OMPL VI Discussion Thread

June 9th, 2018

Congratulations to all my friends on the Honchkrows. Just an insane starting lineup that particularly started to find its groove later in the year after stumbling early in the season. What an exemplary year for geerat, what a turnaround for cata after the midpoint, and a really great job of managing from a nice combination of new and old.

I want to thank the Bewears for this unexpectedly delightful season of OMPL. I wasn't even planning on returning for a while as I had completely lost interest in pretty much everything other than 1v1 and was feeling really disconnected from the community I've been part of for so long. I thought I had made a grave error as soon as I signed up (wasn't my niche at this point basically just making really stupid predictions in OMGS threads?), but as I paired up with SW, we devised what I soon learned was a deeply weird draft strategy. I felt pretty content with our haul from the auction... and then I saw all the "lol what was UC doing," "bewears are obviously the worst," etc. comments and the sense of dread returned. Of course, what followed, even though it didn't conclude with an undefeated regular season or a finals victory, was much more fun and successful than I could possibly have expected.

ScarfWynaut thanks for all the work you put in this year, which people mostly ignored. I know you were frustrated not to be able to play much of a role in prep for the first few weeks because of the technical issues, but you served as an excellent counterbalance to my overserious, neurotic managing style throughout. I also greatly admire the healthy cynicism you bring to this community in general, as weird as that sounds. You'll get the win you deserve eventually.

Pigeons I know it was frustrating for you to be away from the team for a while as we competed for playoff position. Not gonna lie, I really did not check people's inactivity at all before the auction, which may have been obvious to anyone watching. In spite of the impediments to your participation, you were an excellent presence in the team chat and deserve a lot of credit for how well we did in AG in the early going. And you almost pulled things back in this final week, but alas.

Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) What a revelation! You managed to pull off the best BH record in the tour in an extremely tough player field. I (somewhat flippantly) was telling people at the beginning of the tour, before I even drafted you, that you would win some games on matchup and lose some games on matchup and one would just have to hope for more of the former. Then you came out with that amazing performance vs. Halliday and just kept on winning and suddenly no one knew what to expect. I think you've proven yourself part of the top tier (and honestly, your frustration about not being picked last time around was probably justified, too, even though you've improved considerably since then). Just make sure to keep your composure after early-game setbacks, hax-related or otherwise, and soon you'll be knocking out even GL Volkner-backed opponents.

PurpleGatorade You were so reliable for so long during this tour, to a greater degree than I think anyone anticipated. The series against Skarph in Week 1 is still one of the highlights of the entire season for me. Building immaculate teams for one opponent after another, and supporting your teammates in the process given the weird 2 ag slot thing, is no small feat. Really sorry about all the totally unforeseen crap that prevented you from being with us in the finals.

itsKimbo such a bummer that all the cool sets, all the effort put into (largely successful) testing, simply didn't translate to most of the real games. I think you have immense potential as a player and while throwing you into the fire midway through had mixed results, I am glad you got the experience and picked up a key win against the Blisseys (even though replays were down, smh Zarel).

sugarhigh you were criminally underused this year. The sheer efficiency with which you teambuilt for and then straight-up demolished arguably the metagame's top player in a crucial week cannot be overstated. Even though we didn't find a place for you most of the time you consistently helped test and enthusiastically supported SL42 (except for when his zany teambuilding strayed a little too far from the light). It's no wonder you've been so successful on smogon in the past and one of these days someone needs to let you start more.

MultiAmmiratore your season shows that there's no justice in the game of pokemon. Plagued by unexpected, uncontrollable inactivity and hax (especially hax!), you weren't really ever able to get into a rhythm. SW and I believed in your abilities throughout and had you as one of our primary targets in the auction, and I don't regret the purchase. You're still worthy of consideration as a high-level player in your metagame and I believe everyone in the community understands that. All the best.

Osra I had been telling everyone who would listen before the auction that the entire 1v1 player pool was pretty much indistinguishable and that there was no reason to spend extra money on an alleged "top" player. Then as people waited...and waited...and waited to nominate you I realized I was wrong and jumped in because I recognized from "that one 1v1 tour" that people were severely underrating your capacity to outthink the opposition in teambuilding. And not only did you excel, with your only loss in 5 games in a week we had already won, you provided an excellent, often dissenting voice in building for other metas such as AAA, too. In spite of all our past 1v1 thread bickering it was a pleasure to have you on the team.

ihhca to the public it must seem like a pretty quiet year for you on the whole, but you certainly weren't quiet in the team chat, particularly in the early weeks, when you were overflowing with aaa, mnm, and even bh ideas. We missed you a little bit later on, and I'm sorry your game against lax didn't go amazingly well, but you acknowledged and understood your role and performed it excellently. One day, that double diancie team will see the light.

Alpha Rabbit in a shocking turn of events I was actually really impressed by the replays you sent me and was thrilled to pick you up as a sub. Obviously it took a while before you got to play, and unfortunately your experience was mostly defined by luck, good and bad (live by the OHKO moves, die by the OHKO moves), but like Osra you were a great dissenting voice in teambuilding and I especially appreciate your flexibility in later weeks when we needed to sub.

Iron Crusher a silent killer of sorts, you filled in excellently in the weeks where osra's ridiculous teambuilding regimen had worn her down too much, including defeating a top player in Joker in a pretty ridiculous series. You're a really nice guy and I hope you play in world cup of 1v1, too.

byronthewellwell rough games that didn't put your excellent play on display, unfortunately. SW had targeted you from the beginning and we were really happy to have you throughout. Thanks for subbing in on short notice week 7, too. You also played an integral role in that you recommended solo! (And Alkione, but rip. Another time.)

Bushtush man, you started out so strong. I have no idea why you had to suddenly antagonize everyone and get banned. It was quite the setback and I would have liked to see you test your skills against some of the upper-tier AAA players we encountered later on.


