Nuzlocke Challenge

I'm currently at Vermilion, having beaten the snot out of Lt. Surge. I'll be taking a pause until I can bring my log up to speed. Anybody have any thoughts on it so far?
Chapter Five: Seedan's Rage (Part Two)

((Feedback on this log would be appreciated, guys... All I'm saying...))

Bill's threats weighing heavily on my mind, I return to Cerulean. The weirdo seems like the guy that keeps his promises, and I don't want to get beaten up by a Clefairy. That would be the ultimate humiliation... And he got really lucky with that Outrage, ok? Just random chance! There's not much to do back in Cerulean now, short of the Gym... How have I forgotten about that? That's what I came here for! Damn, Joshua, get a grip... I swing open the doors of the Cerulean Gym, and whale on the two lackeys who promptly attack me. Seedan cuts them down mercilessly, still clearly pissed off about SOMETHING... My new stalker soon comes out of hiding from behind the Gym Statue, which is then also destroyed by Seedan, after I see Blue's name on it. The rat bastard. My stalker informs me that Water types don't like Electric and Grass moves. Ohh, Seedan's going to have a freaking field day here...

I approach a small podium at the back of the room, seeing a cute red-headed girl in a blue bikini. She's not much older than I am, and very pretty. I feel something stirring down below, and wonder if maybe I should go easy on her... Misty proclaims her all out offensive with Water Pokemon, and lets fly with her Staryu. Seedan obviously disagrees with my thoughts of going easy on her, and slices her Staryu up like celery. Figuring I just lost my chance to score, I sigh, and decide I may as well get the badge... Misty's Starmie initially gives me cause for concern, but really, it's no bother at all. Seedan puts it to sleep, and then takes it out with a mighty Razor Leaf, scoring a critical hit. He suffers a single Water Pulse in the process, but took it like a complete champ. I'm very proud of him, though he still seems unusually angry... Misty's rather upset at her heavily bleeding Pokemon, but hands over the Cascadebadge, and the Water Pulse TM anyway. I thank her, and offer to take her out for coffee, but earn only three death glares for my trouble... One from her, one from Seedan, one from my stalker. Apparently, Vermilion City is my next destination... On my way out, I sign the plaque, now on the floor.

--- Joshua
((Feedback on this log would be appreciated, guys... All I'm saying...))
You seem unsure of exactly what kind of log you want to do. You could do one with a lot of detail about what happens in-game, like EvilBob's, or a stylized, abridged "story" version like most of the ones in this thread, including mine. You routinely refer to moves and items by their proper names, like "Nugget," but you include a lot of embellishment also, like hitting on Misty. References to in-game mechanics break verisimilitude, but a flavor-based narrative feels awkward in a mechanical log.

I would suggest that you stick with the "story" format and start describing things instead of acting like your character has a couple of Gamefaqs tabs open on his Pokedex. Focus on your character's observations, inner monologue. The present tense you are using mostly lends itself to that. Try to think about what you would actually notice and find remarkable as you experienced things.

The pace also feels rushed right now. I would try including more dialogue instead of describing conversations. Also, give more words to things with more significance, as a general rule. You gave the Nugget Bridge about double the attention you gave the Cerulean Gym. Sentences like, "My new stalker soon comes out of hiding from behind the Gym Statue, which is then also destroyed by Seedan, after I see Blue's name on it." You immediately move on to talking about type effectiveness. Is your protagonist (and the stalker, too, presumably) really so unflappable that smashing a giant statue inside a major public building gets such a casual description, and apparently no physical or verbal reaction?

On the whole, I like what you are doing with it. I like the minute-by-minute intensity of the present tense, and I like your observations. I would just try to give your character a bit more of a describable personality and focus more on the in-universe details. More vivid descriptions of events, less use of proper nouns from the strategy guide. I think dedicating a bit more time to each post could end up making your log one of the highlights of this thread.
Detailed stories are rough though btw, it's really annoying sometimes to want to have a nice detailed fight when the actual ingame fight was mostly spamming one attack (ie. me vs sabrina, which was just tri-attack spam and one usage of fly)

PK Gaming

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Good job Reps and Evil Bob.

I love your writing style (keep at it) and Bob, your pretty awesome too. (and you update to regularly)

keep em coming!


