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  • hi, we need to play for adv cup. If you'd be up for it, I could do now. I'll be on smogtours for a little while. If not, I'll be available between 10 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm gmt-4 tomorrow if you could pick a time in that timeframe
    i'm on smogtours
    Ah shit I’m sorry I had some stupid irl stuff come up and it just messed up my whole
    Schedule for the day
    I can play now but I def missed the window so if you have to go and take the W go for it
    Stadium Spotlight, I'm GMT -4. Def not available tomorrow but can make any other day work I'm pretty sure
    Can maybe go tonight if you’re up for it, I’m working a bit late but should be home in 2 hours, if not my availability is usually after 5pm Monday thru Friday but there’s some uncertainty, could most likely do Friday tho if not today
    Also my b, tz is PST (-7)
    I might be able to do tonight, if I see you online/you catch me we can. If not then let's do Friday
    RBY Stadium OU Spotlight. When are you available? Friday or Saturday work best for me. GMT-4.
    No worries! If we need to pull later I'm absolutely okay with that.
    Any chance we could push till 7pm tonight? I worked a bit late and had to push back a couple other sets
    No worries! I'll be ready then, and several hours after that, too. Message me on Discord when you're ready (Megachiroptera#6166).
    hiya bw ssnl im -4 when u wanna play
    Yeah that’ll be fine UD also prefer the earlier portion of that but I’ll hit you up in the morning, I might need a little time to get going lol
    no rush will be on stours as Sage whenever
    Cool I’ll hop on in one sec
    Hey, we play for dpp cup. I'm -4 when are you down to play? Open to getting it done today as well
    Yooo I’m around starting now m8, I got another set tonight at some point but just hmu I should be free
    On stours as isza when ready
    Cool just finishing dinner and then I’ll be on gimme 5-10mins
    hey we're paired for adv, would you be able to play tomorrow or wednesday?
    well if it happens this wednesday you can hit me up in discord and i should be there
    then i'll be leaving kinda early on thursday and i'll be back on sunday night, i guess i can try to stay up sunday night but i might be too tired
    i guess we can ask for an extension if both of these end up not working, i'll be able to stay up pretty late next week so we should be fine
    also thanks :)
    hey you around?
    Hey we're partnered for rbyubers spotlight r2. I'm -7. Does Monday at 6 pm my time work for you?
    Hey! I'm sorry I'm ready now
    I can play pretty much any time within the next 4 hours now. I'll be on smogtours as Ope1ucid
    Okay cool, I gotta eat in 10 mins but I’ll hit you up after
    Hi we play for adv ou global championship tiebreaker. I’m off work today, want to get this done soon (or at least today)? Gmt-4
    I’m home now, will u be free any time tonight?
    Yo shit I totally forgot about this ngl, you wanna hmu on disc so I don’t forget? Ctown#7577
    I’m good to play tonight after work
    Hi! We até paired for Rby Triple, what is your timezone and when would be a good time for us to play? I'm at -3, usually free at night time.
    Sure when
    I just got home from work a lil but ago, I can play soon if you want
    Nvmind pho opens already won the tour and it’s a dead game lol
    Hi, we're matched for Triple Threat! I'm available any day except Thursday, at almost any time of day.

    I like to record my tournament sets for my channel as I think you've seen before. That ok?
    Lol don’t worry same, yeah sometime around then is perfect, I do have a couple other sets scheduled for Saturday but they shouldn’t get in the way
    Probably closer to 7pm yours but I’ll lcheck in a bit before then
    Plague von Karma
    aye, check in on the day or the day before just to be sure, this week may be hectic
    Hello, I would like to write an analysis for Ubers Electrode RBY, however I'm not exactly sure on how to make a reservation. I posted my reservation on this thread, but am not sure on what to do next. Do I wait for confirmation or just start working on the analysis?
    There’s a skeleton thread that you’ll use to write your analysis Here. Simply copy and paste this thread and then begin filling it in with the information, you can either work on it on smogon labeled as (WIP) or work in progress, or do it on your own pc/phone and upload it later once you’re ready.
    And ofc I highly recommend joining the discord, it’s very very helpful even for veteran writers, you can find me there as well Ctown#7577 and I’m happy to help with anything you need
    Yep you can start working, go for it
    We’re paired for RBY, I’m GMT -4. I can play tonight until 10 PM, tomorrow from 10 AM - 2 PM, Monday - Thursday from 6 PM - 9 PM, Saturday from 7 PM - 10 PM, and Sunday from 10 AM - 9 PM.
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