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  • 1. No problem! Glad you like her! =)
    2. Thanks! ^__^
    3. All my stuff is fully-redis now. ;)
    4. Yeah, I saw them. I'll get to them eventually; I'll let you know. I'm kind of swamped ATM. Who knew free pokemon/BPs would be so popular? lololol XD
    Okay, I was waiting for my mom to leave for work but she isn't leaving as early as I thought but I think I can squeeze it in now. Use my Black FC. =P
    Not right this second, but I will be able to in 15-30 minutes or so. I'll PM you. ;)
    I'm going out to the beach right now. Best time for me would probably be between 6 & 8 PM EST.
    If you'd like. I'm just trying to RNG Sceptile for myself to do the Subway Super Singles. I don't know what else I want to do.

    At the moment I'm not really opening for trades, I am however building towards reopening my Trade Shop. I'll let you know when it's open if you still want to trade then?

    Rob =]
    I'm not going to release it, I was gonna keep both in case anyone wanted either. Yeah, I'm actually RNGing female Feebas right now. Also, np and thanks. I will let you know when it's done.
    yeah, go to my thread and youll see the post. By the way, The Jirachi can't be nicknamed. I won it in a giveaway and was asked to nickname it anything I want in 4th gen, and I chose that name. Sorry :(
    The only thing close to the name salamence that I have is my Naive Bagon with Hydro Pump, maybe you mistakenly asked for that and not mine.
    lolololol yeah you did, it was a salamence i got from a giveaway more than a year ago. I wondered why you even bothered asking ;) if you want something else let me know.
    Really? lmao I wasn't paying attention. Yeah, I just checked and I did get it. I was on my computer trading so slow. You forgot to take the Vulpix, now you gotta do more work. ;)
    Oh yeahhhhhhhhh. Forgot. And thanks for the non-redi's. Also, don't forget I think the Modest v-create Victini was the last thing I asked for but hasn't been traded. I'll get on 4th gen after I get the clones back. I'll re-breed the feebas tonight and give it to you tonight (most likely tomorrow).
    @_@ I didn't ask for Lucario or Arceus, you probably forgot who you're trading with.

    Oh, and yeah, Feebas does have HP Electric 70, I just forgot to look that over and change it.
    Woooooooooow. I forgot all about that. I'll just re-breed another one if you don't mind.
    Sorry, I was busy RNGing Curse Recover Wooper. This is what I want. Modest V-create Victini, Hasty HP Grass Dialga, Eppie's shiny Mew, Korean Wish Pikachu, andrea's Nintendo World Store Manaphy, and Lord Scalgon'sManaphy. I'll give you the ones you want. Drought Vulpix, Drizzle Poliwag, Cyndaquil, Tentacool, Jirachi, Salamence. I'll give you the Wooper for free. All of MY Pokemon really are semi redi's, for you it's non-redi's (you can still trade but the ones who receive it from you may not.) My FC: 2967-3820-5431

    Let me know when you're ready.

    EDIT: I forgot, Wooper, Feebas, and Cacnea are breeding projects I RNG'd for you. Clearly forgot about those 2, make sure you put that on your thread. Also, I will need a clone of every single one of them back @_@ I wish I had my AR but.. yeah :(
    Alright. Nah, it's cool. Thanks, though. It's pretty much a waste of time. I just need to find the other AR, but just too lazy. I have 2, one for 5th and 1 for 4th, but the 5th gen is broken. I'll just RNG until you're ready.
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