(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

Which is why Avalugg has a TON of Defense.

USUM: What's Not To Like:
I agree and have said so myself that USUM is a massive disappointment and follow-up to Sun & Moon (and B2W2 when it comes to third versions). Infact, I prefer Sun & Moon's story more compared to USUM due to them following the same story... until the very end where they wedge the Ultra Recon Squad into the story. This has resulted in some of the following missteps in the story:

1. Taking away the pay off of Gladion and Type: Null's story. In SM when Lusamine opens the Ultra Wormhole a Nihilego comes on through. Player battles Lusamine, Hau battles Guzma, and Gladion battles Nihilego with Type: Null as it was made to be a "beast killer". But in USUM what happens is that Gladion practically begs Lusamine to assist her facing Necrozma but she refuses, and only the player and her battle while Gladion and Hau watch (Guzma doesn't come into the picture until Lusamine jumps through the Ultra Wormhole). Also, instead of becoming Aether President, he instead goes to Kanto (instead of Lillie) occasionally coming back to battle the player. It feels like he was sidelined cause they didn't know how to fit him in the changes they did to the story.

2. Lillie doesn't get her moment to shine. Remember how in SM that, upon getting to her mother in Ultra Space, Lillie finally stands up to her and gives Lusamine the browbeating she deserved for the way she treated her, Gladion, Nebby, and everyone else she has wronged? One of the most biggest character development moments in the Pokemon series that has made Lillie into one of the most popular characters. Welp, in USUM not only does Lillie and Lusamine's "encounter" happen off screen but it's implied that everything is cool between them after that. WHAT?! After all that Lusamine has done we're suppose to believe that Lillie just forgives her and Lusamine is somehow more sane? Oh, and this change has resulted in Lillie not going on her journey (to both grow and help heal Lusamine), which also has the result of removing the heartwarming credits of the original SM where we see pictures that Hau had sent to Lillie (along with an Island Challenge pendent of her own). And it's not like Lillie is doing anything special at the end of the game so they wasted any opportunity there for growth (if anything she takes steps back when she's taken hostage during the RR Episode and all she has to show for this is being a disappointing Battle Tree partner).

3. Speaking of Lusamine, she felt completely off as they kept her personality but changed her goals so now her actions don't quite match-up. And as mentioned above, when she loses to Necrozma she somehow becomes more sane? She did horrible things but USUM is willing to sweep that all aside to give everyone a happy ending without having to work for it. Also by changing the reason we're going into Ultra Space it sorta removes the urgency. Okay, yes, we now gotta go to save Nebby... but Lillie stays behind so there goes a personal reason of going. Sure, we want to save Nebby, but Lillie is the one with a connection with Lillie even if she doesn't do anything (which wasn't the case in SM, not only did she call out her mother but she also ordered Nebby to use its power to separate Lusamine from the Nihilego she fused with).

And that's not even addressing how, instead of using a chance of a second pair of games to expand on characters like the Captains and Team Skull, instead they waste it on the Ultra Recon Squad who are just as bare bones (don't get me started on Ultra Megalopolis) or tons of side quests which lacked depth and were at best cute/funny for the moment.

What happened? They had the concept of an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE to play with and this was the best they could come up with? Heck, just do a sequel like you did with B2W2 if you couldn't think of anything good! And they have the nerve to call these games "Ultra".

... This better not happen with Gen VIII. While I shouldn't, I'm giving them an out that they were probably being pressured by Nintendo to move over to the Switch so rushed the games.

Yeah, the one save file thing notably is outdated since we not only have SD cards we can now save to but they could also offer additional save storage via the Poke Bank.
Extra save slots from a paid subscription? There would have been a riot.
Which is why Avalugg has a TON of Defense.

