League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Banned deucer.

1v1 me you bony reddit stalking motherfucker

just kidding, NA login queue 1.5 hours (I see we've upgraded to the EUW server model), see you after class Rengar :pirate:

some dank forg1ven memes while you wait

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Banned deucer.
Dunno what happened to China but they're just really behind as a region. The 2 best LPL teams were comfortably beaten by mid-tier EU and NA teams, which is already a bad symptom, but the fact that they still dont know how to laneswap after 2 months of competition is something to be worried about.
I'm a fuckin casual but China strikes me as NA lite, lots of money to attract foreign (Korean) talent, but 0 clue how to run a team or coach properly. If I had to use a word for the Chinese teams/players, "complacent" seems to be a good one.


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Anyone have any tips for devourer jungle? I put jungle as my secondary because fsr it gets me Bot more, so i started playing kindred in both roles with some success, but in the jungle im just lost. I've gone warrior with some success, but its hard to get marks because they enemy team just coordinates to kill me in the jungle; if i go devourer, i try to afk farm and the lanes just end up getting shit on or i just get constant invaded and shit to the point where I am an irrelevant factor

I could really use some guidance on the jungle, i just have no clue on where I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to be doing, and unless I duo / premade with people who can help me invade and stuff. My mechanics are probably the only reason I'm around gold level, my actual game knowledge is absolute shit so if I don't stomp lane its hard for me to carry games or make the right calls and shit. help me smogon D:
Don't play Kindred jungle

The easiest way to win as a jungler without any map awareness/any practice as jg is to play a mindless farming jungler and farm as much as possible. There's a reason Shyvana, Udyr, and Yi are all top 5 jg picks right now, and even Nidalee can fit this trope (but she's way harder to play optimally).

The alternative is to play a high pressure early game jungler but that means you have to make decisions about when and where to gank and actually have to fight people... pass. You can easily get to Plat+ playing Yisus all the time.

Best route is *usually* bot camp -> do all four small camps skipping red and blue -> back and buy other half of jg item -> bot camp -> full clear. Also lets you get refillable potion and hit 6 after this route. After you hit 6 you can gank a lane if you want, else just repeat clear until you can buy devourer + pink. If top or not is winning or out shoving you can secure herald or dragon for dem stacks (herald getting nerfed to 2 stacks next patch though) and you can pretty easily solo drag as long as you pink it and have decent vision.

There is absolutely zero reason to play any "hard" jungler a right now except maybe Elise and Nidalee, a lot of them take way more effort than they are worth and even played optimally are not much better than Yi or Udyr until you get to higher levels of play. When you can build devourer + one offensive item and full tank on Yi/Shy, it's pretty fuckin unfair.

(Still build Runic Echoes on Udyr if I implied otherwise, he's still just better off farming for days unless you have easily gank able lanes)


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Tahm kench only has a 44% winrate, 42% in top lane, and only about a 3% play rate, and his win rate seems to drop the more games you have on him

I don't think anything is the issue but his devour, which is just a cancerous concept and can't really be finetuned without completely removing it


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Yeah god invulnerability just so op yo how's it goin kayle ulti Lissandra ulti zhonyas hourglass

The literal only problem I could see is how early access it is but that's solved easily with a mana nerf/cool down nerf.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
I just listened to Aurelion Sol's unique dialogue and noticed that the past two champions have now slut shamed Miss Fortune's outfit... you know... the one that Riot gave her in the first place??? So how about lets not do the two wrongs thing and just fukin fix it, christ.
I just listened to Aurelion Sol's unique dialogue and noticed that the past two champions have now slut shamed Miss Fortune's outfit... you know... the one that Riot gave her in the first place??? So how about lets not do the two wrongs thing and just fukin fix it, christ.
Apparently "You're going to kill me? Dressed like that" is slut shaming. Even if so, let Riot make their jokes and don't worry over nothing please.
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Apparently "You're going to kill me? Addressed like that" is slut shaming. Even if so, let Riot make their jokes and don't worry over nothing please.
and apparently "While you're here, consider a wardrobe upgrade." is unacceptable for one cowboy-themed champion to say to another cowboy-themed champion


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Riiiight it's not as if Riot has been accused of blatant sexism towards it female representation in the game and then promised to do better after multiple occasions in which they don't. And here they are using unique dialogue which is the few times where characters interact with the diverse personalities in league and both of these MF quotes are scoffing at her clothing choice in a really not at all even remotely subtle way implying it's too skimpy.

And let's be real: This. Has. Been. Going. On. For. YEEEEEEARRRS. Literally just the laziest google search of all time and none of them are even from the times when the outcry was large enough to get direct Riot responses from Iron Stylus, Riot's Chief of Sexism.

But sure yeah, come at me defending Riot doubling down on how sexist and objectifying their portrayal of MF is by literally having their new characters objectify her some more. Riot coming in and Lampshading their blatant sexism is not a funny joke, it's them saying "Look at us we aren't going to do a goddamned thing to stop being so sexist". So yeah, it's p fucking aggressively unacceptable.


I Like Chopin
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The other male smogon feminist here

I got ZERO fuckin problems with characters looking good. Midriffs are nice, clearly someone likes them a little too much, but that's just quirky. Also, one of my favorite characters, Leona, bit on the bulky side and that's nice.

Some of those links blatantly say that depictions of characters may come across as empowering to SOME women. If you've ever been to a convention, you can't say that's not true. One of the links is a pretty good defense of how LoL isn't sexist.

There's also whining that we don't get excessively weird and grotesque female characters but then they go on to specifically not count non-human women... one even says why don't we have a woman like Tryndamere... because he's not hot???

Obviously women should be MORE than just good to look at but I've always valued Riot's character designs in story and personality as well as visual design.

I realize that people are always going to say that something is sexist when you fill a piece of media with male and female characters who for the most part look attractive. And then they'll say that we make each gender attractive for different reasons. But that's not feminism. That's gender conformity. Because I'm a man, I can't possibly like beautiful male and female characters for the same reasons I like flowers and sunsets? It's called aestheticism. How is that something that has been lost in this dialogue when we're talking about art? Because I'm a man, any good looking male has to be made so that I can live vicariously through them... but what if I want to live vicariously through beautiful women that I'll never be? I honestly find this specific train of thought really fucked up and insulting at times. Yes, sexualization goes too far all the time, but sexuality is not a boogeyman at all.
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