Heroes discussion thread


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
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How in the world did sylar stop hiro's time freezing? Or did hiro just lose it because he was nervous?
Nervous/unsure. That's why Sylar was pissed off when Hiro didn't kill him, and therefore the sword was frozen and snapped.

Also, I liked Monday's episode. It had some cool information.
Ok, anyone notice that Sylar shaved his beard, while Peter's stubble is getting worse.

The comic shows Hiro stabbing a stubbly guy in the gut... I'm betting on Hiro having to stab Peter and/or transport them through time so Peter blows up (but does it somewhere safe)...

Quite frankly, I'm not a big Peter fan (especially with him trying WAY too hard to be so cool in the future... I mean, he can heal, yet he's got a big scar on his face... please)...

...but it's like they're trying to make Sylar a good guy to prolong his air-time... which is going to be one of the hardest transformations this series will have to endure.


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I actually liked the Sylar arc, it was obvious he was going to kill his mom beforehand, but eh, whatever.

I'm excited to see what happens with Peter at the end of the last episode. TOO SOON man, TOO SOON.
Has anyone here checked the Heroes comic e-books? I got them at wikipedia and they reveal a lot about each character's background; it's really interesting. I suggest you to get them!
Not a huge fan of this last episode. Peter damn well knows he absorbs powers and that he wants to avoid blowing up, so why did he actively seek out Ted? I knew it was bound to happen, but I had hoped for an accidental confrontation, not "who's Ted? Let's find him!"

The Sylar/mom bit was cool, but I think it would have been more effective if it had played out over 2 episodes, personally.

I have 2 theories on the conclusion of this season, and both revolve around the bomb (ie Peter) going off and the future we saw in episode 20 becoming a reality. So far, every time Hiro has attempted to alter the past, he has failed to do so. I think future Hiro is having a similar issue. He thought that saving claire would prevent Sylar from healing, but it was apparent in episode 20 that Claire had been saved and that future Hiro had changed nothing. So, how did Sylar survive? Well, two theories, like I said.

1. Peter absorbs illusionist's powers and, in an attempt to shift the blame for the explosion (a successful shift, according to episode 20), becomes Sylar. Hiro stabs him, but is unsuccessful, as Peter can heal.

2. Sylar is the bomb and is stabbed by Hiro. He does not have Claire's power. Rather, Linderman heals Sylar to insure his "Ozymandias" like plot becomes reality.

Perhaps a combo of these is how it will all end, where Linderman has the heroes chasing Sylar when really it's Peter that blows up. I don't know, but regardless, I think next season will feature a new cast living in the post New York bombing world.


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I finally caught up with it and fuck its pretty amazing even though I feel like killing them for leaving 21 like that.

You know, they have this thing called 'Novels' on the site which show the story but with some additions of stuff that got edited out. Its supposed to be pretty cool.
Has anyone watch episode 22 yet? It's a pretty awesome episode. To me, Linderman and the recruiter dying was not expected at all. Also now that ted's gone, it's either sylar or peter who's going to explode, though they both seem to have controlled that power in this episode. Can't wait to download the season finale!


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The future says that Peter exploded and till now nobody has been able to change the future. I read a really good theory before, something about peter getting the shapeshifters powers and going around as Sylar and hiro stabbing peter. Peter regenerated because he was able to while Sylar never really got Claire's power. It had a bunch of stuff from the comics about peter's dad and actually seemed believeable.
Lets see.

That Finale was freaking awesome.

I liked how they gave everyone a chance to stop Sylar, except Suresh who is always behind the scenes. I love how Nikki was so bad ass in that piece, kicking Sylar around.

So, in the end, the story turned out to really be about "Heroes", there was no single person responsible for stopping the bomb and Sylar, kind of a group effort, unlike how they potrayed it as one person stopping the bomb.

Hiro/Ando is getting pretty, umm, weird atm. Its almost too much of a great friendship for my tastes. Good thing that Hiro stabbed Sylar. The ending was confusing, theres probably something that has to do with eclipse, which might be the conflict of the next season.

Nikki really owned. I really think that her fighting the illusionist was a genius move for the writers, especially when you count her background. I really don't get the whole Nikki/Jessica relationship, if anyone could explain it more to me?

Micah and Molly, woah. Speaking of Molly, I really think Mohinder's need to protect her is sort of underdeveloped. I mean, what can you get when you add a character in at the third to last episode? The reasoning, "It was my antibodies that saved her" felt really shallow.

I won't even begin to talk about Peter and Nathan's scene, but I have a good bet that Peter Survives and so does Nathan, SOMEHOW.
Well, so much for my theories!

