch in opportunities to safely switch in your setup sweeper or a counter to the foe. This happens by allowing Landorus-T to take a hit, and then switch to a healthy teammate to either set up, or hit back with a type advantage. (I think it's reasonable to expect the reader to know the basics of what a slow U-turn does.) Don't forget that Roost takes away your Landorus-T's Flying type typing for the rest of that turn, so it shouldn't be a huge problem for Landorus-T, but beware of slow ground Ground-type attacks on turns where you Landorus-T uses Roost. Also be aware that Defog clears entry hazards on the opponents your side of the field as well as the opponent's, so if you rely on hazard stacking entry hazards, know that defogging using Defog will be helping the opponent out too. This set is designed to be passive. (Seriously?) Don't let the opponent foe set up to sweep your team; if it. If they starts to set up, U-turn out to a teammate that can handle set up sweepers the foe.

Team Options

Special walls such as Chansey and Meloetta pair well with Landorus-T to form a tough to break core by backing up its average Special Defense, forming a durable core. Landorus-T in return backs up their sub(remove space)par Defense in return. Landorus-T also works well with Electric-, (RC) and Rock-type Pokemon such as Rotom-Wash, Raikou, Mega Diancie, Terrakion, and Tyranitar. These Pokemon pair well with Landorus-T as they can help combat each other's weaknesses. Landorus-T takes the Ground-, (RC) and Electric-type moves that they don't appreciate, and they in return take out the Water- and Ice-types that Landorus-T doesn't appreciate struggles against in return. Being a Defogger, Landorus-T also works well with foes weak to Stealth Rock, such as both Mega Charizard formes, Mega Pinsir, and Rotom-H, all of which can hit foes hard in return and things weak to hazards. Landorus-T can keep the field hazard free for these powerhouses, in exchange for letting them hit opponents hard. Because some opponents foes will try to set up on this passive Landorus-T, Pokemon that can handle setup sweepers such as like Unaware Clefable, (AC) or Quagsire, Ditto, and Topsy-Turvy Sableye, which can stop setup sweepers, make for good teammates with Landorus-T. Finally, Ferrothorn provides great defensive synergy with Landorus-T, (AC) and they can the two form a great defensive core together.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Knock Off / Hidden Power Ice
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 Def


Precipice Blades is Landorus-T's premier STAB move. It and hits everything hard that doesn't resist it. It does however have below average accuracy. If the 85% However, if the move's imperfect accuracy of Precipice Blades scares you, Earthquake is an alternative to that sacrifices some power for having 100 perfect accuracy. Dragon Ascent is Landorus-T's secondary STAB move that hits also hits many things foes hard. This move however, but lower'(remove apostrophe)s the user's Landorus-T's Defense and Special Defense by a one stage each time it is used. U-turn is good for getting chip damage and building momentum and by switching into a teammate with a better defensive option matchup against the foe. Knock Off is good for ridding the foe of its item, potentially crippling some strategies of opponents, as well as hitting fairly hard its usefulness. Stone Edge is a good coverage move due to hitting that hits many Flying-, Bug-, Fire-, and Ice-types hard. Hidden Power Ice is an alternative coverage move that is able to 2HKO opposing Landorus-T's. Superpower is another option for opponents to surprise foes such as Ferrothorn and Tyranitar. Also a drastic option is Finally, Explosion is an option to keep momentum, (RC) and inflict heavy damage.

Set Details
Maximum EVs in Attack allow Landorus-T to deal the most amount of damage possible. A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs and Choice Scarf, (which boosts user's Speed by 1.5) allows Landorus-T to outspeed every unboosted foe in the game. If using Hidden Power Ice, a Naive nature should be used as to not lower Landorus-T's Special Attack, and 30 Attack and Defense IVs should be used to give it Hidden Power Ice. Intimidate lowers the foe's Attack by one stage. This allows Landorus-T to keep up momentum by weakening a foe's Attack, getting chip damage and switching with U-turn. (Intimidate doesn't directly do the latter two things. Explain something else it does.) Naive nature should only be run if you run Hidden Power Ice. The 30 IVs in Attack and Defense change they type of Landorus-T's Hidden Power to Ice. These as well should only be changed to this if you include Hidden Power Ice on your set.

