Project OM Interviews (#22: Ren)


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Approved and stuff. Thanks TI c:
Banner by in the hills

Originally owned by Snaquaza. OP stolen from nv. Previously ran by Chloe.

Welcome to the OM Interviews. This is a project similar to Player of the Week, but our own OM edition. Every two weeks, a famous OM player will be interviewed. From OM staff to other prominent figures within the community, many will have the chance to be interviewed. They'll be asked about the OM's they play, their views on certain OM's and anything else of interest. Besides being fun to read, these interviews give insight for newer players, helping them get into OM's. Feel free to suggest people that you'd like to see interviewed, but I can't guarantee that I will interview them.

Gen 6:
Snaquaza's Interviews
nv's Interviews

Gen 7:
Chloe's Interviews
OM's Interviews:
Gen 8:
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It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Welcome to the first OM interview of Gen 8! Here we have the OM final tournament winner of 2019 (and all around cool guy) Andyboy!

"I mean... he complained when I hit guiatuinne lol "
~Andyb0y, 20XX

Hello Grand Slammerino Andyboy! Welcome to OM Interviews!

Hello there OM! Glad to be here

Tell us a little bit about yourself! (if you're willing to)

As surprising as this may be to many of you, my name is Andrew. I'm a 22 year old college student studying Graphic Design. I'm currently on my last semester so i'm excited to be done for sure. I really enjoy drawing (as that is what got me into design and similar things), sports (both watching and playing), other outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing, reading, and last but certainly not least, video games. I've always considered myself a competitive person so I tend to become interested in the competitive side of all of my interests. I tend to be a very curious person by nature and really enjoy getting into new things and learning as I go. Oh and i'm very open about my interest in Anime and similar weeb things as well so... for all the people preparing to tag that on me, guilty as charged ;)

As the OM circuit winner himself, how do you feel about your experience during the final year end tournament?

Well it’s interesting I wasn't keeping track of the top 16 in the points very closely so I didn't learn I would possibly make it into the tournament at all until the very last minute. I was just entering tournaments that interested me (primarily all the MnM stuff) and I just happened to be the 17th person by the time all the qualifying tournaments were finished. The top 16 make it so I should have missed it by one spot but two of the qualifiers dropped out making me the 15th seed. I was excited to be participating but didn't have particularly high expectations. I hadn't touched ZU or AG prior to qualifying so I basically did my best to give myself a crash course in the metas I didn't know at all and try to strengthen my knowledge of AAA and BH at the same time. The most important aspect of participating in a circuit like this for me was making sure I had solid teams from my friends in metas I didn't know well myself... Which ended up being like four out of the five metas tbh. I really enjoy Gen 7 OMs and the OMs that were in that circuit so I was having fun prepping, testing, and playing in the circuit for sure. It was kind of sad that that tournament was the farewell for Gen 7 because it felt like I was learning and enjoying a bunch of new stuff only for it to be the first and last time I was going to use it. I really enjoy being the underdog and so it was fun to step out of my comfort zone and embrace that role for the majority of the tournament. Overall, great experience had a lot of fun with it.

That's good! I hope you continue to have a fun time :)

As you were talking about mnm mainly interesting you, what do you feel your style of play is? Do you think you've innovated anything in this meta?

I got into mnm spamming webs HO and then as I learned the meta, branched out into balances and BO as well. My comfort zone is definitely balance I like to have a solid defensive backbone backed by strong breakers and cleaners. However, for some of MnM's lifetime in gen 7 that was very difficult to accomplish consistently so I enjoyed utilizing the possible menace of webs as much as possible. So to answer your question, the two styles I like the most are balance and HO. I consider myself to be a fairly aggressive player by nature who wants to make progress as quickly as possible.

As for innovation in the meta, I think i've done a few things worthy of note in gen 7 MnM. Mainly the standardization of Pinsirite Terrakion, and the introduction of Explosion Pinsirite Magearna and Manectite Xurkitree to a lot of the more dominant Webs teams during Gen 7. I'm certainly not the most creative person in OMs or even in MnM so I usually do my best to "innovate" moveslots on known sets like Facade Pinsirite Terrakion or Zeraora etc. One of the sillier techs I came up with was Protect Diancite Terrakion + Pressure to PP stall Espeed users... that worked out about as well as you think it did

How has the switch between generations been for you? Do you feel like the circuit tournament has made you try some new metagames in the new gen?

Not a huge fan of Gen 8 for sure. I have hope with Pokemon Home coming out and then the DLC installments in the future should make things more interesting. I'm very happy MnM survived, I wasn't expecting that so at the start I was just super pumped to get involved and learn Gen 8 MnM. But right now Gen 8 MnM is really ugly if games can't be won outright on matchup it devolves into awkward situations where bulky water types start clicking scald over and over hoping for something to happen and Corviknight pivoting in repeatedly trying to make something happen. Just not a huge fan of MnM right now which sucks because it's my favorite but again, hopefully Home will be our savior. I have been playing some other gen 8 OMs AAA is really fun and creative. BH still feels fairly broken but it's enjoyable for the most part. I haven't played other OMs for the most part but i'll probably pick up STAB sometime in the future to try it out. So yes, enjoying a variety of OMs in circuit has def made me want to try out different OMs in this gen to get a head start learning and just for personal enjoyment as well.
How do you feel about the tours you're in right now / currently are looking forward to?

Well i'm currently in MnM and AAA open so... For MnM open i'm excited to use the new pokemon released in home and i'm enjoying picking up and learning AAA and hope that I can continue to improve and adjust to the new changes in that meta as well. I always look forward to watching stuff as well so i'm always looking to enjoy highlight matches in all the opens and watching OMGS when that happens. I enjoy team tournaments the most so the two I look forward to the most every year are OMPL and OMWC those are both always fun

What do you find your favourite part of oms is? Is there something you wish was there?

My favorite part of OMs is the friends you make. It's fun to get to know people who are skilled at OMs you aren't and to collaborate together to help each other learn each others' best OM. But there are lots of fun and enjoyable people in this community so I've enjoyed interacting with them the most. There are a lot of specifics i'm picky about in OMs but I suppose I wish there was more transparency to the general playerbase why certain rules in tournaments are set into place rather than that "just being the way it is" I really like to know the reason why things are set in place so it's frustrating when things don't seem to make sense. That was pretty general so I guess a way to put it a bit more simply, we aren't a big community and we have a lot of people who tend to participate in OM tournaments (particularly team tournaments) regularly. So I suppose I wish we could have a bit more input into how some of those things are run and info about why there are specific rules etc. We ARE the tournament after all. I'm not asking that everyone get to impact the way tournaments are run on an individual basis that's idiotic. But if a general consensus is being stated fairly loudly I wish more consideration could be had, that's all

Is there anyone you'd like to shoutout, thank or generally just be positive toward from the oms community?