USUM: What's Not To Like:
I agree and have said so myself that USUM is a massive disappointment and follow-up to Sun & Moon (and B2W2 when it comes to third versions). Infact, I prefer Sun & Moon's story more compared to USUM due to them following the same story... until the very end where they wedge the Ultra Recon Squad into the story. This has resulted in some of the following missteps in the story:

1. Taking away the pay off of Gladion and Type: Null's story. In SM when Lusamine opens the Ultra Wormhole a Nihilego comes on through. Player battles Lusamine, Hau battles Guzma, and Gladion battles Nihilego with Type: Null as it was made to be a "beast killer". But in USUM what happens is that Gladion practically begs Lusamine to assist her facing Necrozma but she refuses, and only the player and her battle while Gladion and Hau watch (Guzma doesn't come into the picture until Lusamine jumps through the Ultra Wormhole). Also, instead of becoming Aether President, he instead goes to Kanto (instead of Lillie) occasionally coming back to battle the player. It feels like he was sidelined cause they didn't know how to fit him in the changes they did to the story.

2. Lillie doesn't get her moment to shine. Remember how in SM that, upon getting to her mother in Ultra Space, Lillie finally stands up to her and gives Lusamine the browbeating she deserved for the way she treated her, Gladion, Nebby, and everyone else she has wronged? One of the most biggest character development moments in the Pokemon series that has made Lillie into one of the most popular characters. Welp, in USUM not only does Lillie and Lusamine's "encounter" happen off screen but it's implied that everything is cool between them after that. WHAT?! After all that Lusamine has done we're suppose to believe that Lillie just forgives her and Lusamine is somehow more sane? Oh, and this change has resulted in Lillie not going on her journey (to both grow and help heal Lusamine), which also has the result of removing the heartwarming credits of the original SM where we see pictures that Hau had sent to Lillie (along with an Island Challenge pendent of her own). And it's not like Lillie is doing anything special at the end of the game so they wasted any opportunity there for growth (if anything she takes steps back when she's taken hostage during the RR Episode and all she has to show for this is being a disappointing Battle Tree partner).

3. Speaking of Lusamine, she felt completely off as they kept her personality but changed her goals so now her actions don't quite match-up. And as mentioned above, when she loses to Necrozma she somehow becomes more sane? She did horrible things but USUM is willing to sweep that all aside to give everyone a happy ending without having to work for it. Also by changing the reason we're going into Ultra Space it sorta removes the urgency. Okay, yes, we now gotta go to save Nebby... but Lillie stays behind so there goes a personal reason of going. Sure, we want to save Nebby, but Lillie is the one with a connection with Lillie even if she doesn't do anything (which wasn't the case in SM, not only did she call out her mother but she also ordered Nebby to use its power to separate Lusamine from the Nihilego she fused with).

And that's not even addressing how, instead of using a chance of a second pair of games to expand on characters like the Captains and Team Skull, instead they waste it on the Ultra Recon Squad who are just as bare bones (don't get me started on Ultra Megalopolis) or tons of side quests which lacked depth and were at best cute/funny for the moment.

What happened? They had the concept of an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE to play with and this was the best they could come up with? Heck, just do a sequel like you did with B2W2 if you couldn't think of anything good! And they have the nerve to call these games "Ultra".

... This better not happen with Gen VIII. While I shouldn't, I'm giving them an out that they were probably being pressured by Nintendo to move over to the Switch so rushed the games.

Yeah, the one save file thing notably is outdated since we not only have SD cards we can now save to but they could also offer additional save storage via the Poke Bank.
I agree with everything mentioned above. Unless you play cartridge formats, I can't say these games are a must buy for those whose played Sun and Moon first. I know the reason why the plot was mediocre:

Junichi Masuda: Luckily, we have very talented people at Game Freak. That's the reason why I'm not worried to give other people the position of beeing the director for some games while I create completely new games like Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. For Black 2 and White 2 Takao Unno was the director, this time Mr. Ohmori was the director [for OR/AS]. When giving the position of the director to another person I must be convinced that he has the right vision for the game. While the responsibility for the project is in the hands of another person this person has the chance to use his full creativity. I always hope that the complete dev team supports the director and doing their best to create a high quality game. Releasing games in short time intervals is always a race against time. The more time you invest to develop a game the better the game will be in the end. There are however different factors which prevent that. If it would always take us three years to develop a game, we wouldn't match with the fast pace of the modern world. When thinking about the release date we have to ask ourselves when the demand for the games is at its highest point. When having only one year of development time it's easier to use the things we have right now and decide what should maintain and what whould be improved in the next game. After this we have to create the best result we could get in the time we have to develop the game.