Usage Tips

Landorus-T can be used at any point in the game due to its diversity, but it works well early-game to help wear down the opponent opposing team with U-turn, Knock Off, and its powerful STAB moves. It also works well late-game as a revenge killer. Choice Scarf locks Landorus-T into one move, so prediction is key. When in doubt, (AC) use U-turn and switch to a defensive teammate to take a hit from the opponent foe. When Using U-turn, it is important to predict your opponent's move, (RC) and switch into a teammate that can take the hit. Switch out if your opponent switches in am priority Ice-, (RC) or Water-type priotity user such as Cloyster, Kyruem-(AH)Black, or Azumarill, or others. Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, so if. If you predict your opponent is that the foe will switching, either use Knock Off to rid the switch-(AH)in of its item then switch out manually the next turn, or use U-turn to keep up momentum and switch out on the counter they are bringing in to a teammate with a better matchup against the switch-in. Running a Ground-type move STAB on a choice Choice set is risky, so it is important to make sure opponents that foes immune to Ground moves such as Flying types and foes with Levitate are eliminated. Landorus-T also makes a great revenge killer.

Team Options

Other Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Rotom-Wash, which has great type synergy with Landorus-T, Raikou, Celebi, and Magnezone, work well to can form a VoltTurn core with Landorus-T which that helps to build momentum and wear down the opponent opposing team. Because it forces many switches, Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard support from teammates such as Heatran, Tyranitar, and Ferrothorn, all of which. These teammates can set hazards for Landorus-T, and Landorus-T can switch into Ground-type moves that the they wouldn't appreciate for. Water-, (RC) and Rock-Types Rock-types also make for good teammates for Landorus-T in terms of defensive synergy. Water-types such as Blastoise and Starmie resist Landorus-T's Water weakness, and in return, while Landorus-T is immune to their Electric weakness. Rock-types such as Terrakion and Mega Diancie resist Landorus-T's Ice weakness, (no they don't...) and in return, he Landorus-T is immune to their Ground weakness. This means teammates like Mega Blastoise, or Starmie, who also help with spinning support, Terrakion, or Mega Diancie can work well with Landorus-T. Landorus-T also pairs well with strong Fighting-Type teammates Fighting-types such as Terrakion or (pick something other than Terrakion) and Mega Medicham that can to help take down bulky foes such as Ferrothorn, Chansey, and Porygon(remove space)2.

name: Offensive
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Dragon Ascent / Rock Polish / Swords Dance
item: Earth Plate
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Precipice Blades hits everything extremely hard coupled with Earth Plate,(AC). Adamant is able to 2HKOing maximum Defense Quagsire alongside an Adamant nature. This move crumbles traditional walls. It does, (AC) however, have below average imperfect accuracy. Earthquake is an alternative to Precicipice Blades, trading some power for accuracy, (RC) but still hitting very hard. Stone Edge serves as a hard hitting coverage move attains perfect neutral coverage along with its Landorus-T's Ground-type STAB move. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out of a bad situation while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn, which that hits the foe hard in addition to ridding them of their and removes its item, something that cripples many opponents. Dragon Ascent is a secondary STAB option that hits extremely hard, however at the cost of 33% recoil damage despite lowering Landorus-T's defensive stats. (That's Brave Bird) Rock Polish allows Landorus-T to doubles Landorus-T's its Speed, allowing it to outspeed all unboosted foes. Alternatively Swords Dance increases Landorus-T's already impressive Attack stat to incredible levels.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack help to make the most of Landorus-T's impressive Attack stat. A Jolly nature increases the Speed of Landorus-T. Along with and maximum Speed EVs they allow Landorus-T to outspeed other threats like unboosted Meloetta. Alternatively, an Adamant nature gives Landorus-T maximum power. Earth Plate boosts Ground-type moves by 1.2x, which. This, coupled with Landorus-T's incredible Attack stat, allows it to use its Ground-type STAB ground move to hit anything that doesn't resist them it for incredible damage.

Usage Tips

Precipice Blades is able to 2HKOes most Pokemon the majority of the metagame that doesn't aren't resistant it or is immune to it, so don't be afraid to spam it. Because of its ability and variety impressive coveragem Landorus-T forces a lot of switches. Knock Off is great for punishing predicted switch-ins and ridding them of their item. Another option when predicting a switch is to use your set up move either Rock Polish or Swords Dance, to set yourself up to be Rock Polish or Swords Dance should Landorus-T be running one of them, putting it in a better position to sweep. You Landorus-T can also use your set(space)up move if you know that you it can survive an incoming hit. Be careful when using Dragon Ascent, as even though it'(apostrophe)s powerful, the Defense and Special Defense drops make you Landorus-T easily revenge killed. U-turn can be used when you know you that Landorus-T outspeeds the foe something to get chip damage and then switch into a teammate who that can take the hit better. Even though you have Landorus-T has U-turn, don't be afraid to manually switch Landorus-T it out of battle. it Landorus-T is susceptible to be revenge killed by Kyurem-Black, Cloyster, (AC) and other many fast Water-Types Water-types, so don't let it take that a hit from them.

