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Smogon Region Gym Leaders: Selected people will use a certain type of Pokemon and can be private battled and be rewarded if you beat them, in other words ultra Monotype
Smogon doesn't endorse its own "gyms", although you're more than free to make a league on PS! with other people.
+unfixable: hey help room! i was wondering if there was a way you could re-open news boxes after you close them?
+Xylen: No idts, unfixable

Would it be possible to have a minus button next to the x or a way to view them again them after you close them?
well if you haven't closed the tab/browser, you can view it again just by clicking on the name of the user you were chatting with and clicking chat, this works if the other user has gone as well(by /user and then click chat), tho idk if it'd work if you just logged out and back in with the tab still open
No I meant the news tab:
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is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
A small quality-of-life suggestion: add some way of explaining how spoilers work, like a /spoilerhelp or a spoiler entry to /faq. People in the a/m or tvbf room often ask about "how to make a spoiler," and it's always awkward explaining what exactly they need to type. Something like /faq spoiler, although seemingly insignificant, would be much appreciated!
This is just a quick thing I wanted to suggest and gather opinions for; complete customization of Pokemon. Hear me out.

Instead of or in addition to CAP, players could have the freedom to create their own Pokemon with their own sprites, stats, etc. While these wouldn't be listed in the Pokemon list, perhaps there could be another tier for "Unofficial" CAPs. Of course there would be those people who max out everything or make incredibly cheaty combinations, but that's why it would be only allowed for Customs and UCAP. Perhaps once a month or so you could select 1-3 UCAPs that are balanced and well made to make it into CAP.

This would also benefit people (such as myself) who use PS! for other purposes besides a standard battle simulator. I personally use it very often for Roleplay, so being able to create my own characters (Pokemon or otherwise) in PS! would be an extreme plus. It would also assist Fakedex creators balance out Fakemon for fanmade games.

If server storage is an issue, why not have the UCAPs be stored locally as a set of variables. This way, only spritework would be stored on the PS! servers. While there is always, of course, the issue of vulgar images being used as sprites, it becomes one of those "Use at your own risk" types of things, similar to random Custom matches with Level 1000s. Additionally, a report method could be implimented.

I could see it as a very fun and very useful tool to mess around with, especially using it among friends or as a balance test. Testing out different typings and base stats, greatly increased potential for CAP, and a lot more recognition than it currently has.
This is just a quick thing I wanted to suggest and gather opinions for; complete customization of Pokemon. Hear me out.

Instead of or in addition to CAP, players could have the freedom to create their own Pokemon with their own sprites, stats, etc. While these wouldn't be listed in the Pokemon list, perhaps there could be another tier for "Unofficial" CAPs. Of course there would be those people who max out everything or make incredibly cheaty combinations, but that's why it would be only allowed for Customs and UCAP. Perhaps once a month or so you could select 1-3 UCAPs that are balanced and well made to make it into CAP.

This would also benefit people (such as myself) who use PS! for other purposes besides a standard battle simulator. I personally use it very often for Roleplay, so being able to create my own characters (Pokemon or otherwise) in PS! would be an extreme plus. It would also assist Fakedex creators balance out Fakemon for fanmade games.

If server storage is an issue, why not have the UCAPs be stored locally as a set of variables. This way, only spritework would be stored on the PS! servers. While there is always, of course, the issue of vulgar images being used as sprites, it becomes one of those "Use at your own risk" types of things, similar to random Custom matches with Level 1000s. Additionally, a report method could be implimented.

I could see it as a very fun and very useful tool to mess around with, especially using it among friends or as a balance test. Testing out different typings and base stats, greatly increased potential for CAP, and a lot more recognition than it currently has.
You have the freedom to do whatever you want to do (within the global rules) on your own server. This will not be added to the main Pokemon Showdown server. You should visit other servers and suggest this to them if you can't do it yourself.
Suggestion: could you possibly make PP changeable within its limits in the teambuilder?
Like, a move which normally has 5, defaulting to 8, could have any PP from 5 to 8
The current defaults make a few sets I'm working on that require precise tweaks unusable.
Suggestion: could you possibly make PP changeable within its limits in the teambuilder?
Like, a move which normally has 5, defaulting to 8, could have any PP from 5 to 8
The current defaults make a few sets I'm working on that require precise tweaks unusable.
I agree with this suggestion, but in case any of those tweaks involve Trump Card, it gets set to 5 automatically.
I thought of a move that can be used in custom battles sort of like magikarp's revenge, it is called "Speed Charge" effect: "This move goes last, Your next turn any damaging move goes first or after protection, and next turn any move breaks protection. (Including status moves)"

~Ethan Bartiromo~
I thought of a move that can be used in custom battles sort of like magikarp's revenge, it is called "Speed Charge" effect: "This move goes last, Your next turn any damaging move goes first or after protection, and next turn any move breaks protection. (Including status moves)"

~Ethan Bartiromo~
What's the point of this? Magikarp's Revenge is a debug move; it only exists to test a variety of secondary effects, not for the purpose of being used in customs.

You can code this move on your own custom PS! server if you want, though.
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If I visit Showdown using Firefox for Linux, I get prompted to install Flash.
If I visit Showdown using Firefox for Windows, I get sound without installing Flash.

Edit: Apparently I need to install the gstreamer-plugins-ugly package first, which itself is only available from the nonfree repository.
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I've got a suggestion: Remove the cancel button.

The cancel button gives players what appears to be a useful safety net if they accidentally choose the wrong move so they do not take their time and, instead, move with haste. However, all it actually does is cause frustration, because lag almost always causes the game to choose the first move instead, dropping the player into a crippling depression. Secondly, a cancel button does not exist in-game and it'd make the simulator that much closer to the cart.

(Thanks for helping me with the wording, @seventyfive.)
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is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I think we should take out animated sprites or move animations to reduce lag or at least make it an option.
While we at it, can we find a way to change the theme of the smogon on the user-side. Or is ther limitations that keep this limited to Showdown
matches with 30s timer...

as it is now people play more matches at one time, so if u want to play one fast u are screwed, bcs u have to wait 100+seconds for every turn, while your opponent plays with other people... especially fun, in stall match, when u wait 2 minutes for him to click on recover 6th time in a row...
I'm wondering if an option to delete modnotes could be added, there has been occasions where i have gone completely brain dead and done /modnote instead of /modlog when i need to see someones modlog.

Edit: I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, sorry if it has i just didn't want to read through 112 pages
This has probably been suggested before because it's so obvious (I think so anyway), but when you find a battle and one of your team members has an illegal move combination or move and ability combination then instead of it saying "X move is incompatible with another ability or move", could it specify which ability and/or move so we don't have to puzzle ourselves over which one it is? thank you :)
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