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Tried to start one today in emerald, I was like alright this is cool. Opening battle, ko zigzagoon, all good. Go find may alright. Level 6 time to kick some ass.
tackle, alright, takes away a third
foes mudkip gets a critical hit!
My torchic has orange health I can take another 2 hits, and I can kill her mudkip by then.
foes mudkip gets a critical hit!
torchic fainted!
had to fucking restart. I didn't even know they could critical hit you in the first battle.
Okay, I've been playing through Blue, and I'm currently just about to challenge the E4. I'm going to document the attempt regardless, but I'm considering whether to grind a bit first. My team is 6 Pokemon, with good coverage, at about level 45 all around. I'm thinking of grinding to 50. Would it be better to have an epic battle with me winning with 45s or to safely grind to 50 before attempting this?
My Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke Summary. MS Paint stories coming later.

Starter: Lonely Bulbasaur named "Elwood" ... Current Status: Level 15, with Leech Seed/Poison Powder/Sleep Powder/Vine Whip. Closest Call: Beat Rival "Ass Hat"'s Charmander with 1 HP left.
Route 1 Encounter: N/A
Route 22 Encounter: Timid Rattata at Level 3. Caught, named "Lester" ... Current Status: Fainted at Level 11 on Route 3 to an Ekans who critical hit Lester with a poison sting after waking up from sleep.
Viridian Forest Encounter: Weedle at Level 5. Accidentially KO'ed with Rattata Quick Attack that was a critical hit.
Route 2 Encounter: Rattata at Level 2. Accidentially KO'ed with Leech Seed after it broke out of a Poke Ball.

Boulder Badge: Obtained with Elwood at Level 13, Lester at Level 10.

Current Status: On Route 3, just had my Rattata faint to a trainer's Ekans.
Okay, I've been playing through Blue, and I'm currently just about to challenge the E4. I'm going to document the attempt regardless, but I'm considering whether to grind a bit first. My team is 6 Pokemon, with good coverage, at about level 45 all around. I'm thinking of grinding to 50. Would it be better to have an epic battle with me winning with 45s or to safely grind to 50 before attempting this?
I went with Lv. 50s into the HGSS Elite Four and got crushed by Lance Dragonite. His Dragonite is comepletely broken, after all, but the Elite Four in Blue is 10 levels higher. I'd say grind until you can't stand grinding anymore and then challenge them.
oh wow, spoiler alert, I just caught Growlithe. Then I forgot to save and had to replicate my progress. Oh wow did I ever get lucky. With a catch rate of 190 (everything else in the game so far has 255, so insanely lower) and Roar as one of its only two moves, plus only a 10% encounter rate... I caught him Nuzlocke style the first time, then took over half an hour to do it again. Ridiculous.
Chapter 1: The Great Gonzalez
Chapter 2: Strange Books and Stranger Boxes
Chapter 3: New Companions and Old Rivalries
Chapter 4: The First Gym
Chapter 5: In the Mountains...
Chapter 6: Waterside Warfare
Chapter 7: Experiments at the Cape
Chapter 8: Struggle on the SS Anne
Chapter 9: Giovanni
Chapter 10: The Pokemon Tower
Chapter 11: Ghosts and Gyms
Chapter 12: Ninja Ninja
Chapter 13: The Future Champion?
Chapter 14: We Meet Again
Chapter 15: Muscle and Mind

Chapter 16: Mysteries of the Mansion

The sand along the beach shimmers brightly in the mid-day sun. I hop off the back of Ness, a Lapras that was given to me by a member of Silph Co, and walk up the beach to the town on Cinnabar Island. The sand beneath my feet is replaced by grass as I near the town. My destination is once again the pokemon gym. Here I will earn my seventh badge and be yet another step closer to facing the league. I find the gym easily, and walk up to the front door. The door is locked.

"What the hell!" I yell out in anger, "Why can't these gyms ever be open?" I turn to an old man that had stopped walking to stare at me as I was yelling. "Hey, any idea where the gym leader's gone?"

"He's still inside his gym I reckon. He hasn't been seen outside the gym much ever since the fire happened over in that mansion just over a year ago. He doesn't open the gym to challengers very often anymore either." The old man points at a large run-down building nearby, then walks off.

"Wait, just over a year ago?" I mutter out loud to myself. This couldn't have any connection to what my father got involved in could it? Maybe the mansion is worth checking out.

