Rejected Make active Blacklist regardless of room appear at the top in a Users Room Modlog

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Shaymin Sky

You're pretty sharp for someone whos just woken up
is a Community Contributor
Title basically explains it. Currently room staff can see blacklist punishments, and Room punishments so not asking for added powers or anything. The issue is the command to see blacklist punishments (/alt) is a bit finnicky and is an entirely separate command from the one to view a users room punishments. Plenty of Room Staff across P.S rarely use the /alt command too, and the problem with that is it's very important to account for a users blacklist in another room when making policy decisions/post on them in the staff discords. It'd be way more convenient if active Blacklist regardless of room were displayed at the top in a users room modlog, instead of it being on a inconsistent-ish command that not everyone uses when staffing. Sorry if I phrased this poorly or something.


Be the serpent under't
is a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Community Leaderis a Programmer
PS Admin
/sp is your friend here. Modlog's chronological order exists for a reason - we're not going to change it (and potentially make other tasks difficult slash muddled) for a functionality already covered by another command.
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