:) sure I was introduced to MnM through currently retired legend M'joe'ra. Stresh got me involved in the OM community and has been my MnM buddy since then. I was introduced to tournaments playing for Jordan's OMPL team and a ton of my teammates like Catalystic, Geerat, Sitonaii, MAMP, and Terracotta are cool dudes. TheCoastsOfToast and Gmansour20 are some of the genuinely nicest people you could meet as well. I got to know some other friends Funbot28 and aesf playing smash and such. Like I said there are a ton of really fun and great people and I find super drawn out shoutouts to get annoying and feel this has already gone too long so if you are offended I didn't mention you thank you for caring enough to get annoyed ;)
Shoutout to Vivalospride as well for smelling like hotdog water

bro hotdog water is one of the best chars from scooby doo mystery incorporated
That better not have been a diss…

I've always kept it as an open ended statement. Treat it like a compliment if you like, or a diss if you don't like. Bottom line is Viv doesn't like it so I have to bother him with it as much as possible

As part of the mnm council, you go through a lot of decisions based on community and council input. How do you feel like you've been this generation? Do you see anything looking particularly dangerous in the near future?

That's a really good question. Well to start with, I think Stresh had done a great job stepping in as a relatively new tier Leader at the start of a new generation like this. We didn't realize we would be an OM until like... RIGHT BEFORE the gen dropped so it was important to us to hit the ground running and get out a VR as quickly as possible. It's a tough thing because you want to spend enough time in the meta where you can provide a good assessment of what's good but without leaving people hanging too long. We also had quite a few quick bans and an Eternatus suspect early in the generation so.... I feel we've been fairly busy. With that said, it pains us not to have sample teams for you guys when the Mix and Mega open is going on right now but like I said, please understand that the meta has changed very often very quickly and it's hard to come up with sample teams when we knew yet ANOTHER major meta shift in Pokemon Home was right around the corner. Now that it's dropped hopefully we can start analysis, sample teams, and other resources.

As for dangerous things, Kyurem-Black is almost certainly gonna be quickbanned, Terrakion looks unbelievably scary I think that thing is going to go as well. Zeraora and Zekrom are likely going to be very good, Heavy Duty Boots and Specs Lunala are probably going to be neat, Pain Split Rotoms and Roost Hydreigon are going to be nasty (forgive me if they don't get those moves when Home comes out but I think they do), etc. Lots of cool changes coming i'm excited!

Ah shoot. Lunala's coming back

It is but it's very important to note that the dominant factor about Lunala in gen 7 was its Z move and the fact that it was widely considered the lone offensive ghost. This is a different meta ghost types are dramatically better especially because Mandibuzz isn't near as good and Sablenite Blissey isn't here to wall them all out. So that to say that I don't think lunala coming back is going to be a super major meta shift but maybe i'm wrong!

Overall, do you think there will be pressure from now on to see you succeed in tournaments due to this win?

I think there probably will. People will likely expect me to qualify for OMGS and maybe this year's circuit as well. I've always been a person that can tend to take things as they come I feel jitters and get stressed in tournaments all the time so pressure is always present no matter where i'm playing or how people expect me to do. I'm certainly my harshest critic so i'd say i'm more scared of my own negative mindset and expectations I place on myself rather than pressure from others. At the end of the day, i'm going to do my best no matter what. I can't overdo or underdo something competitive that's not in my nature. So I just try to put my nerves in the right place and use them to keep my focus sharp rather than dragging me down.

Well, I for one will be rooting for you to do your best! Is there anything you wish you could've said for the interview or something you just want to say to our readers out there?

Hmm well I have people ask myself and others fairly often "How do you get good at Mix and Mega, I don't know how to build." So I suppose i'll address that. Pokemon is a game of knowledge. From my experience, you play and get used to the commonly used stuff and get an idea of what you're doing. Then after you get an idea of what's standard and you find threatening to deal with, THEN the building savvy comes. What works for me is to find an underrated set that exploits some of the common things and then to build around that. It's fun to feel like you're doing some cool new thing and that motivates me to finish up the team even if it's hard. But seriously if you want to get good at anything it takes time and almost everyone is better employed working at gaining knowledge about MnM or any other meta in the best and most efficient way available to them.

Feel free to ask Andyboy more questions below!!! See you next time!
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drampa's grandpa

benign auto-cannibal
is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
At what age does an Andyboy become an Andyman?

Favorite Phineas and Ferb character?

If you could have one ability given to a new mega what would it be? Specifically with MnM in mind, screw regular mons. Feel free to give any other caveats you want (typing, weight added, stats, relevant stuff like that)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

New England Clam Chowder or Manhattan Clam Chowder? (there's a correct answer)

Maybe I'll add more weird qs maybe I won't
your go to pizza toppings?
favorite ice cream?
best burger chain?
white or brown bread?
are you predisposed to any condition, such as diabetes/high blood pressure/etc.
if yes, do you do anything about it or just live your life.
last movie you watched?
hot or cold milk on cereal?
what cereal would that milk be going on?
coffee or tea? or both?
can you cook?
what would you say you cook the best?
how often do you shower?
why graphic design?
are you right handed or left?
ios or android?
windows or mac?
favorite color?
other than anime, what do you watch
do you drive?
what video games do you play?
are you on twitch?

alright you're probably annoyed with all the personal questions so i'll leave you with one om question. thoughts on an om classic tour in the near future? simple format i came up was a bo3 in gen 7 bh/mnm/aaa. if it's before the dlc, i'm sure there'd be interest as people haven't gotten over gen 7 yet.
thoughts on not being able to pull sarisse despite her having not one, but TWO formes and being featured on 999999 banners already? i don't think she likes you..
Somewhat sad but I haven't been playing Dragalia super consistently so i'm not surprised I haven't been able to pull her considering the odds.
why u like lillie
I really enjoyed Lillie's story in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Her growth throughout the game was touching and I loved her spunk and resolve to become her own person with her "Z-powered form." She also has a ponytail.
What playstyle do you dislike playing against the most? I need this information for when I (hopefully) get you in mnm open :blobnom:
That's a tough question to answer in general but in Mix and Mega, definitely stall. I hate the way the playstyle functions there is almost no flexibility to be had so you usually either lose or win preview. There are exceptions to this, but either you have a random breaker that happens to blow past the majority of the team, or they have answers to everything and you can't get control of the game and lose it's just annoying in general. I also want to avoid playing 100-200 turn games I take long enough with my turns as is I don't have time for that.
At what age does an Andyboy become an Andyman?

Favorite Phineas and Ferb character?

