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  • Im on. Also if you want more copies instead of one I can clone more, up to 6 (original + 5 clones)

    And I thought it was Non-Redis?
    Sure, meet me on. You want the original + 1 copy or just the original?

    Also, would you mind if you gave me 1 credit instead? I wont keep a copy of the Thundurus.

    Use this one instead… gifs aren't my strongest skill
    As for the payment, I didn't see anything in your thread, give me credits if you want but if not its still okay
    So what do you think? Modified the original idea for this.

    Doesn't really convince me because it seems dirty and the border is weird. The pixelated thing didn't work as well as I wanted either. So I'm thinking "Press Start" screen but with much better resolution, Koga and Lance together in the middle and something more of a background. I'll see what I can come up with

    EDIT: The arrangement more like this but with better resolution
    Alright, maybe pixelated lance and koga…maybe their rbgygsc sprites. I'll look into that, send you a vm with a picture within a day
    I was thinking about making a banner with proportions around 4:3, similar to a screen of an electronic kiosk…well, I googled "kiosk" and got that. So, give it that shape and add a border to emulate a screen. As for the screen, either a pixelated effect or black and white, more like dark green and green like older gameboys. You have any ideas?
    I'll consider if you answer something for me. Ice or Ground and Calm or Modest for my male vulpix?
    for C-Gear is pretty much timing and practice, once you are done withit HL abuse is pretty much the same, I suggest you to read sephirona's guide so you know what i mean :)
    Maybe if I can find a good PC with enough memory ram because mine doesn't have enough to record on it xD
    Odd. That's usually some kind of security problem, I think. Here is another upload.
    Oh nonono
    I sent it to my laptop to clone it
    So I have an UT version if that's what you want (:
    And yeah, I havent transferred her yet, but I'll keep you posted.
    I really don't know when though /:
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