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    Dling is bullshit for me too and i have like the best possible Internet you can get here without paying like a insane amount of money. Good thing that I can mostly just go buy pirated Cd's. I mean there are rules against it but nobody even fucking cares. The take a profit like...50% from how much they need for a blank cd. Possibly like the only thing i like about this country lol. I'm barely scraping buy these days in terms of running games as well.Dual Core and 2 Gb Ram don't guarantee the best gaming experience but w/e.
    Hey, you didn't come to our appointment...
    Anyway I cannot be there tomorrow so we might meet on either friday's evening or saturday's afternoon.
    Id download Max Payne though even if it takes days. Its p sexy....But yeah in general I really don't see the point in downloading giant shit like that. But when its either that or like spending 40 dollars......Uhh dsn't sound too bad ._.
    Sorry I couldn't play yesterday. I'm sure we could get an extension though, since there are quite a few unfinished matches. I'll definitely be available to play for the next couple of days :)
    And baww...they grayed out your badge the old red color looked so much cooler :(
    Well not much. Recently i played Fallout,Max Payne and Witcher 2 . It takes way too much effort to find shit released 1-2 months ago around here and im lazy as fuck >_>
    Thats always fun...You get to call watching porn and playing pokemon all day "studying"....And ehh i'm okay as well. On break so not much to do and shit. Mostly just sitting on my ass all day :/
    Missed you again :/

    I'll see if I can find some time to play tmrw, but if not you can have the win
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