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  • I didn't get what the link meant. An A-Z of the UK? And also, what does 'WAYLTers' mean?

    But, that does make sense. It's like a community, with lots of smaller communities within. Especially now, that it has so many members. I don't know how long you've been there, but I felt before, when there was only a few thousand members, that it was more like just the one community.
    Misc is weird. It's got such a different atmosphere to the rest of the forums (whether this is a good or bad thing, is debatable). When I do go there though, I see lots of completely different members though, which is cool. :)
    OOOH, didn't see that! Looks interesting.. I think I'll join. The casual things look lame, though.. recolour a legendary one colour? D:
    Yeah, my favourite sections are GPD, the CRMT forums, and the SPP Discussion. I didn't visit the other places very often, although I did log on to read the HGSS forum after the games were released, to catch up on all the gossip. :)
    Well, that's the thing. I don't think I'm going on Smogon more, just SPPf less.

    Well who knows? I might get addicted to SPPf again soon. :)

    I might try and visit from time to time, even if I don't want to post anything.
    lol. Hi! Nice to see you here. :) Well, I didn't really 'leave SPPf for Smogon', technically. I went on both simultaneously for years. I left SPPf for nothing really. I just don't feel the urge to go there that often.
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