I walk over to the mansion. It's a large building that looks like it was once well kept, but now looks like it's on the verge of collapsing at any moment. The front door nearly falls off its hinges as I gently push it open. The interior of the building looks even worse than the outside. Walls have been busted down, and everything looked charred. Looks like more than just a fire happened here. I begin searching the building, looking for any sign of what happened, but it's pretty empty. My search runs into a temporary obstacle when I come across a metal barrier in front of the doorway. Looking around for a way to get past the barrier, I find a large statue. The statue is shaped by something that looks like a pokemon, although it's not like any pokemon I've ever seen before. There's a switch on the statue, however, and pressing the switch opens the barrier that was in my way.

I search the building for hours, running into more metal barriers, and more statues of the strange pokemon. Eventually I find a path leading to an underground level of the mansion. The underground area no longer looks like the interior a mansion. Instead, I find myself in what appears to have been a large laboratory. The damage in this lab is even greater than in the upstairs areas. This must have been where it started. Damaged computers and wrecked equipment line the walls of the laboratory, and in the center of the room is a large glass canister with a large whole busted through it, as if something was in there but escaped. Searching the room for some evidence of what happened here, I find a desk that looks like it has been recently dusted off, as well as a chair that looks like it wasn't here during whatever incident happened. A burnt journal is lying on the desk. Despite the damage to the journal, four of the entries are still readable. I sit down on the chair and begin

July 5th - Our expedition to Guyana in South America has turned out better results than I could have ever imagined. Not only did we find the ruins we were seeking, we even found a strange new pokemon still living there. The pokemon perfectly matches the carvings we found in the ruins. We may be the first people in thousands of years to encounter this pokemon up close. The pokemon appears to be a psychic type. It moves by floating, and seems to be able to teleport at will.

July 10th - The pokemon was willing to come with us back to our temporary outpost in the jungle. The pokemon is very playful, and seems very drawn to music. One of my colleagues decided that we should call the pokemon 'Mew'. We have found no evidence of any other Mew in the ruins, and many things about this pokemon is still a mystery to us.

February 6th - Our attempts to create a new pokemon with Mew's DNA appear to have been successful. We're keeping the newborn clone, which he have given the name 'Mewtwo,' in our underground laboratory on Cinnabar Island while we monitor its growth. I am having doubt about the project though. The organization funding our research have asked us to attempt to modify the DNA in order to create a more powerful pokemon, and many of my colleagues were far too willing to comply. Already the newborn Mewtwo is noticeably different in appearance from the Mew we have found.

September 1 - Mewtwo's violent tendencies are becoming greater. Everyday it projects horrifying images into the minds of the scientists working in the lab. We've been adding an increasingly high amount of sedative chemicals to the fluid filling Mewtwo's containment tube. I do not know how much longer it will be enough. Mewtwo's power grows every day. I am worried that any day now we will have little control of the pokemon we still maintain.

My hands begin trembling as I finish reading. The final entry was on September 1st. The day my father left was September 7th. Could this have been the experiment the man that hired my father was talking about? Angrily I throw the journal across the room. A small key falls out of the book as it travels through the air. I walk over to where the key landed and pick it up. The key is small and golden in color, with a flame symbol on the end. Is this the key to the Cinnabar gym? Was the gym leader involved in what happened here? I walk over to where the journal landed, and pick it back up, placing it carefully in the pocket of my jacket as I walk out of the laboratory

[Comic 1]
[Comic 2]

[Comic 4]


After catching two new Pokemon, I travel to the Petalburg woods, where I find a dissapointing end to a life. And get a Great Ball in return. FML.

Current Stats: (Don't read unless you have read the comics / don't plan to read them)

On hand:

Treecko (Barny): Male, Naive nature. Absorb, Pound, Leer.
Poochyena (Houndame): Female, Naive nature. Tackle, Howl.
Shroomish (Harry): Male, Careful nature. Absorb, Tackle, Stun Spore.