If you could have one ability given to a new mega what would it be? Specifically with MnM in mind, screw regular mons. Feel free to give any other caveats you want (typing, weight added, stats, relevant stuff like that)

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

New England Clam Chowder or Manhattan Clam Chowder? (there's a correct answer)

Maybe I'll add more weird qs maybe I won't
1. I've unironically considered that name change but i'm 22 right now so i'm not really sure... how about if I win OMGS or if we win WCOM again?
2. Gonna be honest I haven't watched it... but purely from a character design standpoint I like Perry the Platypus
3. It depends on the gen. In gen 7, I really wanted a stone that added Poison because I felt Poison-types were super underrepresented and filled some type niches I really wanted. But in Gen 8 now Gengar is busted and Pex is everywhere so in gen 8 I would probably add something that provides Grass because I feel Grass-types have potential with certain type combos but the lack of Pokemon and flexibility within those guys doesn't let Grass-types shine. Bad abilities and bad applications of the additional +100 stats are the death of mega stone viability in this meta so it would probably need to have at least a decent ability and nice distribution of those stats to be widely viable.
4. I'm not sure but I hate woodchucks because they tear up my mom's pretty flowers and stare at me with their creepy little beady eyes the few times they're around and i'm trying to do something outside. Woodchucks are not cute and I wish they would chuck wood instead of chucking all of our flowers.
5. Keep tomatoes out of my Clam Chowder
your go to pizza toppings?
favorite ice cream?
best burger chain?
white or brown bread?
are you predisposed to any condition, such as diabetes/high blood pressure/etc.
if yes, do you do anything about it or just live your life.
last movie you watched?
hot or cold milk on cereal?
what cereal would that milk be going on?
coffee or tea? or both?
can you cook?
what would you say you cook the best?
how often do you shower?
why graphic design?
are you right handed or left?
ios or android?
windows or mac?
favorite color?
other than anime, what do you watch
do you drive?
what video games do you play?
are you on twitch?

alright you're probably annoyed with all the personal questions so i'll leave you with one om question. thoughts on an om classic tour in the near future? simple format i came up was a bo3 in gen 7 bh/mnm/aaa. if it's before the dlc, i'm sure there'd be interest as people haven't gotten over gen 7 yet.
1. Pepperoni is enough to make me happy but I really enjoy veggies and supreme as well. I'm not too picky but I prefer to stay away from pineapple and anchovies if possible.
2. I love ice cream... I worked at this real ritzy ice cream shop for awhile so I got to try all these cool flavors I think my favorites were Tiramisu and Caramel Macchiato I really like coffee flavors. If we're talking a mainstream flavor you can get anywhere probably Mint Chocolate Chip.
3. I'm assuming you're talking about fast food so strictly from a burger perspective, in mainstream fast food chains, probably Wendy's I enjoy the feeling of unadulterated regret after I consume something awful like a Baconator.
4. Brown bread white bread is cake.
5. I'm not no, my mom has high blood pressure but none of that was passed on to me. Sometimes I have super mild allergies but it's barely noticeable.
6. The last movie I watched was Finding Dory with my family. My family has a wide age range so it's important we choose some kid-friendly stuff to watch together.
7. Cold i've never heard of hot milk on cereal that sounds like a hassle.
8. I'm not sure probably something really sugary and unhealthy like Reese's Puffs or plain Life cereal.
9. I prefer coffee quite a bit but tea is alright.
10. I don't cook often but i've found it's quite easy to follow a recipe when I want to so I guess? I've been into baking a bit recently that's been fun.
11. Baking-related things so pies, cakes, cookies, etc.
12. Every day for the most part. There are exceptions but my hair gets nasty pretty fast if I don't wash it every day or close to it.
13. Well I briefly mentioned why in the interview but mainly because I enjoyed drawing and other artistic/craft-related things growing up and wanted to pursue a career that had to do with that. I also just enjoy interacting with all kinds of design so it was an interest I wanted to be involved in.
14. Right handed for everything. I'm confident i've clicked almost every button in my mons career with my right.
15. I own an android but I think ios is a better system.
16. I own a mac and I like some things about it and don't like some things about it. I think it really depends what you want to use your computer for but I think macs are pretty overpriced for what they offer so if I could do it over I would probably get a windows machine.
17. Blue big fan of all kinds of shades of blue
18. Whatever I want tbh I watched Mandalorian recently that was good. I like watching movies with my dad and he really likes history so we saw 1917 and Ford vs Ferrari recently those were both nice.
19. I do I live in rural Pennslyvania so it's pretty important to have a drivers license here if you want to get around.
20. Mainly Nintendo stuff that's just what has been around in my family. So Pokemon (duh), Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda, other Mario, etc. I'm notoriously bad at shooters but my friends have gotten me into a bit of COD and Halo. I've been into JRPGs a bit so Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I am Setsuna, Harvest Moon series, etc. are all fun in their own way. I didn't have the opportunity to play a ton of video games when I was super young but I've been hooked since my late start.
21. I have an account but I don't stream I've had a few people ask if I did and it would be fun but I don't really trust it to be a worthwhile endeavor unless I just want a new hobby in the future.
22. I'm not annoyed at all these were fun questions. But I love that idea any kind of OM Classic would be super fun and Gen 7 OMs would interest me personally quite a bit. But I think it's worth noting that there are a lot of veteran players who really enjoyed Gen 6 as well and might feel shafted by only Gen 7 but maybe that's another tour for another time. It's weird because we don't only have one meta here it's not like we have AAA Classic where there's Gen 8, Gen 7, Gen 6, Gen 5, and Gen 4 AAA or anything it's OM Classic so there's multiple metas to consider which makes it complicated. With that said, great overall idea i'd be all for it.


Banned deucer.
hottest celebrity in ur opinion? (male and female)

how can one get on a date with you?

if your hobbies didn't involve drawing, sports, and videogames, what would you most likely be doing rn

when will you take over MnM leadership?

last and for certainly not least, why in god's name do you play a degenerate ass character known as


can’t rest in peace cause they diggin me
is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
UUPL Champion
Why did you rig OM champs?

Why does funbot wanna be in a polygamous relationship with you and ganon/ganon's nose, still, to this very day?

Why don't you play smash or call w/ me anymore?

When're you coming to LA?

Can you teach me how to draw realistic leaves? I've been super stuck on this drawing for like 2 days now, I want leaves on the left side and don't know how to go about executing this:

How do you feel about viv predicts?

Have you distanced yourself from the community or am I just not in the right circles anymore to see you around?

When're we havin a runback and playing smash again in call? I already asked this question but this time I'm wording it differently, funbot isn't invited to this sesh btw bc she has angry reacted my last 30 posts, I've already filed a police report for harassment

go friends?

Would you share a piece of art you did? It's cool if not, but :eyes:

Is this too many questions?

Is this too few questions?

Why were you on crack and said I looked good in a pic I don't look good in, Marjane and I see through you, fuckin weasel

Fondest memory/inside joke/anything with our friend group? If I'm still considered in that, and If that question makes any sense
hottest celebrity in ur opinion? (male and female)

how can one get on a date with you?

if your hobbies didn't involve drawing, sports, and videogames, what would you most likely be doing rn

when will you take over MnM leadership?

last and for certainly not least, why in god's name do you play a degenerate ass character known as
1. Umm that's fairly hard to answer because i'm not super into celebrities but I suppose Gal Gadot and Blake Lively are both lovely. For guys I like Harry Styles and Ryan Reynolds. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are quite the couple in my eyes big fan. I tend to like celebrities who are talented at what they do so I definitely prefer actors and singers over people like Kimmy K.
2. Well if you're on PS first step would be meeting me irl because i'm not very interested in online relationships. There may be exceptions, but... yeah. I'm not really actively pursuing a girlfriend which is probably why i'm single right now but if a girl is charming and clearly interested i'm not gonna turn her down.
3. I DON'T KNOW that's all I do smh... probably read more, do some of the other things I like to do outside, do other aspects of design like web design that i'm only partially involved in, etc. MAYBE hang out with friends more but probably not.
4. Never unless Stresh randomly quits for no apparent reason he's a better leader than I would be.
5. Because he's the hottest character in smash, is fun, and it's enjoyable to make you upset even though I feel bad at times.
Why did you rig OM champs?