Team Options

Fake Out / + Extreme Speed users such as Stoutland, Ursaring, (AC) and Snorlax appreciate having Landorus-T use its powerful Ground Stab moves to eliminate the Rock-, (RC) and Steel-types that stand in their way. Landorus-T also works well with Electric-, (RC) and Rock-types Pokemon such as Rotom-Wash, Raikou, Tyranitar, and Mega Diancie, pair well with Landorus-T as they can help combat each other's weaknesses. They can eliminate the Ice-, (RC) and Water-types that Landorus-T doesn't like, and in return, Landorus-T can switches into the Ground-type moves that they don't appreciate can't survive. Rotom-Wash has the added benefit of taking being able to take out opposing Landorus-T's. Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard setters having teammates such as Ferrothorn, Terrakion, and Heatran that lay entry hazards to help wear down the opponent foes and sometimes bring it them into OHKO range. Landorus-T appreciates Specially Defensive specially defensive walls such as Chansey, (are you sure it's not a momentum killer?) Porygon(remove space)2, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar as teammates so that it can use U-turn and switch into them to take the special hits it may struggle with not be able to withstand.

Other Options

Landorus-T gains can use Spikes from STABmons, in addition to alongside Stealth Rock which is a part of its regular move pool. It could to serve as an entry hazard stacker. Landorus-T could also run a double dance set of with Rock Polish and Swords Dance to set up to sweep, but it. This set has problems with the many priority users on opposing teams. With its good defensive stats, (RC) and Intimidate ability, Landorus-T has the option to use Calm Mind to up boost its special stats Special Attack and Special Defense, and Attack attacking with Earth power, Power and Oblivion wing Wing, the latter of which also recovers HP. Because of Landorus-T's variety, ability, and high Attack stat, it forces a lot of switches, it. If you predict a switch, you could use run Substitute. If running the move, either run Salac Berry, use Substitute to activate it, and then use the turn behind the sub Substitute to either use Swords Dance along with Salac Berry to try to sweep, or (Insert the other thing(s) that Lando-T could do. You said "either," after all.). Landorus-T is also capable of running a set comprised of Stealth Rock or Spikes, Roost, Earthquake, (AC) and Stone Edge with Leftovers to take advantage of both its offensive power and its defensive abilities.

Checks and Counters

**Ice-Type Foes Ice-types**: Ice-types foes such as Kyurem-Black, Cloyster, (AC) and Weavile are often able to OHKO Landorus-T with their STAB Ice-type moves.

**Water-Types Water-types**: Landorus-T has a problem with Water-types. It does cannot take Water-type STAB moves from attackers such as the likes of Gyarados, Azumarill, or and Cloyster well. Rotom-Wash is possibly the best Landorus-T counter in the metagame, as it is immune to Ground STAB, and it resists Flying STAB, and is able to either hit back with a Super Effective Origin Pulse, (RC) or burn Landorus-T with Scald / or Will-O-Wisp.

**Fast Special Attackers**: Fast Special Attackers special attackers such as Serperior, Tornadus, and Thundurus, (RC) are able to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and deal a lot of damage to it, and perhaps if not outright KO it, as its Special Defense stat is just average.

**Status Spreaders**: Landorus-T while Despite being immune to Thunder Wave, still has a weakness to status spreaders, as it is crippled by a Landorus-T despises being burned or put to sleep from the likes of. Pokemon such as Sableye, Whimscott, Serperior, Glare Porygon(remove space)2, Rotom-W,(AC)ash and Ferrothorn can give Landorus-T problems.

**Bulky Physically Defensive Walls**: Landorus-T has problems with Bulky Physically defensive walls such as Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Mega Slowbro, Garchomp, (AC) and Opposing opposing Landorus-T's. Many of these Pokemon are able to switch into attacks from Landorus-T and either cripple it with status, set up on it, or chip away at its health.
GP 1/2
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P Squared

a great unrecorded history
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
GP 2/2

Landorus-T is a top-tier threat in STABmons, being able to check or counter most of the top threats on opposing teams. Because of its versatility, it fits in on virtually every team and every playstyle. Landorus-T has Intimidate, (AC) and great physical bulk, and a strong defensive typing, allowing it to check many physical attackers. It also has amazing Attack and an expansive movepool, making it capable of being either a great wallbreaker or sweeper. However, Landorus-T must choose between either its new access to support moves and reliable recovery or and its new high-Base Power STAB moves. Landorus-T is also prone to four-moveslot syndrome, often by having to choose between coverage moves, or choosing or choose which support move helps its team the best. It also possesses merely average Speed, giving it trouble keeping up with many threats.

name: Defensive
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe


Defog helps Landorus-T support its team by clearing the field of entry hazards. Landorus-T makes for a good Defogger because it is immune to Spikes and neutral to Stealth Rock. Stealth Rock helps Landorus-T support its team by wearing down the foes as they switch in. Roost allows Landorus-T to restore half of its health, letting it stick around for a while. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that has the advantage of ridding the foe of its item. Earthquake is Landorus-T's primary STAB attack and hits foes hard. (AP) Stone Edge is an alternative to hit foes such as Talonflame and Thundurus, which wouldn't mind Landorus-T otherwise.

