Do you prefer newer or older games?

I like only HGSS,RSE and DPP...and DPP has been the best so far...there were enough no.of pokemons(not too many).Gen 4 also has the perfect moves which were missing in gen 3...
Hmm, what Pokémon game did you start with? Also, I agree on the no. of Pokémon part.
Been a while since I last posted, but I definitely prefer Gen 1 most of all, while Pokemon Crystal of Gen 2 was also a worthy game. Long story short, I am a fan of the original Game Boy generations of the games, rather than the Advance/DS/3DS sets.

I've had most of the series so far - Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Omega Ruby for the handheld games. Stadium, Stadium 2 (Gold/Silver), Snap, Colloseum, Box, XD and Battle Revolution for the home consoles.

For the home consoles, they REALLY need to do something on a par with Stadium 2 again.

For those wondering why I missed out Black & White as well as X & Y I'll be honest - I started getting bored with the series - especially since they're now throwing legendaries at you and the story modes are getting WAY too easy. The primary reasons for me to get Heart Gold and Omega Ruby were simply the dead battery issues. I know how to replace the batteries in the originals - it's just that I have absolutely zero soldering skills and don't really trust others not to mess it up.
i like RSE, HGSS, and for some reason i don't like BW or BW2 but i like XY. don't hate me but i think ORAS is not that good maybe average but i like the secret base idea even though it took them about 3 gens to steal the underground base from D/P. :mad:
i like RSE, HGSS, and for some reason i don't like BW or BW2 but i like XY. don't hate me but i think ORAS is not that good maybe average but i like the secret base idea even though it took them about 3 gens to steal the underground base from D/P. :mad:
Dude the secret bases started at RSE XD
Well, I hate DP and Mount cocblock Lol made my day, even if there's 5 hours left to it, Sinnoh is the roadblock region afterall.
Well, I actually liked going around those blocks (specially Mt. Coronet-that's the kind of challenge that I like tbh) and exploring with my team. Maybe it's just a masochist side of me, but oh well
Well, I actually liked going around those blocks (specially Mt. Coronet-that's the kind of challenge that I like tbh) and exploring with my team. Maybe it's just a masochist side of me, but oh well
By blocks I mean unavoidable HM usage, fat guys and psyducks, just add a maze thingy in the middle that forces more HM usage and you get the most roadblock heavy game with the shitiest pokemon distribution.

That's my gripe on this business.


Cod Mod
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A roadblock is fine the first time you pass it, for story purposes. It sort of makes sense to have you fight your way through/past it, and it gives an excuse for exploration.

However, when you have to overcome that roadblock every single time you want to pass through the area, it gets annoying as all heck. The Rock Smash stones on Route 112 are bad enough, but when you've got an entire HM-heavy mountain to brave every time you walk anywhere in the region, that's simply killing joy.

Most other regions are at least traversable by foot during the postgame. Places such as the Day Care, the Sidequest Hall, the Battle Whatever and useful things like the Dept. Store or IV checkers are usually within walking/biking range of another, without requiring you to shift your entire team to have the appropriate HM slaves on hand for the journey. Not so much in Sinnoh. You have to go through Mt. Coronet every time you want to travel somewhere useful. The result being - you just cut the hassle and Fly everywhere. That mean there are large parts of the region you never bother to revisit, and the region leaves a much smaller impression on you. It's simply the Region of Inconvenient Travel.
What's with all the Sinnoh hate? Best games hand down, and this is someone who started with Blue version and kept going.
Platinum, best game of the 4th Gen hands down.

4th Gen brought many wonderful things but Sinnoh became a sore piece of constricted team building with abused as hell roadblocks and severe arc fatigue on several points of its history line thanks to DP. Jotho as a remake was decent, it added some nice stuff but did nothing to fix it's replay value with the post Morty freedom charade that destroys the leveling pace of jotho.

That's where the hate comes from. Seriously screw DP Sinnoh.


is a Community Contributor Alumnus
What's with all the Sinnoh hate? Best games hand down, and this is someone who started with Blue version and kept going.
Long loading times and general slowness, too many HMs needed at all times (with Defog being the worst), bad type balance leaving you with only 2 Fire families and Gym Leaders/E4 members not using their type like they're supposed to, Honey Trees suck balls, and the new Contests suck. Platinum helped with the slowness and Mon distribution and was a far better game because of it, but all the other problems are still there.
I play since Blue/Red when I was 13 and now I'm around 28.

