Duplicate Bug Report - Teambuilder

What type of bug are you reporting? Teambuilder

What is the bug?
I had an old regulation D team that I wanted to edit to use in regulation G, but it kept reverting the changes as I had it saved in the PS servers. I deleted it from the database that has my saved teams and then edited it (changing the format to regulation G.)

The next day, when I tried using the team on VGC regulation G, the site says I need to have my own team, and that this should be reported.

When I entered the teambuilder, the team was there, showing the pokémon sprites, but as I clicked it, all the pokémon were erased from the team, and it started being displayed as empty in the teambuilder. Chances are that old reg D team was a server version whose name I changed and I forgot to note that for some reason. Deleting the team erases the pokémon and gives that message, even if the team is still listed there, now empty.

It's probably my fault; I've deleted what is essentially the backup of the team, so I suppose it makes sense it makes the generated "server version" duplicate go kaput, but since showdown told me to report it, I'm sending this message just in case. The team I was editing might have been a server generated one and I deleted the original.


Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?

Create a new team for a format (in this case, it was VGC regulation G). Upload it to the Pokémon Showdown database. Change one of the pokemon in the team to a different one in the format, then close the showdown page and open PS again. A server version should show up with the first state the team was in. After that, if you edit that server version team in any way you want, EVs, abilities, attacks and items changed should revert to the database versions if you refresh the page. If you change a pokémon again on that server version and refresh, showdown creates another copy of the server version. Either way, delete your team from the database. Refresh showdown again, and try to start a battle in that same format with the server version team or any copies created. One of them should give the message reported. Open the team list in the teambuilder and try opening the team in question. The pokémon should be all gone. If you try adding pokémon to that team, they will be wiped next time you start a new session and open that team. If you leave the team empty and try to start a battle with that empty team, showdown gives you the samge message.

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