Set Details

The given Defense EVs paired with an Impish nature and Intimidate help make Landorus-T a fierce physically defensive wall. 252 EVs in HP serve to make Landorus-T as bulky as possible. 8 Special Defense EVs may not seem like much, but they help Landorus-T survive certain hits such as Mega Manectric's Hidden Power Ice. 8 Speed EVs make a difference as well, allowing Landorus-T to outspeed threats such as Modest Magnezone. Leftovers grants Landorus-T some passive recovery each turn, and Rocky Helmet serves as an alternative item to punish the common Fake Out + Extreme Speed users.

Usage Tips

With its good natural bulk and Intimidate, defensive Landorus-T is able to switch into many physical attackers, particularly the many Fake Out + Extreme Speed users. However, Landorus-T does not like Ice- or Water-types, so try to switch it out when you see them. Its U-turn can provide good momentum and create many opportunities to safely switch in your setup sweeper or a counter to the foe. Don't forget that Roost takes away Landorus-T's Flying typing for the rest of that turn, so beware of slow Ground-type attacks on turns Landorus-T uses Roost. Also be aware that Defog clears entry hazards on your side of the field as well as the opponent's, so if you rely on stacking entry hazards, know that using Defog will help the opponent too. Don't let the foe set up to sweep your team; if it starts to set up, U-turn out to a teammate that can handle the foe.

Team Options

Special walls such as Chansey and Meloetta pair well with Landorus-T to back up its average Special Defense, forming a durable core. Landorus-T backs up their subpar Defense in return. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Mega Diancie, Terrakion, and Tyranitar. Landorus-T takes the Ground- and Electric-type moves that they don't appreciate, and they take out the Water- and Ice-types that Landorus-T struggles against in return. Being a Defogger, Landorus-T works well with foes Pokemon weak to Stealth Rock, such as both Mega Charizard formes, Mega Pinsir, and Rotom-H, all of which can hit foes hard in return. Because some foes will try to set up on this passive Landorus-T, Pokemon like Unaware Clefable, Quagsire, Ditto, and Topsy-Turvy Sableye, which can stop setup sweepers, make for good teammates. Finally, Ferrothorn provides great defensive synergy with Landorus-T, and the two form a great defensive core together.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Knock Off / Hidden Power Ice
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 Def


Precipice Blades is Landorus-T's premier STAB move and hits everything hard that doesn't resist it. However, if the move's imperfect accuracy scares you, Earthquake is an alternative to that sacrifices some power for having perfect accuracy. Dragon Ascent is Landorus-T's secondary STAB move that hits also hits many foes hard but lowers Landorus-T's Defense and Special Defense by one stage each time it is used. U-turn is good for getting chip damage and building momentum by switching into a teammate with a better matchup against the foe. Knock Off is good for ridding the foe of its item, potentially crippling its usefulness. Stone Edge is a good coverage move that hits many Flying-, Bug-, Fire-, and Ice-types hard. Hidden Power Ice is an alternative coverage move that is able to 2HKO opposing Landorus-T. Superpower is another option to surprise foes such as Ferrothorn and Tyranitar. Finally, Explosion is an option to keep momentum and inflict heavy damage.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack allow Landorus-T to deal the most damage possible. A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs and Choice Scarf allows Landorus-T to outspeed every unboosted foe in the game. If using Hidden Power Ice, a Naive nature should be used so as to not lower Landorus-T's Special Attack, and 30 Attack and Defense IVs should be used to give it Hidden Power Ice. Intimidate lowers the foe's Attack by one stage, weakening its offensive power, often forcing the foe to switch.

