Keeping Skeletons of Analyses

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I think that this would be nice to have for those who don't have time to read an entire analysis but would like to have a better understanding of a certain pokemon. Skeletons are good because they contain most of the essential information but in a much more readable format. Indeed, this is often the only information QC members have to work with. It would be hard to imagine the existence of C&C if every QC'er had to read an entire analysis before making changes.

This suggests that the value added by authors isn't that important (though it certainly helps those who are new to competitive). Having read many analyses myself (all of OU for example) I can safely say that this is the case. Too often have I read: "EVs are standard 252/252 in order to maximize the sweeping potential of X", "Stealth Rock is vital in order to net as many kills as possible / achieve OHKOes that would otherwise have been impossible" or "X is for STAB / in order to hit as hard as possible" etc.

Another advantage of keeping skeletons is that they can be reused. A good skeleton is necessary in order to write a good analysis. If you have a good skeleton written by a good player, why would you want to create a new one every time it needed a revamp? Once a skeleton has been padded with fluff fully written out, it becomes impossible to extract the important points without having to carefully read the entire analysis. Wouldn't it be better to simply modify the original skeleton?

tl;dr: make a graveyard for skeletons pls


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All C&C analyses are required to keep the skeleton in hide-tags in the OP after the 2nd QC check so that non-C&C mods can directly compare the write-up to the skeleton to insure that it's the same information. Here is the archive of uploaded analyses. It's sort of a pain because there is no organization based on tier / generation so it would definitely be helpful if we can implement tags!
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