Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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Is this all there is ? One of the datamine Videos talks about some sprites not being included and apparently there was blank slots or something ? Is there anything more that can be learned from the datamine ?
I noticed that some of the Ultra Beast's bodies evoke materials that don't fit Pokémon types. UB-01 is made of glass, there is also paper (the white one), carbon (black), copper (the wire one) and cloth (green). It may just be my impression, but it's kinda cool.
Is there any chance that GF is so ahead of us that they only cut some Pokemon sprites out of the demo and left some in for a fake out?
Or perhaps the only ones they put in are the ones in the Alolan pokedex and there are a few new pokes which are not in the Alolan pokedex just as there were quite a few new pokemon not in the original Sinnoh dex.

Don Honchkrorleone

Happy Qwilfish the nightmare
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Rest in peace, Ice-types. GF hates you, but for me you'll always be my fourth favorite type.

Busy as hell now but may post my thoughts later. Only noteworthy now is that I hate Toad and Wimpod's evo is everything I hoped it to be plus more.
The Ultra Beasts are all inspired by household items or pests. I'm beginning the think that Gamefreak is developing a new franchise and Pokemon SuMo will serve as some sort of backdoor pilot.
All the pseudo-legends base mons have 300 BST, while their middle stages are in the 410-452 BST range, with the most frequent total being 420. Jangmo-o has 300 BST and Hakamo-o has BST 420... Ok, that doesn't confirm anything, 300 BST for a base mon is pretty common, before Sliggoo all the pseudos middle stages were 410 or 420BST (so it isn't a fixated rule) and Fraxure has 410BST, fitting in the range but obviously not being a pseudo. However, Axew didn't had the 300BST that ALL the other base pseudos had (320BST instead), and the fact that we've likely got most of in not every new pokémon put the Jangmo-o line as the most likely to get the pseudo title.

As for the new pokémons:

Confirmed Starters - well I had time to appreciate them: I'm not really fond of the rigid models, but I do like them all since the first leak. I think they'll look splendid animated, this gen they put a lot of efforts animating the starters, so I'm expecting the same for their last stages. Still a shame we got ANOTHER humanoid fire starter, but that aside the design is cool.

Alolan Dugtrio line - I don't get why people are hating this... It's absolutely HILARIOUS. One of the worst pokémon designs ever? Well, that's true for the original dugtrio, three whac-a-mole wieners isn't exactly the most exciting concept out there. This new form totally isn't supposed to be taken seriously, every gen had its "joke-mons" and this one is pretty funny indeed. I wonder how it'll be explained as an adaptation though, ground/fairy is rumored but I don't get the connection... Likely GF will pull another pancakes-adaptation on this one. Ground/Water learning surf would be great.

Alolan Golem line - I was wondering how much time it would've passed before getting an asphalt pokémon... Looks like we're getting it now! Really cool, I love the tar-beard-moustaches-eyebrows... Rock/Dark maybe?

Pikipek line - The middle stage is ok I guess, quite generic. It's a shame that the final toucan loses the crest, it just looks like a plain toucan now... But I love toucans, and I really like this rendition, so no problem.

Crablawer evo - Ok, this is absolutely AMAZING. Love it, so original, it looks dumb but also incredibly powerful! Love it.

Morelull evo - Just one word: ADORABLE.

Salandit evo - This is definitely one of my favorite designs of this gen. It's simple, classy and beautiful... I'm a bit disappointed by it not being part of a 3 stage line, I hope it'll compensate with good stats. It says that Salandit is quite weak, so I hope its evo'll be much more threatening. It's also a pretty feminine design, considering Salandit's description pointing toward sexual dimorphism I was expecting a split evo... There's still little hope, but I'm ok with it anyway. It could still has different abilities between the sexes.

Crown-of-thorns starfish line - I want to see it better, especially the evo, but I'm already liking it. It somewhat reminds me of Mawile. Water/Poison is likely.

"sea-spider/water spider" line - a bit weird but cool... I want to see these animated! It's not easy to guess the type at all, it could be water/bug but also something else entirely.

Wimpod evo - This is definitely the Magikarp-Gyarados of this gen. I still prefer mons that don't get an anthropomorphic stance, but this one really looks like a Kaiju, it's so MENACING. Hope it'll be a poweful bug.

Ship's wheel/anchor - Nice, but I have to see it better, it's not entirely clear how it works by this screen. It has some Honedge vibes, could it be a ghost type? It's a shame it doesn't become a Ghost Ship then... Well, here's the hope for more, but I'm not expecting it.

Guardian Islands - Like 'em all, I especially love the blue, clam-like one. Really curious about their roles.

Solgaleo/Lunala pre-evos - ... Are they even pre-evos? Or like "embryo" formes? Don't really get why do they exist at all, but they're the cutest things ever. Hope they'll not be another useless Phione.

Marshadow - Did you expect a glorious 3rd Legendary to match with Solgaleo and Lunala? WE DID A CUTE LITTLE SPECTRE INSTEAD! ... Well, if this isn't everything, there's an high possibility that this one'll be the "embryo form" of Marshadow, pretty much matching Solgaleo and Lunala ones... If not, I'm expecting a 100-all-around-stats cute legendary as we already had except for 6th gen.

New UBs - I like them all as "evil bosses", they're frightening and looks powerful... But I'm not liking the hint of them being catchable. They're not pokémons, don't look like them at all and shouldn't be treated as such IMHO; especially if they've that human connection everyone is talking about.

Overall I'm loving everything we got so far, and I'm really happy about it... But I can't deny I'm a bit worried about the really high probability of this being all we're getting. There's an especially high lack of third stages, I actually prefer for single stages to be a large minority, but in this case we're getting lots of them (things like Komala not getting any evos are really strange)... I was also expecting more Alola formes, especially considering that most of them are about originally not very popular mons (with megas we got both unpopular and popular ones). What I'm really hoping is that we'll see something more, I hope that something was scrapped entirely from the demo... The only hint at that is Marshadow itself, matching the cute pre-evos of Solgaleo and Lunala but lacking a full forme... It's not necessary but it would fit a lot, and it'd be pretty strange to not have a 3rd main legendary as we got one since 3rd gen.
Yes! Freaking LuchaCat! Love it! Do we know the typing? Please tell me anything bit Fire/Fighting. Do we know what Rockruff and the starters have in common if there are no split evos?

I like the Marlin guardian and the bottom right crab looking UB reminds me of Emboar lol

Edit: does the Koala not evolve? I see Wimpod's evo and Pikipek (toucan really??) But no koala?
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Are Natures gone or am I just stupid? I can't find any info about them in the demo, and I haven't read anything about them so far.
Ugh, might have to cancel the preorder and go the old non-commercial route this gen based on what I've seen so far. Still holding out hope the multiplayer will at least turn out somewhat okay.


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Seriously, what's with all these single stage gimmick mons?
They have them every generation. Some of them can be competitive depending on the ruleset. We'd need the typing/abilities/stats/movepool before deciding they're gimmicks though.
Having spent a semester studying abroad in Panama, I'm so pumped to use the toucan!! It's actually not that weird of a line since both woodpeckers and toucans belong to Piciformes. I hope its animation is it throwing its head back (this is how they eat things whole). I also need to see Rowlets final evo in motion because its leaked art looked better imo. But sad that there aren't enough new birds to make an all Gen VII bird team.
Definitely gonna be disappointed if that's all the Pokemon in the game... No joke though, that Alolan Geodude line is looking fresh af
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