Usage Tips

Landorus-T can be used at any point in the game due to its diversity (this is an odd word choice; do you mean versatility or something?), but it works well early-game to help wear down the opposing team with U-turn, Knock Off, and its powerful STAB moves. It also works well late-game as a revenge killer. Choice Scarf locks Landorus-T into one move, so prediction is key. When in doubt, use U-turn and switch to a defensive teammate to take a hit from the foe. When using U-turn, it is important to predict your opponent's move and switch into a teammate that can take the hit. Switch out if your opponent switches in am an Ice- or Water-type priority user such as Cloyster, Kyruem-Black Kyurem-B, or Azumarill. Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, so if you predict that the foe will switch, either use Knock Off to rid the switch-in of its item or use U-turn to keep up momentum and switch to a teammate with a better matchup against the switch-in. Running a Ground-type move on a Choice set is risky, so it is important to make sure that foes immune to Ground are eliminated before locking Landorus-T into it.

Team Options

Other Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Rotom-W, which has great type synergy with Landorus-T, Raikou, Celebi, and Magnezone, (RC) can form a VoltTurn core with Landorus-T that helps build momentum and wear down the opposing team. Because it forces many switches, Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard support from teammates such as Heatran, Tyranitar, and Ferrothorn, all of which Landorus-T can switch into Ground-type moves for. Water- and Rock-types also make for good teammates for Landorus-T in terms of defensive synergy. Water-types such as Blastoise and Starmie resist Water, (AC) while Landorus-T is immune to Electric weakness. Rock-types such as Terrakion and Mega Diancie take out Ice-types, (AC) which Landorus-T doesn't (fix apostrophe) like, and Landorus-T is immune to Ground. Landorus-T also pairs well with strong Fighting-types, (AC) such as Toxicroak and Mega Medicham, (AC) that can take down bulky foes such as Ferrothorn, Chansey, and Porygon2.

name: Offensive
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Dragon Ascent / Rock Polish / Swords Dance
item: Earth Plate
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Precipice Blades hits everything extremely hard coupled with Earth Plate, 2HKOing maximum Defense Quagsire if Landorus-T runs alongside an Adamant nature. It does, however, have imperfect accuracy. Earthquake is an alternative to Precicipice Precipice Blades, trading some power for accuracy but still hitting very hard. Stone Edge attains perfect neutral coverage along with Landorus-T's Ground-type STAB move. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out of a bad situation while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that hits the foe hard and removes its item. Dragon Ascent is a secondary STAB option that hits extremely hard despite lowering Landorus-T's defensive stats. Rock Polish doubles Landorus-T's Speed, allowing it to outspeed all unboosted foes. Alternatively, (AC) Swords Dance increases Landorus-T's already impressive Attack to incredible levels.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack make the most of Landorus-T's impressive Attack. A Jolly nature and maximum Speed EVs allow Landorus-T to outspeed other threats like unboosted Meloetta. Alternatively, an Adamant nature gives Landorus-T maximum power. Earth Plate boosts Ground-type moves by 1.2x, which, coupled with Landorus-T's incredible Attack, allows it to use its Ground-type STAB move to hit anything that doesn't resist it for incredible damage.

Usage Tips

Precipice Blades 2HKOes most Pokemon that aren't resistant or immune to it, so don't be afraid to spam it. Because of its ability and impressive coverage, (AC) Landorus-T forces a lot of switches. Knock Off is great for punishing predicted switch-ins and ridding them of their item. Another option when predicting a switch is to use Rock Polish or Swords Dance should Landorus-T be running one of them, putting it in a better position to sweep. Landorus-T can also set up if you know that it can survive an incoming hit. Be careful when using Dragon Ascent, as even though it's powerful, the Defense and Special Defense drops make Landorus-T easily revenge killed. U-turn can be used when you know that Landorus-T outspeeds the foe to get chip damage and then switch to a teammate that can take the hit better. Even though Landorus-T has U-turn, don't be afraid to manually switch it out of battle. Landorus-T is susceptible to being revenge killed by Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and many fast Water-types, so don't let it take a hit from them.

Team Options

Fake Out + Extreme Speed users such as Stoutland, Ursaring, and Snorlax appreciate having Landorus-T eliminate the Rock- and Steel-types that stand in their way. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-types such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Tyranitar, and Mega Diancie, as they can help combat each other's weaknesses. They can eliminate the Ice- and Water-types that Landorus-T doesn't like, and in return, Landorus-T can switch into the Ground-type moves that they can't survive. Rotom-W has the added benefit of being able to take out opposing Landorus-T. Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard setters such as Ferrothorn, Terrakion, and Heatran to help wear down foes and sometimes bring them into OHKO range. Landorus-T appreciates specially defensive walls such as Chansey, Porygon2, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar so that it can use U-turn and switch into them to take the special hits it may not be able to withstand.