Gen 1 was meh. Yes it was exciting but it was bad. Reaaaaally bad.
Gen 2 has too many flaws to be a good game for me :(
Emerald was good, I loved it, and I still play it often. My only problem : Great designs, a lot of bad Pokemon. FRLG was meh but a nice and needed update.
Platinum & HGSS was good. Especially HGSS.
BW is my favourite game. The story is perfect, the whole region is amazing and it was one of the harder games. Main problem : the linearity of the map. BW2 could have been perfect, but the story is less appealing, and it could have been better with more roads between locations (in the South East) and the old Route 10. Why didn't they mix the two games ? :(
X&Y was good, but Team Plasma was bad, like really bad, love all others things. 4 rivals is a good number ! ORAS is interesting, but I would have prefered a Delta Emeraud (because I don't like how they portrait the other team as a good one. Both are wrong !)
Platinum, best game of the 4th Gen hands down.

4th Gen brought many wonderful things but Sinnoh became a sore piece of constricted team building with abused as hell roadblocks and severe arc fatigue on several points of its history line thanks to DP. Jotho as a remake was decent, it added some nice stuff but did nothing to fix it's replay value with the post Morty freedom charade that destroys the leveling pace of jotho.

That's where the hate comes from. Seriously screw DP Sinnoh.
im so sorry i just need to correct you. it is johto not jotho. O-O
Gen 4 Platinum best hands down. Lots to do, fantastic, fresh story and a region with lots to explore whilst listening to a great soundtrack.

No real complaints about HGSS. No crystal or day and night cycle.

Crystal on GBC was second best imo. Seriously in depth story, dual regions and a REAL day and night cycle. I'd sit down with my strategy guide and plan what time I need to get up or sneak it into class so I could be on to get those swarms. Oh, and the radio <3 second best soundtrack imo.

RSE were very solid games. Great region but a bit dry post E4.

ORAS. Ouch. Fantastic post game content. Terribly uncreative "it's all cannon because parallel universes" bs. Oh, and they took away the best thing about mons, the up down left right movement grid and the out of place 3D graphics. Mons should be pixel style. BW2 had the best graphics.

BW(2). Decent. Couldn't really get into the story. Prettiest graphics by far. At this point imo new mons were silly or uncreative in general.
Second instalment seemed pretty pointless imo.

X and Y. Took one look at the graphics and cried. Looked at the mons and cried some more. RIP Pokemon.

Lastly, Kanto. Red version is what I played first. A great start to the franchise. Lavender town still scares me. Kanto felt great in HGSS, though I was massively dissapointment by the lack of Sevii Islands. Felt like this could have been expanded upon for a really good post E4.
FRLG, the stand alone Kanto game. The region lacks the depth of other regions by far, very very bland but oh so nostalgic. Loved the Sevii Islands.

Edit: Bring back Teachy TV
I started with Blue and went from there. Now my nine-year-old daughter and I trade on ORAS.

Gen 1: it doesn't age well, but man, was it awesome in its day.

Gen 2: I really didn't like these when they came out. HGSS helped smooth the wrinkles a bit.

Gen 3: RSE pissed me off - I ground my way through Emerald specifically to get to the cloning glitch, then only used it for that purpose from then on. FRLG were actually the first games I played in this series, as LG was a gift from my partner, and they were phenomenal compared to both RBY and RSE.

Gen 4: The physical/special split alone was enough to make this a fantastic generation. Yes, Sinnoh was a pain sometimes, but frankly, Platinum is the cartridge that I use for random challenges - not SoulSilver, not LeafGreen, not anything else. I feel that Gen 4 also pushed the competitive metagame to its peak. It's still fun, and it's more widespread and easier to access now than it was back then, but I don't think it's close to the greatness of Platinum / HGSS. Besides, Cyrus~~~ <3

Gen 5: I straight up skipped BW/B2W2. It didn't inspire me to jump in. I like the critter designs fine - including garbage & ice cream - but there just wasn't anything to grab me in the story or the region. I tried a playthrough on my daugher's White cartridge and put it down after the third gym.

