League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I have to say worlds really bored me. The fact that bans were restricted to the same 3 to 5 champs + usually or 2 real bans meant there really wasnt any competitive aspect to the ban phase in teambuilding compared to actually getting to ban 3 champs that threaten your comp. No idea what riot was thinking when they remade garen darius morde fiora and gp, and even a few patches after worlds, soloq still has to deal with this shit. it felt like whoever was able to get their hands on darius won in teambuilder, doesnt make sense how a shitty team like c9 can get a pentakill in worlds

also everyone knew skt would win

Is it just me or is Tahm Kench kind of borked
just the fact that his shield has no limit and can be as big as his health bar. but this only works against burst and burst is cancerous as fuck in this game.

everything else about tahm is balanced
and you also can't burst his allies, because he can just eat them and run away :^)

I used to think people were just being whiny about the Kench but after playing him a decent amount I can say 100% that he is too strong for how obnoxious his kit can be while both ahead and behind. he's not the best champion in the game, but I can't fault anyone banning him for just not wanting to have to put up with that shit
Ok I quit this game for awhile and I came back because I wanted the end of season rewards cause I always make a point to get them

problem is I fucking suck now and I CANNOT get out of silver one. Like I'm just stuck there. It doesnt help that my internet is really shaky in the cold months for some reason. I've disconnected from a fair few of these games

I just really want victorious sivir though lmao so... Right now I'm asking if anyone here who is like Plat or higher could boost my account just one and a half leagues? Idk what ppl usually pay for elo boosting but i'll give you like 20 RP worth of skins or something lmao

ALSO: If no one here is willing to do it, are elo boosting sites reliable and safe?
Ok I quit this game for awhile and I came back because I wanted the end of season rewards cause I always make a point to get them

problem is I fucking suck now and I CANNOT get out of silver one. Like I'm just stuck there. It doesnt help that my internet is really shaky in the cold months for some reason. I've disconnected from a fair few of these games

I just really want victorious sivir though lmao so... Right now I'm asking if anyone here who is like Plat or higher could boost my account just one and a half leagues? Idk what ppl usually pay for elo boosting but i'll give you like 20 RP worth of skins or something lmao

ALSO: If no one here is willing to do it, are elo boosting sites reliable and safe?
even if you dont suck everyone in ranked is a feeder piece of shit. i was almost sent back to bronze thanks to garbage players who kept feeding lanes. whatever tho, skin looks like trash anyways

reported gg
just started playing league today. anyone have any tips on how to improve fast, how to play each role, and list of good champs for each role?


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
if you want to improve fast, I'd say ADC is probably the best for you. ADC teaches you the importance of managing farming and harassing, teaching how to cs, how to push a lead, and how to position correctly. After that I'd say jungle if you're really experienced, but support / top if you want to learn either vision control or global prescence / laning 1v1. Mid I personally think has the least impact on the game rn, as much as it pains me to say it. The meta shifted away from assassins so its no longer just target the adc and hope to push a 4v5, its now mostly just a farmfest with little 1v1ing going on unless you're a lane like Azir v Ahri or a Yasuo lane. Jungle I would honestly stay away from, it teaches you macromanagement which isn't really all that important at low elos / low levels. Honestly you can carry yourself to gold / plat off of mechanics alone. Jungle is also incredibly different fromt he rest of the roles, so theres no swapping of information in between roles. you don't need to cs, you don't need to ward AS MUCH as say support, tbh all you really need to do is get lanes shoving and contest objectives.

For champs, this is my list of champs I would play starting out:

ADC: Ashe, Lucian, Jinx, Tristana

Supp: Braum, Leona, Thresh, Soraka

Mid: Ahri, Yasuo, Orianna, maybe Veigar? I don't like Viktor bc he can be p complicated for newer players

Top: Irelia, Fiora, Hecarim, Rumble, Darius

Jungle: Elise, Lee Sin, Nunu

each of those teaches you different things, while I find most of them all really fun to play too. Those are my picks of what can help carry you and teach you different things : )


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
renegades isnt a bad team to root for. you got drug lord crumbzz, russian mob boss alex ish and trap queen. idk their other two members sry for bad englando


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
no they shouldn't. Why should my words irl that don't impact the people I'm playing with be lumped into toxic behavior in game that can completely ruin a person's experiences in game?

Like the odds of a streamer getting into game with someone who happens to be watching their stream right then are fairly slim to none, and I believe a ton of streamers already know each other well anyway to tolerate a bit of trashtalk / dark humor


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I, for one, can't wait to be disgusted when it hits me live since I haven't and will continue to pay no attention at all to the upcoming changes which are probably retarded but I couldn't you that without wasting valuable time looking now.

Colonel M

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New masteries really make things interesting. It's actually difficult to decide on some of them. The only one I kind of question being in an odd place is Stormraider's Surge. *shrugs*. Though I'm sure burst AD Assassins may go that far into Cunning for it.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
New masteries indeed: increased CDR cap OP nerf immediately pls rito

also give me back that other 5% CDR in Offense how the fuck am I actually supposed to reach the cap anymore anyway
Best time to level up your smurfs. Trynd and Garen are op this patch, cost no IP, and the new game phase mechanics means you end games really quick.
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Who let marco in here????
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
FQC and Frostfang have insane efficiency rn I wouldnt be surprised if ppl start running them mid.

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