8 Simple Rules to Make Everyone's VGC Experience Better

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is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
1. Don't be afraid to talk to people!
We don't bite! The whole point of these events is to get together and meet people that share the same love for the game. Talk to everyone! The staff, the other competitors, and Smogonauts that you may recognize from being e-famous. Everyone is there because they all share a similar passion for Pokemon, do not pass up an opportunity to get to know people because you are intimidated. Staff relations will help you be alot more comfortable with the scene and talking to other competitors will make your trip alot more worthwhile. As for Smogonauts, remember not to judge people based on their online personas. For example, on the internet Synre is a ruthless, cold-hearted dictator, but in real life he is just your average Glee-loving, huggable, soft-hearted manbear. Don't be afraid! He's harmless! Mostly. Also, you may know me but I may not know you. When you say hi, introduce yourself! Nothing is more annoying than having someone walk up to you and ask you "Hey are you _________?" and then walking away. (Be wary of the British though, their accents may make your heart melt.)

2. You can always sleep after the weekend is over.
Do not give into the temptation of a full nights sleep! This is your only chance to meet and hang out with so many Smogonauts in one place. Make the most of it. Late night Pokemon Stadium, TGI Fridays, and aimless wandering are what make these events so special. Who care's if you're a little tired in the morning? Just shake it off, down a Red Bull and continue enjoying your weekend filled Digital Pocket Monsters. (Word of advice, if you choose to indulge in Late Night Stadium, do NOT play with Ray Rizzo if it can be avoided. If it can't be avoided, remember: It's Always Magmar.)

3. Shower.
This can't be stressed enough. I don't care what you're doing. Shower. Everyday.

4. Be prepared!
The best Disney song. And some great advice. You want to get your Pokemon and stuff in line before you get to the event. You really don't want to be wasting all of the social time RNGing and EVing Pokemon at the event.

5. Be gracious in both victory and defeat.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be a little excited or a little disappointed when you win or lose, but remember that you're still playing against a person. There is no need to pretend to be an airplane and fly around the room when you win, and there is no need to flip a table when you lose. Shake your opponent's hand and wish them luck the rest of the way through. We don't want anyone's sour grapes to ruin another person's day. Be good sports! Remember the golden rule: If a player is found to be behaving in a way not befitting a Pokémon Trainer at any time, he or she may be disqualified from participating in all current and future competitions.

6. Take pictures and videos.
When it comes time to reflect upon your time at VGC you're going to want lots of pictures and videos to remember it by. When writing a VGC warstory, the cliche "A picture is worth a thousand words" couldn't be more true. If you look at Ninahaza's warstories, I don't think anyway actually reads the words, they just scroll through to look at pictures and watch the videos. Everyone loves them, so remember to take them!

7. Check out everything the event has to offer
While the tournament is the main draw to most VGC events, there are side events that you should check out as well! For the larger tournaments, there are League Play areas where you can get prizes for playing matches and organize small events. There are art stations and game stations and vendors that you might want to take a look at!

8. Don't take Pokemon too seriously!
When it comes down to it, we're all just playing a children's game. While there is some skill involved, more often than not, luck will get in the way and it's important to not let it ruin your weekend. Win or lose, never take for granted that TPCi has surrounded you with hundreds of people that love the little critters as much as you from all around the world and enjoy your time with them! It only comes around once a year, so make the most of it.

Thanks for reading, feel free to add any advice you want!


Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?
is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Personally, I'd move 3 and 5 to massive priorities. This is just from personal experience though, and they have had a marked effect on my VGC experiences.

With regards to 3, at my old place of work, we used to have what was called "Spray of the day" if you were distinctly whiffy, our boss would come round with a can of deodorant, known as the "days spray" and invite you to put some on under the guise of everyone putting it on. Only the smelly folk actually put it on. I'm not afraid to bring this back, so if I offer you the can... please. Take the hint.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus

i also agree with dozz. Last year i slacked a bit on #3, and the stench was horrible. I am usually good at, and love taking showers (a love built thanks to all my time spent in the gym. i swear there is nothing better than the feeling of water hitting your back and face after a good workout, ugh, so good). It pretty much became a goal of mine to never let what happened last year happen again.

also in regards to #1; it seems each year i see a post along the lines of "OH MAN, i saw x last weekend at regional/nationals/worlds, but i was too shy/afraid to go over and say hi"....... and i cant really say much because in 2010, during the Seattle event, i pretty much ignored the entire ducks squad (and everyone else), but it wasn't really because i was shy. I still ended up wishing i had gone over and said something/introduced myself.
These events are a lot more fun when you decide to leave your personal bubble and be social, if only for one weekend. trust me, you wont regret it
Great thread Huy! Agree with everything. Everyone please follow rule #3. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who doesn't shower regularly. As for number 1, don't be shy! Just say hi and introduce yourself. We are all adults here :)


Old man.
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus

Excited to meet many of you! And yes, please follow rule 3, everyone! I'll try to bring along giant stuffed Pikachu, so I can be easily identified!


