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  • ~~I'm not gonna catch a break this ssnl apparently~~, when do you want to play for ssnl? I am GMT-4. My availability is Monday after 7pm, Tuesday after 5pm, Wednesday all day, Saturday after 5pm, all day Sunday. Thursday and Friday are not ideal but I can make something happen if needed.
    hey as discussed on showdown we're playing 2:30PM EDT / 7:30PM BST
    i've checked both times on an online coverter and i'm pretty sure we're good to go but you should check too because jesus h christ i hate timezones

    So would you rather have Kantomons as a Pet Mod or an OM? Either way, I can code it. My version is called RBY 809.
    Hey! I think an OM would be better. Just the same rules I outlined in the original post. Thanks so much by the way!! That would be really cool to see this become a reality :)
    Hello we are paired for Oras ZU cup, I'm gmt+2 and motoy free during evening. (I would prefer to play Wednesday since following days will be a bit tricky for me.
    Sorry last notice, but can we reschdule tp just an hour earlier?
    Sorry but I had some unforseen and it will be pretty hard for me to schedule until the next week so you better take the win.
    adv zu. i am free like all day tmrw if that works for u. gmt -5
    Uhh my wifi is shit rn and my cellular is banned for no reason atm so i cant promise anything atm :(
    On right now wanna go now ASAP?
    zult, gmt+2, when can you play
    Anytime! Im EST and can be on 4pm my time rest of the weekday, or anytime this weekend
    Oh and tomorrow I may have a lot of time tomorrow all day early, so just hmu whenever you're ready
    zu ssnls, gmt-6 when you wanna run this, striking monday and tuesday because i have events but other than that im pretty free
    Sounds fire, prep for some time Friday afternoon, but if we're both good to go anytime sooner just hmu
    Hey I'm online, will probably be for the next couple of hours, msg me on showdown when you're on
    Damn I just missed it. Message me here when you get back on I was expecting around this time. Ill keep checking every 15 min or so
    zu ssnls, I'm gmt-5 available 8am-10pm wednesday and friday or 1 pm- 4pm thursday. I'd like to play soon I have finals to study for
    sketchy ecchi
    sketchy ecchi
    okay so 6pm your time which is 5pm mine on wednesday
    And meet in the ZU room obvi, sounds good to me!
    Hey, if you can, could you submit that idea where moves gain or lose power based on accuracy and secondary effects? It could be called Sheer Guard, as a combination of Sheer Force and No Guard, since that's kinda what's going on.
    Yeah totally! I was thinking about calling it “Fair Play” or something, as I believe accuracy and secondary effects are some of the biggest causes of hax. By removing them, the meta becomes less RNG dependent.
    I made some sample sets: Also, while looking through moves affected by Sheer Force on Bulbapedia, it seems that Genesis Supernova, Throat Chop, Anchor Shot, and Spirit Shackle are affected, so they would be affected by this meta, right?
    Quick question about your Electric Seed Hawlucha team. If Keldeo is your Greninja check, then would you replace it with a different scarfer when it gets banned?
    I'd look into it. But because a lot of things that help check gren also can check Keldeo, I wonder when gren gets banned if the gren checks will go down, helping kledeo. I think that makes sence lol
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