Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread


Tree Young
is a Tiering Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
I'm poor cause even though I have two jobs I'm also a student :( I might work two more over the summer so I can save for Smocon though, at this stage I have about 2k saved up.

@ Ninahaza - you're on :D. I did my first HIIT session today on my old high school's oval and learnt two things.

1. I'm way bigger then I was in high school. Some of my old teachers saw me and commented on how much bulk I've put on.

2. My fitness has gone to shit. By the third interval (sprint 100 m's, fast jog for about 300) I was gone. It's still good exercise and apparently HIIT is 9 times more effective then slow burn cardio over the same period of time but it's pretty fucking tough.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
I'm way bigger then I was in high school.
My fitness has gone to shit
so often the case. people don't realise that piling on muscle can actually compromise their overall physical ability - not improve it -if they don't keep on top of things. But you seem to be taking the right steps now - stick at it Stallion, it only gets easier!

oh and you mentioned earlier you take (presumably whey) protein shakes and BCAA's - just thinking about your wallet here when I say whey protein is packed full of BCAA's and will usually provide you with as much as you need. Do some research on it, the two may be overlapping
close the physical fitness thread, eh? fine, I'm gonna make my own thread! with blackjack! and hookers! in fact, forget the thread!

anyways, diet starts tomorrow. afterwards I'm gonna stick to a clean bulk and try to break the whole vicious cycle


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
i'm incredibly poorly disciplined. i really, REALLY want to get back into a routine and shape up before i visit home again for christmas, and the regimen i plan to do is a neat and effective 2-month plan, and if i can only complete that (again) then i will be well on my way to a hassle-free exercise routine that i can enjoy daily.

the hardest part is just fucking starting. it's doubly worse because i don't have much to do to occupy my time during the day besides hobbies or whatever i want basically, so i don't really have any daily schedule to insert exercise into. but i really just need to get up one morning and start, and i know i'll be a lot happier after i do.

it's just really easy to make excuses i guess. that, and i'm not in terrible shape at all - i really just want to tone my body up overall and get better upper body strength. i dislike doing upper body the most, but the easiest lesson to learn is that you can never regret a moment of exercise, even if you dislike it. so, yeah. i guess i'm whining that i'm too lazy to just start exercising again, get into a routine of running either in the morning or at night, whatever. i also have access to a pool, so i can reward myself after some extensive work with some refreshing laps… it all sounds so easy, i just have to kick myself in the ass to start and not stop!

someone please kick my ass

also, as for diet - right now i'm enjoying some pizza and breadsticks. after i gained like ten pounds out of nowhere in my last year of high school, i became much more conscious about my diet, and now i basically make sure i don't put too much fat or anything into my body that i can't either naturally metabolize or work off with exercise. my laziness has inadvertently curbed my diet so that i don't magically become a fatass and wonder how the hell it happened, and on that front i'm never going to falter, so i really just need to get physically fit instead of drastically changing my body or anything. am working on giving up soda though, or at least only treating myself with it at restaurants or something. i don't really drink it that often now anyway, typically only with certain foods (pizza, burgers) which i don't have that often, so i'm not eating anything unhealthy in excess whatsoever. i bought some celery recently to snack on with peanut butter, so i'm slowly curbing my snacks toward healthy alternatives again. the autumn season in arizona will be completely forgiving too, so there's no excuse to not go outside, at least when the sun isn't high in the sky.
Throughout my life, I've always been in fairly good shape. This was not because of my own actions- I would eat whatever I wanted, do no exercise, and rarely play sports. It helped that I was continuously growing taller. Now, however, it seems I won't grow much taller than my current 6'1". As such, I have to actually start taking care of my body.
The fact that I'm spending the year in a dorm doesn't help with any dietary plans I might have- my school serves chicken two meals a day, six days a week; my low budget prevents me from buying a more balanced diet; I have no access to a scale to accurately measure my progress. Any positive steps I take regarding my health will have to be exercise. I intend to have an exercise plan and specific goals by tomorrow night.


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Why the adversity towards toning up? Isn't it just a synonym for increasing muscle mass while cutting down on body fat? That's what and livestrong define it as anyway

The firming-up or toning is due to an increase in muscle tissue as well as a low enough bodyfat percentage to see the definition and shape of the muscles and get rid of the "jiggle".

