The winner of Circus Survivor Season IV will win $100 to be donated to a charity of our mutual choice.

The game has concluded! This is the link to the postgame server, and everyone including spectators and general circus goers are invited to join!! 40 pages of recap makes for a good story to read!

Hello Survivors,

18 of you are gathered here. 1 will be the sole survivor. Let's get started.

1. Game Basics:

There will be two tribes with 8 people each.

-During the Day phases of the game there will be immunity challenges. Immunity challenges decide who is safe and who has to go to tribal council.

-During the Tribal Stage of the game, challenges will be won and lost as a whole tribe. The tribe that loses in the immunity challenge will have to go to Tribal Council and vote someone out.

-During the Individual Stage of the game, challenges will be won and lost by a single person. The winner of the immunity challenge cannot be voted upon, but (s)he will be able to vote.

-The timing and nature of any possible twists, idols, or other advantages are set in stone as of May 21.

2. Challenges

There has been a special focus this season on creating unique challenges. They can be anything from puzzles to flash games to trivia. People with various skills will be able to do well in the various aspects of this season. There will be very few challenges that are showdown battling related.

The challenges themselves will all vary and will typically not be very similar to one another.

-At the start of the Day phase, the details of the challenge will be posted.

-During Tribal (Team) challenges, some players will have to sit out some of the challenges. Players cannot sit out during two consecutive challenges.

3. Tribal Council:

-Tribal Council will occur at the Night phase after the Immunity Challenge.

There will be a private vote to see who is eliminated from the game. Votes will take place in discord pm with the hosts.

You may switch your vote a total of three times before the votes are read. This is three times THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAME. If you’ve used all three and you try to switch your vote again, you will not be allowed to do so. You can use up multiple of these vote changes during one tribal council, so be sure of what you are voting before you submit it! It is ok if you take time to do this, just make sure it isn’t too long and that you submit your votes before the deadline.

-The vote total will be revealed to the tribe at the end of the night, but you will not know who voted for who.

-If any hidden immunity idols are played, all the votes cast against the player who used the HII will be negated.

-In case of an initial tie, there will be a re-vote where you can only vote for one of the people with the most votes. For example, if there are 3 votes for Player A, 3 votes for Player B, and 1 vote for Player C in a 7 man tribe, you may only vote for Player A or B during the re-vote.

-In case of a second tie, the player who leaves will be determined by a random number generator. The players who tied for the most votes both times will be safe from this tiebreaker. In the previous example, players A and B would be safe.

Players voted out (aka dead) cannot be communicated with following their removal from the game. There will be absolutely no communication between dead players and alive players regarding the game. This will change when the game reaches its conclusion, but until then, this rule will be strictly enforced.

At a certain point, those voted out will form the Jury. The Jury is special in that they follow the game in order to vote for a winner at the end of the game.

4. Winning the Game:

-The goal of the game is to reach the Final Tribal Council, which typically occurs with just two or three people left in the game. You cannot win the game unless you make it to the Final Tribal Council.

-At the Final Tribal Council, the remaining players in the game speak to the jury and try to convince the jury that they deserve to win the game.

-Each finalist is allowed to make an opening statement on why they deserve to win the game.

Following opening statements, each Jury member is allowed to make either a statement or ask the finalists a question if they choose to. They may say or ask whatever they want.

-When everyone is done speaking, the jury will vote privately on who wins the game. Whoever gets the most votes wins.

5. Forum Mechanics:

A typical phase will go like this. I post a challenge and the rules. The challenge will take place over the following days. The losing tribe will then go to tribal council where they will vote a person off. Some challenges may be a little different, but this is how a majority of them will go.

Please do not communicate with players who are not on your tribe during the tribal phase. The only reason you should be talking to opposing tribe members is to schedule battles. In addition, zero communication with dead players is allowed. For the purposes of idol hunting, you may not communicate or seek help from dead players, from people outside of the game, or from people on the other tribe.

The voting stage will take place 24 hours after the challenge is over. I will not be extending deadlines unless I absolutely have to.

Inactive players who fail to vote will place an unconditional and public vote for themselves.

-No anonymous nicks will be allowed for the purposes of this game. No impersonating as well. You will be punished if caught.

There will be a designated discord for tribes. You can also privately PM people ONLY on your tribe (make sure to invite me and my cohosts!).

6. Moderators are god, any of these rules are subject to change.

To emphasize a few things:
You may ONLY communicate about this game with people who are on your tribe and with moderators. Do not communicate with other people for the purposes of challenges, idol hunts, advice, eliminated players, or with spectators.
You may vote in smogon pm or in discord, but will only be allowed to change your vote a total of three times in this game. Missing a voting phase results in an unconditional self vote.
Add people to discord groups by making a new group instead of adding them to the old one. Add Hal and Rssp to all groups made, pretty please.
Have fun!

Here are the tribes.

Hitmonleet: 17th place
superstarsrock: 16th place
Flyhn: 15th place
KnightsofCydonia: 14th place
ImmaFirinMahLazer: 13th place
ajhockeystar: 12th place
Aura Guardian: 11th place
RODAN: 10th place
zorbees: 9th place
Trace: 8th place
Wolv: 7th place
ItzViper482: 6th place
3P1K: 5th place
Alore: 4th place

Poopity Scoop:
Da Letter El

Tribal discords are now up, check PMs for link. Challenge 1 starts Tuesday, 2:30 pm central time. It will be beneficial to have some members be online at the time.

