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Lol I didn't know so many people here were so afraid of spider :P time to change my name to Tarantula_Spider!
not that you can

anyway, some funny phobias i've seen relate to numbers:
- triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13
- hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666

these are designed to troll people with that really long word meaning fear of long words, of course


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
i'm definitely claustrophobic. i always cringe at movies/shows where someone is crawling through an air vent for some reason. urgh.

basically the sensations of being constricted or having my movement severely limited by whatever circumstances. a crowded train wouldn't bother me, since i could force myself where i wanted if entirely necessary, but being locked in a crowded broom closet or something would be horrendous. basically any space that doesn't allow unhindered wing span is a problem.
oh god i'm not sure personally if it applies to me but please don't google "trypophobia" - a fear of holes

the pictures are just disgusting

give me shivers, etc

i mean idk if i personally would have the phobia, but it sure as hell creeps me out

google image at your own risk

Why did I do the search?!? I knew what was going to come up. Agh!

P.S. Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. After watching various horror movies (and actual events), I find this fear perfectly rational.
I swear we've had this thread before...

I'm not afraid of heights but if I'm high up without a relatively stable support it becomes terrifying.

I'm afraid of getting stuck, like trying to climb through a hole and my torso getting stuck, or any extremity like a finger getting stuck in a ring.
Gnomophobia- Fear of Garden Gnomes. OMG I HATE THEM. I have lost so many man points by being in a store, turning around, and scream like a little girl when I see one.

Driving phobia- This one actually really sucks. I haven't driven a car in almost 6 years, and I absolutely hate it and I have no ideal what to do about it. :\

Agoraphobia- Fear of crowds. I actually think I'm getting over this one, though I've had it since I was young. I remember my mom, dad, or sister had to carry me through crowds because I apparently I would just freak out if I was in one.
I have a pretty shit phobia. Aquaphobia. I get scared shitless of rain/oceans/etc.

I'd miss school just to avoid going out in the rain. I don't care if I can get there by car, if the rain touches me, I scream and cry.

I'm not scared of anything like water from the faucet or anything though, if I have control over the water, I'm fine with it. But something like rain, oceans, lakes, hoses held by someone else, etc. I'm completely terrified of.

I can recall the fear going back somewhere around late middle school/9th grade, it sucks.
js people truly scared of spiders and whatnot would not be able to google massive fuck off pictures of them. and then post them in a thread where there might be people who actually are truly scared of them. dicks


jet fuel can't melt steel beams
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oh god i'm not sure personally if it applies to me but please don't google "trypophobia" - a fear of holes

the pictures are just disgusting

give me shivers, etc

i mean idk if i personally would have the phobia, but it sure as hell creeps me out

google image at your own risk
oh for fuck's sake


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here are some more ridiculous phobias
- chaetophobia: a fear of hair
- pteromerhanophobia: a fear of travelling on aircraft
- halitophobia: a fear of bad breath
- frigophobia: a fear of the cold

obviously if you have one of these you're irrational
King Serperior already brought up acrophobia. I'm freaking paralyzed by heights. In Pittsburgh, there's this big incline called Mount Washington which has some pretty scenic overlooks... over a million foot cliff. On one of the overlooks, one of my friends pretended to lose his balance and start going over the railing. Scared me shitless to the point of a near panic attack. It also took me like 10 minutes to work up the courage to go up to the railing, and I was never able to look down.


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I'm terrified of spiders, whoever posted pics of them in this thread without spoilers is a cunt :(

Luckily I haven't had that many bad experiences, but whenever I see one I freeze up and can't deal with it myself. The worst was probably when I came out of my room one night to go and get a drink, didn't bother turning a light on. One was dangling from the ceiling and I walked straight into it. Had to man up and brush it off my chest.

By man up and brush it off my chest, I mean fanny about like a woman trying to get it off me and run away. Thank fuck it didn't land on my face or I would have died.
I'll just say this:

Big bugs: Not scared. The bigger the bug, the less potent its venom least that is what I have read. Also, one can easily kill it.

Tiny bugs though...........Get them the **** away from me!!!!!!!!! I freak out about them......

js people truly scared of spiders and whatnot would not be able to google massive fuck off pictures of them. and then post them in a thread where there might be people who actually are truly scared of them. dicks

90% of people in here said they are afraid/don't like spiders. if there's nobody who enjoys spiders crawling on their face, is it really a phobia?
I can't walk 5 steps up a ladder, but I've been on rollercoasters taller than 400 ft....
I'm kind of similar to this. Climbing a ladder always makes me nervous, but it's not a fear of heights, more a fear of falling. I've been on plenty of rollercoasters, planes, helicopters, etc and never been bothered. It's just that wobbly feeling. Same thing when I look over the edge of a tall building.

Speaking of tall buildings, if I stand next to anything really really tall, I've got this massive fear of it falling on me.

Other than that, I'm pretty much not in favor of anything tiny with more than 4 legs. Spiders, roaches, and just the general insect population. I keep a giant tank of bugspray nearby at all times when at home.

Oh, and anything to do with teeth/fingernails and them falling out (or being yanked out ;_;). Fuck any movie that includes that. Looking at you, Castaway and District 9.


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sorry to be "that guy", but i really like spiders and think they are v cool and fascin8ng!!


Cod Mod
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Anybody said acrophobia? This place combines two of my phobias, for heights and deep water. It's called Preikestolen. ~600 meters straight down to the fjord, which happens to be about equally deep. For you Americans who use the Silly system of measurements, over that edge there is no solid ground for 4000 feet.

Good thing it isn't cracking up or anything like th-... oh.

I'll be going there next summer. It should either cure my vertigo, or cement it forever.

My other, and far deeper phobia, though, is bug-related. I'm okay with single insects. True, some bigger spiders still make me recoil and reach for the nearest blunt object, but those aren't the worst. The terror is masses of insects, particularly arachnids. Ten tiny spiders are worse than one big. Show me a hundred of them in one place, and I would never go near that place again.

I also don't like dogs, after too many experiences with sudden barking, running and jumping. My last encounter with one, I was centimetres away from lashing it with a garden hose. My relatives who own the dog were less than happy, but I was forgiven. It's not like I haven't had the phobia for years.
I actualy like spiders; i got stung once by a little meanie hiding in my towel, but i still find them fascinating. I do have one stupid phobia, though: buses. I dont care TAKING a bus, it's just walking or driving next to one makes me realy scared.

Well, I'm olso the one allergic to coconut, so... Yeah, I'm weird.

Death Phenomeno

I'm polite so just for clarity, when I'm cross I
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According to Google, my phobia is named Katsaridaphobia.

Please use spoiler tags if someone wants to put a picture.
Jesus, I'm not even afraid of heights, and those pictures freak me out.. What's that nut doing standing right on the freakin' lip of the drop off. Ugh..
Im not afraid of much, but I am absolutely terrified of bees and wasps. I guess this is Apiphobia. When one gets too close, I scream like a girl and run for half a mile. It is beyond hilarious because I am a fat man.
The one with the big eyes is cute but my goodness that big furry one gives me the creeps. It looks like it could crush and then suffocate me and then digest me and slurp me up as digestive juices or something...

According to Google, my phobia is named Katsaridaphobia.

Please use spoiler tags if someone wants to put a picture.
Prawns and Lobsters are from the same family as Cockroaches and Woodlice, but maybe that is common knowledge nowdays... I still can't look at a prawn the same way though.

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