In all seriousness though, you're a high-quality, reliable player and we missed having you around, not so much for 1v1 but for the additional support you could have provided in stuff like mnm and aaa later in the year. Best of luck cheering Asia on.

skysolo14 I had gotten in the habit of taking someone unexpected in the mock drafts and so people probably assumed that I was just carrying on that (extremely foolish) practice in the actual auction when I took you. Of course, in reality, byron had recommended you, and your signup lined up with some metagames of need, so I decided to pull the trigger! And honestly, you exceeded my wildest expectations. I wasn't even sure how you were going to play at all but then you just kept on proving your worth and polished off someone who had won 15 ompl games in a row, no big deal. Today's series was an unfortunate blow but you really did all you could to help out, through testing and whatnot, even though you had such tenuous connections at the start of the year. Thanks for all the hard work.

SectoniaServant Really sorry we didn't get a chance to play you. I tried to make a point of getting everyone involved, but unfortunately I failed on that front. I firmly believe your knowledge was what we needed after we lost bush partway through and you applied it well. I hope someone will give you a chance to display your true worth in future tours.

I am really running out of steam here (shades of my AG open predictions) but as far as people who aren't on our team are concerned, I want to thank Chazm for doing his best to salvage our mnm in the finals and being available for tests for both kimbo and solo, a few of my fellow managers like Ransei Chloe The Immortal DEG for supporting us in the finals — sorry we couldn't deliver, and other people who expressed their support like Rumplestiltskin and Joker 1v1.

Oh and also Pohjis. We have never interacted but if this roster is any indication we clearly have very similar taste in drafting, since I selected a whopping 4 of the same players as you had on the Durians this past year. You guys went undefeated and won the finals. For a while it seemed like we might do the same, but we failed on both fronts. Oh well. That's the way it goes sometimes and I'm delighted to have made it this far in the first place.

Really sorry if I forgot you in the endless list above. It was kind of a crummy finals but I'm glad to have shared this season with everyone. I think this may be it for me in terms of OMPL managing — 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in 4 tries seems like a nice way to wrap it up — and I've enjoyed taking part in probably my favorite part of the OM community. I hope to come back for future mysterious other team tours, though!

Post-OMPL thread coming soon. Thanks for reading, everyone.


Not a promise, I'm just gonna call it.
Before I get into the heart of my shout-outs, I'd like to congratulate the Uselesscrab and ScarfWynaut on a spectacular season, it's not often a team so overlooked is as dominant as they were throughout the entire tournament. I'd also like to thank E4 Flint for being an amazing and professional host for OMPL, and I'd like to apologize for being so trash at getting you our lineups week to week.

Short note before the s/o

When I was lucky enough to get a spot as a manager for one of the OMPL teams this year, I was conflicted. There were still people expecting me to play, and parts of me also assumed I would play, however I honestly felt that I would enjoy managing far more, and I'm beyond glad that I stuck with it. From the outset, I decided to manage with the intention of winning, and I was serious about it. I drew up a plan for who I wanted on my team, and what kind of people I wanted on my team. Obviously I wanted a team that was good enough, and driven to win each and every week, but equally important, I wanted a team that won and lost as a unit. Snaq and I truly succeeded in drafting a family of strong OM players.

Indiviudual shoutouts:
Snaquaza: Before I get to the team, I have to shoutout my co-manager in arms. The yin, to my yang. We certainly come at managing a team from different view points: While I am far more hands on, you are an expert in the admin, and made our discord feel less like a team chat and more like a community. You kept up with every week and gave your opinions as much as possible, forcing our players to think outside of the box and solidify their teams. While our management styles are different, we were on the same page right from the outset. Our (honestly ridiculous) pre-draft prep really gave us the freedom to be comfortable during the draft, and which contributed massively to drafting our amazing team. I hope your experience managing with me was as enjoyable as mine was with you.

Sylveon.: Usually you save the best for last, however, just as he was Snaq and I's top priority in the auction, he'll stay on top of the Player Shout-outs as the Honchkrows MVP. We've always had lots of success and fun building together, so I was very bullish on drafting you. Even though it only ended up being for 7k (!!) I was willing to break the bank. And it proved to be a smart decision. Geerat, you were absolutely phenomenal, and your commitment to playing was - and I use this word incredibly seldom within Pokemon - inspiring. Dealing with a serious virus and hospitalized for multiple weeks, between playing at 3am in a hospital bed in week 7, or puking in between your bo3 set vs Aesf, it amazing to watch as your manager. On top of it all, you were a great teammate in our discord, offering encouragement and help wherever you could. It was an honour to work with you every week, and I'm so happy it culminated in a flawless 7-0 season for you.

Andyboy: What a revelation of a player you ended up being. I still remember when I was made aware of you, I actually had to go to you on discord and ask if you were intending on signing up for OMPL. I was told that you were an up and coming MnM player who has yet to play in a large scale tour, so, naturally I researched you and liked what I saw. Needless to say I'm pleased that you did find your way to the sign ups. What I wasn't told, however, was how much of a positive impact you would have within the discord. You embody what the ideal team tour player is, and your constant willingness to help, get in calls, update the team, and work to become a better player and teammate was remarkable. I'm happier to have known you as a person to have drafted you as a player. And that's not to say THE CLOSER wasn't money. You have the stuff to become an amazing player, my only regret was not helping you as much as I intended to at the start, but I knew you'd clutch up. Thanks for being a great honchkrow

Catalystic: We became friends over the course of OMGS, and when I had this opportunity to manage, I knew I wanted to take you. The combination of high level AG play, combined with knowledge in many other tiers was very enticing as a manager. As a person, I also wanted to take you, since I knew you would work hard to make our other players better, contribute in keeping our discord lively, and be a friend to everyone. You did all of it and more! Your 4 week winning streak down the stretch was fiery and dominant, and your dedication to playing for our team was so impressive. Waking up on a different continent at 5AM to play Pokemon is, frankly, insane, but nevertheless you did it, and won on top of that. You earned this win man.