GF thinks that if they don't release games once every two years, the whole world will be be on their toes. That's so not true, if there's any company that should take time to build their games, it should be GF since there the most 2nd most lucrative video game franchise in the world! Games like Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in developed for more than an decade, and are still going to appeal to countless fans. They don't have anything like 3 mobile games, TCG, side series,or Spin-offs. Its very insulting not just for companies, but for fans as well, since there getting incomplete games.

Anyway, while were on USUM critcism, let's talk about Ultra Space and what a missed opportunity it is. Let's start with the minigame. It involves you travelling through rings to get points for further exploration. There really should have been 3D here for better depth perception. I swear, I gotten into the one of the wormholes, but the game thought I passed it. And then there's the fact that as you went further, you lose speed and then are dragged into a wormhole randomly... Why? Couldn't we just keep going what's wrong with that?

Now onto the Ultra Space Wilds. Were in an Alternate universe, and all we have is a cliff-ending with a wild Pokemon. In ORAS, at least Mirage Islands were interesting to explore to the islands having their own layouts and items. Also the diversity of Pokemon was dissapointing. Regardless of what rarity wormhole you go in, the 5 standard Pokemon are the same. They should have had different Pokemon depending on the tier. That would have made the search more interesting. It would also allowed more Pokemon too be included. Speaking of which, Gen 7 is the 2nd gen in which you must use bank to obtain all the Pokemon (though I suppose the national dex is gone, so that's not a big deal.) Unlike Poke Transporter from Gen 5, you have to pay for bank, which means you have to pay to have all the Pokemon in Gen 7! ( Technically at least. )

Back to the main topic, the only reason we ever go into Ultra Space is to catch the Legendaries. Which is one of the worst tasks EVER!!! Unlike in ORAS, where they appeared in fix places with requirements where you can approach at your own pace, not here. Instead, they appear randomly in level 3 or 4 wormhole, with level 4 being the rarest. So if you don't get Level 4, you have to hope its has a legendary. And even if it does, you have to hope its the Legendary you want. If not, you have to go back through all that hell and hope for the best. I remember I only had two slots when I began hunting Legends, thanks to my party being full of synchronizers.

That being said, the abillity to capture multiple Ultra Beasts have been useful. If I had to improve Ultra Space I'd:

1. Add 3D for better depth perception.
2. Make Ultra Space a whole enviorment to explore with different Pokemon appearing in different rarity tiers.
3. Have pre-resiquite in your party before encountering a legendary Pokemon. When you have that Pre-Resiquite, that Pokemon is guaranteed to appear, regardless of what color.
I agree with everything mentioned above. Unless you play cartridge formats, I can't say these games are a must buy for those whose played Sun and Moon first. I know the reason why the plot was mediocre:

Junichi Masuda: Luckily, we have very talented people at Game Freak. That's the reason why I'm not worried to give other people the position of beeing the director for some games while I create completely new games like Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. For Black 2 and White 2 Takao Unno was the director, this time Mr. Ohmori was the director [for OR/AS]. When giving the position of the director to another person I must be convinced that he has the right vision for the game. While the responsibility for the project is in the hands of another person this person has the chance to use his full creativity. I always hope that the complete dev team supports the director and doing their best to create a high quality game. Releasing games in short time intervals is always a race against time. The more time you invest to develop a game the better the game will be in the end. There are however different factors which prevent that. If it would always take us three years to develop a game, we wouldn't match with the fast pace of the modern world. When thinking about the release date we have to ask ourselves when the demand for the games is at its highest point. When having only one year of development time it's easier to use the things we have right now and decide what should maintain and what whould be improved in the next game. After this we have to create the best result we could get in the time we have to develop the game.

GF thinks that if they don't release games once every two years, the whole world will be be on their toes. That's so not true, if there's any company that should take time to build their games, it should be GF since there the most 2nd most lucrative video game franchise in the world! Games like Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in developed for more than an decade, and are still going to appeal to countless fans. They don't have anything like 3 mobile games, TCG, side series,or Spin-offs. Its very insulting not just for companies, but for fans as well, since there getting incomplete games.

Anyway, while were on USUM critcism, let's talk about Ultra Space and what a missed opportunity it is. Let's start with the minigame. It involves you travelling through rings to get points for further exploration. There really should have been 3D here for better depth perception. I swear, I gotten into the one of the wormholes, but the game thought I passed it. And then there's the fact that as you went further, you lose speed and then are dragged into a wormhole randomly... Why? Couldn't we just keep going what's wrong with that?