The key to toning your body is creating a balance in the amount of fat and muscle you have.
not white knighting or anything here but it's a common enough goal and a good muscle to fat ratio is something we all strive for so I don't understand why people get so pissy and elitist whenever the word 'tone' is used


Banned deucer.
not white knighting or anything here but it's a common enough goal and a good muscle to fat ratio is something we all strive for so I don't understand why people get so pissy and elitist whenever the word 'tone' is used
because it's been raped to death by insecure schoolgirls who use it as a euphemism for "become anorexic"


royal flush
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because it's been raped to death by insecure schoolgirls who use it as a euphemism for "become anorexic"
I don't know anyone who uses "toned" in that way... toned always refers to some kind of muscular basis imo

Skinny has been turned into that though, I'd say..

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone who's more experienced with gym-going has a few tips for just making it overall more fun. I end up getting bored with running on the treadmill or the elliptical or whatever I'm using after like 10 minutes, since aside from running aimlessly nothing's really happening?? I guess I'm just looking for anything people have done to make it more enjoyable since I'm trying to build up endurance for lacrosse season, and running for like 10 minutes doesn't really help.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Run outside maybe? More enjoyable scenery and can go to different areas. When I'm at the gym I usually only use the treadmill for 25 mins as a warm up, and there's usually a sports game of some kind on the tv there that I'll watch. I also listen to music and try to just focus on that or think about something unrelated to the actual running itself, such as building pokemon teams in my head lol.
I don't know anyone who uses "toned" in that way... toned always refers to some kind of muscular basis imo

Skinny has been turned into that though, I'd say..

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone who's more experienced with gym-going has a few tips for just making it overall more fun. I end up getting bored with running on the treadmill or the elliptical or whatever I'm using after like 10 minutes, since aside from running aimlessly nothing's really happening?? I guess I'm just looking for anything people have done to make it more enjoyable since I'm trying to build up endurance for lacrosse season, and running for like 10 minutes doesn't really help.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
always focusing on progression motivates me. get bigger, stronger, faster always, and if you don't, make sure you do it the next time.

note: make sure you don't overdo it though and injure yourself (like I have before) or overtrain (like I have before) or neglect deloading (like I have before) or burn yourself out (like I have before). tactical moderation is key


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
The treadmill is always going to be boring because it's a terrible machine that doesn't engage half of the muscles that actual running does and is, at best, a poor substitute for the real thing. Isn't there a local park or nature reserve or something where you could get out and run, possibly with friends? I'm sure that'd be more fun and far more beneficial too! As for the gym itself, have you considered some weight work? Females tend to be repelled from it due to some mistaken belief that they'll turn into hulking behemoths overnight but the reality is that they'll tone up (yeah I said it), feel great and look great and it's bound to help out with your lacrosse too.

Women weight training myths!

for your sport I'd recommend squats, lunges, pull-ups, rows and some overhead press work. maybe it's not for you but have a look into it and see what you think.


Banned deucer.
@solace: i can't stand treadmills; as a long-distance runner who's used to the open road, they really rape your stride and make it unbearable to run. definitely the #1 and #2 ways to make running more fun are

1) go outside!~ as lee said, treadmills are a terribad substitute for the real deal. Running feels so much more natural outdoors, and the scenery changing helps keep you interested. There's a myriad of other benefits, too - lower humidity, no noise pollution, BREEZE... Do you know a good three to five mile loop around where you live, or is it mostly big city? If the former, go run it! If you can't finish, walk some too! no shame in that until you're fit enough to do it continuous. If the latter, well, try to find a track or something nearby. treadmills just are terrible instruments of doom and suffering. (also they make you feel a lot slower than you really are because of the aforementioned stride rape).

2) Find a friend to run with, chat it up on the run! Even as a (semi-)serious runner, it's no fun if you don't have someone to talk to. It will make it so much more enjoyable - and talking on a run will probably boost your lung capacity or something idk.
Yeah running outside is way more enjoyable, but if you have to run on a treadmill I'd recommend trying a fartlek run. For those not familiar, it's where you alternate between hard and easy paces. For example, run for 30 minutes alternating between 3 minutes easy and 2 minutes hard. You can structure it however you want really, it's pretty flexible. It makes the overall time seem to go by a lot faster since you'll be enjoying your recovery periods not wanting them to end. Plus, it's a great workout.


Two kids no brane
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Obvious suggestion is obvious, but Solace do you bring your iPod to the gym with you? For long stretches of elliptical or bike or whatever repetitive cardio you're doing it's nice to have some music or other sensory stimulation to distract you from the monotony. If you don't own an iPod you can get a small, shuffle type one for like 50 bucks these days, or even just use your smartphone with a Pandora app or something.

If your gym has a pool, I suggest swimming as your cardio exercise instead of treadmill or elliptical. You won't have time to be bored while swimming and you can get a hell of a workout in a fraction of the time you'd have to spend on a machine.