Why does funbot wanna be in a polygamous relationship with you and ganon/ganon's nose, still, to this very day?

Why don't you play smash or call w/ me anymore?

When're you coming to LA?

Can you teach me how to draw realistic leaves? I've been super stuck on this drawing for like 2 days now, I want leaves on the left side and don't know how to go about executing this:

How do you feel about viv predicts?

Have you distanced yourself from the community or am I just not in the right circles anymore to see you around?

When're we havin a runback and playing smash again in call? I already asked this question but this time I'm wording it differently, funbot isn't invited to this sesh btw bc she has angry reacted my last 30 posts, I've already filed a police report for harassment

go friends?

Would you share a piece of art you did? It's cool if not, but :eyes:

Is this too many questions?

Is this too few questions?

Why were you on crack and said I looked good in a pic I don't look good in, Marjane and I see through you, fuckin weasel

Fondest memory/inside joke/anything with our friend group? If I'm still considered in that, and If that question makes any sense
1. I didn't cheating is lame and mons rigs itself with all of the luck and tilt involved
2. Because she wants Ganon for his body/nose and me to do the housework
3. Because you never ask!! Didn't know you were interested or I would have asked more myself
4. When I can and have more money hopefully it'll happen sometime in the near future
5. Leaves and trees in general are the worst I find them boring and they're super tedious. If you want realistic nice leaves they need to be individually drawn, all be slightly different, and reflect patterns you find on tree branches. So you either need to find a tree branch with leaves on it or Google it and get an idea of how to do it well from the reference. It's gonna be tedious though just ready yourself for the pain.
6. I like viv predicts! My favorite viv predicts moments are when people who don't know you and therefore don't get that you aren't serious at all see some ratchet thing you said about them and get super offended and come for your head. That way you get roasted and I get to laugh at someone who can't take a joke.
7. I don't think i've DISTANCED myself per se... I'm quite involved in the mnm community on discord and I talk a decent bit in the OM cord as well. I'm not on PS as much anymore but I play tours and stay somewhat involved. Idk man if anyone wants to talk to me they can just pm me on discord i'm on there a lot and even if i'm occasionally in a bad mood I don't bite.
8. Probably some upcoming evening when we both have nothing better to do and one of us bothers to pm the other
9. All of the uu friends i've met are very cool people definitely go friends... unless that one guy roasting all of my uu camo sets is in there then go uu friends other than them
10. No :] (maybe if I find something I think is worth sharing but haven't done anything than sketches recently)
11. Nah
12. I'm not really worrying about the quantity of questions if i'm being completely honest...
13. Never done a drug in my life and I really mean the compliments I give soooo my apologies but I liked how you looked in a picture. Don't know what Marjane has to do with it either is she gonna say i'm on crack if I compliment her appearance too?
14. I still consider you a part of it. I like calling with yourself or a few other friends and talking about sports/playing random trash games like Club Penguin. I value solid friendships with people who are consistently fun to be around all the time rather than specific moments so it's tough to pin one specific inside joke/moment down.


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
NUPL Champion
is ketchup a salad and why?
what's your deepest darkest secret?
do you drink alcohol? if so what do you like to drink?
top 3 waifus?
if barney the dinosaur isn't real then why does he look so realistic wtf
what anime are you looking forward to?
favourite performance enhancing drugs?
favourite ed sheeran song?
you're locked in a room with joel embiid and vivalospride, who do you eat first? this one is a must answer.
last time you went to mcdonalds?
rate my graphic design for the last few suspect tests. [1][2][3][4]. how can I improve?
which pokemon would you want to get high with?
is does skarmory is carnivine brave birds and whyy?
how does jesus swim if he walks on water?
how does "owo" make you feel?
favourite tv show as a child?
andy is short for andrew????? why did you keep this from us?


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
hey wuz poppin

1. mnm is closer to the standard tiers as far as building and playing go, why do you play it specifically? what cool features does mnm offer that you don't see anywhere else?

2. why is every mnm player scared of lunala? i get that hes a ghost but still

3. favorite ultra beast?

4. any video games outside of mons that you'd highly recommend? (not for me specifically, just ones that you really enjoy)

5. how much do you read books?

6. why do you watch anime?

7. what's the deal with airline food?

8. how much longer do you see competitive pokemon staying relevant?

9. do you have any plans of quitting this game in the future?

10. which social media platform is the least bad?

11. what are your thoughts on the gen 8 pokemon designs? which one is your favorite?

12. would you say that you're a carried player? if so, what carries you?

13. best moment playing this game?

14. do you read magazines/newspapers? if so, which ones?

15. favorite youtube channels?

16. can you share a piece of art not made by you that really inspired you?

17. what do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?

18. what kind of music do you listen to?

19. biggest bruh moment?

20. how do you enter the avatar state?