Lotad (Tampad): Female

I went with Lv. 50s into the HGSS Elite Four and got crushed by Lance Dragonite. His Dragonite is comepletely broken, after all, but the Elite Four in Blue is 10 levels higher. I'd say grind until you can't stand grinding anymore and then challenge them.
All level 52 it is. Thanks!
I started my game last night with the rules of not using any pokemon centers but being able to use each and every item that you want. However, after I deposited my Rattata in the box, i found that all of the HP and PP were restored and I was kinda bummed because good usage of PP is the whole point behind no poke centers. I also will not be able to switch my pokemon back and forth without taking advantage. What I may do (like so many others have) is just use poke centers and implement a fee for doing so. Instead of doing a consistant 300 though, I will probably do a rising rate. (Viridan City=100, Pewter City=200, Before Mt. Moon=300 etc.)
Just a quick post to say the the Adventures of RAD are on hold until my sister gets her computer fixed. To give you an idea of how much episode 2 will cover, I've beaten Brock and gained 3 party members, but also lost one. The suspense
Ruby annoying me -.-
There's like no trainers and so despite my grinding efforts I was still a bit underleveled when I faced May(on the route to Mauville). My Wingull gets critted and in my despair I'm not thinking clearly and send in Zigzagoon who promptly is also ko'ed by her Combusken..all I had left was Dustox(a crit had long ago ended Treecko's life) and I thought I was done for....but after confusion confused Combusken and he hit himself, I managed to barely scrape a win...Thought I was done cause nothing could learn Rock Smash so I couldn't continue, but then I double checked and it turns out Gyarados, mission on. Gotta train up a Magikarp and all I have that's at a high level is Dustox who can't do squat to anything but nonetheless, mission still on. Was training up a Roselia that I was beginning to like, and that I realized was they key to my beating Watson, seeing as I could hopefully Leech Seed stall him. So while continually grinding, I go on that stupid bike pathway and goddamnit nothing but magnemite, that piece of crap walls my entire team(no leech seed yet..).

Which brings me to my point, magnemite is so fucking broken ingame :[

Sonicboom 3HKO's everything, and Supersonic never fails in-game for the opponent....and freaking Magnemite walls everything

While fighting and just trying to end the battle asap and staying above the 20hp mark, I forgot about sonicboom + hurting yourself, and so of course.....Roselia was lost. Fucking hell, I've got a dustox and a lv 15 magikarp, how the hell do I beat only other poke now is an electrike that I guess I'll have to train or something...But, despite all this crap, I will persevere -.-

End Rant.
Ruby annoying me -.-
There's like no trainers and so despite my grinding efforts I was still a bit underleveled when I faced May(on the route to Mauville). My Wingull gets critted and in my despair I'm not thinking clearly and send in Zigzagoon who promptly is also ko'ed by her Combusken..all I had left was Dustox(a crit had long ago ended Treecko's life) and I thought I was done for....but after confusion confused Combusken and he hit himself, I managed to barely scrape a win...Thought I was done cause nothing could learn Rock Smash so I couldn't continue, but then I double checked and it turns out Gyarados, mission on. Gotta train up a Magikarp and all I have that's at a high level is Dustox who can't do squat to anything but nonetheless, mission still on. Was training up a Roselia that I was beginning to like, and that I realized was they key to my beating Watson, seeing as I could hopefully Leech Seed stall him. So while continually grinding, I go on that stupid bike pathway and goddamnit nothing but magnemite, that piece of crap walls my entire team(no leech seed yet..).

Which brings me to my point, magnemite is so fucking broken ingame :[

Sonicboom 3HKO's everything, and Supersonic never fails in-game for the opponent....and freaking Magnemite walls everything

While fighting and just trying to end the battle asap and staying above the 20hp mark, I forgot about sonicboom + hurting yourself, and so of course.....Roselia was lost. Fucking hell, I've got a dustox and a lv 15 magikarp, how the hell do I beat only other poke now is an electrike that I guess I'll have to train or something...But, despite all this crap, I will persevere -.-

End Rant.
What is wrong with using Dustox? He isn't part flying you know, grind him up a bit, then kill Wattson.
Dustox is very helpful on the defensive end sure, it's by far the bulkiest thing I've had and if I'd gotten a Beautifly(which I originally wanted) I would have certainly lost by now...But on the other hand, Dustox is next to useless when attacking...Confusion, Gust, Poison Sting....Not exactly cutting it at this point in the game. And Watson uses Magneton, yes? That's a lot of confusions I'll be using...
Dustox is very helpful on the defensive end sure, it's by far the bulkiest thing I've had and if I'd gotten a Beautifly(which I originally wanted) I would have certainly lost by now...But on the other hand, Dustox is next to useless when attacking...Confusion, Gust, Poison Sting....Not exactly cutting it at this point in the game. And Watson uses Magneton, yes? That's a lot of confusions I'll be using...
And you never caught a pokemon that could learn a fighti- no wait, Gyarados can.

