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  • Sorry I never contacted you for farm league earlier in the week, are you free at any point today
    Are we going to play for Farm League today or tomorrow?
    sunday evening if thats okay with you still
    That's perfectly fine.
    Hello Shruggy, we're paired for the swiss tournament, when do you want to battle ? I'm GMT+1 and I can play in the afternoon or in the evening.
    Lord Rhodes
    Lord Rhodes
    I'm ready, I can fight now, or this evening
    sorry buddy im not ready quite yet need to get my daughter to eat dinner then play with her and stuff maybe in 2-3 hours if thats okay with you
    Lord Rhodes
    I don't know if it was you, but I battled someone in ORAS , this random passerby who used your scald spam team. With the correct nicknames and everything. was it you? My In game name is Skarm.
    P.S I did beat him/you with pressure of +2 mega herra and Manaphy(With e ball for quag) I have the replay too, if interested.
    Sorry friend i've had a break for a couple of weeks. Mega heracross is really really cool at breaking stall so nice work, i'd love to see the replay :)
    Typhlo skarm
    Typhlo skarm
    Replay code is : WWMW-WWWW-WW2T-BWBT
    Since I knew your team I had the balls to set up even though Skarm was at full HP. I knew it only had iron head and that would not kill and no whirlwind.
    Typhlo skarm
    Typhlo skarm
    And feel free to question my plays, I'll try to explain them if necessary.
    I'm your opponent for Eggbreaker, what day/time sounds good for you? I'm GMT-5, so five hours behind
    Sounds good. If work ends up being needed on short notice, I do have Monday as a back up plan same time. But it's a back up, tomorrow should still be fine
    Sorry if im late im available shortly if you are too
    yeah meet me in smogtours
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