Send WB to Uganda! (also Missions discussion)


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hey there Smogonites! I don't normally post threads like this, but I figured it's worth a shot. I am scheduled to go to Uganda in a little over two weeks as part of a mission trip. Myself and my 7 team members will be traveling to a small village in Kaberamaido, Uganda that our church partners with as part of a self-sustainability mission. We spend time with the kids who are part of the program, give medical exams, bring supplies, help teach the villagers valuable skills like farming, soap making, and other vocations, as well as contribute toward purchasing land for farming plots, building wells, and bringing electricity to the village. The ultimate goal is to help this village, which has been decimated by AIDS and other diseases, be able to sustain itself by 2017.

I realize the vast majority of Smogon is not religious, so I don't expect many to see the trip from precisely my perspective. However, I want to assure everyone that the purpose of this trip is to give aid, not to "spread propaganda" or "indoctrinate". We want to do more than just send money to a place we hardly know. We want to be involved in the education and treatment of the people we support.

I have created a small, basic website for the purpose of collecting donations for my trip. The overall cost is around $2500, which includes airfare, required vaccinations, and the actual expenses of the project. Obviously this is a significant amount of money out of my pocket, which is why I am asking friends and family to give if they can. I am making the same plea to you, Smogon, for help.

If you are interested in donating to my cause, you can do so safely and securely through the website I have listed below. All donations are through Paypal, which everyone should recognize. Any amount of money is welcome, so don't feel obligated to give a certain amount. If you do not want to give, that's fine too. The website is as follows:

Thanks in advance!

PS - In order to make this a legitimate discussion thread, feel free to talk about experiences you have had or seen with mission work. It does not have to be/have been religious affiliated, just any time where you were involved in projects or trips geared toward helping people less fortunate than yourself. Share stories, photos, philosophies, even disagreements if you so choose. All I ask is that you keep this topic free of flaming or insulting.
I don't mean this is any type of aggressive way, I just wanna learn more about it. I totally believe you in that you are going there to help over anything else, but I am just curious what is the extent you talk about religion while you are there.


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I don't mean this is any type of aggressive way, I just wanna learn more about it. I totally believe you in that you are going there to help over anything else, but I am just curious what is the extent you talk about religion while you are there.
Uganda is a heavily Christian country to begin with, so worship is a large and integral part of their culture. Obviously we are there because we believe it is in keeping with Christ's teachings, so we share that motivation with those we encounter. Any talk of religion is voluntary though, we do not force our beliefs upon them in any way. The Ugandans tend to actually be far more devout than we are, so a lot of the time we learn more from them than they do from us. Any discussion of religion, however, is done in context and not as part of a pre-scheduled program. Some of our team members are non-believers anyway, so the main focus is always the overarching mission of self-sustainability.


Alas poor Yorick!
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I have supported one local group that goes to El Salvador for a week in March for the past five years. In that time they've helped build a few orphanages and expand care facilities. Their one big project recently got washroom facilities to support that community that isn't completely disgusting. Because of my constant theatre stuff I'm always in rehearsals/tech week/performance week during these times but I've helped out with the annual charity dinner and sometimes help with a Volleyball fundraiser they do. Being Canadians they giant hockey bags full of supplies for the communities they visit.
Ever consider selling candles? A coworker of mine who does mission stuff (forgot where she goes to) was doing that around the holiday season with Gold Canyon (or whatever that candle company is). Had quite a few takers even in our little office with the different holiday scented ones.

But yeah, like BiGGiE said, I'm not religious myself, but helping to make the world a better place is always a good thing.
I will donate as soon as posible even if i dont believe in jesus or any god , problem is that a retarded ATM stole my credit card because i left it inside it for too long while i was helping an old lady that was waiting behind me to gather thousand coins that dropped off her bag .

Ps: watch out for malaria and schisto down there man almost every uganda visitor returns with one of these home

remember to include the cost of some antibiotics , hopefuly the wont cost more than the original money goal.
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While you're there, please protest against the heavily anti-gay laws that have just been passed (?) in that country.
as much as I agree with the sentiment, uganda is millitantly homophobic, to the point that your safety might be in danger. One person speaking against killing gays (especially a foreigner) will not make any difference, and might get you into serious trouble.
Regardless of my beliefs, any change that positively affects human lives is a good change. I support this. As long as you don't pull a Justine Sacco ;)

I don't have any missional stories to share, but I wanted to ask a question. How long do we have to donate until the trip? I ask because I don't have anything extra right now to give, but if I do come into some extra dollars, I will definitely donate something.


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
It's linked directly to my paypal account, so in theory there is no deadline. It would be nice to have it before the trip obviously, but I don't want people to put financial pressure on themselves for my sake. I appreciate the sentiment though, and if you do come by some cash and are generous enough to share, I will be very humbled and grateful!


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The trip lasts from 1/22 to 1/31. As I said above, if it really is your plan to donate it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen before the trip. The trip has already been paid for up front by our team organizer, we just need to reimburse him the cost.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Soap making sounds fun, but I wonder where they can obtain the Sodium Hydroxide for it.

It seems like I cannot help you much with the practical farming bit. Most of the missions of my church are to places where they practice traditional farming, so they teach us rather than we teach them.
But we buy their handmade products, label as organic and handmade, and sell them at a high price afterwards. (Usually very ugly, but still, a lot of people would buy because the money really does go to them.) I don't think that's called self-sustaining though.

However.. since I study biology, I might be a little bit of help theoretically:
You can teach them to plant spices-- some spices can help guard away certain insects or plant diseases.
Also, you can practice rotational farming there. That means you switch the spots of different plants after each harvest.
This allows different spices to kill different pests inside the soil. And some plants are better at nitrogen fixing, so if their spots are being switched, you can maintain the soil nutrients better.

I personally would suggest teaching them to process and make dried foods. So that they can keep them for longer, and if they have plenty, they can sell to other countries. (Refrigerators require a lot of energy, so I don't recommend this)

About electricity, what sort of source would you be using?
Solar power? Micro wind turbines? Or to connect to the nearest power station? (Which I imagine would be very far away)
Anyway, I would suggest solar cells because they can work within their own circuit.
Plus, current solar cells still work during the night and the rain, since there is enough background radiation to generate electricity. It's a misconception that solar cells don't work during the rain or at night. (According to Ecotricity, UK)
Micro wind turbines also can have their own circuit, but they kind of look fragile to me.

As for electricity for lighting, they can be of another smaller circuit, or even charged individually--
anyone remembers this electricity generating football?
Or maybe, if you can't buy any, you can still bring some torches that can be charged by shaking.

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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as much as I agree with the sentiment, uganda is millitantly homophobic, to the point that your safety might be in danger. One person speaking against killing gays (especially a foreigner) will not make any difference, and might get you into serious trouble.

context: intense anti-homosexual uganadan hate speech which would seem utterly ridiculous out of context
sure, donated what I could.

also, not sure if this is relevant or not but for crowdfunding stuff, I've heard that it can help to display how much money you've already raised (the idea being that if people see you're somewhat close to your goal, they might be more inclined to donate). Not sure how true that is but just my $0.02


Two kids no brane
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yeah I've seen that before, but I didn't know how to use that on my site :(. Thanks for your donation though, I received it!

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