Other Options

Landorus-T can use Spikes alongside Stealth Rock to serve as an entry hazard stacker. Landorus-T could also run a double dance set with Rock Polish and Swords Dance to set up to sweep, but it has problems with many priority users. With its good defensive stats and Intimidate, Landorus-T has the option to use Calm Mind to boost its Special Attack and Special Defense, attacking with Earth Power and Oblivion Wing, the latter of which also recovers HP. Because Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, it could run Substitute. If running the move, you should also run Salac Berry, use Substitute to activate it, and then use the turn behind the Substitute to use Swords Dance to try to sweep. Landorus-T is also capable of running a set comprising comprised of Stealth Rock or Spikes, Roost, Earthquake, (AC) and Stone Edge with Leftovers to take advantage of both its offensive and defensive abilities.

Checks and Counters

**Ice-types**: Ice-types such as Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and Weavile are often able to OHKO Landorus-T with their STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Landorus-T cannot take Water-type STAB moves from the likes of Gyarados, Azumarill, and Cloyster well. Rotom-W is possibly the best Landorus-T counter in the metagame, as it is immune to Ground, resists Flying, and is able to either hit back with Origin Pulse or burn Landorus-T with Scald or Will-O-Wisp.

**Fast Special Attackers**: Fast special attackers such as Serperior, Tornadus, and Thundurus are able to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and deal a lot of damage to if not outright KO it, as its Special Defense is just average.

**Status Spreaders**: Despite being immune to Thunder Wave, Landorus-T despises being burned or put to sleep from the likes of Sableye, Whimscott, Serperior, Glare Porygon2, Rotom-W, (AC) and Ferrothorn.

**Physically Defensive Walls**: Physically defensive walls such as Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Mega Slowbro, Garchomp, (AC) and opposing Landorus-T are able to switch into attacks from Landorus-T and either cripple it with status, set up on it, or chip away at its health.
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Scyther NO Swiping

Washed up former great
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
GP 2/2

Landorus-T is a top-tier threat in STABmons, being able to check or counter most of the top threats on opposing teams. Because of its versatility, it fits in on virtually every team and every playstyle. Landorus-T has Intimidate, (AC) and great physical bulk, and a strong defensive typing, allowing it to check many physical attackers. It also has amazing Attack and an expansive movepool, making it capable of being either a great wallbreaker or sweeper. However, Landorus-T must choose between either its new access to support moves and reliable recovery or and its new high-Base Power STAB moves. Landorus-T is also prone to four-moveslot syndrome, often by having to choose between coverage moves, or choosing or choose which support move helps its team the best. It also possesses merely average Speed, giving it trouble keeping up with many threats.

name: Defensive
move 1: Defog / Stealth Rock
move 2: Roost
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe


Defog helps Landorus-T support its team by clearing the field of entry hazards. Landorus-T makes for a good Defogger because it is immune to Spikes and neutral to Stealth Rock. Stealth Rock helps Landorus-T support its team by wearing down the foes as they switch in. Roost allows Landorus-T to restore half of its health, letting it stick around for a while. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that has the advantage of ridding the foe of its item. Earthquake is Landorus-T's primary STAB attack and hits foes hard. (AP) Stone Edge is an alternative to hit foes such as Talonflame and Thundurus, which wouldn't mind Landorus-T otherwise.

Set Details

The given Defense EVs paired with an Impish nature and Intimidate help make Landorus-T a fierce physically defensive wall. 252 EVs in HP serve to make Landorus-T as bulky as possible. 8 Special Defense EVs may not seem like much, but they help Landorus-T survive certain hits such as Mega Manectric's Hidden Power Ice. 8 Speed EVs make a difference as well, allowing Landorus-T to outspeed threats such as Modest Magnezone. Leftovers grants Landorus-T some passive recovery each turn, and Rocky Helmet serves as an alternative item to punish the common Fake Out + Extreme Speed users.

Usage Tips

With its good natural bulk and Intimidate, defensive Landorus-T is able to switch into many physical attackers, particularly the many Fake Out + Extreme Speed users. However, Landorus-T does not like Ice- or Water-types, so try to switch it out when you see them. Its U-turn can provide good momentum and create many opportunities to safely switch in your setup sweeper or a counter to the foe. Don't forget that Roost takes away Landorus-T's Flying typing for the rest of that turn, so beware of slow Ground-type attacks on turns Landorus-T uses Roost. Also be aware that Defog clears entry hazards on your side of the field as well as the opponent's, so if you rely on stacking entry hazards, know that using Defog will help the opponent too. Don't let the foe set up to sweep your team; if it starts to set up, U-turn out to a teammate that can handle the foe.