thanks, hope this isnt too many
is ketchup a salad and why?
what's your deepest darkest secret?
do you drink alcohol? if so what do you like to drink?
top 3 waifus?
if barney the dinosaur isn't real then why does he look so realistic wtf
what anime are you looking forward to?
favourite performance enhancing drugs?
favourite ed sheeran song?
you're locked in a room with joel embiid and vivalospride, who do you eat first? this one is a must answer.
last time you went to mcdonalds?
rate my graphic design for the last few suspect tests. [1][2][3][4]. how can I improve?
which pokemon would you want to get high with?
is does skarmory is carnivine brave birds and whyy?
how does jesus swim if he walks on water?
how does "owo" make you feel?
favourite tv show as a child?
andy is short for andrew????? why did you keep this from us?
1. No of course not! Because ketchup is a sauce we don't put our salads in a blender and dip our fries in it. I'd say ketchup is more like a tomato smoothie if anything...
2. Uhhh idk about deepest darkest secret but there was this time in first grade where I was CONVINCED that my teacher wasn't teaching how to tell time correctly and it bothered me so much that I insisted for like 10 minutes straight that my teacher and entire class were wrong and I was right and the teacher ended up getting so mad that she yelled in my face that she was going to send me to the principal's office if I didn't apologize in front of the class and say I was wrong. Despite my stubbornness, I was a fairly timid shy kid so that scarred me for years of my childhood
3. I don't drink much sorry :[
4. 1. Rin Tohsaka 2. Kurisu Makise 3. Yukino Yukinoshita honorable mentions include Shouko Nishimiya, Isuzu Sento, and Holo (NO THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME A FURRY)
5. He doesn't look real to me! Actually, i'm looking at pictures of him on Google images right now and he's really creepy ngl... Not sure why I enjoyed him so much as a kid
6. This upcoming spring season is gonna be fantastic. I'm excited for Re:Zero season 2, Kaguya season 2, Tower of God, the Made in Abyss movie, and Attack on Titan final season. But if i had to choose it would be Oregairu season 3 because I really enjoyed the first two seasons and this is going to be the conclusion to the story. A sleeper pick i'm excited about is Komi san Can't Communicate because the manga is fun and cute
7. Um... I can't say i'm that knowledgable on the subject i'm going to pretend pot is a performance enhancing drug for mons because I have seen several people play tournament games while high and make some fire plays
8. Castle On The Hill I like nostalgic ballads like that and it wasn't overplayed on the pop radio stations around here. My roommate really enjoyed constantly playing Ed Sheeran and soulfully singing along so three years of that was enough to almost completely destroy my love for Ed's stuff but thankfully I still really enjoy that song
9. If we're speaking practically here Joel Embiid is over 7 feet and is 250 pounds. Viv is tall but not that big so I trust my chances against Viv more than the giant that is Joel. I also know that Viv smells like hotdog water so he probably tastes similar which isn't necessarily a bad flavor so I would munch on Viv first while talking to my basketball idol about the sport... Sorry Viv but I bet he would do the same if he could talk to Westbrook while eating me
10. It's been a bit probably sometime last fall when I was driving home from Ohio I couldn't even tell you what I got
11. My favorite is 1. Deoxys-S it's simple and cute and the background doesn't distract. Second fav is 3. Shuckle the title makes me laugh and the the horrific bright red Comic Sans font works here even though it bothers me immensely. Third fav is 2. Lando-T I think the art shows all that needs to be seen regarding why we were suspecting the mon but there is so much going on in the background that I can't focus on the Lando's very well and I wanted to see the mega stones in there as well. Fourth is 4. Eternatus I still think it's nice and the caption is great but from a design perspective, you have a real photograph as the background, a gen 8 in-game Wooloo sprite, and then a pixelated gen 8 Etern sprite it's just too much variance. I like them all because they do what they're meant to do and are genuinely fun to interact with but since you asked me for critiques I feel obliged to mention what I feel is working the best and the worst. In terms of improvements for solid design, I think sticking to simple backgrounds and then having fun with the caption and drawing out the mon or material you're working with. Either that or combining images of similar styles and such. Honestly have fun with it the last thing I want people thinking of me is that i'm some snobby designer pointing out all of the flaws in other people's stuff if it isn't perfect
12. Gengar I think smoking with Gengar would look sick and I like Gengar simple as that
13. Is this English?
14. I'm not sure one theory I have is that he is a very light person who doesn't break the water's surface similar to a Water Strider. But sometimes if he eats too much he gets a bit too fat to skate on the water's surface so he breaks through and swims. Then the loss of calories from swimming makes him shed the weight he picked up and he's able to walk on water again!
15. owo is fun I think it's a cute way for people to connect that avoids some of the annoying formalities of the whole "hi," "how are you" drill
16. I didn't watch much tv as a super young child but I remember my cousins introducing me to Avatar when I was in my early to mid teens and absolutely loving it
17. I can't tell if this is a serious or sarcastic question but in America everyone who goes by Andy or Drew is named Andrew they just prefer the nickname. I'm used to being called Andrew by people I know irl but my showdown username was "Andyboy500" so people just naturally transitioned to calling me Andy when speaking to me on discord and such so I just never felt it was important to mention my full name. A lot of people have the name as well so it's less confusing this way
hey wuz poppin

1. mnm is closer to the standard tiers as far as building and playing go, why do you play it specifically? what cool features does mnm offer that you don't see anywhere else?

2. why is every mnm player scared of lunala? i get that hes a ghost but still

3. favorite ultra beast?

4. any video games outside of mons that you'd highly recommend? (not for me specifically, just ones that you really enjoy)

5. how much do you read books?

6. why do you watch anime?

7. what's the deal with airline food?

8. how much longer do you see competitive pokemon staying relevant?

9. do you have any plans of quitting this game in the future?

10. which social media platform is the least bad?

11. what are your thoughts on the gen 8 pokemon designs? which one is your favorite?

12. would you say that you're a carried player? if so, what carries you?

13. best moment playing this game?

14. do you read magazines/newspapers? if so, which ones?

15. favorite youtube channels?

16. can you share a piece of art not made by you that really inspired you?

17. what do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash?

18. what kind of music do you listen to?

19. biggest bruh moment?

20. how do you enter the avatar state?

