Propose-a-Game / Request-a-Host Thread


Chwa for no reason!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Would you say you guys primarily like IRC mafia over the slower paced forum mafia?

I find IRC to be a lot to manage and almost too hectic as a player so I prefer the slower paced forum versions. :|
They are completely different. NOC (or pure-forum based in your terms) is all about analyzing posting behavior and relationships between users in these posts. Typical smogon games (OC, or IRC mafia in your terms) allow outside communication, which drastically changes the game. Since players no longer have to share everything they have to say with everyone, it is more about figuring out things via roles and role claims.

It generally comes in a few phases. Early on, one or a few people step up to lead the village, and have to prove their trustworthiness and ability to find mafia members. Once they have sufficiently done this, the other villagers will claim what their role is to the leader (typically you can copy/paste your role pm, so mafia members must create a fake role pm), so that the leader can analyze everything and best utilize the village's roles to find the scum. Typically, at a later point in the game, the village has been whittled down to where they are about on even ground with the mafia(s). At this point, the leaders of each faction try to convince each other to turn on each other so that their faction can stay unharmed and gain the upper hand. Typically in these types of games, there are no vanilla players (players with no special role), so there are many variable actions to use to find scum, kill scum, protect town, etc (and the opposite from the mafias' point of view).

As the two styles are quite different, it can be difficult adjusting from one to the other (particularly in the direction of NOC -> OC). The best way to adjust is to read game and postgame threads to find out what works and what doesn't, and when you feel you are ready, hop in and try it out. Experience is key, a lot of the better players started out making huge mistakes early on.

As for which is better, I much more enjoy OC to NOC. NOC games are typically filled with long posts that you have to keep up with, and it can be hard to keep up with if you're particularly busy and have to read a couple pages at a time. OC is enjoyable because it involves lots of in depth strategy. Additionally, I don't think it is too fast-paced (at least that's my opinion). Generally, being online for a few short periods of time (like being online at 12 PM, 5 PM, and 9 PM, for a half hour each) is enough for your average players (leaders of factions need to be online more often, as they do the most communicating).

I would make an analogy that NOC games are like checkers whereas OC games are like chess. NOC games are much more simpler, and while there is strategy, it is both completely different and much easier to figure out with repetition than that of its OC counterpart. OC is like chess in that there are many different pieces that do different things and you have to formulate a strategy using what you have to beat your opponents.


one on one
I have an Avatar (The Last Airbender + Legend of Korra, not that strange blue people movie) game in final stages of completion. I am looking for someone who can look it over for balancing issues, make final adjustments, and then help me host. I'd take most of the hosting duties (unless the cohost wants to be actively involved as well!), so I'm mostly looking for someone with more experience than me to help work out kinks and answer my questions. If you're interested PM me please!


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I'm considering a Metroidvania sequel (it can have a different theme) but I'd need a cohost with some fresh power/item/win condition ideas. If you're interested PM me.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
I'm considering a Metroidvania sequel (it can have a different theme) but I'd need a cohost with some fresh power/item/win condition ideas. If you're interested PM me.
I almost would say I would like to but then I realize that I would have way more fun playing it than cohosting it. You can expect me to sign up fo sho!~


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Waiting on a small to be posted but I have Smogon Mafia Mafia (which is a BIG) pretty much ready to go.

Just gauging interest and how many people would be willing to play.


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Waiting on a small to be posted but I have Smogon Mafia Mafia (which is a BIG) pretty much ready to go.

Just gauging interest and how many people would be willing to play.
If you need a small going up I'd be able to get some together in probs 1-2 weeks if you need, will definitely play in that though.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Reason for a small going up is it's easier to gauge interest and usually a normal sized game has less risk and more newbies that sign up vs a big game.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I believe I have the next slated Big spot (sans Mekkah wanting to start his game) but I was waiting for LN's game to end and now I'm waiting for any salt over it to blow away. I've mentioned this game for quite a while but not so much recently, however it is prepared to deploy, hopefully soon.


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Unfortunately, Expulso, that is extremely spammy because it is simply a bunch of posts to absolutely no avail. The game won't happen as it is against the rules of smogon, sorry!

e: gdi Walrein :(
I was thinking about hosting another game on here, but a less traditional, more political one then usual on Smogon. I'm not even sure it could be called mafia; it's a strange hybrid of Nomic and Smogon OC tactical, role based play, and it's weird enough that I'm not sure anyone would be interested.

Essentially, the game is based on party politics, with a heavy emphasis on negotiating with other players and a Nomic mechanic that allows players to propose and vote on rule changes. Each "cycle" would have two parts: one where "bills" could be nominated and one where all bills that were seconded by some number of people would be passed.

The bills themselves could be anything from creating a penalty for inactivity to limiting the ability to vote to even telling off a player for bad behavior in the thread. They're essentially player-made, player-implemented rule changes (with some obvious limitations-all rules are subject to host approval and rules like "Upon the passing of this bill, all Republicans instantly win the game" not only probably wouldn't pass, but would be rejected out of hand by me as just a ridiculous rule.

The game's not just about passing random rules, though (actually it kind of is). Every member of the game's Congress has a list of bills that they need to pass in one form or another in order to win. Some number of them would apply to all members of a faction (I use "faction" loosely because individual players in a faction can win even if the collective group loses, and vice versa), some of them would cross party lines but not have majority support, and every Congress member would have one bill to pass that has no effect on the rules.

The other most important mechanic in the game is the reelection and lobbying systems, which tie together surprisingly well on paper. You see, the Republicans and Democrats (or whatever equivalent there is where you live) aren't the only people in Washington/your capital city). There are Lobbyists as well, who have much smaller agendas then the Congress members. The problem? They have no allies, some of their goals oppose each other, and they can't vote. This requires them to buy the votes of Congress members with Reelection points (RP). Every few cycles, "elections" are held in the states, and a bar is set for the number of reelection points needed for Congressmen to remain in the game. Players can gain RP for passing bills that are required for them to win or by voting the way a lobbyist pays them to.

I know this seems really complex and imbalanced. Which is why this game won't be starting for a long time. If you guys are really interested, I can throw together a proof of concept to run anonymously during Acklow's BIG, or I can just make the full version 90% complete and then put up an interest gauging thread.


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is a Community Contributor
Lord Apex TinyNinja

I wouldn't bother waiting for beginner games. The best thing to do is to get into the thick of it -- if you play along with the village leader for the first few games you should pick upon rules and strategies and then you can get better and better from there.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I don't think we have beginners anymore. Beg/Expert were from a time when we had significantly more players and a larger division in skill. Now we have Bigs and Standards. If you want to hop into a game watch those that are currently going on and sign up for the next.
I was assuming it was "bad form" for a new player to jump straight into Standard when there was a tier designed especially for them. As someone who has never really played online mafia ever (I played in two on Smogon a few years ago I think), will people still be willing to tolerate my getting "learning the game", even in Standard?

Just posting because I, like two above posters, have been lurking and looking for a beginner game for a while.

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