Holy Break: Even though you tried your hardest to annoy, anger, or irritate our entire discord, we all knew it was out of love. You worked tirelessly, often well into the morning, with Cata to produce high level teams that would perform when we needed them to. While your record wasn't the best, you were a big help for our AG slots, and provided for our team in more ways that wins and losses. also ur a weeb ha lol

MAMP: THE CHAMP. You had some ups and downs, but ended with a strong 5-3 record. I was immediately a bit regretful that I didn't provide you with many sources of help in BH, since I'm completely useless, but you pulled through big time. You were also another one of the fam, joining calls and proving commentary that everyone enjoyed. I bet you everyone else in that room would kill for some of your BH wisdom, since it's so foreign to the rest of us. You were a fantastic teammate and presence in the discord, and I hope you had a great time in there.

The 1v1 gang: UBERLandon21 MaceMaster TheShadowClaw: I'll be honest, I was super clueless about 1v1 going into OMPL, and I'm not sure how much of that changed, but you guys killed it. Mace, 4-1, starting 4-0, was amazing. Landon, also with a winning record of 2-1, put in work for us in the earlier weeks. TSC, I wish I could have played you more, and I'm sorry it didn't work out. All 3 of you were so respectful of each other, and while you didn't talk a whole lot in the chat, you guys were pleasures to work with.

Pikachuun: Thanks for being basically MAMP's only BH tester and helper. If you weren't here it would have been a huge problem. Your substitute early on was super appreciated, and even though it didn't go so well, I'm glad we got you into a game. Your presence in the chat was also lovely, and contributed to the amazing chemistry our team had throughout the whole tournament.

Plas: Thanks for subbing in on short notice twice. You were a great teammate, and your immaculate gassing abilities cannot be surpassed. Huge win in the finals man, the redemption for the game vs ML was sweet.

Terracotta: You subbed in fearlessly for us when Cata was somewhere in the middle of the ocean. It didn't go as well as we'd have liked, and since then you seemed to be very busy with other things, but it's been a pleasure to team with you.

frisoeva: goat addition tbh

mags: sorry we couldn't get you in a game this season. Shame about the whole tourbanning thing, hope it gets sorted out for you dude. Also no more sun posts pls, no one deserves that

If there's anything I learned from managing for my first time it would be this: Draft a team of good people, the records will be unpredictable, but their character shouldn't be. It wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable, win or loss, if I wasn't genuinely invested in my team as I was.


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pidge pidge
is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Shoutouts time! This was honestly an incredible season for me and even though I didn't end up getting the record I wanted I'm still more than happy with my experience in the tournament overall. I was really hoping to finish positive this year so that's a tad disappointing, but still I felt like all the games I lost were extremely close and usually came down to rng or minor mistakes. Huge congrats to the Honchkrows, it was a real treat to see you guys recover after a shaky start and show just how incredible you could be, this was a well deserved win on your guys' end. Going forward, I think it's reasonable for me to say this will be my last year participating in OMPL, at least as a player. As much as I enjoy the team spirit of this tournament I do find it incredibly stressful in terms of finding time, I'm going to be much busier next summer so I want to leave that as free as possible.

PurpleGatorade My fucking dude. Normally I'd put managers first but how can I not give u the first shoutout after all the stuff we've been through together. I was so pumped to be on the same team as you again and I feel like we really showed just how powerful a combo we are this year even if my individual performance wasn't the strongest. Thanks for all the killer teambuilds and congrats on an extremely strong finish yourself, it's been a massive treat the past few years to watch you go from free ladder points with Genesect HO to one of the absolute best AG players in the current metagame. Really hope things work out for you irl, was a shame we couldn't have you for finals but don't worry about it. I hope we can play together in another tour whether it's OMPL or AGTT 2.0, you're probably my best friend on this website and it's been an absolute blast playing with you.

Uselesscrab ScarfWynaut You guys were awesome managers, you created a super chill team spirit and were always ready to support us where you could. Congrats on having both the best team name and the best draft in terms of scrabble points! Really sorry to you guys, I feel like I let you down with my inactivity even though you knew in advance. Thanks for trusting me as your first AG buy and reuniting me with my man Purple, you guys put together an absolutely incredible team and knew how to draw out our potential.

Alpha Rabbit byronthewellwell Thanks for covering Purple and I's inactivity during the tournaments, you guys are both very solid players and I hope we see more of you in AG going forward.

And of course shoutouts to everyone on the team, don't have time to write anything rn (will edit this in later!) but you all made this an incredibly fun tournament and I think every single member of the team pulled their weight (and then some). Grats on an awesome finish everyone, hope to see y'all around in the future!
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OMPL is by far my favorite tournament on smogon, and I had so much fun participating with the Bewears this year. We really exceeded all expectations and I'm really proud of the squad for making it to finals, sorry I couldn't be there competing with you all.
Quick Shoutouts
Pigeons Of course I have to give you the first shoutout as well :) It's crazy how far we've come and it's been incredibly fun playing in 2 consecutive OMPL's with you. The defensive ogre team we made together is probably my favorite of this entire generation, and I'm always grateful for your teambuilding suggestions and cancerous chat presence <3. Sucks that we were both inactive, but I think our records show how devastatingly effective we can be when working together. It's been a pleasure the past 2 years and I hope you reconsider and join this tour again!
Uselesscrab Chillest manager I've ever had. I really appreciated all the pump ups and advice you gave everyone before their games, even if you weren't well versed in the metagame. Thanks for putting up with my braindead moments; I swear I'm not a double agent lol. You brought this team together and are the main reason we succeeded so thanks for a great run!
ScarfWynaut Didn't get to talk to you as much unfortunately but you were a really entertaining chat presence and helpful as well. You and UC make a fantastic team.
Alpha Rabbit thanks for covering for me during my periods of inactivity. You've become one of my closest friends on the site and it was great playing another premier league with you. May the ohko luck always stay with you.
skysolo14 best supersub I've ever seen. We've now been on the same team 3 times, and each time you somehow manage to finesse wins in totally different tiers. Idk how you do it but ur seriously on ur way to becoming the goat.

