Pet Mod EXTREME ROULETTEMONS (Complete for now!)


is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
And that's it for voting! The winners are Metamberardi, Spirox, Oozeru, Tarpidgeon, and after a tie with Emeralberich was broken by me, Arengene. Spreadsheet will be updated shortly. But that's our final slate for starting up the mod, onto the more regular slates!

Stage 7 - Adding Pokemon
This is going to be identical to the last slate, but instead will only involve adding one Pokemon at a time as opposed to the last slate, where half of the set ended up winning.

Gangooze (300 kg)
120/44/88/60/63/115 (490)
Sad Spirit / Entangle / Mortal Strike
Learns Sticky Wrap, Slimy Shot, Bombardier Spray, Mow Down, Munch Around, Snake Eyes, Perplexing Ooze, Clean Disc Slice, Venom Sting, Seagull Swipe, Goo Tackle, Cognition, Supersonic Speed, Leaf Blower, Swordfish Swirl, Soul Reap, Crafty Spines
Byrd (5 kg)
107/90/45/53/89/121 (505)
Quill Quiverer / Whirling Dervish / Dusty Dash
Learns Glue Shot, Trembling Earth, Make Mine, Medical Aid, Aerial Slam, Sharpened Scales, Dying Dance, Zen Vibrations, Stand Guard, Cognition, Facial Recognition, Corrosive Touch, Holy Water, Camo Coat, Overclock, Unrelenting Crunch, Gastric Fang
Spygeon (300 kg)
112/117/21/88/66/107 (511)
Pack Mentality / Smack Tail / Hyperactive
Learns Mercury Spray, Slime Wave, Falcon Punch, Wild Paradigm, Guile Fang, Lizard Breath, Venom Sting, Rain Dust, Make Mine, Torrential Precision, Refracted Beam, Quaking Roar, Stiffen, Hyper Torpedo, Maid 'n' Aid, Stampede Cloud, Jurassic Terrain
Matthew (17 kg) i'm not allowing too many names like this but come on i had to do at least one
114/75/93/121/23/105 (531)

Thermal Ventilation / --- / Intensity
Learns Bark Pecker, Horror Bomb, Energy Bash, Swordfish Swirl, Diamond Rotation, Airborne Assault, Coral Bash, Maiden Voyage, Spiky Nest, Spellbound Swap, Sharpened Scales, Computer Crash, Suspend, Creepy Crawl, Goo Tackle, Moore's Claw, Primal Instinct
Magiquartz (300 kg)
97/111/41/120/77/42 (488)
Bird Aura / Hunter's Instinct / Dependable Eyes
Learns Fantasy Beam, Zen Vibrations, Lizard Breath, Stereo Screech, Lethal Injection, Acidic Claws, Whirlpool Drain, Sharpened Scales, Scavenger Circle, Stone Pitch, Sinister Proposal, Diamond Flash, Petrify, Down Bash, Maul, Shining Hiss, Ghoulish Hammer

I'll give about 4 days to finish any discussion on these. See you guys then!

EDIT: Also, the types of the Pokemon for the next slate have been posted in the main Roulettemons Discord so you guys can each name one if you'd like.
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I'll update this post later with thoughts on the other mons but for now enjoy these two

Matthew: Very promising actually, it has pretty good stats and movepool. Thermal Ventilation sets up Hydrothermal Terrain, giving it a pseudo-stab on Piscine moves (important for hitting Ghoul-types super-effectively), and also turning Avian moves into Beast moves, making them another STAB option. It doesn't really have a strong special STAB but it does have Beast-type Spiky Nest, letting it set up hazards while doing some decent damage. It also has Creepy Crawl, which is basically special Dragon Dance, great for an offensive special attacker. I think a set of Creepy Crawl / Primary Blast / Spiky Nest / Maiden Voyage with Salt Shaker is viable as an offensive hazard setter and early-game sweeper, even if it is a bit walled by Beast-types. Primal Instinct is a pivoting option instead if you want to play as a hazard-setting pivot, might be better as there are still a lot of things that can potentially wall you on the setup set. One last fun tidbit is Maiden Voyage can potentially reset its terrain once it runs out. Overall fun mon with a lot of good options.