Now onto the Ultra Space Wilds. Were in an Alternate universe, and all we have is a cliff-ending with a wild Pokemon. In ORAS, at least Mirage Islands were interesting to explore to the islands having their own layouts and items. Also the diversity of Pokemon was dissapointing. Regardless of what rarity wormhole you go in, the 5 standard Pokemon are the same. They should have had different Pokemon depending on the tier. That would have made the search more interesting. It would also allowed more Pokemon too be included. Speaking of which, Gen 7 is the 2nd gen in which you must use bank to obtain all the Pokemon (though I suppose the national dex is gone, so that's not a big deal.) Unlike Poke Transporter from Gen 5, you have to pay for bank, which means you have to pay to have all the Pokemon in Gen 7! ( Technically at least. )

Back to the main topic, the only reason we ever go into Ultra Space is to catch the Legendaries. Which is one of the worst tasks EVER!!! Unlike in ORAS, where they appeared in fix places with requirements where you can approach at your own pace, not here. Instead, they appear randomly in level 3 or 4 wormhole, with level 4 being the rarest. So if you don't get Level 4, you have to hope its has a legendary. And even if it does, you have to hope its the Legendary you want. If not, you have to go back through all that hell and hope for the best. I remember I only had two slots when I began hunting Legends, thanks to my party being full of synchronizers.

That being said, the abillity to capture multiple Ultra Beasts have been useful. If I had to improve Ultra Space I'd:

1. Add 3D for better depth perception.
2. Make Ultra Space a whole enviorment to explore with different Pokemon appearing in different rarity tiers.
3. Have pre-resiquite in your party before encountering a legendary Pokemon. When you have that Pre-Resiquite, that Pokemon is guaranteed to appear, regardless of what color.
I pretty much hate Ultra Space not only because mechanically is annoying as hell, but because the concept allows for countless opportunities for settings, plots, pokemon designs and characters. GF could easily set half a dozen generations in US without the concept going stale.

Instead we get Let's Go.
You mean they think if they don't release games every two years, they'll make a lot less money.

SM to USUM was pretty disgraceful, but it's SM that was the problem. They released an intentionally unfinished game.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with this thought.

USUM wasn't problem, SM was the one that should never have existed :x
I honestly hated sun and moon. Sure UsUm have their fair share of problems, such as ultra megalopolis being basically 10 square inches of walkable territory, seriously, let us explore this damn shit. But sun and moon were the problem. First of all, I hate how they said they changed it all up, but they barely changed anything. I mean the trials are just gym battles but easier, because 1 op Pokemon vs 5 or so pretty hard mon’s means that you need less diversity of a team. Grand trials are easy as fuck, because popplio can defeat all of them. Seriously, I know that RSE and ORAS were Swampert’s playground, but at least sceptile shone against some gyms, Kyogre, and team aqua, and blaziken did well vs a couple of gyms, the dark types from the teams, and against some of the e4. Swampert was the best, but at least the others had strong areas. But S&M are so damn favoring popplio. The only trials it has trouble with are kiran this and wishiwashi. And it is fantastic against the whole e4. At least in USUM molayne on the e4 meant popplio had a challenge. I also hated the “less focus on the evil team” part. Excuse moi, but what is the Aether Foundation? It’s so obvious that they are the evil team that it’s not even funny. Getting rid of HM’s was fantastic but pales in comparison to the huge flaws. The games tried to make a different story but failed miserably. At least USUM changed the story a little bit. And the Pokémon were shit. The only alolan mon’s I liked? Ash greninja, Alolan Sandslash, and I liked kommo-o a little, though it is still my least favorite pseudo legendary. That’s it, the other mon’s were shit. They ruined exeggutor for me, they made Ninetales worse, and don’t get me started on z moves. Wow, so strong. And now they gave all of their favorite non mega mon’s exclusive z moves. Sun and moon were shit, and the only Pokémon games I didn’t enjoy even a little. RBY had glitches but were hard af. and
x and y were too easy but had megas. Hau is a fucking joke. And why was kahele an e4 member? Why did we not get to know her? Wtf gamefreak.
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Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
You mean they think if they don't release games every two years, they'll make a lot less money.