Team Options

Special walls such as Chansey and Meloetta pair well with Landorus-T to back up its average Special Defense, forming a durable core. Landorus-T backs up their subpar Defense in return. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Mega Diancie, Terrakion, and Tyranitar. Landorus-T takes the Ground- and Electric-type moves that they don't appreciate, and they take out the Water- and Ice-types that Landorus-T struggles against in return. Being a Defogger, Landorus-T works well with foes Pokemon weak to Stealth Rock, such as both Mega Charizard formes, Mega Pinsir, and Rotom-H, all of which can hit foes hard in return. Because some foes will try to set up on this passive Landorus-T, Pokemon like Unaware Clefable, Quagsire, Ditto, and Topsy-Turvy Sableye, which can stop setup sweepers, make for good teammates. Finally, Ferrothorn provides great defensive synergy with Landorus-T, and the two form a great defensive core together.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Dragon Ascent
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Stone Edge / Knock Off / Hidden Power Ice
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 Def


Precipice Blades is Landorus-T's premier STAB move and hits everything hard that doesn't resist it. However, if the move's imperfect accuracy scares you, Earthquake is an alternative to that sacrifices some power for having perfect accuracy. Dragon Ascent is Landorus-T's secondary STAB move that hits also hits many foes hard but lowers Landorus-T's Defense and Special Defense by one stage each time it is used. U-turn is good for getting chip damage and building momentum by switching into a teammate with a better matchup against the foe. Knock Off is good for ridding the foe of its item, potentially crippling its usefulness. Stone Edge is a good coverage move that hits many Flying-, Bug-, Fire-, and Ice-types hard. Hidden Power Ice is an alternative coverage move that is able to 2HKO opposing Landorus-T. Superpower is another option to surprise foes such as Ferrothorn and Tyranitar. Finally, Explosion is an option to keep momentum and inflict heavy damage.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack allow Landorus-T to deal the most damage possible. A Jolly nature along with maximum Speed EVs and Choice Scarf allows Landorus-T to outspeed every unboosted foe in the game. If using Hidden Power Ice, a Naive nature should be used so as to not lower Landorus-T's Special Attack, and 30 Attack and Defense IVs should be used to give it Hidden Power Ice. Intimidate lowers the foe's Attack by one stage, weakening its offensive power, often forcing the foe to switch.

Usage Tips

Landorus-T can be used at any point in the game due to its diversity (this is an odd word choice; do you mean versatility or something?), but it works well early-game to help wear down the opposing team with U-turn, Knock Off, and its powerful STAB moves. It also works well late-game as a revenge killer. Choice Scarf locks Landorus-T into one move, so prediction is key. When in doubt, use U-turn and switch to a defensive teammate to take a hit from the foe. When using U-turn, it is important to predict your opponent's move and switch into a teammate that can take the hit. Switch out if your opponent switches in am an Ice- or Water-type priority user such as Cloyster, Kyruem-Black Kyurem-B, or Azumarill. Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, so if you predict that the foe will switch, either use Knock Off to rid the switch-in of its item or use U-turn to keep up momentum and switch to a teammate with a better matchup against the switch-in. Running a Ground-type move on a Choice set is risky, so it is important to make sure that foes immune to Ground are eliminated before locking Landorus-T into it.

Team Options

Other Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Rotom-W, which has great type synergy with Landorus-T, Raikou, Celebi, and Magnezone, (RC) can form a VoltTurn core with Landorus-T that helps build momentum and wear down the opposing team. Because it forces many switches, Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard support from teammates such as Heatran, Tyranitar, and Ferrothorn, all of which Landorus-T can switch into Ground-type moves for. Water- and Rock-types also make for good teammates for Landorus-T in terms of defensive synergy. Water-types such as Blastoise and Starmie resist Water, (AC) while Landorus-T is immune to Electric weakness. Rock-types such as Terrakion and Mega Diancie take out Ice-types, (AC) which Landorus-T doesn't (fix apostrophe) like, and Landorus-T is immune to Ground. Landorus-T also pairs well with strong Fighting-types, (AC) such as Toxicroak and Mega Medicham, (AC) that can take down bulky foes such as Ferrothorn, Chansey, and Porygon2.

name: Offensive
move 1: Precipice Blades / Earthquake
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: U-turn / Knock Off
move 4: Dragon Ascent / Rock Polish / Swords Dance
item: Earth Plate
ability: Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Precipice Blades hits everything extremely hard coupled with Earth Plate, 2HKOing maximum Defense Quagsire if Landorus-T runs alongside an Adamant nature. It does, however, have imperfect accuracy. Earthquake is an alternative to Precicipice Precipice Blades, trading some power for accuracy but still hitting very hard. Stone Edge attains perfect neutral coverage along with Landorus-T's Ground-type STAB move. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out of a bad situation while maintaining momentum. Knock Off is an alternative to U-turn that hits the foe hard and removes its item. Dragon Ascent is a secondary STAB option that hits extremely hard despite lowering Landorus-T's defensive stats. Rock Polish doubles Landorus-T's Speed, allowing it to outspeed all unboosted foes. Alternatively, (AC) Swords Dance increases Landorus-T's already impressive Attack to incredible levels.