Magiquartz: First off, really bad stats, being a SFMA (Slow Frail Mixed Attacker). However, it has an extremely potent niche. Hunter's Instinct lets it trap opposing Beast types and take them out with a super-effective STAB Ghoul attack, probably Fantasy Beam. Since Beast is a defensively potent type with key status immunities, this will open up teams relying on things like Spiky Nest, Salt Shaker, or other Bleed-related strategies. It also has STAB priority in Stone Pitch and Diamond Flash that lets it bypass its bad Speed. Lastly, it has Ghoulish Hammer, a STAB attack which sets up Trick Room, something it can definitely exploit. This one fills a definite niche and is very good if you're concerned about bulky Beast-types being too much to handle.
Typing: Mineral/Slime
Weak to Reptile (4x), Artificial, Slime
Resists Ghoul, Beast, Mineral
Immune to Avian

Having a 4x weakness to Reptile sucks, but we don't have any Reptile pokemon at the moment so its impossible to know how much it will affect it.

Sad Spirit- Situational, likely wont be used
Entangle- Really good ability, see Landmaldo-Therian from FEUU as to why
Mortal Strike- Can be really good if a Spiky Nest user gets added in the future, but Gangooze doesn't have any moves that can cause Bleeding

Not the greatest. It having the second highest speed currently (behind Arengene) with Entangle is really good. However, all of its other stats are mediocre besides its HP + Defense combo. It has virtually no offenses, and poor SpD.

  • The only thing I can really think of is annoy the opponent to death with Goo Tackle.
  • Seagull Swipe is pretty situational recovery, as against a pokemon like Spirox, it would be less useful.
  • Cognition is also good recovery, but it gets rid of Gangooze's speed advantage.
  • It literally has no Mineral moves so Primary Blast would have to be used.
  • Clean Disc Slice could also see some usage.
Overall, I don't think it will be that good, as its bad stats and movepool prevent it from being anything besides a flinch spammer.

Typing: Avian
Weak to Artificial, Slime
Resists Arthropod, Piscine

Quill Quiverer- Could be effective if a Coniferous Terrain setter is added in the future
Whirling Dervish- The best ability it has atm, could easily change to Dusty Dash if a good Dust setter is added
Dusty Dash- Really good ability, only if a Dust setter gets added

Stats: Like a better version of Gangooze's stats. Having a decent offense to utilize alongside its high speed is helpful. Like how Gangooze has a decent HP + Defense combo but poor SpD, Byrd has a decent HP + SpD combo but a poor SpD.

  • Medical Aid is a really good healing move, even though Byrd already has a high speed stat.
  • Aerial Slam could be a good STAB option that destroys Metamberardi
  • It can use its high Speed + Dying Dance to support a sweeper
  • Sharpened Scales is a pretty good set up tool
  • On an offensive set, it has other coverage moves it can use
Overall, Byrd's viability is dependent on if a Dust setter is added later.

will hopefully get to the others later
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is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
24 hours until voting! I may add my thoughts tomorrow before then, and also we don't have anything about Spygeon so if anyone is conjuring up a post there then please prioritize that


User feints.
is a Forum Moderator
Spygeon - STAB Wicked Blow Falcon Punch with that speed and power kinda seems like a yikes, especially since it can raise its accuracy with Torrential Precision, but Oozeru takes it pretty well so it should be fine.


is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
voting has begun

Edit: Since I forgot to mention - this voting works like a lot of mods where you vote for your first, second, and third favorite options, but voting for "None" in any of those slots is also an option. If "None" wins, then this slate will be skipped. You can also not pick a second or third and only vote for one option, or just two if you'd like.
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is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus

