Playoffs Season 1 Championship [Won by Veteran In Love]

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I haxed Mekkah horribly in rby with a chansey freeze and won 2-0. He almost made a comeback near the end but it wasn't enough for the luckhax I already had.

At least the semis can start now.
Lesm beat me in RBY as well. I'd complain about the luck but I don't see a point in that anymore. After all these years of battling, reaching the top eight out of so many participants is good enough as a victory. And I feel Lesm deserved to win more, he had a much cooler team while mine was basic as anything.

Good game and good luck further.
The first match was Advance. Lesm gained the advantage and pretty much had the lead all the way up to the very end, when Aero had a chance to win with 30% Tyranitar and Zapdos left on his team. But Rock Slide missed on tyranitar and so I was down 1-0, and things were definitely not looking good, an unknown fact being that Lesm had destroyed me in our last three gsc battles.

So comes GSC. I tried to push my advantage with Tyranitar to go for the kill on Nidoking and ended up paying the price with a EQ KO to the face. Somehow I managed to chip away and come out with a win to see a third round to decide it all.

Hence RBY. Probably the most suspenseful match of them all - ironically I can only remember the end. I slightly outluckked Lesm for the first time in history to win an equally well-played game by Lesm 1-0, my last poke being a 35 HP paralyzed Starmie, to give you an idea of how close it was.

vgg Lesm
well i have been pretty busy lately chilling with my girl, going out etc so i havent really got time to get on netbattle, i would say that maybe we could get our battles done during this week it will have to be after 10:30 pm east since i cant get on earlier than that because of the reasons that i stated.

Also congrats to vil for making it to the finals
um yeah...thats a shitty excuse. season 2 starts on the 14th. if you and p15 arent finished by sunday, i will either DQ both of you or just you...p15 hasn't shown much effort either. It really isn't difficult to send a PM to your opponent to set up times. So yeah...fuck you guys.
look i am really trying to get the battles dones since backing down from a tourney is something i have never done. I just pmed p15 to set a time for next week as early as possible maybe monday or tuesday since i get my spring break and i will be able to be on during his time.
Justin8649 said:
um yeah...thats a shitty excuse. season 2 starts on the 14th. if you and p15 arent finished by sunday, i will either DQ both of you or just you...p15 hasn't shown much effort either. It really isn't difficult to send a PM to your opponent to set up times. So yeah...fuck you guys.
Quoting for emphasis on 'soon'.
well i sent a pm to p15 on sunday saying to get the battle done on either moday or tuesday at 8:30 to 9:30 am and he never answered. i have been on netbattle at this time lately and never seen him
congrats hk for making it to the finals

The battles will take place between:

1:30 -5 EST on Tuesday, April 11

11:30 - 3, 10:30 - sleep on Wednesday

or some random time when we encounter each other, which shouldn't be too hard, I already sent a pm to HK.

Either I (or HK if he wants) will write the warstory for the final battles, depending on who wins.
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