League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

@LonelyNess looks like your Shaco did work and you let Katarina get hyper fed (I'm assuming she went mid). So I would give more credit to Shaco at first glance.

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Yeah yeah, so we had a postcount++ thing like a week ago, but idgaf, here's another.

What champions do you absolutely love or hate when your teammate picks them. Whether it's because they mesh well with your champs/playstyle, you always seem to win when someone on your team takes them, or simply because they make the game more fun. For me:

Top: Shen, saved my ass so many times it's not even funny
Mid: Orianna, I play a ton of all in champs that love being in the middle of the enemy team like Wukong, Malph, Shen, Olaf, J4 and Ori ult complements them perfectly
ADC: Twitch, I swear I've never lost a single game with Twitch on my team unless it's Twitch free week
Support: Lulu, see: Orianna
Jungle: Hecarim, every Hec I get on my team is a pro and every Hec on the enemy team is a noob

I hate playing with Garen, Poppy, and Varus, they're always either douches, feeders, or most likely a combination of both.
Yeah yeah, so we had a postcount++ thing like a week ago, but idgaf, here's another.

What champions do you absolutely love or hate when your teammate picks them. Whether it's because they mesh well with your champs/playstyle, you always seem to win when someone on your team takes them, or simply because they make the game more fun. For me:

Top: Shen, saved my ass so many times it's not even funny
Mid: Orianna, I play a ton of all in champs that love being in the middle of the enemy team like Wukong, Malph, Shen, Olaf, J4 and Ori ult complements them perfectly
ADC: Twitch, I swear I've never lost a single game with Twitch on my team unless it's Twitch free week
Support: Lulu, see: Orianna
Jungle: Hecarim, every Hec I get on my team is a pro and every Hec on the enemy team is a noob

I hate playing with Garen, Poppy, and Varus, they're always either douches, feeders, or most likely a combination of both.
how do u feed wit varus :/
I love having all the classic ones on my team, amumu, Alistair, karthus etc

But I do really love it when you get a twisted fate/Shen/shaco who really know how to play, as you can make some really nice plays if they know how to use their ults.

I hate teemo on my team just because they are general assholes, and I just loathe blitzcrank in every way and don't like playing with him as much as against him, as he has nothing except the grab to really assist, and when your support just camps bushes whole landing phase and get 1-3 successful grabs and two of them hitting their taric or Alistair instead of the adc isn't really that useful. Id much prefer to play with a lulu/taric/janna/nami/ and even karma than a blitz support.


Wir knutschen
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I love to support Ez on Bottomlane. But usually i prefer bursty AD Carries, especially in soloq.
J4 and Amumu jungle are very nice too, due to their strong ccs.

I dislike to have Lee jungle in my team, cause they usually are not good. If all Lees were good, I'd love to play with them.


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Whenever I see a Malphite top lane I cry in happiness. Similar story with Amumu jungle. Having all of the AoE CC just makes teamfights swing so hard in your favor.

I really like having Sona as a support in lane, due to her ability to give both sustain and poke, as well as mobility with her E. The last point is especially important as Kog'Maw is my main.

I don't really like it when the top lane takes someone not very tanky, such as Teemo or Master Yi, as that reduces presence late game. I also don't like having to support Draven or Twitch, as they usually aren't that good.

If I'm midlaning, I expect my jungler to give me blue at the 20 min mark. Most junglers do this except for Cho'Gath and Xin Zhao, as they need it more, most of the time. Xin Zhao is also not very effective as his CC is weak, his gap closer is short ranged, and his effect in teamfights is the opposite of what I want. So I don't like seeing them.
I don't think I've ever met a Master Yi player that was a good person.

I love seeing "bad", obscure champs on my team like Heimerdinger or Karma, because usually it's only people that are actually good that are using them because bads are too afraid to use those champs. Believe it or not people, every single champ in this game can be useful. A good Heimerdinger is way better than a mediocre Katarina.

Also, considering my ad carry "main" is Draven, I absolutely love having a Nunu support. So beast.


Who let marco in here????
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Aside from the general cc wombo comboes, I don't really have any "preferred teammate picks". Someone with an escape generally makes me feel more comfortable because people won't get caught so much.

