League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

First champ:Kayle
Favorite Champ: Warwick
Most Played: Blitzcrank probably
Least Favorite Champ: Teemo/Master Yi
Favorite Skin: Corporate Mundo (honorable mention to Definitely Not Blitzcrank)
Least favorite skin: AstroNautilus
- first champ - Sion.
- favourite champ -Probably tied between Sion and Volibear.
- most played champ - Sion or Volibear.
- least favourite champ - Teemo. Fuck Teemo.
- favourite skin - Warmonger Sion, hands down.
- least favourite skin - Hmm, can't think of any. A lot of the skins are cool.
- first champ
Malphite for one game, then Kennen
- favourite champ
- most played champ
- least favourite champ
Teemo and Lux
- favourite skin
Arctic Ops Kennen
- least favourite skin
Riot Tristana
why not, i'll play this game

-first champ: Akali (during a free week o_O)

-favorite champ: Rumble

-most played champ: Shyvana (because everyone always instalocks top)

-least favorite champ: toss up between Blitz, Soraka, and Garen. Fuck them all.

-Favorite skin: Spellthief Lux (even though I don't own it it's awesome)

-least favorite skin: Giant Enemy Crab Urgot (this skin is hideous)
First champ:Heimerdinger
Favorite Champ: Vladimir
Most Played: Wukong/Janna
Least Favorite Champ: Karma/Lulu/Shen
Favorite Skin: Blood moon Akali
Least favorite skin: Woad Ashe
so me and some friends want to put together our first 5s team, were not that good lol all bronze ELO but w/e. we have 4 people right now

anyways as of right now our top, jungle, and mid are pretty much set in stone (or at least, the person we will GENERALLY send to those roles.) I'm flexible and can support or ADC well, so if anyone of around bronze elo wants to join us that would be cool. Or if someone much better wants to join and carry us that'd be cool too. ;P

on an unrelated note syndra seems not strong but I've only seen her in two games idk '-'
tanky deeps
build for damage early on i.e. brutalizer, phage, hexdrinker, maybe wriggle's
then build stuff like fromal, maw, randuin's, GA, etc although more damage items such as the bloodthirster are also very viable
- first champ - Ashe
- favourite champ - Vladimir
- most played champ - Taric
- least favourite champ - Shaco
- favourite skin - Heartseeker Vayne
- least favourite skin - most of the early skins that were just recolours
Dafuq league.

In a game atm, all was fine then massive lag and now none of us(the various champions) can move at all.



is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Dafuq league.

In a game atm, all was fine then massive lag and now none of us(the various champions) can move at all.

Are you on EUW? If so, I don't understand what you're complaining about, that happens to use at least 3 times a week when the servers are "stable". They've been unplayable for the past few days and we're back to the eternal log in queue of the pre-split days.
Are you on EUW? If so, I don't understand what you're complaining about, that happens to use at least 3 times a week when the servers are "stable". They've been unplayable for the past few days and we're back to the eternal log in queue of the pre-split days.
i'm on the NA server.

tis fine now.

But that was really weird.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Oh my god Rodan how did you fuck this up so hard?



Once a weak willed genius chemist, Warwick worked for cruel masters in Zaun. He lived out his life plying his trade without glory, money, or recognition. Then one day he received troubling news from his doctor. He had been turned into a werewolf. He needed a staggering amount of gold for the operation to reverse it, and there was only one way for a genius of his caliber to make that gold quickly; the Leauge of Legends. So he recruited a former student Singed, who was not really all there, and the two took the league by storm. Only for Warwick it wouldn't always be about his illness, it would become a way to earn the respect he deserves.

"Let me clue you in. I am not in the jungle, I am the jungle. A camp gets invaded and a jungler gets killed and you think that of me? No, I am the one who invades."
While you're right that Warwick fits better I'm sure most of the upvotes were just people who saw the words "Taric" and "Truly Outrageous" and clicked upvote.
wow, stranger danger. I am excited for what's to come... we've had humanoids for too long until Rengar showed up. I am assuming everything is classified and you can't give us any more details? not even lorewise?
What can you tell us about him that wont get you fired?

Origin of the name?
Design? Reminiscent of Omen...
How long was his creation process?
Positioning Skills?
Tankiness? (another generic tanky dps with a gimmick?)

Tell us all .-.

If you’re the kind of assassin that’s always ready to adapt, evolve, and overcome, you’ll want to keep an eye on the latest addition to the Void lineup.
Void lineup huh.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Alien things vs. Predator things was around for years before that movie.

Warhammer 40k
The Alien vs. Predator video game

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