SM to USUM was pretty disgraceful, but it's SM that was the problem. They released an intentionally unfinished game.
What did USUM add that made Gen VII feel more complete? All they did was change the plot a bit, added small forgettable side quests (which usually were just a handful a battle if that much), and added Mantine Surf and Ultra Space Ride.

USUM is no more complete than SM in my opinion, it just has slightly more content with a lesser story.

I blame the fact the games were released only a year after Sun and Moon.
And that's it. I have no clue why since Gen VI they're releasing Pokemon games faster than before. Not only does it give less time to add any significant changes, but it burns out players who, if they keep this up, may decide to skip generations so the next game they buy actually feels different. Hopefully upon getting onto the Switch they slow down again, having no anniversary to worry about nor pressure to hurry up and make a game for the new system.

Anyway, while were on USUM critcism, let's talk about Ultra Space and what a missed opportunity it is. Let's start with the minigame.
They added WAY too many mechanics to it. We have ring rarity, ring color, collecting orbs to not lose speed, and going as far as you can go, and all in some way effect the other. Not only that, even if you go like 5k lightyears you may still end up going into a either a ring of the wrong color of a level 1 ring! They need to get rid of one of those things, I say get rid of ring rarity and just have the result be based on how far we get (and thus easier to get the color we want). Also having a counter to show how far we've gotten in would have been nice... and not initially linking it to motion controls.

Now onto the Ultra Space Wilds.
They should have done what they did in ORAS with the mirage islands. While they can keep the four types of environments, have multiple layouts for each one that have different puzzles. Include grass/encounter tiles so we can catch certain Pokemon in each layout; you can still include a rare Pokemon at the end you need to go through the puzzle to get. Maybe even give Legendaries their own special layout (that way you know you're about to encounter a Legendary).

However the biggest issues are with Ultra Beasts homes and Ultra Megalopolis. These should have been big areas to explore, Ultra Megalopolis especially as it's a huge city! But nope, all of them are essentially hallways.

You mean they think if they don't release games every two years, they'll make a lot less money.
If that's their reasoning maybe they should just do DLC (as long as it doesn't give players an unfair advantage). Make more clothing options, maybe make new side quests expanding on characters we actually want to learn more about, maybe add past generation characters you can battle some place (and maybe also give them a story). Heck, maybe make new battle modes.

"Don't give them ideas!"

I'd rather they just charge $5 for something like this than making a $40 buck game every year that's barely different except with these new features in them.

Island Challenge =/= Gyms: I generally agree, Island Challenge do feel like lesser Gyms with just an actual "boss" Pokemon. I'm hoping they do bring Gyms back but incorporate elements for the Island Challenge to them, specifically give a purpose to the puzzles we do and allow the Gym Leader to power-up their Pokemon in someway (increase its stats, set up a weather/terrain, activate its Ability, etc.).

Popplio Domination: Eh, don't see this as a major issue as there's always suppose to be a Starter that beginner players can choose to help them through most of the game. And even if you didn't pick Popplio the game still hands you solutions to difficult battles on a silver platter with a convenient trade or giving you a super effective Z-Crystal.
@pickachu315111: I’m mainly salty about popplio dominating because in the other games, all the starters had some spectacular matchups. Also, popplio is the worst and ugliest imao. Why couldn’t decidueye be useful? Why oh why, did Gamefreak make me use this ugly 80% male yet downright feminine mermaid thingy?


is a Community Contributor
@pickachu315111: I’m mainly salty about popplio dominating because in the other games, all the starters had some spectacular matchups. Also, popplio is the worst and ugliest imao. Why couldn’t decidueye be useful? Why oh why, did Gamefreak make me use this ugly 80% male yet downright feminine mermaid thingy?
The game is still quite easy to beat when using any starter, you act as if using Popplio is the only way for you to be able to beat the game. You don't need to use Mudkip in every run of R/S/E just because it can virtually solo the whole game, do you?

