General Fighting Game Discussion

I was really excited for UNIB until it turned out that the combos were RIDICULOUSLY long. I think there's an update though, which maybe has sufficiently shortened combos? If so, definitely excited to grind hard with Merkava.
This guy has videos of Exe:Late up. From what I've seen, almost every combo has been under 15 hits/ 3k damage without a super. However, I haven't seen any of post-update Linne, the biggest offender of ridiculous combos.

Also, French Bread wants a Skullgirls crossover character.

Probably not worth its own post edit: Merkava animation appreciation time:

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Which character would labzero even give to French Bread? They'd want someone iconic to the franchise (sorry Adam) but something tells me that they wouldn't use Filia or any character in the game now. Maybe Marie? Annie could be neat, too.
I think they'd totally run a character currently in the game, actually. Also, that is one of the hypest things I have ever heard. I'll have a character to run along side MY BOY MERKAVA.

If it's Parasoul, fucking DONE.
AW Fuck they announced Roy for Project M. Was maining Melee Roy before I switched to Marth a bad idea? Yeah. Will Roy still be even worse in Smash than he was in his own game (which is really saying something)? Probably. Do I care? No.

Also we might get Mewtwo and Doc (pichu sucks and P:M Toon Link replaced Young Link), although Mewtwo doesn't have an easy base to use like the other two.
Personally I'm pretty hype for Ike and Lucario myself since they're the characters I like the most of the roster, but my lack of competitive experience with the franchise means I'm talking mostly from a 'character' than 'gameplay' standpoint here. Still pretty cool to see Roy in it, though.


Out of Obscurity
is a Pokemon Researcher
There's probably not going to be more clone characters since last time I checked in on the clone engine the limit was 1 character per game. The only thing you could clone over was MarioD, a beta test exact clone of Mario. So Roy is probably it unless they overcame that.
P4C actual title is "The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold." I am still laughing.
Also, there's a new original character who looks pretty cool. Hard to tell playstyle from still images, but storywise he's probably the new boss character considering labrys' story is wrapped up (he might be the human vessel of the "malevolent entity" from p4a)
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Walking the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
is a Contributor Alumnus
everybody who is interested or even might be interested in the smash (specifically melee) scene should definitely watch this:

it's really f*cking long but it's supremely well done and a pretty compelling story of the history of competitive ssbm, along with some pretty good game footage included too. interviews with a lot of big names too.

informative, a very enjoyable watch, and makes you want to go practice. even though i sort of follow smash tourneys casually it was really cool to learn about the history behind the scene and how it's evolved from developing the community to the mlg big time days to the current situation. i would definitely recommend this to everybody!
Just a heads up for that documentary; in the Mew2King section they talk mad shit about Brawl and a lot of what they say is not actually true. Yes, it's slower and floatier than Melee. No, Sakurai never said that he wanted everyone to win or that he hated competition. No, Brawl didn't almost destroy Melee. No, the Melee community didn't create the Brawl community (there were like 10 people from Melee). It was pretty obvious that this part wasn't fact checked and they pretty much let people say whatever they want. That's perfectly fine for opinion parts, but putting false facts in a documentary is unacceptable. This is ultimately what stopped me from enjoying the documentary, as it drives the retarded idea that for some reason, every Melee thing must be anti-Brawl.
The documentary definitely was weird with the Brawl stuff. But the stuff about Sakurai wasn't exaggerated at all, and I think "Melee community created the Brawl community" and "there were like 10 people from Melee" are equally exaggerative. I also think Brawl almost did kill Melee, but yeah, it's not like that was "Brawl's fault," or the Brawl community's fault, or anything like that. It's just what happens when new games come out.

The documentary is a fun watch, but a few things did irk me. That was one of them, but also the complete glossing-over of Armada and the mostly glossing-over of Hungrybox (the two of whom make up what i naively consider to be the best rivalry in the history of fighting games). The overall tone of it is kind of amusingly overdramatic, which has its strengths and weaknesses, but I do think it would be difficult to watch this as someone who isn't already interested in competitive fighters!
The stuff about Sakurai wasn't exaggerated at all
It was. They said that he intended to make it so that you can't play it competitively, which he never said. They also said that he wanted everyone to win, which he also never said. These are blatant misinterpretations that everyone believes because the Melee community screams and shouts them at everyone and people who know better get scolded for speaking against them. There is no recorded interview in which Sakurai has said anything that the documentary said he did, but no one will ever accept that because Melee fanboys have drilled it into everyone's heads. That's the power of suggestion.

I can link you to the exact quotes and explain to you why the interpretation that's been popularized is blatantly false, if you'd like. I don't want to, but I'd rather waste the time than someone continue to hate a man that I have nothing but the utmost respect for because a few people were displeased with a video game.

and I think "Melee community created the Brawl community" and "there were like 10 people from Melee" are equally exaggerative.
The difference being that mine was intentional and inexact, whereas theirs was neither and based off of ignorance. An even bigger difference is that I am a guy on a Pokemon forum and they are a documentary, so obviously they should be held to much higher standards.
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So, Skullgirls is getting pulled off PSN and XBLA this month by Konami...
It sounds like it will be back up with a different publisher and this might actually speed up the console update that still hasn't happened, but everything is still uncertain.

In unrelated news, P4U2 has been out for about a week and what I've seen so far looks pretty cool.
Fuck Konami.

Also my combined hype for Smash 4, P4USH, and Xrd is like higher than any hype I've had for any video games ever.
I know nothing about this game. What the fuck just happened there? Is this some sort of hack or TAS or was that legit?
Wish I could, but I don't have money for a hotel or a reliable mode of transport. I'll definitely be watching the stream, though, but I really wish I could've seen whatever Vex has up his sleeve for MK in person.
Come on Arcsys, it's like you're doing this on purpose

Edit: the update (the one that completely left Brokonoe alone) removed LOVE PHANTOM. Goodnight sweet prince.
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