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  • Got the phone notification. Hope you’re doing well bud and you’re living your best life! Happy birthday!
    Happy birthday Dodmen! I hope whatever you’re doing, you’re having a good time. This probably wouldn’t be the first place you checked and you’ve probably moved on from this site and forgotten about me, but I wanted to thank you for being a good friend. Hope life is going great and you’re doing a lot of fun things. Happy birthday!
    I am a reuniclus and I have big green arms. If you don’t repost this on 10 other walls I’ll Calm Mind on your passive Pokemon and sweep your UU stall teams.
    sketchy ecchi
    sketchy ecchi
    Also known as workplace crimes, occupational crimes are defined as offenses that are committed by someone during the course of his or her employment. Occupational crimes encompass a wide range of criminal acts, but the most common include white collar offenses, such as embezzlement, money laundering, tax fraud, and the misuse of company information or property.
    Thank you semps
    F u aleks why u bully doc :v[
    I’ll probably be busy on your birthday so I wanted to say an early happy birthday again. Hope everything is still going well for you since last time we talked. Being off this site has probably done you a shit ton of good. Wish you the best and hope you’re enjoying yourself.
    How sweet. Again.
    Happy birthday! My phone calendar notified me. I woulda pmed on discord but you blocked me. We haven’t talked but seems you’re done for a bit too. Hook me up on discord instead of here if you come back and see this and wanna talk.
    how sweet
    Hi, we're paired for RU Seasonal. I messaged you on Discord on Tuesday but I assume you've just been busy. I'm free until 6PM today and until 8PM tomorrow.
    yo snake. im gmt -7 nd p free on weekends after like 1pm. during the week i can play from like 8pm-1 am
    snake, probably good to do around 30th/1st, im -4, can lmk times as we get closer if ur available those days
    1st sometime before 3pm your time would be good
    is it possible for your lower tier rises thread to be opened for public comment?
    not exactly sure how policy review permissions work, but if you PM Hikari or Sam they might be able to give you access, or just send me what you want to post and I can post it for you
    Yung Dramps
    Yung Dramps
    no no i dont wanna post anything, just want the rest of the community to get access to that doc, i think it's important enough for everyone to have a word
    when do you wanna play for LC Open? I'm GMT-3 and free at Thursday/Friday/Sunday/Monday from 2pm until evening and Tuesday only during the afternoon. Can't do it on Saturday oo
    tell me where I can find you or PM me on discord oo
    already 7:30pm and I don't wanna wait since another opp also didn't appear in time today so I'll just leave for dinner and do other stuff later. I'll be available on Thursday during my afternoon and eve.
    oh shit i forgot, it's fine man just take the win, don't want to play this tier. gl in the rest
    Yo, we're paired for UU Open r2. I'm gmt -5 and am available most mornings and nights. When do you wanna play?
    same time zone, how about Saturday anytime before 2pm?
    Found True Love
    Found True Love
    I can't do that because I work on Saturdays. :c

    I could do anytime on Sunday if you want, although to be honest I'd rather play earlier. I was actually looking for you last night because I wanted first blood.
    Found True Love
    Found True Love
    I'm idling on stours whenever you're ready.
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