I generally dislike playing with most Shaco, Fizz (Not u worms), Leblanc, and Talon players because the playstyle these champions possess affects the summoner's character. To break it down, here's what I mean

1) They do well but realize they can't win fights because the rest of the team is behind. Then they yell at their teammates and things continue to spiral down further before we can discuss strats together. This leads to point 2
2) They are usually defeatists. Because they feel that their champion doesn't scale well into late game, they have the tendency to give up when they are not doing well. This is extremely annoying.
3) In lower level play, assassins encourage the 'Seek and Destroy' mentality quite heavily. This leads to a massive unco-ordination and they get caught and die. And then point #2 above happens. While 'Seek and Destroy' happens everywhere in League, the danger is greater at lower level play, because they'll often go into enemy jungle etc, without vision and die. Or they tunnel vision on a kill too hard and extend well into enemy territory and die there (and subsequently blame teammates).


Leading this village
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Honestly there's no individual champion I severely dislike other than Shaco...Shaco is just so stupidly overpowered in the early game AND, contrary to popular belief, doesn't scale poorly at all if he has a good early game. He can split push so fast and so effortlessly without even having much of a threat of dying, he can 1v1 almost any champion in the game if he is doing well, and he can pick off the enemy AD Carry in teamfights better than almost any other champion. Is he weak if he doesn't get kills? Yes. However, the same could be said of any champion. In my opinion the cooldown on his deceive needs to be raised by a lot, because the ability to jump a wall and become invisible for a few seconds, pop out of it, then do it again six seconds later if you have blue buff is utterly retarded.

By the way, I am referring to "late game" as the 30-35 minute mark because let's be honest, 85% of league games end by the 35 minute mark (or are at least "decided" by the 35 minute mark). Yes Shaco becomes near useless once both teams have constant oracles and are too tanky to be picked off (ie 50 minutes and on), but those games are so few and far between outside of the top levels of play. No he isn't remotely overpowered for a coordinated, high level team. However, that represents way less than 1% of league games, and it's not like Shaco sees competitive play either way anyway.

That being said any Shaco on my team always sucks so idk~

For champs I'd rather not see on my team: any champion that can get kited and lacks CC. Renekton, Udyr, Master Yi, Shyvana, and so on.

My favorite champions to see on my team are Shen and Twisted Fate because I pretty much only play Solo Q and those two are just so godly against disorganized teams.

That moment when you're literally the only player in a game that's even remotely good at cs'ing <_< (I was Sion obviously...and AD Sion at that)

I mean seriously...how do you get out-cs'd as Karthus? Literally you just get your Tear and then mid game you press E, press Q a couple of times, and you just wiped an entire minion wave. Repeat that for most of the game. I don't even know how you DON'T get 300 cs in a 35 minute game like that. It's just nuts.
Pretty much all I play is support Lulu, so I'm in my happy place when people pick divers and other hard initiators (initiators are some of my favourite champs in the game kit-wise, too!). I love doing wombos with Lulu; it gives me more potential with my ultimate than just peeling, and you can do insane work with ulted bruisers. My favourites are Malphite (especially if we have an Orianna) and Hecarim. Lulu and Hecarim is such an immense combination -- thank God all Jeb plays is pony! I love ulting Dianas, Irelias, Rivens, and Shyvanas (not that I ever get to ult Shyvanas anymore, lol) as well. I love good roamers as well because I enjoy receiving ganks and counterganks bot, and proactive mid players do so much for the team. Likewise, I fucking hate when enemy mid shows up bot and like to ban Katarina (and other roaming assassins like Kha'Zix, OP or no OP) in draft mode.

In bot lane, my favourite AD carries to support are Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Corki, and (good) Vaynes. I absolutely love good Vayne players, and they are so fun to support if they're not being dicks. Vayne is fun to watch as well, and she can carry so hard if you're willing to let her farm and peel for her. I try to always peel properly, so yeah. I'm not really picky, but my least favourite AD to support is Ashe.

I hate having split pushers on my team unless I believe in the person (Shen/TF being exceptions, naturally) -- I generally assume we're too uncoordinated to execute the split push correctly. Or not even just uncoordinated, just... nobody knows how to do it properly, sick of having them fail on us because either the Teemo (I don't like Teemo players, by the way)/Nidalee sucks or the rest of my team sucks. I like just straight up winning teamfights, and I like playing in teams with good early/mid teamfight/skirmish dominance. That's another reason I like AoE CC wombos -- they are very simple to execute compared to other strategies, such as single-target comps (which require focus). AoE initiation faceroll has less associated worry.

I used to dodge on principle whenever someone picked Sion. He was OP or something when I started playing, except every Sion I played with was a terrible person and a coward as well, no matter how tanky they built, and would lose us the game without fail. I felt the same way about Olaf and Tryndamere, too. Now I always forget Sion is a champion.
Couple things:



I was so overjoyed when I get it that I almost died by running around in the enemy's base getting slammed by turrets like an idiot haha

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