Grind him up to level 25 or so, and Rock Smash him down. There you go. :/

EDIT: Make sure to keep Dustox alive. I had one in Emerald, Protect/Moonlight/Toxic/Silver Wind was great for Nuzlockes (Just remember to PP up the Silver winds)
I don't think a non-stab Rock Smash will OHKO Magnemite/ton. And I can't afford to risk it, Gyara dying right now = me losing..Anyways I've gotten Gyara just now and Dustox is up to lv26....I'm pretty sure Dustox should be able to eventually get the job done, it's just gonna take a lot of super potions...Can't wait to get this battle over with and open up some new areas for some new mons, some new team members is just what this run needs to get freshened up a little!

Oh and yeah I may get frustrated with Dustox's lack of offense at times(It still doesn't always OHKO mons that are 10 levels lower than it with a super effective attack..) but nonetheless it is the reason I'm still alive at this point. So yeah no dying off for Dustox(I hope <_<)
Chapter 1: The Great Gonzalez
Chapter 2: Strange Books and Stranger Boxes
Chapter 3: New Companions and Old Rivalries
Chapter 4: The First Gym
Chapter 5: In the Mountains...
Chapter 6: Waterside Warfare
Chapter 7: Experiments at the Cape
Chapter 8: Struggle on the SS Anne
Chapter 9: Giovanni
Chapter 10: The Pokemon Tower
Chapter 11: Ghosts and Gyms
Chapter 12: Ninja Ninja
Chapter 13: The Future Champion?
Chapter 14: We Meet Again
Chapter 15: Muscle and Mind
Chapter 16: Mysteries of the Mansion

Chapter 17: Hope Rides Stallone

The small golden key I found in the mansion fits perfectly in the lock. A quick turn of the key, and the door to Cinnabar Gym opens. The front room of the gym is nearly empty. A strange machine sits on the back wall of the room, with a young man standing beside it. As I walk into the room, the man points at a large screen on the machine. I walk up to the screen, and read the words on the machine. "Pokémon Quiz! Get it right and the door opens to the next room! Get it wrong and face a trainer! If you want to conserve your Pokémon for the Gym Leader... Then get it right! Here we go! Caterpie evolves into Metapod?"

"Oh that's easy. Of course it does." I say out loud, while pressing the large button that says 'YES'. A section of the back wall slides open. On the other side is a nearly identical room. Another trainer stands next to another machine. I once again go through the process of answering an easy question, and once again the door opens. This continues four more times, until finally I arrive in a room without a machine on the back wall. This room is far larger than the other rooms. On a dark red chair in the back of the room sits an old man wearing a long white coat and reading a small book. The lights reflect off of his hairless head, and a long mustache twitches as he stares across the room at me.

"That's odd. I don't recall the gym being open right now." The old man gently puts the book down and stands up. I hold up the key I used to unlock the door.

"Found this over at that burnt down mansion." I hold up the journal. "It was inside of this, which I'm sure you could tell me much more about., right Blaine?"

"What are you doing with that journal? Hand that here right now!" Blane yells at me as he steps forward and pulls a pokeball out of his coat.

"Let's make a deal old man," I shout to Blaine, "You win this match, I give you this journal back. I win, you tell me everything you know about what happened last year."

"You're a fool if you think you can beat me, but I'll accept that offer!" Blaine throws the pokeball in his hand, and a small red dog pokemon appears, identified by my pokedex as a Growlithe. I throw out the pokeball containing Stallone. The dog pokemon opens its mouth, and a stream of fire begins to shoot out. Stallone rips a chunk of the gym's floor out, and throws it at the Growlithe. The floor chunk hits the dog square on the nose. The stream of fire stops as the Growlithe barks painfully and falls over. Blaine recalls the dog and then out a Pontya, a horse pokemon with fiery hair.

The Ponyta begins to gallop towards its opponent. "Stallone, Magnitude!" My companion hears my command and begins pounding the floor with its fists. The floor begins to shake, and then eventually crack. The Pontya trips and falls as one of its hooves gets caught in one of the cracks. Stallone rolls over to the Ponyta and slams two rocky fists down on the horse pokemon's head. The old gym leader withdraws his second pokemon, and send out his next one. An Arcanine, the evolution of Growlithe, emerges from the pokeball, and begins breathing out a torrent of flames. I quickly recall Stallone, and send out Lopez. The blast of fire hits the Snorlax's massive body, but Lopez looks unfazed by the attack. "Lopez, Body Slam!" I shout out my order, and Lopez begins running across the floor. Despite its size, it clears the distance between itself and the Arcanine quickly, evading the large cracks in the floor. The Arcanine shoots out another blast of fire, but it does nothing to stop Lopez from slamming his massive body into the fire pokemon. The impact sends the Arcanite to the floor, unable to get back on its feet.