And of course a huge shoutout to the entire team, sorry if I didn't give you a personal shoutout but I really did appreciate each and every one of you for making this experience so fun. A lot of our players were heavily underrated but proved their worth. It's been a blast with you guys, sorry I was missing when it mattered most but I'm really proud of what we did.

This will be my last smogon post for a while. I'm taking a break from mons to focus on college apps, this game is way too addicting and I can't manage my time properly while playing. I'll be on discord occasionally so hmu if you need to talk there. See you guys in a few months!


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Jrdn has already made a huge post and I don't really want to do that right now, but I am obviously very happy with my team and loved to see how everybody prepared and such. Anyway a few shoutouts.

DurzaOffTopic Thanks for making me manage, even though you couldn't after all!
The Immortal For encouraging me to manage this season and helping me find a comanager!
Jrdn For managing with me and being an overpowered player in general in like half the tiers!
Catalystic Wew, you were a huge help during the draft, and a great guy overall.
Sylveon. I really enjoyed the times we build or talked together, even though my ideas were trash at times.

As I said, the entire team was great, and to see the way everyone worked together was amazing. KACAW!


Glued myself better, golden; unbroken.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
The tale of my third time managing in OMPL starts with me trying to find another partner to replace my kindergarten friend Bondie. We had a very successful draft last year and I wanted to find someone that will bring the same results as last year and doesn't play OMs to continue my streak of non-OMs managers. Took me a solid year to find me the perfect partner. I searched all around the globe, from people with positive GMTs to the ones with negative GMTs and I couldn't find anyone that wanted to team up with the DEG, until one day I was on the balcony and Prince sed passed by with a sword in his hand tainted with ketchup, he looked at me and said "I've seen you my friend, looking for a partner, I've stalked you and searched for you, and I finally found you."

I agreed and I explained him the rules of OMPL and we talked about who we want. We first thought of an AG core, I wanted to get my boy HunterStorm and he wanted Paycard. Both were solid choices so we agreed on spending 20k and no more on first ag slot and get one of them. We got Hunter and fortunately he saved us some good money on a second ag with both donno and ezy not even costing 10k and bringing fantastic results. Sedertz and I wanted QT as a solid builder to help us in main OMs like AAA, BH and Mnm but unfortunately some crazy managers bid 25k and were going to go as far as 30k so we kinda aborted the mention. Our mnm pick was jeran (he also builds aaa) and as BH it was willdbeast with any tour player for aaa at first but during the draft plans changed. With Qt being gone we needed solid picks and we easily got Morogrim for BH and everything else worked perfectly we got sabella and jeran. We had more leftovers so we got Mark K as an mnm builder. We decided on not spending more than 4k on 1v1 cause I could help and that turned out being a bad idea, but we got joker. And we spent all the rest on some friends Betathunder and Shiba, and with Moro complaining about him needing BH help we got Akios.

Start of OMPL I had only interacted with a few like Hunter and Donno but mid OMPL I'm glad that I drafted these people, team chat was lit and I enjoyed meeting everyone. I was also happy having both shiba beta jeran my monopl II buddies. Well, not gonna make everything sound perfect, but first few weeks were rough af, we got Ls left and right with some bad matchups and hax and tension rose. Morogrim got grumpy and started to hate on the team, and even got into trashtalk with Hunter. But then we started picking some Ws, Morogrim took a break for a week then came back chilling. After week 3 we p much were chill af, cracked jokes, hunter and moro kissed and had kids, everything was fine. We were so hyped that we even got a 6 0 in the end, was a wild week and was also my birthday. In the end we were like 80% in but we just drew the short end of the stick and everything turned against us but that was a really fun ride, I appreciate all the work my team did, and everything we went through, and I'm glad I drafted them.

HunterStorm, Thimo, EzyRider, DonnotheFirst: GOAT AG SQUAD. I doubt anyone could outprep you. Hunter I'm glad I drafted you, determined, funny, catgirl lover, top ag player that carried a lot of weeks. Donno remember when I told you to not tryout you rusty fuck :^] great comeback even tho you misplayed as fuck week 1, glad that I drafted you and witnessed your comeback plus was good help to moro. Ezy is best sub, always subbed in and just won when we need him, the only guy to beat Zenithial this OMPL, keep on playin you'll be more than a sub next ompl. Shoutout Thimo for helping my AGs prep literally great ideas and best ag builder imo.

morogrim aki0s, sorry that I couldn't draft your friends moro but I got you akios. Sorry for first weeks, looked rough and no one responded but it worked really great. Sorry Akios for not letting you play too much but you were and incredible help for Moro and gave good ideas. Great core tbh, Moro could have easily gone undefeated if not for first weeks tilt due to irl but I appreciate you as a player and getting you for 16k was good af.

Mark_K Akashi. Not only both played a good role in MNM they both supported the AAA slot perfectly with giving teams and building. Sorry for you negative record once again, but your contributions were positive jeran couldn't have done it without you nor sabella last weeks. You also helped moro in testing so kudos. Aimbot xD third time on my team, jeran is too good.

Sabella Shiba, drafted both for aaa. Sabella was too GOAT, clutched Ws after Ws I'm glad that I drafted you mate, even when you picked a team 3 mins prior game you still won. Shiba LOL sorry for 0 2 both with teams I built or edited, but thanks for filling in for both 1v1 and aaa.

Joker 1v1 Betathunder new 1v1 and old 1v1, too bad the 1v1 slot turned being the most negative one here with only one W but I regret nothing, I like both if you and you did your best! Thank you for filling in last week beta. Joker don't let that bring you down, I know you're good at 1v1 and that was just badluck! Was fun having you around.

sed what a man was fun comanaging with you mate, lets win this next year.