Still, all in all, pretty good conclusion I guess. To be honest, I was a little dissapointed that the bomb didn't go off, and I would have loved a longer battle scene in the end, but I enjoyed having everyone there to square off with Sylar.

Very curious about next season's villain, the man starring back at Molly. Sounds intense. And does anyone else think that Peter got the dream vision power from Charles? I loved that bizarre scene between them.

Matt better not die.
fucking AWESOME finale I loved it it got me worked up for next season. Too bad only a selected few will return ....(presuming cloud's info is right)

What is sylar's relation with cockroaches? The first time we witnessed something like it was when he was in that cell and his eye was following one. And now, his body is gone, and we see a trail of blood and a cockroach... do you reckon he might be able to, SOMEHOW, transform into cockroaches (lol i'm sorry but that just sounds ridiculous)? Also, seeing as the cockroach is an intelligent animal, he might have used his initial ability to "see how things work" and somehow transfer his mind/memories to the cockroache's.
This whole cockroach thing sounds stupid and ridiculous, but I want sylar BACK.

Also who was Molly reffering when she said that there was someone "worse than the boogieman"? The one she couldn't locate; that's a real conundrum.

What's the deal with eclipses anyway? fuckin' eclipses.

awesome episode all in all (you probably can tell i'm really excited.)


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sylar learned how to 'survive'. cockroaches have a LOT of survivability, as they are known to live for days after being decapitated/live through huge explosions.
lol sylar transforming into a cockroach. Well, sylar must have survived somehow, seeing how he managed to crawl into the hole. And peter's should be alive, right? with the whole regeneration thing. hahaha i actually thought that peter flying to prevent the explosion was a little too obvious to happen, but it actually did lol. Oh well, overall a good episode i guess. can't wait for Season 2!
omg That season finale. omg. It was so sick. I heard alot of complants about no big sylar vs peter fight but hey peter throwing niki powered hay makers wasn't half bad. I'm so happy sylar is still alive because he is the definition of badass. And with the who cockroach thing i think its just symobolism. No special powers. I believe that they are just there to represent how hard it is to take down sylar. All i know is season 2 is going to be sick


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This episode was amazing. Sylar isn't dead imo, the cockroach was shown because in Mohinder's class he said that the epitome of evolution was the cockroach. Sylar can understand humans, not cockroaches. I mean how the hell can he change his dna to become a cockroach.

Also, the Charles part was great (Simone's dad). It does bring up a good question though, the powers are pretty heriditary, ie. if someone has it their children have also had it. Therefore, Simone should have had some power.

I sort of predicted the ending, I knew Nathan would fly him up or Peter would fly up himself. Another cool thing is that the guy playing Nathan is signed up for next season! Who knows, Nathan might have some other powers too!

Kensei looked like Hiro's dad. If you look carefully I'm pretty sure its Hiro's dad. More questions. Can't wait for season 2.
Also we finally learn mr bennet's name!

It's possible that nathan might only appear in flashbacks of season 2, since i doubt he could survive that explosion in the sky, but who knows, he might have another power besides flying! I'm wondering if peter's going to be in season 2 though, his mom already said that the explosion wouldn't kill him thanks to absorbing claire's power.

About the kensei, i too thought he looked like hiro's dad when i saw his eyes. Somehow the part where hiro swore in japanese made me laugh a little.
Maybe people forgot but Sylar is supposed to eventually pose as Nathan in the future, and even if Peter didn't destroy the city it could still happen, especially with him being dead and all, thus the guy playing Nathan still having a part.

Also, I thought Sylar was just supposed to have a general power of understanding not restricted to humans, hence him being good with watches. Sylar surviving could be attributed to many things because we don't know everything that he can do. Plus, Sylar knew he was going to be stabbed; wouldn't he have a plan?

PS: Anyone heard of Uluru?


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!
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Lesson about Heroes: If you miss an episode, you're screwed. Also, can't wait for the Season 1 DVD Collection which comes out August 28th. Just can't wait.


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Maybe people forgot but Sylar is supposed to eventually pose as Nathan in the future, and even if Peter didn't destroy the city it could still happen, especially with him being dead and all, thus the guy playing Nathan still having a part.

Also, I thought Sylar was just supposed to have a general power of understanding not restricted to humans, hence him being good with watches. Sylar surviving could be attributed to many things because we don't know everything that he can do. Plus, Sylar knew he was going to be stabbed; wouldn't he have a plan?

PS: Anyone heard of Uluru?
True. However, to get the powers that he was getting, he was somehow altering his DNA mimicing the slight alterations in the dna of the people who he killed. Cockroaches won't have these alterations. I think the cockroach was just shown to symbolize what Mohinder said in like the first episode.

Also, the future has been changed. This is because the shapeshifter's been killed and not by Sylar. He can't turn into Nathan now.

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