Also can I just say that Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is the single greatest obstacle between me and maintaining a proper diet. That stuff should be illegal.
always stay safe; never run outside with an iPod.

also, playing sports makes you smarter in school. the regimented lifestyle keeps you in a mode where you are living like a clock and that makes schoolwork much easier to sit down and do.

will edit with more random ramblings once I finish my schoolwork


on weight: I am not sure whether I want to gain or lose weight. I mean, at 115 lbs racing weight I was skinny and puny as fuck but I was soooooo fast (relatively) and I'd like to get to that kind of speed again. at the moment I fluctuate from 140-145 and definitely at a slightly higher bf% but much more muscular. for now I guess I want to re-comp, gaining strength but not weight, staying at the same weight and lowering bodyfat percentage. if at that point becoming varsity-level quick becomes a reality again (I go to a D1 school, not competitive but fundamentally I'd need like a 1:67-1:57 800m just to walk on and not be on the traveling team), then I will likely give up being big in order to pursue that. hopefully I'll stay (assuming I become strong) decently strong if I go that route. otherwise, I'm perfectly content being a casual who just runs for health/fitness, in which case getting big will obviously be a priority. also, if I go the casual route I'll probably max at 55-60 miles per week because unless you're competitive or just fucking love running, the extra miles won't be worth the extra time training.

goals for the rest of the school year:

1. reach 2/3/4 plates in bench/squat/deadlift. they're not great or earth-shattering lifts but they are a good strength standard to hit and within maximum one year's reach (much less for squat).

2. reach 30 inch standing vertical jump. this is a pretty arbitrary number but it should be a good enough indicator of leg power to get me moving quickly around a track again

3. reach 50 miles per week of jogging, with strides or hill sprints and lifting at least 3x/week

4. learn how to do a standing back tuck (backflip)

how I will reach these goals:

1. starting strength

2. starting strength, plus a day of explosive work (probably kettlebell swings unless I feel like learning power clean form, plus box jumps, maybe medicine ball throws, idk). if I can get my squat up to 3 plates below parallel at <150 lbs, with a little bit of power work I should be able to hit 30 inches. last summer I tested it while I was in endurance base training and got like 24 inches iirc, and that is with zero explosive work

3. building up mileage. really. fucking. slowly. not gonna get injured again this time. until december, all my runs are probably gonna be 9+ minutes per mile, and after that maybe 8-8:30 per mile. not going to increase speed at all or add any intense workouts to the mix. just straight up jogging with strides. once I hit 50 miles per week I'll maintain some more. I think when I was in über shape my mileage sweet spot was around 70-75 per week so I'll continue building up and once I've handled 2 months of 70+ consistently, I'll start adding back workouts.

4. a guy in my dorm knows how to do a back tuck. he says he will teach me once we can find a gymnastics gym. it's just a "fun" little goal

long-term goals (like, once I'm at the end of college):

1. 1:54 800m, preferably low 1:50s to 1:50 by senior year but I'll take what I can get given my extreme lack of talent. I think given four years of optimal training I can hit 1:54

2. sub-49.0 400m FAT - this one should be easy once I am regularly doing interval training again (inside a mix of high mileage, of course). when I was at 40 miles per week in the middle of track season and doing workouts with the sprinters, I could regularly keep up with the 22.x 49.x guys and just behind our only 48.low guy in sprint workouts. of course, I have much more endurance than a sprinter, so if I can keep up with the speed of a 49.x guy I should be able to extend my speed a little longer than him. I expect to hit this maybe sometime during sophomore year, I hope. worst case scenario, I am just a workout hero and all my teammates were slackers and I am actually never gonna be faster than a 52 guy. I ran 56.0 off zero training, an incredible physical and mental slump/exhaustion, and a bum achilles tendon earlier this year so I hope I can do it.

3. perform a back lever. just because they are so cool and a good indicator of both strength and balance

4. perform 100 reps of hang cleans at at least like 80-90 pounds. I bet having hang-clean-specific strength/power endurance would make you an animal in bed. would like to eventually find out what it's like to have the strength in the sack of a thousand snorlaxes.
Obvious suggestion is obvious, but Solace do you bring your iPod to the gym with you? For long stretches of elliptical or bike or whatever repetitive cardio you're doing it's nice to have some music or other sensory stimulation to distract you from the monotony. If you don't own an iPod you can get a small, shuffle type one for like 50 bucks these days, or even just use your smartphone with a Pandora app or something.

If your gym has a pool, I suggest swimming as your cardio exercise instead of treadmill or elliptical. You won't have time to be bored while swimming and you can get a hell of a workout in a fraction of the time you'd have to spend on a machine.