E4 Flint thanks for hosting, you did a great job. #freetop4

Chloe nice predicts

The Immortal you're bad.

This was def. The best ompl I took in and was fun. Congrats to honchkrow!!

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The tale of my third time managing in OMPL starts with me trying to find another partner to replace my kindergarten friend Bondie. We had a very successful draft last year and I wanted to find someone that will bring the same results as last year and doesn't play OMs to continue my streak of non-OMs managers. Took me a solid year to find me the perfect partner. I searched all around the globe, from people with positive GMTs to the ones with negative GMTs and I couldn't find anyone that wanted to team up with the DEG, until one day I was on the balcony and Prince sed passed by with a sword in his hand tainted with ketchup, he looked at me and said "I've seen you my friend, looking for a partner, I've stalked you and searched for you, and I finally found you."

I agreed and I explained him the rules of OMPL and we talked about who we want. We first thought of an AG core, I wanted to get my boy HunterStorm and he wanted Paycard. Both were solid choices so we agreed on spending 20k and no more on first ag slot and get one of them. We got Hunter and fortunately he saved us some good money on a second ag with both donno and ezy not even costing 10k and bringing fantastic results. Sedertz and I wanted QT as a solid builder to help us in main OMs like AAA, BH and Mnm but unfortunately some crazy managers bid 25k and were going to go as far as 30k so we kinda aborted the mention. Our mnm pick was jeran (he also builds aaa) and as BH it was willdbeast with any tour player for aaa at first but during the draft plans changed. With Qt being gone we needed solid picks and we easily got Morogrim for BH and everything else worked perfectly we got sabella and jeran. We had more leftovers so we got Mark K as an mnm builder. We decided on not spending more than 4k on 1v1 cause I could help and that turned out being a bad idea, but we got joker. And we spent all the rest on some friends Betathunder and Shiba, and with Moro complaining about him needing BH help we got Akios.

Start of OMPL I had only interacted with a few like Hunter and Donno but mid OMPL I'm glad that I drafted these people, team chat was lit and I enjoyed meeting everyone. I was also happy having both shiba beta jeran my monopl II buddies. Well, not gonna make everything sound perfect, but first few weeks were rough af, we got Ls left and right with some bad matchups and hax and tension rose. Morogrim got grumpy and started to hate on the team, and even got into trashtalk with Hunter. But then we started picking some Ws, Morogrim took a break for a week then came back chilling. After week 3 we p much were chill af, cracked jokes, hunter and moro kissed and had kids, everything was fine. We were so hyped that we even got a 6 0 in the end, was a wild week and was also my birthday. In the end we were like 80% in but we just drew the short end of the stick and everything turned against us but that was a really fun ride, I appreciate all the work my team did, and everything we went through, and I'm glad I drafted them.

HunterStorm, Thimo, EzyRider, DonnotheFirst: GOAT AG SQUAD. I doubt anyone could outprep you. Hunter I'm glad I drafted you, determined, funny, catgirl lover, top ag player that carried a lot of weeks. Donno remember when I told you to not tryout you rusty fuck :^] great comeback even tho you misplayed as fuck week 1, glad that I drafted you and witnessed your comeback plus was good help to moro. Ezy is best sub, always subbed in and just won when we need him, the only guy to beat Zenithial this OMPL, keep on playin you'll be more than a sub next ompl. Shoutout Thimo for helping my AGs prep literally great ideas and best ag builder imo.

morogrim aki0s, sorry that I couldn't draft your friends moro but I got you akios. Sorry for first weeks, looked rough and no one responded but it worked really great. Sorry Akios for not letting you play too much but you were and incredible help for Moro and gave good ideas. Great core tbh, Moro could have easily gone undefeated if not for first weeks tilt due to irl but I appreciate you as a player and getting you for 16k was good af.

Mark_K Akashi. Not only both played a good role in MNM they both supported the AAA slot perfectly with giving teams and building. Sorry for you negative record once again, but your contributions were positive jeran couldn't have done it without you nor sabella last weeks. You also helped moro in testing so kudos. Aimbot xD third time on my team, jeran is too good.

Sabella Shiba, drafted both for aaa. Sabella was too GOAT, clutched Ws after Ws I'm glad that I drafted you mate, even when you picked a team 3 mins prior game you still won. Shiba LOL sorry for 0 2 both with teams I built or edited, but thanks for filling in for both 1v1 and aaa.

Joker 1v1 Betathunder new 1v1 and old 1v1, too bad the 1v1 slot turned being the most negative one here with only one W but I regret nothing, I like both if you and you did your best! Thank you for filling in last week beta. Joker don't let that bring you down, I know you're good at 1v1 and that was just badluck! Was fun having you around.

sed what a man was fun comanaging with you mate, lets win this next year.

E4 Flint thanks for hosting, you did a great job. #freetop4

Chloe nice predicts

The Immortal you're bad.

This was def. The best ompl I took in and was fun. Congrats to honchkrow!!