Gen 6: XY may or may not be cool. I haven't tried yet. But I'm perfectly happy with ORAS, a few quibbles aside.

i'm probably a TrueGenner since i'veenjoyed all the games, some more than others yes, but I've enjoyed all the games. Newer games tend to make playing with others more easier but older games do have nostalgia factors to them ;)
I'm probably more of a Truegenner when it comes to the Pokemon spread, though I'm all over the place with regards to either the main game or region construction.

Gen 3 and 5 have some of my favorite Pokemon, but I'd still probably say Johto has the best constructed region in terms of layout and being able to traverse it, followed closely by Unova solely on the basis of having no team restrictions for main story due to HMs.

Kanto just felt very slow going because of the boring caves, and many of the routes were padded out with trainers that could not in anyway be avoided (Route 13 and 14 are awful in that respect), though I did like the somewhat roundabout design when it didn't involve backtracking.

Johto was good about not requiring too many horrible HMs (though it has one of the most obnoxiously useless HMs in Whirlpool), and the game is pretty good about giving you Fly before a point that would likely result in backtracking. Kanto's inclusion in Gen 2 though was pretty empty, mostly just walk down the non-challenging routes to beat the Gyms so you can get to the actual post-game Mt. Silver. HG/SS added some more, but still not enough for me to say it was a Gen deciding addition. The leveling curve also made the game pathetically, easy, which led to the AI usually depending on rather cheap tactics to up the difficulty (Morty having a Gengar at the 4th Gym, Claire and Lance's Dragon types at a point with virtually no viable Ice types to use) or padding the length out with the overabundance of Rocket Grunts carrying parties of 5 Rattatas.

Hoenn's big issue, though lighter on the HMs for MOST of the game, was being very roundabout and the overabundance of water routes, which turn the last part of the game essentially into a cave in terms of encounters, and make training anything Water Weak quite a bit more tedious. Not to mention needing a lot of HMs for some of the dungeons like Strength, Dive, and Rock Smash for the Seafloor Cavern, and Waterfall just feeling like an arbitrary way to stop the player from reaching Evergrande too early (there are maybe 7 Waterfalls in the game). Some of the set pieces were pretty neat though (the desert, despite my complaints the Underwater areas were cool).

Sinnoh, as much as I love some of the Pokemon, was AWFUL as a region. Mt. Coronet was oversaturated with HM needs, to the point that if you didn't have a water type to carry Surf and/or a decent Normal type for Strength/Rock Climb, you might need to bring 2 slaves (I feel like Bibarel being compatible with so many was intentional). There was also just a lot of backtracking as early as after the first gym, making a circle around the East half (skipping Fantina for some reason in DP), and of course the infamous snow routes. The Pokemon selection for main game was also horrible; besides the infamous Fire Type issue, I still can't remember more than maybe 3 fighting types you could have before the game ended.

Unova I appreciate the simplicity and the story, but the region itself is pretty simple all things considered. Very linear path with very few caves or dungeons to navigate, interesting or not. It does make the "Point A to Point B" travel much easier on replays, but I don't find myself re-exploring anything on a repeat playthrough or old file.

Kalos I just have no opinion on. Very little opposition in progression, but no particularly confusing or tedious dungeons. Only real gripe I guess I have is the oddly spacious gap between Gym 1 and 2.

That said, in terms of the gameplay, I'd say that Gen 2 felt abyssmal. The Pokemon on the whole were underpowered because of the stats and mechanics (Sneasel...), so the game felt like a drag because despite being 10 levels above the trainers at times, I found very few battles that actually ended smoothly because so many Pokemon took 3-4 moves to kill. Gen 4 was when I found the story going a bit faster because if I used a Gengar, it could actually play on what makes it good to help me finish the game faster. Being able to use everything the way its stats dictated without the limitations of a poorly thought out movepool for the Physical/Special split made it possible for me to experiment instead of always inevitably having to go back and use Mareep or Magmar for the 12th time in Johto.
I definetly prefer the hoenn games because those were the first games I really played. I began getting into pokemon more serious for fourth gen so I also love sinnoh. Definitely the nostalgia factor is there, but I played gen 1 and 2 and they just couldn't compare to gen 3 and 4 in my mind. The real selling point for me is the battle frontiers in Emerald and platinum. Gen 5 was definetly ish in my opinion, and gen 6 was a step up, but mostly because it became significantly easier to breed for perfects and battle. All in all though, definetly a hoenn guy!

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