thanks, hope this isnt too many
1. I got into MnM because I was an Ubers player in gen 6 and some of gen 7 so it appealed to me as an Ubers-based metagame. I took a break from Pokemon for a while and when I decided to pick it back up my buddy M'joe'ra said he was playing MnM and I should play that with him instead of Ubers so he passed me a Z-Splash Solagleo webs team, I spammed ladder with it, met Stresh and Chazm, and the rest is history. MnM is a meta with a ton of possibilities per turn. The ability to change a mon's typing, ability, and base stats at the beginning of any turn is extremely volatile. A ton of games revolve around your ability to set up your resources and lure your opponent with your tools while maneuvering around their resources and tools. It shares a lot of elements with other OMs like AAA and BH but no other core OM combines all of the possibilities and implications of a single turn like MnM does that's what I feel it has to offer
2. Because it's busted!! God that mon is horrible to prepare for and face... In Gen 7 Lunala was the sole offensive Ghost in the meta. Dark-types are trash because of how amazing Altarianite and Magearna were and there are no Normal-types besides Blissey and E-Killer. This boils down to Lunala was super hard to prepare for because a lot of its checks and counters were ONLY on there to check Lunala which is really problematic in a meta that has super limited slots to cover a massive range of threats. To make matters worse, the very best Lunala checks Blissey and Gyaradosite Toxapex are super passive so people would pair Lunala with something like Terrakion so Lunala is the anvil that forces in passive bois and Terrak is the hammer that punishes those guys coming in. Same story this Gen only there isn't pursuit anymore, checks are even more limited, and even though Lunala misses its Z move, items like Metronome and Rocky Helmet have given it the ability to easily break checks like Mandibuzz so it's honestly just as bad in Gen 8 if not worse.
3. Probably Xurkitree its design is hilarious and I like how it blows through teams on MnM webs and in AAA when it's been used. Naganadel is cool too though
4. Depends what you like! A game I recommend to everyone with a 3DS is Kid Icarus Uprising. It's made by the creator of Smash Bros and even though the control system is weird it's a really unique and enjoyable portable game. I'm assuming everyone that has a switch has already played it, but if you haven't, play Breath of the Wild and stick with it even if it seems boring at some points. If you're mildly interested in Zelda games but don't know where to start, dive in anywhere! Seriously, i've had nothing but good experiences with the series Wind Waker for Wii U was my first Zelda title that one is amazing as well
5. I read more as a kid than I do now funny how reading tons of college textbooks destroys your desire to read recreationally. I'm currently reading a fantasy novel called "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson i've been chugging away at it for a while now but i'll finish it sometime
6. I started watching anime because I was interested in cartoons and loved Avatar but I thought the style of a lot of popular American cartoons were ugly so I just dove into anime because I thought the art for stuff like "Your Name" and "A Silent Voice" was gorgeous. Anime has been around for a while so there's a lot of good stuff after you get past the initial stigma of "omg what if my friends and family find out and call me a weeb!!!" So eventually I just decided to stop worrying about all that, be honest about what I enjoy and just not take it too far. I've been saying Anime is like anything else, there's good anime and bad anime and if you enjoy the good in moderation then that's fine. If you take it too far and obsess over it, obviously that's bad...
7. I'm not sure i've never had airline food but during most of my flights the attendant has offered me pop and Dr. Pepper in an airplane just tastes better for some reason
8. As long as Pokemon stays relevant. Considering they're the most successful company in the world, i'd say for quite a good long time. VGC is more relevant than every right now so unless some rival game just completely takes over the fanbase I don't see it disappearing at all
9. Nah the halfhearted plan was originally to quit after my second OMPL because then I would have been around for a full year and I felt that would be a nice place to wrap it up but like I predicted, I couldn't leave my friends behind and chose to stick around. The only way someone gets out of this game is if they find something they want to obsess over more so unless I find other games I like way more or work takes over, I don't see getting out of it anytime soon especially now that MnM survived.
10. They're all bad probably snapchat if that counts. It's super obnoxious a lot of the time but you have a lot of control over who you snap and who's snaps you look at and it's less emphasis on people subjecting other people to their stupidity and more on connecting with friends and such
11. I think Gen 8 designs are pretty prime. Dragapult looks really cool but everyone likes him so i'm gonna say Frosmoth it reminds me of Luna Moths and I loved those as a kid. My least favorite is Greedent that thing is HIDEOUS
12. That's a great question I used to feel that way because of how much I played/built a lot of webs. But after Shuckle got banned I was forced out of my comfort zone a bit more and step into other styles. I actually ended up having the best and most consistent results after webs got banned so I guess it was a good thing in the end. If you want to consider using really good Pokemon being carried, then I guess i'm still carried by some of the broken mons I spammed at the end of Gen 7, I abused the hell out of Pinsirite Entei people just didn't pack good counterplay and it exploited a lot of the mons that people seemed to like bringing against me. I tended to stack multiple Extreme Speed users on teams and then build a 2-3 mon defensive pivot-based backbone so something like Pinsirite Entei, Altarinite Zygarde, and E-Killer + defensive bois it tended to be quite effective but some of my losses in circuit showed people were starting to catch on
13. I miss the good ol' days of building some trash squad in five minutes and then joint laddering with said trash squad with Stresh, Hills, QT, and anyone else who was up for it. Lots of good memories from that beginning time of Pokemon. Winning OMPL VI was also a great moment like I said earlier, I made a lot of friends in that tour. Ofc it was recently nice to win Circuit too but I enjoy winning team tours more because then you're sharing the joy with your friends
14. Nah not really. I keep up with a lot of sports news and articles on ESPN and such though
15. I enjoyed Pokemon youtube channels quite a bit when I was younger Shofu was my favorite and I still think he's pretty entertaining. I enjoyed his recent video reacting to the new mythical it backed how I felt about the Pokemon myself. Other than that, I guess I sometimes watch Cody Ko and the Sidemen. I get why some people don't like Cody Ko but I find him pretty funny and the Sidemen's videos are just impressive and entertaining in general even if they can tend to be idiots at times
16. Sure I am usually inspired by artwork based on how hard I personally believe that piece would be to create. In terms of fine art, I really like Rembrandt's work his use of light in paintings and ability to capture fine detail like individual strands of hair in portraits with a paintbrush during that time blows my mind. I also love it when artists really lay on the paint to create an actual texture jutting out of the canvas and Rembrandt was really good at employing that
I think the part of the painting that inspires me the most is the hair and the multitude of tones for the skin in his face, big Rembrandt fan always inspiring. For Pokemon-themed art, I was browsing Twitter the other day and stumbled across some neat artwork someone had made where they combined digital art of Pokemon into real landscape pictures. I really enjoy this one with Rayquaza
Rayquaza Art.jpeg this is the Twitter handle of the artist they make all kinds of anime and Pokemon themed stuff they recently posted more stuff with other legendaries I think it's pretty cool
17. The Joker, congrats to Joaquin Phoenix for the oscar
18. I like lots of stuff. I listen to a lot of instrumental music when doing homework or playing games i'm partial to piano music so i'll just search up a nice compilation on youtube and work. I really enjoyed Post Malone's recent album and like most generic pop as well. I've been listening to a lot of Rock and Metalcore recently as well it's super edgy and emo but I enjoy the intensity. My roommate loved playing music out loud and Kendrick Lamar and Kanye West were two of his favorites so i've grown to like them as well. My car unfortunately doesn't have an aux cord plugin so i'm stuck only listening to CDs when I would tackle the 8 hour drive home from college so my brother lent me these two Owl City albums he had gathering dust in his apartment so considering those are the only CD albums I have in my car, i've listened to an unholy amount of Owl City on those trips really takes you back to 2004 lol. The one genre I actively condemn is country I can't handle the overly cliche silliness and repetition of it all and it's WAY too popular where I've grown up.
19. Biggest bruh moment i've experienced on PS is this replay basically Jordan and I were trying to do some sick nasty innovation in MnM for OMPL VI and unfortunately that innovation came in the form of Cameruptite Diancite, Rotom-Wash, and Perish Trap Arceus-Ground. The matchup was incredibly bad however, I accidentally put the wrong move on my Shaymin-Sky that ended up being quite clutch. Good times..
20. First step is being the avatar so I can't help you much beyond that point. However, it's kind of interesting that both of avatars featured in the series sucked at getting into the avatar state because it's so busted that I think the writers felt a need to limit it in any way possible.
6. This upcoming spring season is gonna be fantastic. I'm excited for Re:Zero season 2, Kaguya season 2, Tower of God, the Made in Abyss movie, and Attack on Titan final season. But if i had to choose it would be Oregairu season 3 because I really enjoyed the first two seasons and this is going to be the conclusion to the story. A sleeper pick i'm excited about is Komi san Can't Communicate because the manga is fun and cute
Ah i see your a man of culture as well.

jokes aside (or maybe not truly aside).
Have you ever watched jojo bizarre adventure and if not why?
if two ganondorfs warlock punch on the same frame and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound ?
do u consider my memes in omcord bad ? If the answer is yes then why are you wrong ?
Ah i see your a man of culture as well.

jokes aside (or maybe not truly aside).
Have you ever watched jojo bizarre adventure and if not why?
if two ganondorfs warlock punch on the same frame and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound ?
do u consider my memes in omcord bad ? If the answer is yes then why are you wrong ?
1. Nah it's just not really my style i've seen clips and it's interesting but the chronological order to the episodes seems like a bit of a mess and it's hard for me to dive into animes that have a lot of different seasons and episodes. People may call me a "bad anime fan" for not watching some of the classics like Naruto, Bleach, Gintama because of that but I don't care taste is subjective
2. Well yes I think so because first of all that would be so loud that people would be bound to hear it somewhere and second of all, the Ganons would hear it! (before both immediately dying if they have any kind of percent)
3. Some of them are better than others i'm not really one to hang out on discord to laugh at random memes they tend to not be my style of humor. I also just want somebody to just add a memes channel in the OM cord since so many people love sharing random stuff in the lobby... OM cord owners PLEASE...