And Litten has plenty of favorable matchups and Rowlet isn't unusable, it's about as useful as BW2 Serperior
@pickachu315111: I’m mainly salty about popplio dominating because in the other games, all the starters had some spectacular matchups. Also, popplio is the worst and ugliest imao. Why couldn’t decidueye be useful? Why oh why, did Gamefreak make me use this ugly 80% male yet downright feminine mermaid thingy?
If you think Decidueye is bad, for your sanity, I advise you not to pick Chikorita in the Johto games.
And that's it. I have no clue why since Gen VI they're releasing Pokemon games faster than before. Not only does it give less time to add any significant changes, but it burns out players who, if they keep this up, may decide to skip generations so the next game they buy actually feels different. Hopefully upon getting onto the Switch they slow down again, having no anniversary to worry about nor pressure to hurry up and make a game for the new system.
Oh don't you worry. Merchandise will continue to push for a yearly release, I'm sure.
For the record, I said this as a response to the ideas of adding ads to the game and making event Pokemon like Marshadow paid DLC.

I'd love to see US/UM content added as DLC instead, similar to the Welcome Amiibo expansion to Animal Crossing New Leaf.
One thing they could do is release new areas (caves, islands, whatever) populated exclusively with mons that didn't make it to the regional dex, as well as a bunch on legendaries. They'd solve two problems with this: new pokemon wouldn't be a rare minority in the games that introduce them, and GF wouldn't need to have wifi events/ GAME codes every single month for legends.
One thing they could do is release new areas (caves, islands, whatever) populated exclusively with mons that didn't make it to the regional dex, as well as a bunch on legendaries. They'd solve two problems with this: new pokemon wouldn't be a rare minority in the games that introduce them, and GF wouldn't need to have wifi events/ GAME codes every single month for legends.
They actually did this to a certain extent with the Johto Safari Zone and White Forest but then Game Freak likes to make the mechanics as complicated as possible.
If you think Decidueye is bad, for your sanity, I advise you not to pick Chikorita in the Johto games.
I hate meganium, so fortunately I didn’t deal with it, but I know a few tortured souls who did.

The game is still quite easy to beat when using any starter, you act as if using Popplio is the only way for you to be able to beat the game. You don't need to use Mudkip in every run of R/S/E just because it can virtually solo the whole game, do you?

And Litten has plenty of favorable matchups and Rowlet isn't unusable, it's about as useful as BW2 Serperior
Touchè. But I found ultra sun and moon more balanced when it came to that aspect, and that’s what I was mainly comparing it to. Also, when your going to solo the whole game, the only one you can use is popplio. And lastly, when I played through S&M with the other 2 starters, I found I had to grind my ass off.
Hopefully linking to another site is fine, please don't take it as a personal attack towards the site. With that said...


This list starts pretty good but not perfect, listing many things GameFreak likes overdoing and things they don't use as much. It's fairly interesting and worth reading.

Then comes #1 and the list does a 180º turnaround, complaining about the most unique and creative Pokémon and asking for generic fantasy creatures every fantasy series has. What? Seriously, why are object Pokémon a bad thing? Who said Pokémon must be based on living creatures only? That's ridiculous. Especially when he proposes having a pegasus named Pegasus. Boy sure that's original and interesting! The Litwick family shows far more imagination and clever design than any boring horsebird ever could.

But hey, who cares about that when you can milk the overused Trubbish mockery for cheap laughs?
By this point criticism of inanimate object pokemon basically boils down to knee jerk defenses without much thought.

At least with inanimate objects the design is always one step removed from the muse, as you have to ascribe living features to a non-living object. So saying that this is lazier design then just plopping in established mythical creatures does seem to be missing the point.


Literally a Yuki-onna

Some of the other groupings bother me too, just because they seem nonsensical. Like the oppposite of humanoid pokemon is kangaroos? And saying the T-rex and "long neck" dinosaurs are over-represented bugs me just because we didn't truly get one until Gen 6, and before that Gamefreak seemed to be going out of their way to show lesser-known prehistoric animals (pulling more from Cambrian period creatures).

I've never been fond of these sorts of lists, as they set themselves up like they have a logical argument but upon examination it's really just wishlisting. Pretty much cemented in the closing thought, as they practically beg gamefreak for their dream starters of a fire giraffe, grass moose, and water dolphin.

You don't need logic behind what pokemon you like or you don't. If you don't like inanimate object pokemon just say so, don't craft a powerpoint presentation out of how they are cancerous to the franchise. It's just personal taste.

