Season 9 (Week 9 [DPP UU #2]) Won by Lady Bug

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Post "in" to participate.

Send a PM to "Philip7086"
on ShoddyBattle when you win your match, losers need not PM as it could cause confusion.

Additionally, please do note that today's tour is UU! The current ban list on Smogon University is in effect.

In addition, you can only join 2 tours this week!

General Smogon Tour Rules
• You must have a Smogon Forum account to sign-up for a Smogon Tour tournament.
• When the tour registration begins, sign-up at the Smogon Tour section of the Smogon Forums. The number of spots available for registration will vary week to week based on user activity at the time. It is up to the discretion of the host when to close sign-ups. If you do not make the cut-off, you can still sign-up as a substitute player if a player does not show up.
• Substitute players will only be applied in the first round.
• You must use your forum nickname as your Shoddy Battle nickname in order to play.
• If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
• There is a fifteen minute time limit for each round. If you exceed the time limit, notify the current host. He or she will determine the winner based on the current advantage between the players.
• You may change teams between rounds without penalty.
• You may only participate in two tour tournaments per week. For example, if you play on Friday and Saturday, you are not allowed to play on Sunday.
• Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
Smogon Tour Battling Rules

TIMED BATTLE CLAUSE REQUIRED! PM me if your opponent times out, and you will get the win. DO NOT allow your opponents to play after they time out!
• Species Clause. A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffings on his or her team.
• In the Uber environment, you may choose any pokémon on your team to use. In the OU environment, you are not allowed to use Pokémon classified as Uber. In the UU environment, you are not allowed to use Pokémon classified as Uber, OU, or BL.
• All tiers are based on Smogon Tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the "ban list" of the appropriate ladder available on the Shoddy Battle server. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
• The Pokémon Arceus is banned from all environments.
• Sleep Clause. A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokémon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokémon.
• Evasion Clause. A player cannot increase their pokémon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
• OHKO Clause. Players cannot use moves that have a chance of instantly KO opposing Pokémon. For example, Horn Drill is an illegal move to have on a Pokémon's move set.
• Self-KO Clause. Players cannot use moves such as Explosion or Selfdestruct that force a tie. If a move that has recoil damage causes a tie, the user of the move is the winner.
• Soul Dew Clause. The item Soul Dew is banned in the OU environment.

Matches may be conducted on any server as long as both participants agree, but the winners should PM "Philip7086" on Smogon University or CAP to avoid confusion.

Round 1

hanke vs Conflict
SOMALIA vs Celsius
PokeBitch67 vs Regi1337
Lady Bug vs Carloo-
Jolteon17 vs Arin
panamaxis vs Jess Mii
Aqualouis vs Tyler422
jira vs King
Trysten vs Inuyasha
Herocross vs ladderaccount
_GoingForBroke_ vs da hui
LinIsKorean vs Timmilein
azurill vs Shirohige
Quantum Mechanics vs Master Ball
trapped vs Kevin Garrett
Bendow vs Deep Thought
Class vs Shindo
GARLIC vs Loki
JabbaTheGriffin vs The_Chaser
Timiat121 vs j. franky
Synre vs Dracoyoshi8
Sledge vs scarecrow
B-Lulz vs _Murks_
twash vs Joel
Raul crager vs Nauar
Calum vs reyscarface
Cristall vs capefeather
dragon9owns vs Abutorn
Mattman324 vs PrayingMantis
sasu vs cune
.Waterfall vs supermarth64
_chrisler_ vs Milenko
giara vs azerty16
Axounay vs PWBTben525
|IchooseU| vs IronBullet93
derji vs Taokaka
~Michilele~ vs 6A9 Ace Matador
Curtains vs LonelyNess
TONY MONTANA vs Dark_Psiana
Crossfire vs Zephir
Krack vs Sparko
DarkLucario vs Maniak
snow. vs Ryusuke-0
Quacks vs mammon alt
toshimelonhead vs Adam Lambert
Bad Ass vs Silent Mage
manu-7p2b vs Maaf
Raito Light vs -Meowth-

Round 2

.Waterfall vs Nauar
Bendow vs IronBullet93
Calum vs Taokaka
Krack vs giara
Loki vs Cristall
trapped vs LinIsKorean
cune vs Regi1337
jira vs Abutorn
Bad Ass vs DarkLucario
j. franky vs _GoingForBroke_
manu-7p2b vs _chrisler_
Synre vs toshimelonhead
PrayingMantis vs PWBTben525
TONY MONTANA vs 6A9 Ace Matador
Celsius vs Crossfire
Class vs Lady Bug
twash vs Arin
Conflict vs snow.
scarecrow vs LonelyNess
Quacks vs -Meowth-
Trysten vs _Murks_
Shirohige vs Quantum Mechanics
Herocross vs Tyler422
JabbaTheGriffin vs panamaxis

Round 3

Lady Bug vs Herocross
Quantum Mechanics vs Krack
Nauar vs 6A9 Ace Matador
Crossfire vs cune
IronBullet93 vs twash
snow. vs Loki
-Meowth- vs j. franky
panamaxis vs toshimelonhead
DarkLucario vs Abutorn
Trysten vs PrayingMantis
Taokaka vs scarecrow
_chrisler_ vs LinIsKorean

Round 4

Abutorn vs IronBullet93
Quantum Mechanics vs Lady Bug
Crossfire vs Loki
scarecrow vs panamaxis
PrayingMantis vs LinIsKorean
j. franky vs 6A9 Ace Matador


IronBullet93 vs 6A9 Ace Matador
PrayingMantis vs panamaxis
Lady Bug vs Loki


6A9 Ace Matador vs Lady Bug
Lady Bug vs PrayingMantis
PrayingMantis vs 6A9 Ace Matador

1 Point

Bad Ass

2 Points


3 Points
Quantum Mechanics
j. franky

5 Points

7 Points

6A9 Ace Matador

10 Points

Lady Bug
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