"Looks like I've underestimated you, boy." Blaine says to me angrily as he brings out his last pokemon, Rapidash, which is the evolution of Ponyta. The Rapidash runs at Lopez, then leaps high in the air, nearly to the ceiling of the arena, its hooves directed at the Snolax's head.

"Return, Lopez!" I quickly recall my pokemon, then send Stallone back out. Instead of a Snorlax, the Rapidash's hooves land on the hard stone body of a Graveler. Its front legs damaged from the impact, the Rapidash backs away from its opponent, then opens its long mouth, unleashing a massive stream of fire. "Stallone, Rock Slide!" Stallone rips out two more chunks of floor, then launches itself into the air. The throws down the floor chunks at the Rapidash, each one knocking the horse more off balance. Finally, Stallone drops down on top of its foe. The Rapidash's legs finally give out, and it collapses to the floor. Blaine grinds his teeth in anger as he recalls his final pokemon.

"Alright, Blaine. We had a deal. I won, and I want answers." I pull the journal back out of my pocket as I recall Stallone.

Blaine sighs and sits back down on his chair. "Honestly, most of it's covered in the entries that are still readable in that book. Two years ago I was part of a research team that found an ancient pokemon in South America that we named Mew. When we returned to Kanto, we began studying Mew's DNA in the lab underneath the mansion here in Cinnabar. We believed that by using that DNA, we could create another Mew. We could revive a nearly extinct species of pokemon! The idea of it was fascinating!."

Blaine slumps down in the chair, his hands begin to slowly shake. "However, the company financing our research wanted to make changes. We were told to try to alter the DNA in order to amplify the potential of the pokemon's psychic abilities, to create a stronger pokemon. Many of the scientists on the team were excited at the prospect, and we began to alter our research to fit our financial backer's wishes. The pokemon we created was frightening, and nothing like the playful Mew we had found in the jungle. We gave it the name Mewtwo."

"It learned to communicate with us by projecting thoughts and images into our heads." The old man lowers his head as he continues to talk, his voice becoming loud and filled with fear and anger. "Eventually, it would project images to us of itself escaping. The images were terrifying. Daily it would show us visions of it killing all of us with its psychic powers, as if it was promising us what it would one day do. We thought that we could curb those powers by giving sedatives to the monster, but we were wrong. One day, it finally escaped, destroying our laboratory as it left. Myself and my friend, Fuji, were the only ones that survived."

"What day did it escape?" I nervously ask the gym leader.

Blaine raises his head and looks at me. "September 6th."

"Do you know if any pokemon trainers were hired to go after the escaped Mewtwo?" My whole body shakes as I ask the question. September 6th was the day before my father was asked to leave.

"It seems likely, but I don't know any details about what was done to hunt the monster. I spent 3 months hospitalized after the incident, and the rest of the year trying to forget what happened."

I give out a long sigh. "One last question then. Who is this company that you mentioned. Who wanted you to create that monster?"

Blaine pauses for a moment, as if afraid to speak. "We were funded," the old man pauses again, "by the Pokemon League. The orders to modify the DNA we collected came directly from Lance of the Elite Four."

The shock of Blaine's words nearly cause me to stumble backward. "Why would the Pokemon League want to experiment like that? What would they gain by creating that monster?"

"I.. I don't know. We never questioned the orders we were given." Blaine pulls a flame shaped badge out of one of the pockets on his coat and tosses it to me. "One more badge, though, and you can ask them yourself." Badge in hand, I walk back out of the gym, and head to the town's pokemon center to let my pokemon rest. There's only one gym left until I can face the Pokemon League. All I have to do now is hope that Viridian City's gym leader has finally come back to his gym.
This seemed fun so I'm doing it too =D (Leafgreen)

Current status:

Chuck, Pidgeotto, Lv 18
Godfather, Jigglypuff, Lv 3
Vanessa, Magicarp, Lv 5
Charlie, Zubat, Lv 7

Jesus, Wartortle, died after Mt. Moon due to poison ;-;

Cerulean City, didn't do anything yet

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