Thinking about it drafting thimo for free was the greatest steal of OMPL by far


i had a ton of fun this ompl. i got to play a lot of great games of pokemon, the team discord was lit and all the krows were rly good lads who i would be very happy to team with again. and we won!

some quick shoutouts:

Jrdn and Snaquaza for drafting me ofc: i know i've got something of a history of losing interest in tours part-way through, and i know that at least ti didnt want to draft me because of that, but i rly appreciate that you had faith in me. un-shoutout to jrdn for deleting the :jrdnface: emote

Pikachuun for giving solid team advice and for filling in for me that one week where i was in hospital with fucking gallstones

Sylveon. GOATRAT UNDEFEATED what an absolute legend, hope you get better soon xoxo

1v1 lads UBERLandon21 TheShadowClaw MaceMaster none of you really talked much in the discord which is a shame bc you all seem like cool cats, wish i'd gotten to know you all a bit better

Andyboy ANDYGOAT500 this man changed his discord pfp to an anime catgirl to support the team, true dedication

Holy Break FRENCH FLAMES :buzzdab:

Catalystic cool bean, helped build in like every meta, always supporting the boys

mags our collective disgust at that dick pic you kept posting in the discord rly helped us grow closer as a team. hope the tourban stuff goes good for you

GL Volkner your teambuilding advice for the finals was good even tho i ignored all of it

Klang for ghosting me in every single game (except the ones i lost), couldnt have done it without you

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S/o sed for being goat solo manager while the so-called false manager embarassed his players by forcing them to put catgirl pfps

S/o DonnotheFirst Thimo EzyRider
For being best bros. I had fun during all of our secret love chats during the hour of the wolf.

S/o morogrim for taking shit from me and still being a dangerously good player and a chill teammate.

S/o Akashi Mark_K Shiba aki0s Sabella Joker 1v1 Betathunder for all being solid teammates and helping me test whenever you guys could. Grats to all of you guys for having a stellar OMPL and I truly believe we were the best team in the tournament - bar none.

S/o DEG for being a high school bully I hate you and I hope you lose Ubers Open so hard.

GL to thimo with catgirl

Btw fwiw I still have no fucking clue how we didn't make playoffs with the individual results that we ended up having. Happens in close tournaments, but I hope I get to play again with you lot of miscreants once again.
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The tale of my third time managing in OMPL starts with me trying to find another partner to replace my kindergarten friend Bondie. We had a very successful draft last year and I wanted to find someone that will bring the same results as last year and doesn't play OMs to continue my streak of non-OMs managers. Took me a solid year to find me the perfect partner. I searched all around the globe, from people with positive GMTs to the ones with negative GMTs and I couldn't find anyone that wanted to team up with the DEG, until one day I was on the balcony and Prince sed passed by with a sword in his hand tainted with ketchup, he looked at me and said "I've seen you my friend, looking for a partner, I've stalked you and searched for you, and I finally found you."

I agreed and I explained him the rules of OMPL and we talked about who we want. We first thought of an AG core, I wanted to get my boy HunterStorm and he wanted Paycard. Both were solid choices so we agreed on spending 20k and no more on first ag slot and get one of them. We got Hunter and fortunately he saved us some good money on a second ag with both donno and ezy not even costing 10k and bringing fantastic results. Sedertz and I wanted QT as a solid builder to help us in main OMs like AAA, BH and Mnm but unfortunately some crazy managers bid 25k and were going to go as far as 30k so we kinda aborted the mention. Our mnm pick was jeran (he also builds aaa) and as BH it was willdbeast with any tour player for aaa at first but during the draft plans changed. With Qt being gone we needed solid picks and we easily got Morogrim for BH and everything else worked perfectly we got sabella and jeran. We had more leftovers so we got Mark K as an mnm builder. We decided on not spending more than 4k on 1v1 cause I could help and that turned out being a bad idea, but we got joker. And we spent all the rest on some friends Betathunder and Shiba, and with Moro complaining about him needing BH help we got Akios.

Start of OMPL I had only interacted with a few like Hunter and Donno but mid OMPL I'm glad that I drafted these people, team chat was lit and I enjoyed meeting everyone. I was also happy having both shiba beta jeran my monopl II buddies. Well, not gonna make everything sound perfect, but first few weeks were rough af, we got Ls left and right with some bad matchups and hax and tension rose. Morogrim got grumpy and started to hate on the team, and even got into trashtalk with Hunter. But then we started picking some Ws, Morogrim took a break for a week then came back chilling. After week 3 we p much were chill af, cracked jokes, hunter and moro kissed and had kids, everything was fine. We were so hyped that we even got a 6 0 in the end, was a wild week and was also my birthday. In the end we were like 80% in but we just drew the short end of the stick and everything turned against us but that was a really fun ride, I appreciate all the work my team did, and everything we went through, and I'm glad I drafted them.

HunterStorm, Thimo, EzyRider, DonnotheFirst: GOAT AG SQUAD. I doubt anyone could outprep you. Hunter I'm glad I drafted you, determined, funny, catgirl lover, top ag player that carried a lot of weeks. Donno remember when I told you to not tryout you rusty fuck :^] great comeback even tho you misplayed as fuck week 1, glad that I drafted you and witnessed your comeback plus was good help to moro. Ezy is best sub, always subbed in and just won when we need him, the only guy to beat Zenithial this OMPL, keep on playin you'll be more than a sub next ompl. Shoutout Thimo for helping my AGs prep literally great ideas and best ag builder imo.

morogrim aki0s, sorry that I couldn't draft your friends moro but I got you akios. Sorry for first weeks, looked rough and no one responded but it worked really great. Sorry Akios for not letting you play too much but you were and incredible help for Moro and gave good ideas. Great core tbh, Moro could have easily gone undefeated if not for first weeks tilt due to irl but I appreciate you as a player and getting you for 16k was good af.

Mark_K Akashi. Not only both played a good role in MNM they both supported the AAA slot perfectly with giving teams and building. Sorry for you negative record once again, but your contributions were positive jeran couldn't have done it without you nor sabella last weeks. You also helped moro in testing so kudos. Aimbot xD third time on my team, jeran is too good.

Sabella Shiba, drafted both for aaa. Sabella was too GOAT, clutched Ws after Ws I'm glad that I drafted you mate, even when you picked a team 3 mins prior game you still won. Shiba LOL sorry for 0 2 both with teams I built or edited, but thanks for filling in for both 1v1 and aaa.

Joker 1v1 Betathunder new 1v1 and old 1v1, too bad the 1v1 slot turned being the most negative one here with only one W but I regret nothing, I like both if you and you did your best! Thank you for filling in last week beta. Joker don't let that bring you down, I know you're good at 1v1 and that was just badluck! Was fun having you around.

sed what a man was fun comanaging with you mate, lets win this next year.

