LC LC Fall Seasonal Round 7 (Loser's Only)

artwork by Zephyr2007
  • Standard SV LC INCLUDING DLC1 The Teal Mask
  • Double Elimination
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
  • Substitutes will be slotted in as players drop out or in mass a few days into the round. If you are tagged due to being in danger of being subbed out you must either post in the thread or on either player's wall within 24 hours or risk being subbed out.
  • In order to encourage development of the Little Cup metagame and higher quality games, replays will be mandatory starting in Round 2 of the Winners bracket and Round 3 of the Losers bracket. If neither player posts replays, the match will be coin flipped.
This is part of the 2023 LC Circuit and will use the following point distribution. As a Type A tour, the points listed are the actual values. For more information on different tournament types and how they relate to circuit points, please read the LC Circuit thread.


Colin  vs  Eniigma
GasaiYunoSan  vs  kythr
MTB  vs  Voltix
db  vs  HSOWA
Hacker vs  Fille
Merritt  vs  rarre
TheShoddyStrawman  vs  Heysup
wesh papillon  vs  Joltage

DL Nov 5th 11:59 -4
Last edited:
Colin  vs  Eniigma
GasaiYunoSan  vs  kythr
 vs  Voltix
db  vs  HSOWA
[ Hacker vs fish anemometer ]  vs  Fille
Merritt  vs  rarre
TheShoddyStrawman  vs  Heysup
wesh papillon
 vs  Joltage
Colin  vs  Eniigma - Match of the week. Colin is a great player, but this is one of those matchups where I see the names and Eniigma just wins these. Could he lose to Colin absolutely but I think I'm biased from back in my ladder hero days where I would beat Colin and Eniigma would beat me, so the math is mathing.
GasaiYunoSan  vs  kythr - One of the favorites to make it out of Loser's Bracket. I personally think GYS brought a very bland team Game 1 which while it did get haxed, kythr should be able to beat standard. Game 2 while an interesting screens team, I think they played it poorly so again leaning towards kythr to win this in 2 as GYS is outgunned and outmatched.
MTB  vs  Voltix - Already happened, was going to take Voltix in 3 so at least I got the game count right.
db  vs  HSOWA - After watching replays finally, a majority of the teams that db has brought I am not a fan of. While I do think Hot Skitty on Wailord Action does not have a wide bag of teams to pull from as they brought a sun team Game 3 into Drifting, the majority of teams have been solid enough that I predict him to win in 3.
[ Hacker vs fish anemometer ]  vs  Fille - This already happened, however last week I'm 90% sure I bolded Hacker so counting this one.
Merritt  vs  rarre -
TheShoddyStrawman  vs  Heysup - This already happened, however probably would have taken TSS because unlike me who lost the week prior, he is building and playing games for the tier while Heysup has been reusing multiple weeks in a row.
wesh papillon  vs  Joltage - Originally was going to bold both the electric names but then Voltix lost, but then I had visions of you absolutely haxing Pap in Game 1 and then he tilt clicks all of Game 2 to lose. Does need to win in 2 though however, if it goes to a Game 3 Pap will probably recover enough to win the series.
I watched last week's replays for this week's predictions, it only contributed to one person's bold this week but hey I did it.

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