Champion Leon

Banned deucer.
Why did you call OM, OM! ?


What advice do you have for others in regards to tournament play? (Prep and during the match itself?)

Happy for your recent win! From 1 Champ to the next! ;)
Why did you call OM, OM! ?


What advice do you have for others in regards to tournament play? (Prep and during the match itself?)

Happy for your recent win! From 1 Champ to the next! ;)
1. Well, because I felt I was saying it with enough emphasis to merit an exclamation point I suppose
2. I have a lot of tips because I feel a lot of people are going about it the wrong way. For prep, don't go all in trying to cteam your opponent. Prepping for your opponent is only natural but if you try too hard to prep for a particular team or tendency you're not respecting their prep and assuming they can't adapt themselves. Try to build solid all-around teams that pay a special focus to some of the things you've previously been weak that also have answers some of the common things your opponent likes to bring. That may sound like a lot to deal with in the builder but it's really important to sweat over this aspect of prep because in some OMs building is FAR more important than playing imo. I think that was certainly the truth for Gen 7 BH and Gen 8 BH is just really difficult to build in general but I think it's similarly as important in that meta. For play, first of all, THINK. It sounds simple but i've seen so many people get caught up in a certain moment of the game, get overexcited, and start clicking before they think about some alternatives or the impact of that play on the game. You have time in tournament games it's really important to map the game out to the best of your ability and think through every single turn instead of going on autopilot. Clicking is never the answer. Along with that, spend less time trying to read the player, and more time trying to read the game itself, just because you can make a flashy prediction and it looks cool doesn't mean it's the best play. There are a lot of situations where people make an aggressive play and it works out but they could have accomplished the same thing in a safer manner. This point goes hand in hand with thinking out your turns but I think it's an important way to view the game itself. That isn't to say that you should never try to read specific player tendencies and such, but in general i've found it leads to better gameplans and execution to focus on the carrying out the most solid gameplan possible that leads to a winning route no matter who you are playing. There will be opportunities to make cool aggressive reads regardless but be smart about employing them in favor of a safer gameplan. That was quite the long-winded response but hope that helps a bit
1. Do you like me more than I like you? (Answer is no)
2. Ever planning on coming to Europe?
3. What is (are) your favorite book(s)? Your favorite genre(s)? Your favorite author(s)?
4. :blobnom:
1. I'm not sure liking is subjective! I think we're pretty good friends and i'll humor you and say no but I definitely like you a lot!
2. I want to, but there's no definite plans set in stone for the NEAR near future. I want to travel though it's just one of those things i'm interested in and I think it would give fun opportunities to meet friends in this community I very much want to meet irl. If I ever come over i'll def let you know
3. I'm down for anything as long as it's interesting but I can't really point to anything in particular that makes a book interesting to me. I think my favorite genre is fantasy I find the way skilled fantasy authors build their worlds to be incredibly immersive. I've lived in my imagination and have loved that kind of thing since i was a kid so seeing people successfully map that stuff out and put it on paper in a super interesting way is so exciting for me. I have limited experience with thrillers but those are the type of books that I am incapable of putting down until I finish them it's a serious problem for my sleep schedule I still haven't found anything that is impossible to tear myself away from like a really good novel with gripping thriller elements. After I started uni I haven't done a ton of recreational reading I still feel bitter that I feel uni has stolen a good bit of that love from me. But one series that I read throughout uni was John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice series. If you haven't read them and like fantasy novels highly recommend there are 12 books... read 11 of them. do NOT read the 12th seriously just pretend it doesn't exist. My brother ignored my advice and regretted it deeply don't be my brother. John Flanagan is currently writing a parallel series in the same world called Brotherband I like that just as much if not more than Ranger's Apprentice and am excited to catch up in the last few books when I get the chance
Last edited:


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hello and welcome back (after a very long time :psysad:) to OM Interviews! I hope everybody's been staying healthy and safe in these trying, trying times!

Now, without further ado, may I introduce the star of the show himself...


Good afternoon Dragonillis, and welcome to OM interviews! How are you doing today?

Hello OM, i'm fine

In that case, tell us a bit about yourself! We'd love to get to know more about our faithful roomstar

I'm Dragonillis and i'm 21 years old. Currently, i study in laboratory with bacteria, DNA, cell and chemical products.
- Manipulate a bacteria that can give cholera ? Easy
- Make a GMO ? Done
- Work with an cancer cell ? No problem
- Use a chemical products able to send you to the hospital ? I know how to use it.

I'm happy to study and work in laboratory. I have a year left before I start a career. As for my hobbies, i like videos games, with a preference for action-adventure. I like sports (watching and playing) and the scientific world with articles. My study + hobbies take all my time. Overall, I tend to be a curious person and enjoy to learn something new.

I started OM when i'd see an youtuber to explain many om, with the first of the ladder. It was very cool and fun, too see how a pokemon can be powerfull if you change something, an ability, movepoll twice. I'm multifaceted and i test all permanent OM (STABmons, Mix and Mega, AAA, Balanced Hackmons and camomons). Many months later, I learned the creation of the first OML ( = 'french' OMPL), i participed, and i lost, but i got to know a good friend, like Siamato, DF-Shock and Gmansour20. Yes, i lost (0-3) but i wanted more. 3 months later, i don't know how, french had a team at the World Cup of the OM II with... Siamato as captain. I participated and i could see the level, skill and preparation of other team. At the end of this tournament, DF-shock can me an advice "try daily in OM, too see other people and compare my level compared to arcade" (Arcade = subroom of the french room). And i try. At the end of the first month, November 2019, i won the rank star, and since, i'm focus to win daily, to prove myself i have a level and my versatility at OM.

All this practice and dedication is extremely impressive, and now that it had gotten you into OMGS finals! How were you feeling? Did you have anything you'd like to note about your experience during OMGS?

Very excited, because i can face against the best players. I take time to prep and build, i was satisfied of my build, probably my big weakness. Whether it be against Andyboy or against Stresh.

You also managed to play in OMPL. How did you enjoy the experience?

If you forget my score record (0-6), I really enjoyed the experience, mainly the fact that the preparations are very different depending on the players. The presence of helpers was also very useful. Even if my team could not go to reach PO, I'm happy I got to meet some great people, players and helpers alike.