E4 Flint thanks for hosting, you did a great job. #freetop4

Chloe nice predicts

The Immortal you're bad.

This was def. The best ompl I took in and was fun. Congrats to honchkrow!!

I won't play on Mobile anymore...I refuse...first PL now OMPL....deg is a sock


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
this ompl taught me a lot about luck. a few of the games i played (and watched) were strongly influenced by luck, and while it was in my favor on the whole, it was honestly kind of annoying no matter who won the game. hopefully next year won't have that kind of stuff as much.

of course, i was also really lucky to be on this incredible team. finals were kind of lame, but during the regular season everyone was just on fire and it was so cool. we were really out there buying those Ws against even the strongest teams in ompl.

sugarhigh you were really cool. you got a win vs hl, who was maybe the player who scared me the most, and you were always helping me test and stuff. it was also just nice to have you around.

skysolo14 dude i'd never heard of you before this but then suddenly you were winning against all these day 1s and being super active in chat and i was like ??? you're actually rly good, hope you come back for next year

PurpleGatorade and Pigeons the ag crew. watching you guys play was heat, the kyogres just came in and got kills bop

Alpha Rabbit cool dude with that nice win. wish you could've played more

ihhca you were rly in the discord like 12/7 helping everyone with their teams because somehow you play like every meta. you say that getting the good individual record isn't for you but i think you can do it.

MultiAmmiratore the typa guy to go 6-1 or something next year real talk

Osra ok sometimes i play on the 1v1 ladder and it's always rly weird with like cts and mons that 3-0 and hax and all that BUT YOU GET LIKE 5-1 OR SOMETHING WITH LASER FOCUS AEGI???? teach me your secrets

SectoniaServant add the 16 back to ur name. anyway u were nice in chat even if the managers were corrupt and didn't play you

itsKimbo we lost because you ghosted jrdn during the draft smh. your teams were pretty cool and i think you deserved a better record.

Iron Crusher unfort we couldn't play you more but that set in week 2 was awesome, you were really brave enough to pick gyara 3 times in a row. one of the better 1v1 players out there.

ScarfWynaut we have our differences in terms of personality but you were a good manager. i felt like i was being taken seriously and that the technical stuff was taken care of. high quality (?) memes too

byronthewellwell you're improving. although i thought you were just an average tour player before, you really felt like an ompl level player when we had you on the team. keep the frozone avatar please

Uselesscrab the og. you actually recommended me in ompl last year (back when you still added sets to the showcase section of the creative sets thread) but even if i did get drafted, i probably would've played like 1 game so not much difference lol, it feels a lot better to start out like this instead. aside from that you always kept a good composure, even with the bushtush situation, but not without saying what you really meant. thanks for picking me up this year.

I_Suck_At_Pokermon thanks for being my friend. whenever i see that random challenge window pop up, i know i'm in for a bad time vs 6 fried chicken. post the meme here btw

Nuked DMDW Zovrah Lux92 pazza Akaxi my boys from cc. you guys were always cheering for me during ompl when our team was pretty unpopular, so thanks. i'm a lucky guy to have friends like these. also nice to hang out even when we're not discussing mons. edit: i bet my name is longer than all of yours combined

something else i wanna say is that during the end, it was the honchkrows that got better and not the other way around. even when we were set to face the team that had beaten us before, i still felt the same team spirit as when we were riding high after week 6. shoutouts to krows for improving this much.

post ompl post (????) coming tomorrow i hope
I need to stop procrastinating this S/O post so without further ado, Jordan briefly mentioned this in his s/o post, but prior to ompl starting, I was strongly considering not signing up. I loved playing mix and mega, was pressured to sign up by my MnM pals and told I was good enough to start on a team, but my building issues were plaguing me harder than ever and I was so under the radar outside of the MnM community that I didn't honestly think I was going to get drafted. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover myself playing for the Honchkrows with a wonderful team full of quality people who also happened to be pretty good at OMs. A sincere thank you to all of my fellow Krow brethren for never making me regret signing up for this for a second and making a tour scrub like myself feel welcome. I'm pretty sure almost none of you knew who I was prior to OMPL so thanks for believing in me from the start (even though you didn't have much of a choice).

Jrdn thank you for reaching out to me expressing interest and asking me to sign up. If you didn't, I almost certainly would have chosen not to. When we weren't working on OMPL stuff it was a ton of fun getting to know you and talking about sports, OMs, and more sports. I know you said you wish you could have helped me but I truly appreciated everything you did for me individually and as a whole for your team man. Thanks for being an awesome manager and keep killing it in OMs, OU, and whatever else you decide to try!

Snaquaza thank you for making the team discord more fun with all of your awesome team emotes, memes and gifs. You took interest in your team and knew when to be professional and when to kick back and have fun. You also took an interest in me and MnM so thanks so much for that and being such a great manager in a wide range of areas. Bring back :jrdnface: imo.

Catalystic thanks for being such a bro and helping me out so much when I didn't expect to have that much support. I'm almost as bad with ev's as Jordan and even worse with putting the right ability on my ubers and premega'd mons (pressure ho-oh amirite?) so thanks for yelling at me to fix my crap on the weekly, (I still snuck a sand veil duggy past you though so... gottem?). I still swear you cteamed me while testing on purpose at times you lame-o. It was so sick to see you wake up after the first few weeks and start cranking out key wins especially clutching it out and closing for us in finals!

Holy Break even though you're the worst teammate of all time and a rude little loli lovin jerk, I still love you. Your bromance with Cata is also a thing is beauty so just know that. I know you don't like your record, but you got some invaluable wins for us in the later weeks and... mons is just like that at times. Quitting mons right after we won... what kind of party pooper move is that smh. Nah but fr if you actually do manage to quit (easier said than done my friend) I wish you the best in playing fgo, watching anime and w/e else you do. Hopefully you'll stick around a little and stay in touch.