But it's not like I have my own wishes for the franchise someday...

You'll be a fairy type someday... someday...
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Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Hopefully linking to another site is fine, please don't take it as a personal attack towards the site. With that said...


This list starts pretty good but not perfect, listing many things GameFreak likes overdoing and things they don't use as much. It's fairly interesting and worth reading.

Then comes #1 and the list does a 180º turnaround, complaining about the most unique and creative Pokémon and asking for generic fantasy creatures every fantasy series has. What? Seriously, why are object Pokémon a bad thing? Who said Pokémon must be based on living creatures only? That's ridiculous. Especially when he proposes having a pegasus named Pegasus. Boy sure that's original and interesting! The Litwick family shows far more imagination and clever design than any boring horsebird ever could.

But hey, who cares about that when you can milk the overused Trubbish mockery for cheap laughs?
Let's go through this one by one:

Right of the bat I feel we're splitting hairs. From what I read, it's not exactly mice and rats they think there too many of but rather it's the pikaclones. They're tired each gen has an electric rodent of some kind. Well, TOO BAD. Pikachu is the series mascot and thus each gen gets its own pikaclone. But to confound the error even more by stating bunnies, gerbils, and guinea pigs aren't represented. Well, sorta, they do point out there's Bunnelby and Buneary for bunnies... and consider ALL THE OTHER SPECIES OF ANIMALS that HAVEN'T been made into a Pokemon, I would say bunnies getting two families is pretty generous and if anything we DON'T need any more unless based on a specific notable breed of rabbit/hare. Also, I like how they make fun of Dedenne then says there's no gerbil Pokemon... DEDENNE IS A GERBIL! Which also sort of relates it to the guinea pig! And they call Minccino rat-like... when it's clearly based on a chinchilla. In addition, not all Pikaclones are rodents, Togedemaru is a hedgehog! We're not past the first category and already the writer doesn't know what they're talking about.

Okay, something a bit more understandable. We do has a slew of fish Pokemon and not all of them are that interesting (though to be fair there's thousands of species of fish a Pokemon can be based on, many with interesting traits. They can be made interesting much like the bird Pokemon the writer allowed to slip for they had some interesting bird species made into Pokemon (though also just as many generic, if not having more generic birds than fish)). I can also understand how Sharpedo and the Wailmer family may not really satisfy those looking for a shark and whale Pokemon. And we've been wanting to see a dolphin Pokemon since they started introducing new Pokemon.

I kind of feel they're stretching here. This list sounds really like the writer's wishlist than actually complaining there's too many of a specific kind of Pokemon structure. Like here, they wanted to say they wanted a more Kangaroo Pokemon than Kangaskhan. Fine, okay, but in order to work in their format the "overused" category is humanoid? A weak connection, especially since humanoid is such a WIDE category with plenty of design opportunities. Oh, and not to mention that Human-Shape is a Breeding Category so there's justifcation for all those humanoid looking Pokemon (aside giving the designers an opportunity to make an interesting Pokemon)! And yes, it's weird the humanoid Pokemon have what looks to be clothing but would you rather them be naked or suspend your disbelief that they just so happen to have natural body coverings that resemble clothing. We have neon yellow mice that can shoot electricity, Pokemon wearing clothing is far from the most extreme thing you have to overlook.

Well at least they're both sea creatures (though personally I think a Platypus would make for a good Electric/Poison). No problem here really, and honestly he's right that we don't really need another seal-like Pokemon because we sorta got the three common ones: dugong, walrus, and sea lion. And platypus is up there with dolphin for wanted Pokemon.

... What is this writer going on about? Okay, yes, we have a lot of normal household cats but it's not like we don't have wildcats. Pyroar, Luxray, Liepard, Raikou is more sabertooth tiger than a canine which you shoved all the Legendary Beasts under. Each generation they introduce new canine and feline breeds, both a mixture of household and wild. Also, not to mention a lot of the wild cats and dogs you mention have similar features to one another so why are you asking them to have separate Pokemon based on similar animals (if they aren't already a Pokemon, some of whom show traits of multiple similar canines or felines like Liepard)?