What do you think you took away from the most from OMPL?

I learnt each mistake in a battle can be very punitive, even littles ones mistake. I remember the metagame was going in circles for almost all OMs. I'm happy to see the first DLC

Is there anything you wish happened during OMPL?

Not especially

How do you want your next OMPL to go?

The next OMPL will be in a year, which is a long time. I have time to think. However there is OML (French OMPL) and the world cup of Other Metagames. Althought I know that I want to as a player, because I can't do worse than my first participation. If I want to be ambitious, I would say that I would try to be one of the future captains, because I can play every OMs seriously makes me able to help all the players in an OMPL team.

Is there anything notable in your teams and building that you've felt you've innovated? How did they end up going?

Not really, I wanted to try and play every style of team: HO, BO, weather, balanced, stall... However I'd say that I'm not a good builder, I prefer to play MU-reliant/gimmick teams. But at the end, after testing or BO3, i add the teams (grom myself of other players) as a sample at Arcade, i want to share and motivate the beginners to try OM.

Speaking of arcade, do you think you've impacted there at all? Any friends you've made who help you with OMs or keep you wanting to win OMs?

Yes, because when you begin an OM, you're lost, so much possibilities, and with a sample (mine or not) they can try and appreciate these OM. Arcade is made to chill, and try the 'unconventional' like OM or with 2 metagames at the same time. And with this help, i find people if i want to train or test a team. For me, it's a win-win deal.

During your time here, are there any notable matches you've had that have stuck with you?

Not really, because I remember more easily my battle with my luck than a "big" battle with skill. But if I had to showcase one win, I would probably show you my BO5 vs Andyboy for the OMGS Plays offs, especially in BH (avoid turns 46 to 141). I think I have rarely played this well, either in this BO5 or during this match. This BO5 ended after 4 long hours, at 2 AM.

Is there anything you'd like to share with us about your experience with daily OM tournaments?

Take your main team and observ your opponent team, and see what do you like in his/her team. And if you see a very long battle, take a team with 1 or 2 stallbreaker. Oh, and before i forget, try the most dailies as you can.

Anything you'd like to say to everyone before we finish up?

You can build a new team, test it on ladder and with your friend. Ask their opinions of your friend It's better to have many opinion, you probably forgot your answer against 1-2 pokemons.

Anyone you'd like to shout out / acknowledge?

Discord server OM FR, Siamato, Gmansour20, LaballadeDesCieux and Emeri, for having organized roomtour, OML and their advices. Thanks to their, i improve again and again my build, my skill and my luck avoid choke during a battle.

Feel free to ask him more questions below~
Hello Dragonillis!
OM/Mons related questions
1. What do you think the most undeveloped permanent ladder OM is?
2. Who are some players you really enjoy playing in the OM community?
3. What is the key difference between the entire OM community and the French OM community?
4. What is your favorite part of the French OM community?
5. I remember Gman telling me about a tournament you guys did in the French OM community where you played "Elite 4" members for each of the OMs and if you beat all of them you played the Champion (Matiss) and if you beat him, were crowned the new Champion. Did anyone end up clearing the challenge?
6. Why do you enjoy using weather teams so much in OMs? Which OM do you feel is the least suited for weather?
7. It seemed like there was a significantly larger French representation in OMPL this year can we expect team France to be even scarier this year in OM World Cup? If so, why?
8. Thoughts on OM Classic going on right now? What metas are you the most confident in?
9. Do you think listening to music is a help or a hinderance while playing serious tour games?
10. Do you put in a conscious effort to continually improve at mons? If so, what do you do?
11. Do you view mons as a good or bad part of your life right now?

Other Questions
1. Top 3 video games outside of Pokemon?
2. Top 3 sports to watch?
3. Top 3 sports to play?
4. Top 3 favorite foods?
5. Top 3 least favorite foods?
6. Where did the username "Dragonillis" come from?
Hey Drago !
I know I'm not used to ask serious questions, but sometimes, I have to pretend I am :blobthumbsup: . If somehow, OM disappeared, would you stop strategic Pokemon ? Or would you start playing more conventional tiers, like OU with the same motivation you have when playing OM ?
Plop Drago !

:greninja-ash:Fun questions

Est ce que tu penses que la chance est en fait une partie de ton talent ?
Do you think luck is, in fact, a part of your skill?

0,026% et 0,014%, sais-tu quels sont ces nombres ?
0,026% and 0,014%, do you know what those numbers are?

Quelle chanson préfères-tu entre, It's raining men et Les Sunlights des Tropiques ?

What's your favorite song between, It's raining men and Les Sunlights des Tropiques?

Prochain irl Jap, Italien, kebab ou ??
Next irl Jap, Italiano, kebab or??

:greninja-ash: More serious questions

En OMPL tu as joué AAA mais tu joues dans beaucoup de tiers, lequel préfères-tu ?
In OMPL you played in AAA but you play in many tiers so, which do you prefer?

Les tournois en équipe (OML et OMPL) n'ont pas été une grande réussite (en terme de record) pour toi, qu'est ce qui n'a pas été selon toi ?
Comment penses-tu pouvoir améliorer les choses et assurer un soutien de poids à ta futur team OML II ?
Teamtours (OML and OMPL) were not a great success (in terms of record) for you, what do you think went wrong?
How do you think you can make things better and provide a strong support to your futur team OML II?

Tu as du mal à build de bonnes teams, comptes-tu essayer de t'améliorer à ce niveau ou penses-tu que ce soit une fatalité ?
You're in trouble to build good teams, are you planning to try to improve at this level or do you think it's a fatality?

Comment envisages-tu ton avenir au sein de la communauté OM FR ? Au sein de la communauté OM ? Penses-tu jouer encore longtemps ?
How do you envision your furur in the OM FR community? In the OM community? How much longer do you think you'll play?

Vais-je te manquer quand j'aurai quitté le jeu d'ici ~1 semaine ? :blobnom:
Are you gonna miss me when I leave the game in ~1 week? :blobnom:

Emeri ta question n'est pas sérieuse, les OMs continueront d'exister éternellement :p
Emeri your question isn't serious, OMs will continue to exist forever :p

Maybe other questions later
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Stay kind, stay compassionate
Bonjour Drago :3

1. ?
2. Have you ever been to Italy? Or Switzerland? If so, where? Did you like it? When do you plan on coming again?
3. If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4. What genres of music do you enjoy?
5. Do you prefer sweet or salty food?
6. If they gave you Room Voice in the OM room, would you stop going for the Star?
7. Who are your favorite ROs of the OM room? Of the Arcade room? Of Franais?
8. Norman Vincent Peale said: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Does this apply to the Star role of the OM room in any way?
9. What is your favorite OM and why is it Mix and Mega?
10. What is your favorite Mix and Mega set and why is it Sablenite Mandibuzz?
11. Will you be joining OM Snake, so that we can cheer for you there, as well?

Prochain irl Jap, Italien, kebab ou ??
Je crois que la réponse est assez facile :blobnom:

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