Also can I just say that Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is the single greatest obstacle between me and maintaining a proper diet. That stuff should be illegal.
the year 2012 and we still can't come up with a better food than mac and cheese

smh humanity


Alas poor Yorick!
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Here is a bit about myself and fitness, I hope to add some more in time.

As a casual smogon observer may realize I am into theatre a great deal. I’m not studying acting nor getting a BFA but actually a BA that is just about half performance creation and half theory and history. I wouldn’t have it any other way but there are some downsides in terms of lifestyle and fitness. Due to the actors needing rehearsal studios in the day, most people in my program have no choice but to do evening rehearsals. I developed a habit of just lounging around and doing some studying, some internet and such during these breaks between that and rehearsal. Also fast food, because heck I had my books, laptop, rehearsal stuff, and a lunch I can barely pack anything else.

I’m trying a bit more to cut that out now, but like many campus’ healthy = small portions and expensive costs. I don’t want to be hungry during rehearsal too, I can’t be creative and engaged. Right now I am five pounds over what I’d consider my normal weight, and even further under what goal I had over the summer.

Last year I saw a student play based on a dystopian world and these teenage soldiers. Essentially 15 minutes of this nonstop training regime and 1984 style propaganda being projected and yelled in between sets and running, also rape. It was brutal to watch and I know that the theatre I need to create demands pushing physical limits. This doesn’t mean perfection but whatever is necessary for the scene at hand.

I’m looking for more sugary stuff to cut out of my diet. Four years ago I cut out carbonated drinks entirely and lost almost 10 pounds. I think chocolate needs to be the next to go. In terms of fitness I’m trying to find involving ways of staying present in my body, but not with competitive sports sense and not necessarily dance either. I know I don’t always have a studio to run around in.

I’m gonna go for a run now, most of the time I use a treadmill so I’ll see how the difference is. Any advice for running or just exercise once the cold months kick in (which for Canada is very soon).


stumbling down elysian fields
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Oh shit Luke did it now I have to post too. And i'll even follow the same damn format because YEAH.

in hide tags because you guys probs don't wanna read about my life

I'm pretty skinny myself now, but taller (finally) and sit at around 5'8.5 and 125lbs - 127lbs or so as my race weight. I hope to gain some weight for soccer, as I drop a lot of weight during XC season and I'm not really happy with how I look now, and I'll get squashed if I end up running into someone. I'll have about a two month window of time between xc and soccer, so yeah, I think I'll manage to put on a bit of weight. As I said, I'm really not happy with being at so low a weight right now, and everything I wear looks baggy as fuck on me, but I'm just focusing on race performance at this point.

Anyways freshman year goals!!

1. Bench my bodyweight during soccer season (~130 lbs). Yes I'm weak fuck you delta.

2. Sub 18 minute 5k. Definitely the most unlikely of my goals right here, but what I'm going for by the end of xc season. If I can manage this I'll be really happy with myself and how well I've run over the season.

3. Sub 2:15 800. I know that I've got the raw speed to get it, but I need to work on the endurance a fair bit. I've decided after a pretty bad season of mostly focusing on speed work that I really just need to push it with the middle distance, which is really my strong suit, so I'm hoping that I can drop from my mid 2:20s of last year that I ran with most of my training for the 400.

4. Sub 4:50 1600m. Because getting my mile down is such a pain in the ass at this point, and I'll be really happy if I can manage this. I think this is a bit of a stretch (along with the sub 18 5k) but if I can get this by the end of track season, then I'll be super happy with myself.

5. Not get injured anymore. Seriously I get hurt too much it's a real pain at this point.

Longerish term goals (Sophmore year mainly):

1. Sub 2:02 800m.
2. Sub 4:40 1600m.
3. Sub 17:30 5k.




tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
because it's been raped to death by insecure schoolgirls who use it as a euphemism for "become anorexic"
thanks for allowing your blatant sexism to leak out of your mouth at my expression of wanting to exercise - clearly i have no right to better my body in any way that i want. ~_~ jesus christ.

solace, you MUST incorporate music into your exercise routine, no matter what you're doing. thankfully the beachbody thing i intend to do has music throughout (albeit terrible Portuguese sounds that sound like i should be samba-ing half the time) but it certainly makes it less dull. that, and the constant babbling of the instructor is as equally annoying as it is distracting. when he finishes talking it means the work out is over, phew!

really though, music. the best way to enjoy your exercise is to do something you already enjoy simultaneously, and music is the best treat AND distraction. the only thing i hate about trying to run and listen to music is i always try to run on beat… does anyway else have to do that. so frustrating.

i'm slightly ill right now but i've decided that i'm going to kick start things on monday, only after i enjoy the weekend and do a grocery refresh and sort of prep myself with things i'll want to enjoy before and after exercising.

also still highly miffed that people got all hot and bothered about a girl using the word "tone," especially when the term "cutting" sounds far more ridiculous.