And with that, the winner is Matthew!
With this, let's move onto the next slate...
Nightmaleon (150 kg)
55/114/119/8/70/119 (485)
Bed Bugs / --- / Hyperactive
Learns Bandage, Vampiric Claws, Bear Hug, Scale Power, Soul Reap, Death Roll, Techno Beam, Jurassic Terrain, Spinal Chop, Down Bash, Imitation, Depths' Wrath, Sucking Spores, Metamorphosis, Slime Crush, Wild Hunt, Maid 'n' Aid
Gluedibranch (150 kg)
50/80/85/121/82/118 (536)
Catchweight / Cultivate / Tempered Spirit
Learns Down Bash, Soul Reap, Shadow Slosh, Metamorphosis, Make Mine, Jurassic Terrain, Stereo Screech, Pixie Blast, Techno Beam, Coral Bash, Slime Wave, Heavy Strike, Screeching Halt, Stun Needle, Go For The Eyes, Falcon Punch, Ivy Swipes
Lunaguar (150 kg)
119/68/66/108/101/67 (529)
Reparation / --- / Reflective Body
Learns Ghoulish Rake, Venom Fang, Overclock, Venom Shot, Airborne Assault, Purgation, Scale Power, Twisting Dive, Freon Frenzy, Energy Bash, Wild Paradigm, Lizard Breath, Crystal Meditation Blast, Stasis Crush, Supersonic Speed, Crystalline Charge, Venom Sting
Frankensloth (17 kg)
46/161/161/62/55/46 (531)
Escape Root / Blow Away / Restless Motor
Learns Caustic Spill, Crafty Spines, Growing Swarm, Gear Toss, Banshee Wail, Acidic Spit, Sneaky Spray, Techno Beam, Lizard Acid, Diamond Shot, Reform, Pixie Blast, Shadow Slosh, Soul Reap, Scorpion Charm, Glop Chomp, Hatchlings
132/42/126/30/113/89 (532)
Quick Cutter / --- / Wind Sock
Learns Excavation, Zen Vibrations, Scorpion Charm, Sylvan Terror, Fell Branch, Death Roll, Ectoplasm, Dance of Life, Slimy Ball, Scale Power, Draining Drone, Balanced Stakes, Imitation, Trembling Earth, Healing Wings, Goo Tackle, Shimmering Scales
And that's it! All the 150s are not typos - RNG just seemed to really like it this time around. Weird things like this are going to happen as this mod goes on. Discussion phase has begun! I'll randomize the next slate shortly, I'll post it in the Discord when I'm done.

Cookie Butter

formerly the someone
Nightmaleon: Good physical offensive stats, double speed at full HP (w/ 50% recovery move), 80 BP STAB with 30% chance to Chill. Cool speed control mon (pun intended). Also gets nice physical coverage like the 90-180BP Arthropod move, and the 105BP Slime move that ignores stat boosts (including possible Attack drops). Viable and interesting, with a clear role.

Gluedibranch: All 3 abilities are viable, although some can be situational. It has good special offensive stats plus the following special moves: 100BP priority Ghoul move (downside is 65% acc), 70BP draining Ghoul move super-effective on Ghoul, 120BP Slime STAB move (downside is 85% acc), 50BP Beast move w/ guaranteed Chill. Slime+Ghoul is perfect coverage only resisted by 2 possible type combinations (1 of which is weak to Beast), and the extra effectiveness on Ghoul-types makes the combo even better. It can even turn its Beast move into Plant with the Cultivate ability to beat the 2 possible type combinations as they are both weak to Plant. This thing is also RNG heavy, since Chill can make the foe lose turns, while its two strongest moves are low accuracy. It can completely fail against one thing it's supposed to beat, or completely cheese something it's not supposed to beat. While this handily beats Oozeru, adding this would probably be a(nother) mistake.

Frankensloth: Blow Away turns its 4x Ghoul weakness plus an Avian resist into two immunities, greatly improving its viability. The other abilities are useless compared to this one. This thing has ginormous Attack, but unfortunately like 70% of its moves are Special... The few viable Physical moves it gets (Acidic Spit, Shadow Slosh, Hatchlings, Growing Swarm, Gear Toss) are enough for it to work though. It also has 50% recovery move and ginormous Defense, but can easily be broken on the special side. A solid physical wallbreaker and tank.
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