Fire Emblem If

A community of people who mostly haven't attempted ltc arguing over whether Janaff or Soren contributes more in that setting is pretty stupid. As is one that spends months waging a community-splitting war over how to romanize FE12 character names. But those can't compare to what we have now, where a 4chan pastebin translation and a tumblr signal boost blog lead to an article in the third most visited business news site on the internet. I enjoyed following and talking to the guy who is trying to redo the fairly poor translations of FE 4 and 5, but he disabled his tumblr months ago in response to the constant FE14 flame wars that hadn't yet come near their peak.

The most unpleasant interaction I had in the pre-FE12 community was trying to explain the concept of variability to someone who had a really hard time grasping the PEMN meme and continued to post about how his level 15 Rebecca with 17 strength proved that she was better than Kent. Now I have to deal with people who haven't played a FE game regularly retweeting tharja porn on my timeline, and I'm pretty sure I got put on an anti-gamergate twitter blocklist for saying that I thought marriage, gay or otherwise, didn't belong in the new game.
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unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
there's not nearly enough of that either but what kind of dipshit posts porn on social media

The most unpleasant encounter I had within the FE community is when Vineon banned me from every IRC channel he moderated because I beat him in a game on FETO. I don't think that counts.
So, I finished the Nohr path. I have no interest in playing hoshido and no means of playing the third route, so probably done with this game at least for now.

The gameplay/difficulty was a step up from awakening (which says almost nothing) and was enough for me to enjoy the game despite everything objectionable about it, including some of those 'optional' features that have real gameplay mechanics locked behind them.

On story: the hoshido/nohr route plots feel pretty half-assed and are generally unsatisfying; while the (fairly presictable/cliché) third route is clearly supposed to be the 'true end' that further encourages you to buy multiple copies of the game. For what it's worth, the professional manga author they brought in actually only wrote the original 500-page concept and wasn't involved after that. Also, much of the supports and third route were written by another writer whose previous work includes the highly-acclaimed senran kagura series (which explains some things...).

Now that that's over, I'd like to let you all know that there is some hope for 'classic FE.'
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that joke's a little too on the nose considering that fates already has 9 awakening characters as playable units and an awakening cameo dlc (with no other cameo dlc for other FEs outside of amiibo/tcg). i get that some people wanted awakening 2 but IS took the pandering too far in more ways than 1.
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fractactical genius
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
okay i can't argue that a medieval tank is cool af

but dammit wars series has been dead for seven years i want my kiddified silly war murdering back
If you're one of those people who still believes that 'optional' equals 'immune to criticism,' the good news is the guy who put rng tripping in a fighting game agrees with you. Looking back, I can't think of a time since pre-Brawl when I agreed with something Sakurai said regarding game development philosophy.

I've had more time to think since the last time I posted thoughts on the game; but all I really need to add is while the story for all three routes was underwhelming, the presentation (music, animation, etc) was good and the Nohr route had fantastic gameplay design for a fire emblem game (while the other two... not so much).
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