I'll give you this one. Due to how popular the mythical Kitsune is it has allowed a lot of foxes to be made. We can probably start focusing on other animals, like a moose. I'm good for a region based on Canada. Also the fact they don't know what is Keldeo is a major clue they done NO research (even if you don't know its based on the mythical kelpie it still looks like a pony! Does it need a cutie mark to clue you in on that?). Also I want to quote this:

I'm holding out hope that one of the starters in Generation 8 could be moose-based. A moose-based grass type, a dolphin-based water type, and a giraffe-based fire type could render this entire list outdated in one quick swoop.
... What's the point of this list? Because, yes, Gen 8 could very well easily make this entire list irrelevant and very possibly will. Now the moose, dolphin, and giraffe may not be Starters, but they can still have normal Pokemon be based on them. And each generation does have GF introducing Pokemon based on new animals and mythological creatures (though ones you may not be familiar with but we'll get to that). If you wanted to wishlist, make a wishlist. Don't start saying "there's too many of this kind of Pokemon" just because ones on your wishlist haven't been done yet, especially when you're not even going to do any research.

Okay, I see your point that the theropod and sauropod body type is overused even if the Pokemon isn't technically a Fossil Pokemon. And I agree that would be neat to see the other dinosaurs too like stegosaurus and ankylosaurus. That said, we do have Pokemon based on other dinos as you noted. Also, dinos aren't the only prehistoric creatures and just focusing on dinos alone closes the door to other equally as neat possibilities. I'll give this point to the writer, though expand "most other dinosaurs" to "most other prehistoric animals".

From what I see there's just as many flower Pokemon as there are tree Pokemon. Also venus flytraps and pitcher plants aren't flowers. And Trevenant is an ent (a copyrighted name, BTW)! "How many ways can you make a flower fight"? I don't know, how many ways can you make a tree fight? Look, I'm glad you found a batch of interesting tree species you think deserve attention and maybe be made into a Pokemon, but you aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

Now at first I was going to give you this point, but then I realized I shouldn't. Why? Because there are many kinds of monkeys/apes and generally only one kind of giraffe, maybe two if you count the Okapi. Of course there's going to be a batch of monkeys/apes! Should there be a giraffe (aside from Girafarig which is its own complexity)? Sure. But to say monkeys/apes is overused is like saying they used too many bird Pokemon but don't have a flying lizard, you're comparing an entire genus of many species to a single species.

Wait, let me correct that:
Because that what the writer means. Because they can't be asked to do research to discover a LOT of Pokemon are based on mythical creatures from other countries (notably Japan's Yokai because, well, Japanese games). I'd say even more are based on mythical creatures than objects... heck, the objects themselves are based on a Yokai. However a clue what they really mean is when they list the mythical creatures they're thinking of: mostly Roman/Greek ones (with Bigfoot thrown in and... Tanuki? What, does Zigzagoon need a giant pair of balls to clue you in?). Now, while it would be awesome to see Roman/Greek mythical creatures made into Pokemon, to say mythical creatures overall are underused is just naive.

Writer, if you're going to present a poorly researched article, just skip the pretense and make a plain ol' wishlist like the rest of the internet. Sure, you may be ignored, but at least you won't look like you have no idea what you're talking about because you didn't want to spend an afternoon on Bulbapedia. My "Not Yet A Pokemon Repository" looks more researched than this article and it's just a giant list of animals, objects, concepts, and mythical creatures!
I don't know if there's another thread to put this in so here we are:

The implication in-game is that the ghosts in the Pokemon Tower are are actual deceased spirits, while ghosts in other locations aren't. The Japanese names of the Ghost-type (ゴースト) and the Ghosts that show up in Pokemon Tower (ゆうれい) are different. I believe in FRLG if you hack to arrive at Lost Cave without the Silph Scope, you can battle and catch the ghosts there just fine.


is a Community Contributor Alumnus
The implication in-game is that the ghosts in the Pokemon Tower are are actual deceased spirits, while ghosts in other locations aren't. The Japanese names of the Ghost-type (ゴースト) and the Ghosts that show up in Pokemon Tower (ゆうれい) are different. I believe in FRLG if you hack to arrive at Lost Cave without the Silph Scope, you can battle and catch the ghosts there just fine.
So we're catching actual ghosts and having them fight?

That's a really shitty afterlife.

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