VGC 2012 Seniors Champion
If you're good enough at following rule #1, you'll be hailed as the most powerful social genius of your time.
But yeah, getting cleaned up is just etiquette guys! If you're fairly sure you're winning your matches, wouldn't you prefer your opponent to say
"Man, that guy was so good at this game... I better get better myself for next time!" rather than "Oh man that stinky nerd who never washed himself probably lives in his mom's basement... no wonder I lost!" (And yes, sometimes people who recently lost to you might have a great potential emnity towards you). It's not a matter of trying to live up to someone else's standards, but you're making quite a few first impressions during VGC so...
As for Smogonauts, remember not to judge people based on their online personas. For example, on the internet Synre is a ruthless, cold-hearted dictator, but in real life he is just your average Glee-loving, huggable, soft-hearted manbear. Don't be afraid! He's harmless! Mostly.
Hey, I resent that, I should have gotten so many IRL ruthless points after last year >:|

Really though I'd say both those descriptions are exaggerations you pretty much get what you expect with me I don't change IRL at all.

Everyone else is nice though...............

WAIT SOMETHING SERIOUS to add on to #1 dear god if you know who I am and I don't know who you are would you please tell me who you are it's awkward as shit otherwise. This never happens to me but always happens to Huy. Which is pretty hilarious actually. Disregard this.

Also seriously shower every day that's not a suggestion it's a rule.


Huy said:
There is no need to pretend to be an airplane and fly around the room when you win, and there is no need to flip a table when you lose. Shake your opponent's hand and wish them luck the rest of the way through. We don't want anyone's sour grapes to ruin another person's day. Be good sports! Remember the golden rule: If a player is found to be behaving in a way not befitting a Pokémon Trainer at any time, he or she may be disqualified from participating in all current and future competitions.
I swear to god I'm going to ban the next person who does this from Smogon for so long they'll still be trying to learn VGC from PokeGym while they're in a retirement home.
Wise words to live by. Any Starbucks or coffee shops nearby? I refuse to consume energy drinks.

I swear I'm going to mini-interview as many random people as humanly possible during the first two rounds. For those who remembered my "sign" back in Pleasanton: I'm going to make it much larger.

EDIT: If you see me and don't talk to me or if you're by yourself, I will walk up to you. I certainly wasn't afraid in Pleasanton, and I won't be in Indy!
I might be the last guy you should listen to regarding this, but just a friendly reminder to play it clean. Don't have hacked mons (not that hard to get RNG'd stuff), make sure all your mons are legal (510 EVs and under, etc), no cheating, and no identity theft.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


I did my best, I have no regrets!
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Pretty sure I found coffee in the area going by the fact that I functioned last year on the sleep I had.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I'm pretty sure there's a starbucks or something in the mall attached to the convention center…. but I also think there's some generic coffee place right near where Pizza Pizza is. I remember getting a latte with Evan there. Sleeping at any vgc event is a joke, don't even try!!


I hope you make a million dollars
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Wise words to live by. Any Starbucks or coffee shops nearby? I refuse to consume energy drinks.

I swear I'm going to mini-interview as many random people as humanly possible during the first two rounds. For those who remembered my "sign" back in Pleasanton: I'm going to make it much larger.

EDIT: If you see me and don't talk to me or if you're by yourself, I will walk up to you. I certainly wasn't afraid in Pleasanton, and I won't be in Indy!
Hi, I am Nickscor from Smogon.
This is a great thread for new users! I remember Philly when I wasn't social at first. Ever since I introduced myself to some Smogoners, I was pretty open. Good thing I did. You'll regret not talking to people!
Hi, I am Nickscor from Smogon.
But on anything bigger than an 8.5 ' x 11" sheet of construction paper.

On a serious note, I'll attempt to sleep in on the plane ride so I can be fully active and awake for the entire weekend. Sleep is for the weak.
Also, if you don't sleep and you do poorly in the tournament, that's just another excuse to blame your performance on!

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
EDIT: If you see me and don't talk to me or if you're by yourself, I will walk up to you. I certainly wasn't afraid in Pleasanton, and I won't be in Indy!
Be sure to tell them that "When trainers lock eyes they have to battle! It's a rule!


/me cresselias
There is no need to pretend to be an airplane and fly around the room when you win, and there is no need to flip a table when you lose.
Best part of the OP.

And yes, please take as many pics and videos as possible! There were very few photographers besides myself at Worlds 2011 last year which was quite a disappointment... Even though I probably seemed superrr annoying while shoving a camera in everyone's face, I don't regret it at all. The chance to reminisce about the entire weekend through pictures and videos is a whole lot better than a big wall of text you typed up the day after you got back. :D Your warstories will be much cooler if you add these elements.
People need to leave C-Gear on and stay within entralink range. Let's be honest here; you'll never get to rack up your pass-by stuff on your own or in a grocery store or something.

Also, running out of battery for your camera is no excuse for breaking rule 6 with all the power outlets scattered around.
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