Set Details

Maximum EVs in Attack make the most of Landorus-T's impressive Attack. A Jolly nature and maximum Speed EVs allow Landorus-T to outspeed other threats like unboosted Meloetta. Alternatively, an Adamant nature gives Landorus-T maximum power. Earth Plate boosts Ground-type moves by 1.2x, which, coupled with Landorus-T's incredible Attack, allows it to use its Ground-type STAB move to hit anything that doesn't resist it for incredible damage.

Usage Tips

Precipice Blades 2HKOes most Pokemon that aren't resistant or immune to it, so don't be afraid to spam it. Because of its ability and impressive coverage, (AC) Landorus-T forces a lot of switches. Knock Off is great for punishing predicted switch-ins and ridding them of their item. Another option when predicting a switch is to use Rock Polish or Swords Dance should Landorus-T be running one of them, putting it in a better position to sweep. Landorus-T can also set up if you know that it can survive an incoming hit. Be careful when using Dragon Ascent, as even though it's powerful, the Defense and Special Defense drops make Landorus-T easily revenge killed. U-turn can be used when you know that Landorus-T outspeeds the foe to get chip damage and then switch to a teammate that can take the hit better. Even though Landorus-T has U-turn, don't be afraid to manually switch it out of battle. Landorus-T is susceptible to being revenge killed by Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and many fast Water-types, so don't let it take a hit from them.

Team Options

Fake Out + Extreme Speed users such as Stoutland, Ursaring, and Snorlax appreciate having Landorus-T eliminate the Rock- and Steel-types that stand in their way. Landorus-T also works well with Electric- and Rock-types such as Rotom-W, Raikou, Tyranitar, and Mega Diancie, as they can help combat each other's weaknesses. They can eliminate the Ice- and Water-types that Landorus-T doesn't like, and in return, Landorus-T can switch into the Ground-type moves that they can't survive. Rotom-W has the added benefit of being able to take out opposing Landorus-T. Landorus-T appreciates entry hazard setters such as Ferrothorn, Terrakion, and Heatran to help wear down foes and sometimes bring them into OHKO range. Landorus-T appreciates specially defensive walls such as Chansey, Porygon2, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar so that it can use U-turn and switch into them to take the special hits it may not be able to withstand.

Other Options

Landorus-T can use Spikes alongside Stealth Rock to serve as an entry hazard stacker. Landorus-T could also run a double dance set with Rock Polish and Swords Dance to set up to sweep, but it has problems with many priority users. With its good defensive stats and Intimidate, Landorus-T has the option to use Calm Mind to boost its Special Attack and Special Defense, attacking with Earth Power and Oblivion Wing, the latter of which also recovers HP. Because Landorus-T forces a lot of switches, it could run Substitute. If running the move, you should also run Salac Berry, use Substitute to activate it, and then use the turn behind the Substitute to use Swords Dance to try to sweep. Landorus-T is also capable of running a set comprising comprised of Stealth Rock or Spikes, Roost, Earthquake, (AC) and Stone Edge with Leftovers to take advantage of both its offensive and defensive abilities.

Checks and Counters

**Ice-types**: Ice-types such as Kyurem-B, Cloyster, and Weavile are often able to OHKO Landorus-T with their STAB moves.

**Water-types**: Landorus-T cannot take Water-type STAB moves from the likes of Gyarados, Azumarill, and Cloyster well. Rotom-W is possibly the best Landorus-T counter in the metagame, as it is immune to Ground, resists Flying, and is able to either hit back with Origin Pulse or burn Landorus-T with Scald or Will-O-Wisp.

**Fast Special Attackers**: Fast special attackers such as Serperior, Tornadus, and Thundurus are able to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and deal a lot of damage to if not outright KO it, as its Special Defense is just average.

**Status Spreaders**: Despite being immune to Thunder Wave, Landorus-T despises being burned or put to sleep from the likes of Sableye, Whimscott, Serperior, Glare Porygon2, Rotom-W, (AC) and Ferrothorn.

**Physically Defensive Walls**: Physically defensive walls such as Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Mega Slowbro, Garchomp, (AC) and opposing Landorus-T are able to switch into attacks from Landorus-T and either cripple it with status, set up on it, or chip away at its health.
Thanks for the check. All done and implemented. Tagging Eevee General so he can work his magic
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