Official Smogon Tournament XIII - Quarterfinals

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JayStaice vs ben gay
ABR vs 100 Hoes Kaido
Poek vs Iloveleague
(Wheitron vs Lord Outrage) vs Malekith
JayStaice vs ben gay
vs 100 Hoes Kaido
Poek vs Iloveleague -leagues p good but I said winner of njnp vs poek takes it all n I still think that even tho we got some other great competers
I've never seen someone get so offended by me calling them a retard on this site. Maybe you actually have a mental deficiency. Did I hit a nerve or something holy shit LOL I mean, it wouldn't really surprise me considering your awful attitude, pathetic SPL performance (in a tier full of god-awful players where the combo of FAJI + MAZAR went 10-0 nonetheless), and your overall reduction to nothing more than a meme. Overall, nothing you've done on this site has convinced me that you're not absolutely retarded, so...
JayStaice vs ben gay - ben seemed to have 0 struggles so far and comes off a very hot streak in sm ou. He's definetely the favorite for this matchup.
ABR vs 100 Hoes Kaido - ABR was probably the most dominant newer gens ou player in the last 2 years and generally plays on a very high level. I can hardly see him losing this one.
Poek vs iloveleague - Both impressed this ost and in sm ou in general. Going with Poek because he seems to be the more experienced and already beat a highly rated player with njnp this ost.
(Wheitron vs Lord Outrage) vs Malekith - Haven't heard too much of Wheitron. Lord Outrage seems to be a very competent player in general so I assume he'll be able to beat him. However, I think Malekith will take this whole matchup because he's a very good and experienced player in general and also showed that he's able to perform newer gens on a very high level this ost.

Definetely a great Top 8 field this year, really looking forward to all the matches. Rooting for my man ben gay but I'd also be fine with ABR, Malekith or Poek or anyone who shows that he's skilled enough winning this tour. Gl to everyone!


the queen bee
is a Tiering Contributorwon the 11th Official Smogon Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
One of these quarterfinals spots would have easily belonged to Yours Truly if I had time to play. Fortunately I'm not a fat, ugly mofo with no real life friends who has all the time in the world to sit on my fatass playing this game all day everyday.

With that said... ben gay to win it all. If not, then probably ABR.
JayStaice vs ben gay
ABR vs 100 Hoes Kaido - Can't go wrong with someone with this many hoes.
Poek vs Iloveleague - The highlight of this round. Rooting for league though.
(Wheitron vs Lord Outrage) vs Malekith
cool quarters despite most of my picks losing last round. cool to see some good known players vs some new plays i haven't even heard of before. rooting for poek at this point but I wouldn't mind seeing kith or benjamin gaylord win.
JayStaice vs ben gay - unless your name is Voltaren, I cannot predict against ben gay
ABR vs 100 Hoes Kaido - ABR is a great builder, and an even better player.
Poek vs Iloveleague - I like league, but I think Poek has this. Wouldn't be surprised if either player emerged victorious tho ;)
(Wheitron vs Lord Outrage) vs Malekith - I think Malekith is a bit more solid than both of these other players, so I am gonna pick him.

Very great matches, and I hope to catch them all live, despite my unfortunate timezone...
Good Luck to all players.
Dont turn Wheitron into a meme about that item, that was my fault. He told me he was gonna bring stall g2 and i gave that one to him because his opp would surely be getting ready to stall (he had rest sd marowak that 6x0's conventional stall so yeah i was right), but i built that right after tama's spl game without paying much attention and i didnt see that chansey had the wrong item. :pirate:
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