Challenge F18- Vullabies win
Tribal Council F18-Hitmonleet sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F17-Vullabies win
Tribal Council F17-superstarsrock sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F16-Vullabies win
Tribal Council F16-Flyhn sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F15-Rufflets win
Tribal Council F15-KnightsofCydonia sent to Redemption Island+Swap
Challenge F14-Vullabies win
Tribal Council F14-ajhockeystar sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F13-Vullabies win
Tribal Council F13-IFML sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F11-Vullabies win
Tribal Council F11-Viper sent to Redemption Island
Challenge F11-Jalmont wins
Tribal Council F11-Aura Guardian voted out
Challenge F10-Jalmont wins
Tribal Council F10-RODAN voted out
Challenge F9-Wolv wins
Tribal Council F9-Zorbees voted out
Challenge F8-Viper wins
Tribal Council F8-Trace voted out
Challenge F7-Da Letter El wins
Tribal Council F7-Wolv voted out
Challenge F6-Da Letter El wins
Tribal Council F6-Viper voted out
Challenge F5-Alore wins
Tribal Council F5-3P1K voted out
Challenge F4-Jalmont wins
Tribal Council F4-Alore voted out
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posting this so i get notifications for the thread
reserved for other information if needed ig

all confessionals + answers to the initial questions we sent out will be sent to spectators
reminder to read the rules
also reminder to not talk to people outside the game abt the game, ESPECIALLY if they're in the spectators group
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Riddle Attack

Survivors, welcome to your first immunity challenge challenge. This game will test your wits, teamwork, skillset, and perseverance. Over the next 48 hours, I have prepared 13 tasks for you. Some of these are riddles, which vary wildly in their subject matter. Others are challenges that you must complete before the other team.

The tribe to complete each task first will win a point for their team. The tasks will be released periodically over time. The first tribe to score 7 points wins immunity, while the losing tribe immediately enters tribal council.

Wrong answers for tasks will be ignored for the most part, but correct answers will be confirmed when the moderator is able to. Hints will be released publicly at host discretion for riddles that have gone unsolved for longer than 12 hours.

A special reminder that you may only communicate about Survivor to your tribemates and to the moderators. Outside help is not permitted. Google as you please, though.

Here is the release schedule for the 13 tasks. All times are in CDT. Challenges may be released earlier or later at the discretion of the poor host who is adjusting his schedule around this challenge.

Tasks 1, 2: 2:40 pm
Tasks 3, 4: 4:00 pm
Taskss 5, 6, 7: 7:00 pm
Task 8: 1:00 am
Task 9: Whenever I wake up, probably 8:00 am
Task 10: 1:00 pm
Tasks 11, 12: 6:00 pm
Task 13: 10:00 pm

If no tribe achieves 7 points by Thursday 2:30 pm, then the tribe with the higher number of points wins. If the tribes are tied at X points at this time, then the first tribe to have gotten X points wins immunity.

Before we begin, I’d like to inform you that this season features Redemption Island. Starting now, every player voted out will have a chance to fight their way back into the game. Don’t burn your bridges so easily…

You have 10 minutes to process this information.

Task 1: Vullabies
Task 2: Vullabies
Task 3: Vullabies
Task 4: Rufflets
Task 5: Vullabies
Task 6: Vullabies
Task 7: Vullabies
Task 8: Rufflets
Task 9: Vullabies
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Task 1: Movies, Part I
Name the two major blockbuster movies that these screenshots were taken from respectively. Each tribe can enter one submission every 15 minutes: submissions that fall within 15 min of the last will not count. First survivor to name both movies correctly in this thread wins a point for their tribe.

Movie 1:

Movie 2:

(Please do not read anything into the dimensions of these screenshots, but all screenshots should be of the same resolution)

Task 2: Division

Divide this 6x6 grid completely into four disjoint and connected parts along the grid lines, with each part having the same area and shape, and with each part containing both a X and a O.

Submit your answer in any format you’d like, so long as the submission is completely unambiguous. First survivor to submit a correct division in this thread wins a point for their tribe.
Hah! That was an unintended solution, but it seems correct. In my solution, the leftmost o, the top X in the 3rd column, and the bottom left corner were all part of the same shape.

Team vullabies gains one point.
OK a few comments:
"major blockbuster movies" means what it says it means
i did nothing to edit the image. They are unadulterated screenshots. Maybe i'm missing a few pixels on the edges but that's it.
Someone asked me a question related to this, and I don't want you guys to overwork yourselves, so:

IF idols are in the game, you do not have to look outside of anything related to this game for the INITIAL CLUE. That means that the starting clue will not be found in any previous survivor games, any of our posts that aren't in this thread, non-survivor related discord servers & pm conversations, etc.
Task 3: Factorials
Can’t Stop is a game played on BGA. The rules for this game are here.

Find analytically the probability of rolling a 7 in Can’t Stop. That is to say, what is the probability that in a throw of four fair dice, any two of the dice sum to 7?

The first survivor who submits the correct answer, along with the final equation showing how they arrived at this answer, wins a point for their tribe.

Task 4: praiserufflets
Win 5 ladder games on OU with a rufflet on your team, with rufflet getting at least one KO in the course of the battle (i.e. an opposing pokemon died to a move that rufflet used on that turn, NOT to hazards or residual). There must be no evidence of collusion in the match. Not all matches have to be played by the same person. Replay required. First tribe to post three replays wins a point for this task.

Task 4 has been changed to require 5 games

Task 3 needs an analytical solution, in the usual sense of the word. Separating into cases is natural here. Your final equation should be fairly large in terms of the number of objects.

Brute force and machine assisted solutions are good for aiding your understanding of the problem, but will not be accepted. All submissions are final and in thread as usual.

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