Sylveon. what an absolute beast dude. 7-0 while in the hospital, playing at insane hours, you name it you got it done. Yes Jordan + geerat is broken, but just geerat is also pretty unbelievable if I do say so myself. You had some fantastic games but my favorite was the coil hustle zygarde dismantling. Jordan coming up with something wild like using hustle and then your application of abusing it with coil is a perfect example of what you guys had going and it was crazy to see that thing tear through multiple mons that should normally check it. People truly don't give you enough credit for how great you were individually. Thanks for taking an interest in MnM and helping me whenever you could and keep killing it in AAA!

MAMP pretty big fan. Your relaxed approach to your tour games was a nice change of pace to look in on. You just kinda played and... won. I know absolutely nothing about BH but being in call with you while other OMPL BH games were going on was super enlightening. Great job clutching it out come playoffs, continue blowing away Toasts in Hackmons Cup and please make more youtube vids I watch those.

Terracotta your support is amazing. I heard you're a great ubers builder but who knew it would carry over to MnM so well. Just really fun to interact with you in prepping or talking about anything really. I missed you the later half of OMPL but real life is a pain sometimes so it can't be helped. It was also fun watching you play a series this tour even if it didn't go as you wished. I really mean it when I say you should try out MnM. I'll help you whenever and however I can!

UBERLandon21 I didn't get to interact a ton with you but you grabbed some super key W's that we couldn't have won without. I'm super unfamiliar with 1v1 as a metagame and as a community but you were at the top of like... all the 1v1 power rankings iirc so I was super excited to have you on my team. It was fun to see you turning up over finals and thanks for cheering me on in my finals matches!

MaceMaster your name was SILENT ASSASSIN for a reason man I also didn't get to talk with you a ton but what a run. Undefeated in regular season and netting a key win in semis what a beast. It really felt like you would simply drop into the team discord, report that you grabbed the W, and dip till next week. It was really fun seeing your hot techs even though I have no clue about anything in 1v1 even I understand that burn up arcanine is heat.

TheShadowClaw you were the most active 1v1 guy in the discord so it was really nice getting tidbits of 1v1 knowledge so thanks for helping us 1v1 scrubs out even if we need a lot more work. Sorry it didn't work out week 7 but from what i've seen you're a pretty dope 1v1 player and you're also young so lots of future years to burn away on mons if you're interested :)

Plas pretty big fan of you as well. You're a super chill dude in call and in the discord chat and a pretty lit player on top of that! It sucked to see you suffer a loss under such a rough matchup when you were subbed in the first time so seeing you net that super key win in finals was so sweet! You started our Sunday sweep and were such a good hype man for all the weeks you were present to cheer us on. Wish you success in all the opens, snake and any other tours you participate in and hopefully you'll be back for OMPL VIII.

Pikachuun it was great interacting with you in the discord and learning a bit more about BH from you as well. You were consistently around to cheer us on (༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ HB TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ) and help MAMP out. You even subbed in with barely any notice when we actually would have been boned if you weren't available. The team truly wouldn't have been the same without you so thanks for being such a fantastic teammate!

mags you're so sus and wild but also pretty funny and the best gasser of all time. You're a pretty chill dude when you aren't trying to troll your teammates and managers. Really hope that tourban gets worked out that sounds rough.

frisoeva late krows are still fantastic krows.

M'joe'ra for getting me into mons and being my dude. Thanks for all the help and support throughout the weeks with building, testing and just being an encouraging presence always cheering me on. Sorry our series in semis was kinda lackluster but maybe we'll have a chance to play again sometime!

In The Hills for coming through and helping me out and giving me plenty of solid teams to choose from for finals as well as helping me improve on my own builds I was working on. You were so helpful even though we were both insanely burned out after eight previous weeks of OMPL prep. Thanks man I really appreciated that when I couldn't manage to make more than one team in a time when I really couldn't afford to be going through building block.

xavgb you helped me test almost every week and helped me out with some fun ideas for teams. It kinda felt like we didn't get to talk quite as much as OMPL was going on but hopefully now that it's over we can go back to our routine of you pming me about your horrid sets, triggering me in friendlies, all that good jazz. Keep doing what you love in mons and keep being awesome.

Mark_K for coming through the later two weeks when I asked you on such short notice. It was really fun working on jank sets and possibilities for builds. You seemed to genuinely be energized and enjoying prepping which helped get my burned out bum in gear. Thanks man!

Zesty43 you're pretty ridiculous at this game and OM's... Thank you for helping me out a bit when I asked and sorry I didn't end up helping you out with MnM as much as I said I could/would, feel kinda bad about that one but you seem to kill anything you touch on your own. Congrats on being drafted for snake!

TheCoastsOfToast for being the greatest cheerleader ever, pming me mid sets and telling me I got this, etc. Thanks for rooting for me even though you wanted my team to lose >:L

Leru for helping our team out so much and kinda keeping HB under control. Congrats on being drafted for snake as well! I really dislike this discord pfp and would like something different please :(

GL Volkner for helping out MAMP in finals even though he decided prep is overrated and decided to ignore all the prior advice and wing it with Mega Aero.

Chloe for being a filthy Benedict Arnold and wishing for our team's downfall in her predicts when she promised she would try to swing the lucky 6-0 our way. You're still a pretty cool MnM TL tho...

I'm not sure when it was that I realized that the Honchkrows were truly a special team but we had something going on this year that will be very hard to every top especially after we actually won! I'll miss teaming with all of you and hope someday we have a chance to play together again in some other future team tour. Another thanks to my managers for drafting me, my teammates for all being amazing both in character and in play. Thank you to E4 Flint for doing such a great job hosting and making this thing run so smoothly. That's all from me and here's to hoping OMPL VII will be even bigger and better than this one... KACAW

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