Tree Young
is a Tiering Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
thanks for allowing your blatant sexism to leak out of your mouth at my expression of wanting to exercise - clearly i have no right to better my body in any way that i want. ~_~ jesus christ.

solace, you MUST incorporate music into your exercise routine, no matter what you're doing. thankfully the beachbody thing i intend to do has music throughout (albeit terrible Portuguese sounds that sound like i should be samba-ing half the time) but it certainly makes it less dull. that, and the constant babbling of the instructor is as equally annoying as it is distracting. when he finishes talking it means the work out is over, phew!

really though, music. the best way to enjoy your exercise is to do something you already enjoy simultaneously, and music is the best treat AND distraction. the only thing i hate about trying to run and listen to music is i always try to run on beat… does anyway else have to do that. so frustrating.

i'm slightly ill right now but i've decided that i'm going to kick start things on monday, only after i enjoy the weekend and do a grocery refresh and sort of prep myself with things i'll want to enjoy before and after exercising.

also still highly miffed that people got all hot and bothered about a girl using the word "tone," especially when the term "cutting" sounds far more ridiculous.
Not white knighting but I got up a few people for that: this thread was designed to encourage people of ALL experience levels to post their goals, and to attack a person for the terminology she used is against the spirit of this thread.

@ Fishy - from memory you're already slim and you seem like you know what you're doing with your eating so you have that aspect sorted. In terms of actual workout routine, you said you hate upper body right? I highly suggest coercing a friend into being training partners. Some of my best sessions have been with a friend spurring me on and upper body will become muh more manageable with encouragement. What Lee posted was pretty spot on, to tone up I suggest high reps (in the 12-15 range) and low weights. When it comes to building lean muscle, they are mostly built in the kitchen so when you do decide to to a grocery shop next, make sure to include plenty of good sources of protein like chicken, fish, tofu if you don't like meat, nuts etc. It probably is common knowledge you already have but the difference it makes is astronomical.
2. starting strength, plus a day of explosive work (probably kettlebell swings unless I feel like learning power clean form, plus box jumps, maybe medicine ball throws, idk). if I can get my squat up to 3 plates below parallel at <150 lbs, with a little bit of power work I should be able to hit 30 inches. last summer I tested it while I was in endurance base training and got like 24 inches iirc, and that is with zero explosive work

3. building up mileage. really. fucking. slowly. not gonna get injured again this time. until december, all my runs are probably gonna be 9+ minutes per mile, and after that maybe 8-8:30 per mile. not going to increase speed at all or add any intense workouts to the mix. just straight up jogging with strides. once I hit 50 miles per week I'll maintain some more. I think when I was in über shape my mileage sweet spot was around 70-75 per week so I'll continue building up and once I've handled 2 months of 70+ consistently, I'll start adding back workouts.

4. a guy in my dorm knows how to do a back tuck. he says he will teach me once we can find a gymnastics gym. it's just a "fun" little goal

long-term goals (like, once I'm at the end of college):

1. 1:54 800m, preferably low 1:50s to 1:50 by senior year but I'll take what I can get given my extreme lack of talent. I think given four years of optimal training I can hit 1:54

2. sub-49.0 400m FAT - this one should be easy once I am regularly doing interval training again (inside a mix of high mileage, of course). when I was at 40 miles per week in the middle of track season and doing workouts with the sprinters, I could regularly keep up with the 22.x 49.x guys and just behind our only 48.low guy in sprint workouts. of course, I have much more endurance than a sprinter, so if I can keep up with the speed of a 49.x guy I should be able to extend my speed a little longer than him. I expect to hit this maybe sometime during sophomore year, I hope. worst case scenario, I am just a workout hero and all my teammates were slackers and I am actually never gonna be faster than a 52 guy. I ran 56.0 off zero training, an incredible physical and mental slump/exhaustion, and a bum achilles tendon earlier this year so I hope I can do it.

3. perform a back lever. just because they are so cool and a good indicator of both strength and balance

4. perform 100 reps of hang cleans at at least like 80-90 pounds. I bet having hang-clean-specific strength/power endurance would make you an animal in bed. would like to eventually find out what it's like to have the strength in the sack of a thousand snorlaxes.
Jesus fuck you're an animal. I've been a dedicated runner since sixth grade and the highest mileage I've ever had was about 45. My 800 PR is a pitiful 2:20 and 400 PR a 60. Middle distance was never my thing <_<

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